285 research outputs found

    Oxidative potential of atmospheric aerosols

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    Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is one of the leading health risks worldwide [1,2]. Several epidemiological studies have provided evidence of the association between exposure to PM and the onset of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases [3], as well as cardiopulmonary diseases and other adverse health effects [4]. The exact mechanisms leading to PM toxicity are not fully known, however, several studies suggest that the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) could be a major mechanism by which PM leads to both chronic and acute adverse health effects [5,6]. For this reason, in recent years, the oxidative potential (OP) of PM, defined as its ability to generate oxidative stress in biological systems, has been proposed as a relevant metric for addressing PM exposure [7,8]. However, the link between OP and adverse health effects is still uncertain [9–11], and contrasting results have been obtained when PM oxidative potential has been compared with the results of in-vivo and in-vitro toxicological tests or the outcomes of epidemiological studies [12]. The OP can be evaluated through several in vitro assays, but protocols employing chemical (acellular) assays have become common as well. Acellular assays can be useful for investigating the PM properties which are responsible for oxidative stress: ROS compounds can either be carried by components of the aerosol itself (particle-bound ROS) or induced by the catalytic activity exerted by aerosol constituents (PM-induced ROS). The diverse OP assays developed so far have certainly improved our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying PM oxidative stress. At the same time, they pose the issue of comparability between the different assays and protocols, as well as problems surrounding the actual correlation between acellular OP and in vitro (or in vivo) toxicity. Measurements of PM oxidative potential are influenced by the chemical composition of the aerosol, by its size distribution, and by the weight of different natural and anthropogenic sources of PM leading to temporal and spatial variabilities that need investigation in current research. Moreover, recent studies show that photochemical aging increases the oxidative potential of atmospheric aerosols. However, several aspects regarding the specific chemical species, aerosol sources, and atmospheric processes that affect OP are not well established, and further research is needed [13–15]. Another topic that needs extensive research is the characterization of the OP of indoor aerosols. This special issue includes five research papers and two review papers discussing recent advances in the studies of the oxidative potential of atmospheric particulate matter

    Functional group analysis by H NMR/chemical derivatization for the characterization of organic aerosol from the SMOCC field campaign

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    Water soluble organic compounds (WSOC) in aerosol samples collected in the Amazon Basin in a period encompassing the middle/late dry season and the beginning of the wet season, were investigated by H NMR spectroscopy. HiVol filter samples (PM2.5 and PM>2.5) and size-segregated samples from multistage impactor were subjected to H NMR characterization. The H NMR methodology, recently developed for the analysis of organic aerosol samples, has been improved by exploiting chemical methylation of carboxylic groups with diazomethane, which allows the direct determination of the carboxylic acid content of WSOC. The content of carboxylic carbons for the different periods and sizes ranged from 12% to 20% of total measured carbon depending on the season and aerosol size, with higher contents for the fine particles in the transition and wet periods with respect to the dry period. A comprehensive picture is presented of WSOC functional groups in aerosol samples representative of the biomass burning period, as well as of transition and semi-clean atmospheric conditions. A difference in composition between fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM>2.5) size fractions emerged from the NMR data, the former showing higher alkylic content, the latter being largely dominated by R-O-H (or R-O-R') functional groups. Very small particles (<0.14 &mu;m), however, present higher alkyl-chain content and less oxygenated carbons than larger fine particles (0.42&ndash;1.2 &mu;m). More limited variations were found between the average compositions in the different periods of the campaign

    A new proposal: A digital flow for the construction of a haas-inspired rapid maxillary expander (HIRME)

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    Maxillary expansion is a common orthodontic treatment used for the correction of posterior crossbite resulting from reduced maxillary width. Transverse maxillomandibular discrepancies are a major cause of several malocclusions and may be corrected in dierent manners; in particular, the rapid maxillary expansion (RME) performed in the early mixed dentition has now become a routine procedure in orthodontic practice. The aim of this study is to propose a procedure that reduces the patient cooperation as well as the lab work required in preparing a customized Haas-inspired rapid maxillary expander (HIRME) that can be anchored to deciduous teeth and can be utilized in mixed dentition with tubes on the molars and hooks and brackets on the canines. This article thus presents an expander that is completely digitally developed, from the first moment of taking the impression with an optical scanner to the final solidification phase by the use of a 3D printer. This digital flow takes place in a CAD environment and it starts with the creation of the appliance on the optical impression; this design is then exported as an stl extension and is sent to the print service to obtain a solid model of the device through a laser sintering process. This "rough" device goes through a post-processing procedure; finally, a commercial expansion screw is laser-welded. This expander has all the advantages of a cast-metal Haas-type RME that rests on deciduous teeth; moreover, it has the characteristic of being developed with a completely digitized and individualized process, for the mouth of the young patient, as well as being made completely of cobalt-chrome, thus ensuring greater adaptability and stability in the patient's mouth

