3 research outputs found

    New feature for Arduino Integrated Developement Environment

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    Odprtokodno razvojno okolje Arduino IDE nam poleg prenosa programov na mikrokontroler preko žične serijske povezave nudi tudi način prenosa programov preko omrežja z uporabo protokola OTA (angl. Over The Air). Ta protokol pa ne podpira pošiljanja testnih izpisov iz mikrokontrolerja v serijsko konzolo, saj je ta funkcionalnost vezana na serijsko povezavo, ki se z uporabo OTA izgubi. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil preusmeriti testne izpise preko serijske povezave v testne izpise preko omrežja. Najprej smo se s pregledom izvorne kode seznanili s privzetim postopkom pošiljanja testnih izpisov preko serijske povezave ter z delovanjem serijske konzole okolja Arduino IDE. Nato smo razvili Arduino knjižnico za preusmeritev testnih izpisov in nadgradili razvojno okolje Arduino IDE tako, da te testne izpise preko omrežja sprejme in prikaže na spremenjeni serijski konzoli. Diplomska naloga vsebuje opis izvorne kode in delovanja naše knjižnice, opis naših sprememb okolja Arduino IDE ter preprost primer uporabe naše knjižnice. Za testiranje Arduino knjižnice smo uporabili razvojno ploščico WEMOS D1 mini, ki temelji na mikrokontrolerju ESP8266. Pri razvoju smo uporabili programska jezika C++ in Java.The open-source Arduino Integrated Development Environment allows the programmer to not only upload programs to a micro controller with a wired serial connection, but also over the network with the use of Over The Air programming, shortened to OTA. This protocol, however, does not support the sending of debug output from the micro controller to the serial console, because this functionality depends on a serial connection that is lost when using OTA. The goal of this diploma paper was reroute debug output over serial connection to debug output over network. We began by reviewing the source code and familiarized ourselves with the default process of sending the debug output over serial connection and the workings of Arduino’s serial console. Afterwards we developed an Arduino library which reroutes debug output over the network and then we modified the Arduino IDE to allow said debug output over network to be shown in its modified serial console. This diploma paper includes the description of our library’s source code, its functionality, the description of our modifications to the Arduino Integrated Development Environment as well as a simple use case of our library. Our library was tested on WEMOS D1 mini development board, which is based around the ESP8266 micro controller. In the course of development C++ and Java programming languages were used

    New feature for Arduino Integrated Developement Environment

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    The open-source Arduino Integrated Development Environment allows the programmer to not only upload programs to a micro controller with a wired serial connection, but also over the network with the use of Over The Air programming, shortened to OTA. This protocol, however, does not support the sending of debug output from the micro controller to the serial console, because this functionality depends on a serial connection that is lost when using OTA. The goal of this diploma paper was reroute debug output over serial connection to debug output over network. We began by reviewing the source code and familiarized ourselves with the default process of sending the debug output over serial connection and the workings of Arduino’s serial console. Afterwards we developed an Arduino library which reroutes debug output over the network and then we modified the Arduino IDE to allow said debug output over network to be shown in its modified serial console. This diploma paper includes the description of our library’s source code, its functionality, the description of our modifications to the Arduino Integrated Development Environment as well as a simple use case of our library. Our library was tested on WEMOS D1 mini development board, which is based around the ESP8266 micro controller. In the course of development C++ and Java programming languages were used

    New feature for Arduino Integrated Developement Environment

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    The open-source Arduino Integrated Development Environment allows the programmer to not only upload programs to a micro controller with a wired serial connection, but also over the network with the use of Over The Air programming, shortened to OTA. This protocol, however, does not support the sending of debug output from the micro controller to the serial console, because this functionality depends on a serial connection that is lost when using OTA. The goal of this diploma paper was reroute debug output over serial connection to debug output over network. We began by reviewing the source code and familiarized ourselves with the default process of sending the debug output over serial connection and the workings of Arduino’s serial console. Afterwards we developed an Arduino library which reroutes debug output over the network and then we modified the Arduino IDE to allow said debug output over network to be shown in its modified serial console. This diploma paper includes the description of our library’s source code, its functionality, the description of our modifications to the Arduino Integrated Development Environment as well as a simple use case of our library. Our library was tested on WEMOS D1 mini development board, which is based around the ESP8266 micro controller. In the course of development C++ and Java programming languages were used