27 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder and Suicide in Patients with Bipolar Disorder

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    Life expectancy of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is known to be shorter than the general population. Some of the premature deaths in these patients are attributed to unnatural causes such as suicide, accidents and homicides. Death due to suicide is 15 times more common in patients with GI compared to the general population. The present study aimed to investigate the comorbidity of Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (ASAD) and the relationship between this comorbidity and suicide in patients with BD. A total of 138 outpatients with BD at remission between the ages of 18-65 years and 63 healthy controls were included in our study. All participants were administered a sociodemographic data form, Hamilton Depression Scale (HMDS), Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire, and Structured Clinical Interview for Separation Anxiety Symptoms (ASAD-SCI). The age and gender of the participants did not differ significantly between the control group, the BD and BD+ASAD groups. The mean age of the participants was 42.3±11.9 years. When categorized according to gender, 42.3% of the participants were male and 57.7% were female. ASAD was detected in 46.3% of the participants. The suicide attempt rate was significantly higher in the BD and BD+ASAD groups than in the control group. The rate of suicide attempt was significantly higher in the BD+ASAD group than in the BB group. We demonstrated that the comorbidity of ASAD was associated with previous suicide attempts in patients with BD. Recognizing and treating ASAD in patients with BD may reduce suicide attempts in these patients

    Previous, simultaneous, or subsequent occurrence of malignant tumours in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism: a closer look at the single-tertiary-centre cases

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    Introduction: Our aims were to explore the relationship between primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) and malignant tumour development, to determine the frequency and the time of occurrence of malignant tumours in patients with pHPT, and to evaluate the characteristics of pHPT in these patients. Material and methods: This retrospective cohort study included consecutive individuals who were diagnosed with pHPT aged 18 years or older in a university hospital during a 7-year period. A total of 198 patients with pHPT were reviewed retrospectively. Demographic, clinical, biochemical, radiologic findings, and histopathological diagnosis were collected from the electronic medical records of the hospital system. Results: The mean age of the study population was 58 ± 13 years and was predominantly female (female/male: 162/36). There were 42 (21.2%) patients with malignant tumours. Five (12%) out of 42 patients had metachronous double malignancies. The most common 2 concurrent malignancies were breast (36.1%) and thyroid (17.0%). Sixty-eight per cent of the malignant tumours occurred before the diagnosis of pHPT. A higher percentage (87.5%) of simultaneous tumours was seen in the thyroid gland. No statistically significant differences were observed between patients with and without malignant tumours in terms of demographic, clinical, biochemical, radiological, and histopathological features. The median follow-up duration was 24 months after parathyroid surgery. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that pHPT was associated with various tumour types. The frequency of malignant tumours was 21.2%. Breast and thyroid cancers were the most common 2 cancers coexisting with pHPT. A large percentage of malignant tumours occurred before the diagnosis of pHPT. A higher percentage of simultaneous tumours was seen in the thyroid gland. pHPT patients with and without malignant tumours seemed to have similar characteristics

    Determination of thyroglobulin levels by radioimmunoassay method in anti thyroglobulin positive differentiated thyroid patients: One center clinical experience

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    It is very crucial to determine Tg accurately and precisely in thyroid cancer cases. Although there are many studies on the detection of Tg in thyroid cases in the literature, there are no sufficient clinical studies examining many cases with different features by using RIA methodology. Here, a radiometric and chromatographic method has been studied for the first time to eliminate the interference from anti-Tg positive patients. In this paper, radioimmunoassay (RIA) and immunoradiometric (IRMA) techniques were used for the analysis of 302 sera collected from patients for Tg and TgAb quantification. By the RIA technique, a reliable result was obtained by calculating the real Tg value quantitatively in 41 patients showing TgAb positivity out of 208 patients. Our findings show that the RIA assay is the most suitable approach for detection of changeable (low or undetectable) Tg value and metastases detected by post-therapeutic imaging in early-stage DTC cases showing preoperative and postoperative TgAb positivity. The new immunoradiometric method allows the real (%) Tg value to be reached in a part of TgAb-positive DTC. Even if TgAb positive in the metastatic and nonmetastatic DTC patient group. This allows the accurate clinical follow-up of patients