    Size-segregated aerosol chemical composition at a boreal site in southern Finland, during the QUEST project

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    International audienceSize-segregated aerosol samples were collected during the QUEST field campaign at Hyytiälä, a boreal forest site in Southern Finland, during spring 2003. Aerosol samples were selectively collected during both particle formation events and periods in which no particle formation occurred. A comprehensive characterisation of the aerosol chemical properties (water-soluble inorganic and organic fraction) and an analysis of the relevant meteorological parameters revealed how aerosol chemistry and meteorology combine to determine a favorable "environment" for new particle formation. The results indicated that all events, typically favored during northerly air mass advection, were background aerosols (total mass concentrations range between 1.97 and 4.31 µg m-3), with an increasingly pronounced marine character as the northerly air flow arrived progressively from the west and, in contrast, with a moderate SO2-pollution influence as the air arrived from more easterly directions. Conversely, the non-event aerosol, transported from the south, exhibited the chemical features of European continental sites, with a marked increase in the concentrations of all major anthropogenic aerosol constituents. The higher non-event mass concentration (total mass concentrations range between 6.88 and 16.30 µg m-3) and, thus, a larger surface area, tended to suppress new particle formation, more efficiently depleting potential gaseous precursors for nucleation. The analysis of water-soluble organic compounds showed that clean nucleation episodes were dominated by aliphatic biogenic species, while non-events were characterised by a large abundance of anthropogenic oxygenated species. Interestingly, a significant content of ?-pinene photo-oxidation products was observed in the events aerosol, accounting for, on average, 72% of their WSOC; while only moderate amounts of these species were found in the non-event aerosol. If the organic vapors condensing onto accumulation mode particles are responsible also for the growth of newly formed thermodynamically stable clusters, our finding allows one to postulate that, at the site, ?-pinene photo-oxidation products (and probably also photo-oxidation products from other terpenes) are the most likely species to contribute to the growth of nanometer-sized particles

    Mass closure on the chemical species in size-segregated atmospheric aerosol collected in an urban area of the Po Valley, Italy

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    International audienceA complete size segregated chemical characterisation was carried out for aerosol samples collected in the urban area of Bologna over a period of one year, using five-stage low pressure Berner impactors. An original dual-substrate technique was adopted to obtain samples suitable for a complete chemical characterisation. Total mass, inorganic, and organic components were analysed as a function of size, and a detailed characterisation of the water soluble organic compounds was also performed by means of a previously developed methodology, based on HPLC separation of organic compounds according to their acid character and functional group analysis by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Chemical mass closure of the collected samples was reached to within a few percent on average in the submicron aerosol range, while a higher unknown fraction in the coarse aerosol range was attributed to soil-derived species not analysed in this experiment. Comparison of the functional group analysis results with model results simulating water soluble organic compound production by gas-to-particle conversion of anthropogenic VOCs showed that this pathway provides a minor contribution to the organic composition of the aerosol samples in the urban area of Bologna

    Chemical mass balance of size-segregated atmospheric aerosol in an urban area of the Po Valley, Italy

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    International audienceA complete size segregated chemical characterisation was carried out for aerosol samples collected in the urban area of Bologna over a period of one year, using five-stage low pressure Berner impactors. An original dual-substrate technique was adopted to obtain samples suitable for a complete chemical characterisation. Total mass, inorganic, and organic components were analysed as a function of size, and a detailed characterisation of the water soluble organic compounds was also performed by means of a previously developed methodology, based on HPLC separation of organic compounds according to their acid character and functional group analysis by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Chemical mass closure of the collected samples was reached to within a few percent on average in the submicron aerosol range, while a higher unknown fraction in the coarse aerosol range was attributed to soil-derived species not analysed in this experiment. Comparison of the functional group analysis results with model results simulating water soluble organic compound production by gas-to-particle conversion of anthropogenic VOCs showed that this pathway provides a minor contribution to the organic composition of the aerosol samples in the urban area of Bologna

