1,576 research outputs found

    Pure Space-Charge-Limited Electron Current in Silicon

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    Phosphorus diffusion on π‐type silicon is used to fabricate n^+πn^+ structures of base widths between 3 μ and 60 μ with π‐type resistivities of 300 Ω⋅cm and 8 kΩ⋅cm. The V‐I characteristics of the structures are measured at room temperature and at liquid‐nitrogen temperature. The change in current for constant applied voltage is also observed in that temperature range. The results are interpreted in terms of simple models based on the assumption that pure space‐charge‐limited current of electrons is present. The models describe well the characteristics measured on 300‐Ω⋅cm samples, except for the range of small biases on the thinnest samples. It is concluded that the drift velocity of electrons at 78°K tends towards saturation at 1.0×10^7 cm∕sec ± 10%. The current observed at this temperature actually reaches this value. The critical electric field at 78°K is 10^3 V∕cm±30% but the meaning of this concept for electrons in silicon is vague. The temperature dependence of the current at fixed bias voltages is in general agreement with the variation of the low field mobility. Results obtained on 8‐kΩ⋅cm samples need clarification. Effects of breakdown and trapping are not observed

    Ionization states of metallic absorption-line systems in continua of quasars

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    Ionization states of metallic absorption-line systems in continua of quasars (QSO's) are studied, assuming that the metallic lines arise in gaseous halos of high-redshift galaxies in photoionization equilibrium under the background UV radiation, and constraints on the intensity and spectral shape of the UV radiation are obtained. Then a structure of absorbers suitable for all of the metallic absorption line systems are discussed

    Detection of Iron Emission in the z = 5.74 QSO SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2

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    We obtained near-infrared spectroscopy of the z=5.74 QSO, SDSSp J104433.04-012 502.2 with the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph of the Subaru telescope. The redshift of 5.74 corresponds to a cosmological age of 1.0 Gyr for the current Lambda-dominated cosmology. We found a similar strength of the Fe II (3000-3500 A) emission lines in SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2 as in low redshift QSOs. This is the highest redshift detection of iron. We subtracted a power-law continuum from the spectrum and fitted model Fe II emission and Balmer continuum. The rest equivalent width of Fe II (3000-3500 A) is ~30 A which is similar to those of low redshift QSOs measured by the same manner. The chemical enrichment models that assume the life time of the progenitor of SNe Ia is longer than 1 Gyr predict that weaker Fe II emission than low red shift. However, none of the observed high redshift (z > 3) QSOs show a systematic dec rease of Fe II emission compared with low redshift QSOs. This may due to a shorter lifetime of SNe Ia in QSO nuclei than in the solar neighborhood. Another reason of strong Fe II emission at z=5.74 may be longer cosmological age due to smaller Omega_M.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Representasi Gender dalam Buku BIPA 7 Seri Pelajar “Sahabatku Indonesia”

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    Gender bias in textbook material affects learners in learning language. The purpose of this research is to reveal the gender representation in the BIPA 7 Learners Series “Sahabatku Indonesia”. Content analysis is carried out on the textual and visual material contained in the book. The results of this study reveal that the male character representation is more dominant than the female textually. Based on their social roles, male characters in textual materials are more diverse than characters that represent women. In addition, the results of the analysis of visual material in the form of pictures, photographs and illustrations also show the dominance of men over women with a ratio of 4: 1. In conclusion, the material contained in the analyzed books has not provided equal opportunities between women and men in Indonesian language teaching materials for foreigners