    Adherence to the Treatment in Psychiatric Patients

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    Amaç: Tedavi seçeneklerinde artış olmasına rağmen psikiyatri hastalarının tedaviye uyum oranlarında geçen yıllara göre belirgin düzelme gözlenmemiştir. Bu çalışmada psikiyatri hastalarının tedaviye uyumsuzluğuna sebep olacak etkenleri saptamayı ve olası çözüm önerilerini sunmayı amaçladık Materyal ve Metod: Retrospektif olarak yapılan bu çalışmada 2011 yılında Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Kliniği'nde yatarak sağaltım gören 230 hastanın öncelikle klinik dosyaları incelendi. Tarafımızca oluşturulan sosyodemografik veri formunda öncelikle hastaların DSM-IV TR'ye göre 1. Eksen tanıları ve ilgili diğer bölümler dolduruldu. Klinik dosyaların incelenmesi tamamlandıktan sonra hastaların poliklinik dosyaları incelendi. Morisky Uyum Ölçeği esas alınarak tarafımızca oluşturulan uyum ölçeği gereğince hastaların taburculuk sonrası 1. ve 3. aylarda poliklinik kontrollerine gelip gelmediği ve hekim tarafından önerilen ilaçları kullanıp kullanmadığı taranarak uyum ölçeğinde ilgili bölümler doldurulmuştur. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 230 hastanın klinik ve poliklinik dosyalarının incelenmesi sonucunda hastalık tanısına göre değişen oranlarda (%16.7- %68.8) uyumsuzluk saptanmıştır. Uyuma etki eden faktörlerin; hastanın DSM- IV'e göre 1. Eksen ve 2. Eksen tanısının varlığı, günlük kullanılan ilaç sayısı, eşlik eden tıbbi hastalıklar, ailede ruhsal hastalık öyküsü, içgörü varlığı gibi çeşitli nedenler olduğu belirlenmiştir.. Sonuç: Tıpta ve ilaç sanayisindeki gelişmelere rağmen geçmiş yıllara göre tedavi uyumunda bir artış sağlanamamıştır. Olası çözümlerin bulunabilmesi için; uyumsuzluğa neden olan etkenlerin klinik pratikte sorgulanması ve eğer uyumsuzluk varsa bu konu üzerinde önemle durulması gerekmektedir.Purpose: Although medical treatments develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in psychiatric patients in the past years. In this study, we aimed to determine the causes for treatment nonadherence and present possible solutions. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, clinical records of 230 patients who have been hospitalized in the inpatient clinic of Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Psychiatry Department were analyzed initially. Axis I psychiatric disorders of patients which were diagnosed by using DSM-IV-TR criteria and associated characteristics of disorders have been completed in the socio-demographic data form. According to our retrospective adherence scale which was based on Morisky Adherence Scale, patients' adherence to the appointments at the first and third months after discharging from hospital and taking their medication as recommended were checked. Results: The results of this study have shown that the rate of non-adherence with treatment changes between 16.7 % 68.8 % according to disorder. According to the current study, the reasons have effects on the patients' adherence were Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders according to DSM-IV, number of daily medications taken, presence of comorbid medical illnesses, family history of psychiatric illnesses and presence of insight. Conclusion: Although medical treatments and drug industry develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in the past years. To generate possible solutions, treatment adherence should be assessed in all clinical interviews and if patient is non-adherent this issue should be handled seriously

    Adherence to the Treatment in Psychiatric Patients

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    WOS: 000360665300019Purpose: Although medical treatments develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in psychiatric patients in the past years. In this study, we aimed to determine the causes for treatment nonadherence and present possible solutions. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, clinical records of 230 patients who have been hospitalized in the inpatient clinic of Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Psychiatry Department were analyzed initially. Axis I psychiatric disorders of patients which were diagnosed by using DSM-IV-TR criteria and associated characteristics of disorders have been completed in the socio-demographic data form. According to our retrospective adherence scale which was based on Morisky Adherence Scale, patients' adherence to the appointments at the first and third months after discharging from hospital and taking their medication as recommended were checked. Results: The results of this study have shown that the rate of non-adherence with treatment changes between 16.7 % - 68.8 % according to disorder. According to the current study, the reasons have effects on the patients' adherence were Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders according to DSM-IV, number of daily medications taken, presence of comorbid medical illnesses, family history of psychiatric illnesses and presence of insight. Conclusion: Although medical treatments and drug industry develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in the past years. To generate possible solutions, treatment adherence should be assessed in all clinical interviews and if patient is non-adherent this issue should be handled seriously