    Hygroscopic and chemical characterisation of Po Valley aerosol

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    Continental summer-time aerosol in the Italian Po Valley was characterised in terms of hygroscopic properties and the influence of chemical composition therein. Additionally, the ethanol affinity of particles was analysed. The campaign-average minima in hygroscopic growth factors (HGFs, at 90% relative humidity) occurred just before and during sunrise from 03:00 to 06:00 LT (all data are reported in the local time), but, more generally, the hygroscopicity during the whole night is very low, particularly in the smaller particle sizes. The average HGFs recorded during the low HGF period were in a range from 1.18 (for the smallest, 35nm particles) to 1.38 (for the largest, 165 nm particles). During the day, the HGF gradually increased to achieve maximum values in the early afternoon hours 12:00–15:00, reaching 1.32 for 35 nm particles and 1.46 for 165 nm particles. Two contrasting case scenarios were encountered during the measurement period: Case 1 was associated with westerly air flow moving at a moderate pace and Case 2 was associated with more stagnant, slower moving air from the north-easterly sector. Case 1 exhibited weak diurnal temporal patterns, with no distinct maximum or minimum in HGF or chemical composition, and was associated with moderate non-refractory aerosol mass concentrations (for 50% size cut at 1 μ) of the order of 4.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup>. For Case 1, organics contributed typically 50% of the mass. Case 2 was characterised by >9.5 μg m<sup>−3</sup> total non-refractory mass (<1 μ) in the early morning hours (04:00), decreasing to ~3 μg m<sup>−3</sup> by late morning (10:00) and exhibited strong diurnal changes in chemical composition, particularly in nitrate mass but also in total organic mass concentrations. Specifically, the concentrations of nitrate peaked at night-time, along with the concentrations of hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA) and of semi-volatile oxygenated organic aerosol (SV-OOA). In general, organic growth factors (OGFs) followed a trend which was opposed to HGF and also to the total organic mass as measured by the aerosol mass spectrometer. The analysis of the HGF probability distribution function (PDF) reveals an existence of a predominant "more hygroscopic" (MH) mode with HGF of 1.5 around noon, and two additional modes: one with a "less hygroscopic" (LH) HGF of 1.26, and another with a "barely hygroscopic" (BH) mode of 1.05. Particles sized 165 nm exhibited moderate diurnal variability in HGF, ranging from 80% at night to 95% of "more hygroscopic" growth factors (i.e. HGFs 1.35–1.9) around noon. The diurnal changes in HGF progressively became enhanced with decreasing particle size, decreasing from 95% "more hygroscopic" growth factor fraction at noon to 10% fraction at midnight, while the "less hygroscopic" growth factor fraction (1.13–1.34) increased from 5% at noon to > 60% and the "barely hygroscopic" growth factor fraction (1.1–1.2) increased from less than 2% at noon to 30% at midnight. Surprisingly, the lowest HGFs occurred for the period when nitrate mass reached peak concentrations (Case 2). We hypothesised that the low HGFs of nitrate-containing particles can be explained by a) an organic coating suppressing the water-uptake, and/or by b) the existence of nitrates in a less hygroscopic state, e.g. as organic nitrates. The latter hypothesis allows us to explain also the reduced OGFs observed during the early morning hours (before dawn) when nitrate concentrations peaked, based on the evidence that organic nitrates have significant lower ethanol affinity than other SV-OOA compounds

    Size-segregated aerosol mass closure and chemical composition in Monte Cimone (I) during MINATROC

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    International audiencePhysical and chemical characterizations of the atmospheric aerosol were carried out at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the 4 June-4 July 2000 period. Particle size distributions in the size range 6nm-10µm were measured with a differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and an optical particle counter (OPC). Size-segregated aerosol was sampled using a 6-stage low pressure impactor. Aerosol samples were submitted to gravimetric and chemical analyses. Ionic, carbonaceous and refractory components of the aerosol were quantified. We compared the sub- and superµm aerosol mass concentrations determined by gravimetric measurements (mGM), chemical analyses (mmCA), and by converting particle size distribution to aerosol mass concentrations (mmSD). Mean random uncertainties associated with the determination of mmGM, mmCA, and mmSD were assessed. The three estimates of the sub-µm aerosol mass concentration agreed, which shows that within experimental uncertainty, the sub-µm aerosol was composed of the quantified components. The three estimates of the super-µm aerosol mass concentration did not agree, which indicates that random uncertainties and/or possible systematic errors in aerosol sampling, sizing or analyses were not adequately accounted for. Aerosol chemical composition in air masses from different origins showed differences, which were significant in regard to experimental uncertainties. During the Saharan dust advection period, coarse dust and fine anthropogenic particles were externally mixed. No anthropogenic sulfate could be found in the super-µm dust particles. In contrast, nitrate was shifted towards the aerosol super-µm fraction in presence of desert dust

    Surface tensions of multi-component mixed inorganic/organic aqueous systems of atmospheric significance: measurements, model predictions and importance for cloud activation predictions

