478 research outputs found

    Apparatus for time‐resolved measurements of acoustic birefringence in particle dispersions

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    An apparatus for time‐resolved measurements of the birefringence induced in a particle suspension by an acoustic wave pulse is described. Efficient acoustic coupling is obtained by operating near the transducer resonant frequency and by matching the acoustic impedances of the cell constituents. An almost‐overdamped acoustic configuration can alternatively be employed whenever a faster response is needed. Careful design of the optical setup and of the detection unit minimize diffraction and stress‐birefringence parasitic effects and yields a good responsivity at fairly low acoustic intensities. A test of the apparatus on a colloidal suspension of PTFE rodlike particles is presented and discussed

    Non-Markovian Decay and Lasing Condition in an Optical Microcavity Coupled to a Structured Reservoir

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    The decay dynamics of the classical electromagnetic field in a leaky optical resonator supporting a single mode coupled to a structured continuum of modes (reservoir) is theoretically investigated, and the issue of threshold condition for lasing in presence of an inverted medium is comprehensively addressed. Specific analytical results are given for a single-mode microcavity resonantly coupled to a coupled resonator optical waveguide (CROW), which supports a band of continuous modes acting as decay channels. For weak coupling, the usual exponential Weisskopf-Wigner (Markovian) decay of the field in the bare resonator is found, and the threshold for lasing increases linearly with the coupling strength. As the coupling between the microcavity and the structured reservoir increases, the field decay in the passive cavity shows non exponential features, and correspondingly the threshold for lasing ceases to increase, reaching a maximum and then starting to decrease as the coupling strength is further increased. A singular behavior for the "laser phase transition", which is a clear signature of strong non-Markovian dynamics, is found at critical values of the coupling between the microcavity and the reservoir.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. A (December 2006 issue

    Turning light into a liquid via atomic coherence

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    We study a four level atomic system with electromagnetically induced transparency with giant χ(3)\chi^{(3)} and χ(5)\chi^{(5)} susceptibilities of opposite signs. This system would allow to obtain multidimensional solitons and light condensates with surface tension properties analogous to those of usual liquids

    Polyelectrolyte Persistence Length: Attractive Effect of Counterion Correlations and Fluctuations

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    The persistence length of a single, strongly charged, stiff polyelectrolyte chain is investigated theoretically. Path integral formulation is used to obtain the effective electrostatic interaction between the monomers. We find significant deviations from the classical Odijk, Skolnick and Fixman (OSF) result. An induced attraction between monomers is due to thermal fluctuations and correlations between bound counterions. The electrostatic persistence length is found to be smaller than the OSF value and indicates a possible mechanical instability (collapse) for highly charged polyelectrolytes with multivalent counterions. In addition, we calculate the amount of condensed counterions on a slightly bent polyelectrolyte. More counterions are found to be adsorbed as compared to the Manning condensation on a cylinder.Comment: 5 pages, 1 ps figur

    Frequency dependence of the dielectric and electro-optic response in suspensions of charged rod-like colloidal particles

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    We have performed an experimental investigation on the electrokinetic properties of charged rod-like fluorinated latex colloids. Systematic measurements of electrophoretic mobility, dielectric constant and electric birefringence have been performed as a function of the concentration of added nonionic surfactant and salt. In the investigated range of parameters, the zeta potential is a strongly decreasing function of the concentration of nonionic surfactant, while it is basically independent from ionic strength. We have obtained the frequency dependence of dielectric constant and Kerr constant as a function of zeta-potential and ionic strength. We observe the transition from a low frequency behavior, where both the dielectric constant and the Kerr constant are enhanced by the presence of the double layer, to a high frequency behavior, where both quantities take the value expected for unchanged particles in an insulating medium. The shape of the frequency dispersion of the Kerr constant coincides with that of the dielectric constant, but the cut-off frequencies are the same only when the zeta-potential of the particles is low

    Characterization of anisotropic nano-particles by using depolarized dynamic light scattering in the near field

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    Light scattering techniques are widely used in many fields of condensed and sof t matter physics. Usually these methods are based on the study of the scattered light in the far field. Recently, a new family of near field detection schemes has been developed, mainly for the study of small angle light scattering. These techniques are based on the detection of the light intensity near to the sample, where light scattered at different directions overlaps but can be distinguished by Fourier transform analysis. Here we report for the first time data obtained with a dynamic near field scattering instrument, measuring both polarized and depolarized scattered light. Advantages of this procedure over the traditional far field detection include the immunity to stray light problems and the possibility to obtain a large number of statistical samples for many different wave vectors in a single instantaneous measurement. By using the proposed technique we have measured the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of rod-like colloidal particles. The obtained data are in very good agreement with the data acquired with a traditional light scattering apparatus.Comment: Published in Optics Express. This version has changes in bibliograph

    Conical-emission and shock-front dynamics in femtosecond laser-pulse filamentation

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    We investigate both experimentally and numerically the space-time dynamics of an ultrashort laser pulse during self-focusing and nonlinear propagation in water by means of a time-gated angular-spectrum characterization. The results identify the formation of shock fronts on both trailing and leading edges of the wave packet that are due to the formation of subluminal and superluminal group velocity intensity peaks, sustained by conical emission

    Self-diffusion coefficients of charged particles: Prediction of Nonlinear volume fraction dependence

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    We report on calculations of the translational and rotational short-time self-diffusion coefficients DstD^t_s and DsrD^r_s for suspensions of charge-stabilized colloidal spheres. These diffusion coefficients are affected by electrostatic forces and many-body hydrodynamic interactions (HI). Our computations account for both two-body and three-body HI. For strongly charged particles, we predict interesting nonlinear scaling relations Dst∝1−atϕ4/3D^t_s\propto 1-a_t\phi^{4/3} and Dsr∝1−arϕ2D^r_s\propto 1-a_r\phi^2 depending on volume fraction ϕ\phi, with essentially charge-independent parameters ata_t and ara_r. These scaling relations are strikingly different from the corresponding results for hard spheres. Our numerical results can be explained using a model of effective hard spheres. Moreover, we perceptibly improve the known result for DstD^t_s of hard sphere suspensions.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figures included using eps

    Critical Behavior of Hadronic Fluctuations and the Effect of Final-State Randomization

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    The critical behaviors of quark-hadron phase transition are explored by use of the Ising model adapted for hadron production. Various measures involving the fluctuations of the produced hadrons in bins of various sizes are examined with the aim of quantifying the clustering properties that are universal features of all critical phenomena. Some of the measures involve wavelet analysis. Two of the measures are found to exhibit the canonical power-law behavior near the critical temperature. The effect of final-state randomization is studied by requiring the produced particles to take random walks in the transverse plane. It is demonstrated that for the measures considered the dependence on the randomization process is weak. Since temperature is not a directly measurable variable, the average hadronic density of a portion of each event is used as the control variable that is measurable. The event-to-event fluctuations are taken into account in the study of the dependence of the chosen measures on that control variable. Phenomenologically verifiable critical behaviors are found and are proposed for use as a signature of quark-hadron phase transition in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 17 pages (Latex) + 24 figures (ps file), submitted to Phys. Rev.
