13,537 research outputs found

    Conditional entropy of glueball states

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    The conditional entropy of glueball states is calculated using a holographic description. Glueball states are represented by a supergravity dual picture, consisting of a 5-dimensional graviton-dilaton action of a dynamical holographic AdS/QCD model. The conditional entropy is studied as a function of the glueball spin and of the mass, providing information about the stability of the glueball states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: WFPC2 Observations of Andromeda I

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    Images have been obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 camera of Andromeda I, a dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy that lies in the outer halo of M31. The resulting color-magnitude diagrams reveal for the first time the morphology of the horizontal branch in this system. We find that, in a similar fashion to many of the galactic dSph companions, the horizontal branch (HB) of And~I is predominantly red. Combined with the metal abundance of this dSph, this red HB morphology indicates that And I can be classified as a ``second parameter'' system in the outer halo of M31. This result then supports the hypothesis that the outer halo of M31 formed in the same extended chaotic manner as is postulated for the outer halo of the Galaxy.Comment: 26 pages using aas2pp4.sty, including 2 tables and 7 figures, to be published in AJ. Figure 1 is in gif form. To include in main ps file, use xv to create a ps file called Da_Costa.fig1.ps and uncomment appropriate lines in .tex fil

    Beauty beyond aesthetics: the abstract thought and the universal language of the natural world to the Sumerian/roman farmer’s eyes

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    Signs of meaning - visual marks that identify individual characteristics of an image that can carry a crystalized meaning. For example, in a landscape described as having a lot of fruit trees, we have the sign of quantity and the sign of fertility, materialized by the fruits. A sign is neither positive neither negative. It just marks a specific characteristic that compounds the symbol. For each sign, we identify just one exact semantic value.Symbol - A symbol corresponds to a compounding of signs. Those signs can be selected in order to construct a complex symbol or a traditional symbol.Traditional symbol - When the compounding of crystalized signs of meaning expresses all the semantic extension of the symbolic image. It represents abstractly an original image that served as basis to the symbolic construction, which is present in the collective mind. The symbolic image is of spontaneous interpretation and is dependent of an empirical knowledge on natural world.Complex symbol or literary symbol - when there is a selective compounding of crystalized signs, in order to construct a symbol, which meaning is dependent of the context.  Gravitating signs on beauty abstract concept:Lexicon:uru (na-ur11-ru) – to sowơe - barleyab-sin2 (ab-sin2-na) - furrowgu - flaxsar (sar-ra) - garden-be

    Electrostatic Repulsion of Positively Charged Vesicles and Negatively Charged Objects

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    A positively charged, mixed bilayer vesicle in the presence of negatively charged surfaces (for example, colloidal particles) can spontaneously partition into an adhesion zone of definite area, and another zone that repels additional negative objects. Although the membrane itself has nonnegative charge in the repulsive zone, negative counterions on the interior of the vesicle spontaneously aggregate there, and present a net negative charge to the exterior. Beyond the fundamental result that oppositely charged objects can repel, our mechanism helps explain recent experiments on surfactant vesicles.Comment: Latex using epsfig and afterpage; pdf available at http://www.physics.upenn.edu/~nelson/Mss/repel.pd


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    O Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) tem como objetivo dominar o adversĂĄrio e, atravĂ©s de tĂ©cnicas especĂ­ficas (estrangulamentos e chaves articulares), buscar a finalização ou desistĂȘncia do oponente. Por ser um esporte de contato, que possui diferentes caracterĂ­sticas e açÔes motoras, os praticantes estĂŁo sujeitos a sofrerem lesĂ”es. Exposto isso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a prevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es esportivas em praticantes de BJJ do sexo masculino e feminino da Grande FlorianĂłpolis. Participaram desse estudo 120 praticantes de BJJ, 108 do sexo masculino, com mĂ©dia de idade de 28,14 ± 6,87 anos e graduação de faixa branca Ă  preta, alĂ©m de 12 praticantes do sexo feminino com mĂ©dia de idade de 23,5 ± 7,48 anos e graduação entre faixa branca e azul. Como instrumento foi utilizado um questionĂĄrio desenvolvido por Santos et al. (2007) e adaptado para a modalidade de BJJ para investigar o perfil e o histĂłrico de lesĂ”es de praticantes. Foi utilizado o teste t de Student para amostras independentes para comparar a prevalĂȘncia de lesĂŁo entre iniciantes e avançados e entre os sexos com p<0,05. Os principais resultados apontaram maior prevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es no grupo masculino avançado quando comparado aos iniciantes nos joelhos, tornozelos, cotovelos, dedos e pĂ©s (p<0,05) e maior prevalĂȘncia para os homens quando comparado Ă s mulheres em todas as regiĂ”es (p<0,05). AlĂ©m disso, foi demonstrado que 87% dos homens e 66,7% das mulheres possuĂ­ram algum tipo de lesĂŁo ao longo da carreira esportiva. No grupo masculino a regiĂŁo com maior prevalĂȘncia foi o joelho, seguido dos dedos e do ombro. JĂĄ para o grupo feminino, as regiĂ”es mais afetadas foram os dedos, tornozelo e cotovelo. Pode-se concluir que praticantes de BJJ de ambos os sexos estĂŁo sujeitos Ă s lesĂ”es devido as caracterĂ­sticas da sua modalidade. Praticantes avançados tĂȘm maior prevalĂȘncia de lesĂŁo comparando a iniciantes em determinados segmentos, alĂ©m de que os homens tĂȘm maior prevalĂȘncia de lesĂ”es quando comparado Ă s mulheres em todas as regiĂ”es analisadas

    Employer branding in the Portuguese navy

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    The shift from the compulsory military service to the voluntary professional regime changed the staffing paradigm for military institutions, that led to shortage of human resources to join their ranks. Building a positive employer brand became a critical asset to guarantee the attraction and retention of qualified personnel. Drawing from Lievens et al., (2005) model, this study tests with a sample of 173 young individuals that fulfil the requirements to apply for the Navy a sequentially mediated model between familiarity and employer attractiveness via organizational characteristics and brand personality. After testing for psychometric quality of the measures the indirect sequential effects were tested using Process. Some sequential mediations were found, namely for social, structure and travel and overall, findings suggest a robust mediation from Navy familiarity to Navy attractiveness through brand personality. Results are discussed at the light of the theory and suggestions made as regards leveraging attractiveness through employer branding.A mudança do regime de serviço militar obrigatĂłrio para o serviço profissional voluntĂĄrio modificou o paradigma de recrutamento para as instituiçÔes militares que gerou carĂȘncia de recursos humanos associados. Construir uma marca de empregador positiva tornou-se um activo crĂ­tico que garante a atração e retenção de indivĂ­duos qualificados. Com base no modelo de Lievens et al., (2005), este estudo testou com uma amostra de 173 jovens que preenchem os requisitos para se candidatarem Ă  Marinha, um modelo mediado sequencial entre a familiaridade e a atratividade de empregador atravĂ©s das caracterĂ­sticas organizacionais e da personalidade de marca. Depois de testar a qualidade psicomĂ©trica das medidas, foram testados os efeitos indiretos sequenciais utilizando o Process. Algumas mediaçÔes sequenciais foram encontradas, nomeadamente para a dimensĂŁo social, estrutura e viagens e, na globalidade, os resultados sugeriram a existĂȘncia de uma mediação robusta da familiaridade com a Marinha para a atratividade atravĂ©s da personalidade de marca. Os resultados sĂŁo discutidos Ă  luz da teoria e realizam-se sugestĂ”es com o intuito de alavancar a atratividade atravĂ©s da marca de empregador