    Adherence to the Treatment in Psychiatric Patients

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    Purpose: Although medical treatments develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in psychiatric patients in the past years. In this study, we aimed to determine the causes for treatment non-adherence and present possible solutions. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, clinical records of 230 patients who have been hospitalized in the inpatient clinic of Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Psychiatry Department were analyzed initially. Axis I psychiatric disorders of patients which were diagnosed by using DSM-IV-TR criteria and associated characteristics of disorders have been completed in the socio-demographic data form. According to our retrospective adherence scale which was based on Morisky Adherence Scale, patients' adherence to the appointments at the first and third months after discharging from hospital and taking their medication as recommended were checked. Results: The results of this study have shown that the rate of non-adherence with treatment changes between 16.7 % -68.8 % according to disorder. According to the current study, the reasons have effects on the patients' adherence were Axis I and Axis II psychiatric disorders according to DSM-IV, number of daily medications taken, presence of comorbid medical illnesses, family history of psychiatric illnesses and presence of insight. Conclusion: Although medical treatments and drug industry develop day by day, there have been no changes in the treatment adherence ratios in the past years. To generate possible solutions, treatment adherence should be assessed in all clinical interviews and if patient is non-adherent this issue should be handled seriously. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(3.000): 555-568

    Association of psychache and alexithymia with suicide in patients with schizophrenia

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    Suicide is a leading cause of death in patients with schizophrenia. Previous studies have mostly investigated the association between suicide and sociodemographics, positive and negative symptoms, and depressive symptoms. This study evaluated psychache and alexithymia in patients with schizophrenia, which have both been associated with suicide attempts and thoughts in patients with other psychiatric disorders. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Psychache Scale (PAS), Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSSI), Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS), and Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) scores were obtained in 113 patients with schizophrenia, including 50 with suicide attempts. PANSS positive symptoms and general psychopathology subscale, CDSS, BSSI, TAS, and PAS scores were significantly higher in patients with suicide attempts. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, only the PAS score was an independent predictor of attempted suicide. Mediation analysis demonstrated that psychache (both directly and indirectly) and alexithymia (indirectly) might be associated with the risk of suicide in these patients

    The Mediating Effect of Depression and Disability in the Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Self-Esteem

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    Depressive symptoms, in addition to positive and negative symptoms, are commonly observed in the course of schizophrenia. These symptoms may cause disability and reduced self-esteem. Disability and lower self-esteem may disrupt the quality of life and lead to social isolation. Demonstrating the relationships among these concepts and correcting possible disturbances may help to augment treatment compliance and improve the prognosis. In this study, the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia (PANSS), the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS), and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES) were applied along with a sociodemographic data form to 146 patients with schizophrenia. Path analyses were used to demonstrate the direct effect of schizophrenia severity on self-esteem and its indirect effect through disability and depression, the mediating effect of depression in the relationship between schizophrenia severity and disability, and the mediator effect of disability in the bidirectional relationship between self-esteem and depression. Statistically significant results were obtained. In multivariate regression analysis, significant effects on disability were demonstrated for PANSS General Psychopathology subscale, CDSS, and RSES. These data suggest that attention should be focused on concepts such as depression, disability, and self-esteem in schizophrenia patients

    Cross-aldol reaction of 3-acetyl-2H-chromen-2-one by using Amberlyst 26A as catalyst

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    <p>Synthesis of a series of 3-acetylcoumarin-derived chalcones (<b>1a–16a</b>) was catalyzed with Amberlyst 26A in ethanol. Using reusable Amberlyst 26A and biobased solvent ethanol make this method highly ecofriendly and simple. Amberlyst 26A was found to be a highly effective catalyst for cross aldol reaction. The results shown that the method is operationally simple to implement with a wide scope of substrates.</p