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, intensitas, dan prevalensi parasit yangmenginfeksi ikan betok (Anabas testudineus). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni2015 sampai Agustus 2015. Sampel ikan betok ditangkap pada empat lokasi perairanyang berbeda, yaitu: di Perairan Umum Rawang Itek Kecamatan Tanah Jambo AyeKabupaten Aceh Utara, Paya Lipah Kecamatan Peusangan Kabupaten Bireun,Juroeng Teungeh Kecamatan Jangka Buya Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, dan Blang KruengKecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Masing-masing lokasi diambilsebanyak 30 ekor ikan betok untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan parasit di LaboratoriumParasit Stasiun Karantina Ikan Pengendalian Mutu (SKIPM) Kelas I Aceh. Metodepenelitian yang digunakan adalah metode preparat ulas (Smeer method) danpenangkapan sampel dilakukan secara acak. Hasil penelitian jenis ektoparasit yangmenginfeksi ikan betok adalah Dactylogyrus sp. Trichodina sp. dan Argulus sp.Prevalensi parasit pada ikan dari Rawang itek 50% dengan intensitas 2 ind/ekor,Paya Lipah 43% intensitas 3 ind/ekor, Juroeng Teungeh 27% intensitas 3 ind/ekor,dan Blang Krueng 27% intensitas 2 ind/ekor. Endoparasit yang menginfeksi ikanbetok hanya satu jenis yaitu Camallanus sp. yang ditemukan menginfeksi usus ikanbetok dari Perairan Rawang itek dengan nilai prevalensi 13% dan intensitas 1ind/ekor.Kata kunci: Ektoparasit, endoparasit, ikan betok, perairan umu

    A Scalable Share Differentiation Architecture for Elastic and Real-Time Traffic

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    Today's Internet leacks the mechanisms necessary for traffic isolation (to divide resources fairly) and differentiation (to allocate resources to users according to their willingness to pay). In this work, we present a new architecture for relative service differentiation, Scalable Share Differentiation (SSD), which allocates network resources on a user basis and properly provides for both elastic and real-time traffic isolation and meaningful differentiation. SSD does not require the storage of any per-flow or per-user information at the core nodes and is inherently designed to work without admission control, making it easier to deploy and manage. In addition, we present how to provide more fine-grained flow control to users without changing the concepts of SSD, which permits users to choose different priorities for their packets/flows. This allows the integration of a novel concept for improving the service quality given to user flows: user-based admission control. With user-based admission control, the network is unaware of admission control decisions, and the user himself can perform the tasks of accepting, rejecting and prioritizing flows

    SBSD: A Relative Differentiated Services Architecture based on Bandwidth Shares

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    With this work, we present a scalable relative differentiated services architecture based on bandwidth shares: Scalable Bandwidth Share Differentiation (SBSD). SBSD has been designed to provide isolation and differentiation of user traffic without per-flow or per-user state at the core nodes. In addition, SBSD preserves this isolation and differentiation when being scaled over domain boundaries. The presented SBSD architecture leads to a weighted maxmin fair bandwidth distribution with respect to each user's sending rate. The novelty of the resulting fairness distribution is that ist is user-based, in contrast to traditional fairness criteria dealing with flows. Even though SBSD operates at a per-user granularity, it allows more fine-grained differentiation, which we use to demonstrate how multicast can be integrated in a straight-forward manner and how SBSD can be optimized for end-to-end TCP congestion control

    Negative Electric Potential Induces Alteration of Ion Gradient and Lamellar Body Secretion in the Epidermis, and Accelerates Skin Barrier Recovery After Barrier Disruption

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    Previous reports suggested that ion gradients of ions such as calcium and magnesium in the epidermis play a crucial part in skin barrier homeostasis. We hypothesized that external electric potential affects the ionic gradient and skin barrier homeostasis. We demonstrated here that application of a negative electric potential (0.50 V) on hairless mice skin accelerated the barrier recovery approximately 60.7% of the original level within 1 h compared with control (37.5%) after barrier disruption by acetone treatment. Even after the application of a negative potential, the skin showed accelerated repair for 6 h. On the contrary, the skin that was applied a positive potential for 1 h showed a significant delay in barrier recovery (25.3%) than the control. Ultrastructural studies by electron microscopy suggested that the extent of lamellar body exocytosis into the stratum corneum/stratum granulosum interface increased under a negative potential. Magnesium and calcium ion concentrations in the upper epidermis were relatively higher in the negative portion than in the portion where the positive potential was applied. Topical application of these ions on mice skin also accelerated the barrier recovery. These results suggest that the external electric potential affects the ionic gradients in the epidermis and also influences the skin barrier homeostasis