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    International audienceIn order to predict the physical properties of aerosol particles, it is necessary to adequately capture the behaviour of the ubiquitous complex organic components. One of the key properties which may affect this behaviour is the contribution of the organic components to the surface tension of aqueous particles in the moist atmosphere. Whilst the qualitative effect of organic compounds on solution surface tensions has been widely reported, our quantitative understanding on mixed organic and mixed inorganic/organic systems is limited. Furthermore, it is unclear whether models that exist in the literature can reproduce the surface tension variability for binary and higher order multi-component organic and mixed inorganic/organic systems of atmospheric significance. The current study aims to resolve both issues to some extent. Surface tensions of single and multiple solute aqueous solutions were measured and compared with predictions from a number of model treatments. On comparison with binary organic systems, two predictive models found in the literature provided a range of values resulting from sensitivity to calculations of pure component surface tensions. Results indicate that a fitted model can capture the variability of the measured data very well, producing the lowest average percentage deviation for all compounds studied. The performance of the other models varies with compound and choice of model parameters. The behaviour of ternary mixed inorganic/organic systems was unreliably captured by using a predictive scheme and this was dependent on the composition of the solutes present. For more atmospherically representative higher order systems, entirely predictive schemes performed poorly. It was found that use of the binary data in a relatively simple mixing rule, or modification of an existing thermodynamic model with parameters derived from binary data, was able to accurately capture the surface tension variation with concentration. Thus, it would appear that in order to model multi-component surface tensions involving compounds used in this study one requires the use of appropriate binary data. However, results indicate that the use of theoretical frameworks which contain parameters derived from binary data may predict unphysical behaviour when taken beyond the concentration ranges used to fit such parameters. The effect of deviations between predicted and measured surface tensions on predicted critical saturation ratios was quantified, by incorporating the surface tension models into an existing thermodynamic framework whilst firstly neglecting bulk to surface partitioning. Critical saturation ratios as a function of dry size for all of the multi-component systems were computed and it was found that deviations between predictions increased with decreasing particle dry size. As expected, use of the surface tension of pure water, rather than calculate the influence of the solutes explicitly, led to a consistently higher value of the critical saturation ratio indicating that neglect of the compositional effects will lead to significant differences in predicted activation behaviour even at large particle dry sizes. Following this two case studies were used to study the possible effect of bulk to surface partitioning on critical saturation ratios. By employing various assumptions it was possible to perform calculations not only for a binary system but also for a mixed organic system. In both cases this effect lead to a significant increase in the predicted critical supersaturation ratio compared to the above treatment. Further analysis of this effect will form the focus of future work

    Surface tensions of multi-component mixed inorganic/organic aqueous systems of atmospheric significance: Measurements, model predictions and importance for cloud activation predictions

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    In order to predict the physical properties of aerosol particles, it is necessary to adequately capture the behaviour of the ubiquitous complex organic components. One of the key properties which may affect this behaviour is the contribution of the organic components to the surface tension of aqueous particles in the moist atmosphere. Whilst the qualitative effect of organic compounds on solution surface tensions has been widely reported, our quantitative understanding on mixed organic and mixed inorganic/organic systems is limited. Furthermore, it is unclear whether models that exist in the literature can reproduce the surface tension variability for binary and higher order multi-component organic and mixed inorganic/organic systems of atmospheric significance. The current study aims to resolve both issues to some extent. Surface tensions of single and multiple solute aqueous solutions were measured and compared with predictions from a number of model treatments. On comparison with binary organic systems, two predictive models found in the literature provided a range of values resulting from sensitivity to calculations of pure component surface tensions. Results indicate that a fitted model can capture the variability of the measured data very well, producing the lowest average percentage deviation for all compounds studied. The performance of the other models varies with compound and choice of model parameters. The behaviour of ternary mixed inorganic/organic systems was unreliably captured by using a predictive scheme and this was dependent on the composition of the solutes present. For more atmospherically representative higher order systems, entirely predictive schemes performed poorly. It was found that use of the binary data in a relatively simple mixing rule, or modification of an existing thermodynamic model with parameters derived from binary data, was able to accurately capture the surface tension variation with concentration. Thus, it would appear that in order to model multi-component surface tensions involving compounds used in this study one requires the use of appropriate binary data. However, results indicate that the use of theoretical frameworks which contain parameters derived from binary data may predict unphysical behaviour when taken beyond the concentration ranges used to fit such parameters. The effect of deviations between predicted and measured surface tensions on predicted critical saturation ratios was quantified, by incorporating the surface tension models into an existing thermodynamic framework whilst firstly neglecting bulk to surface partitioning. Critical saturation ratios as a function of dry size for all of the multi-component systems were computed and it was found that deviations between predictions increased with decreasing particle dry size. As expected, use of the surface tension of pure water, rather than calculate the influence of the solutes explicitly, led to a consistently higher value of the critical saturation ratio indicating that neglect of the compositional effects will lead to significant differences in predicted activation behaviour even at large particle dry sizes. Following this two case studies were used to study the possible effect of bulk to surface partitioning on critical saturation ratios. By employing various assumptions it was possible to perform calculations not only for a binary system but also for a mixed organic system. In both cases this effect lead to a significant increase in the predicted critical supersaturation ratio compared to the above treatment. Further analysis of this effect will form the focus of future work
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