34 research outputs found

    The Effect of Tooth Loss on the TM-joint Articular Eminence Inclination

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    The inclination between the posterior wall of the articular eminence and the referential plane (Frankfurt line) was measured on 137 dry skull specimens (78 with complete dental arches and 59 edentulous). Both left and right joints were measured using direct craniometric method. The results were compared with respect to the loss of teeth, side and sex. A large range of measured values of the eminence inclination shows great individual differences, so that the mean values can have only orientational significance. The mean value of eminence inclination for all measured specimens was 61.9 angular degree. The difference between the two groups established upon dental status is very small and without any statistical significance (P > 0.05). The right joint shows a slightly steeper eminence inclination compared to the left one, but without any statistical significance (P > 0.05). Asymmetry between the right and left joint appears almost as a rule, while maximum measured differences reach up to 33°, with mean absolute difference of 6.9°. The group of edentulous specimens shows a greater symmetry and less differences between the left and right joint, which indicates that different bimechanical conditions in the joint, due to tooth loss might lead to remodellation of the articular eminence.The eminence inclination was significantly steeper in male specimens in all subgroups (P < 0.001), which confirms sexual dimorphism

    L-arginine reduces tubular cell injury in acute post-ischaemic renal failure

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    Background. The pathophysiology of renal ischaemia, resulting in tubular cell injury and leading to acute renal failure (ARF), remains unclear. An ever-increasing number of investigations focus on a possible role of nitric oxide (NO) in regulating circulation during ARF. In this context, we investigated the influence of chronic stimulation or inhibition of NO synthesis, or both, on haemodynamic parameters, histology and plasma renin activity (PRA) after ischaemia-reperfusion injury of rat kidneys. Methods, Experiments were performed on adult, male Wistar rats. Before induction of ARF, a group of animals was treated with a NO synthesis inhibitor (L-NAME) and another group was treated with a precursor of NO synthesis (L-arginine). The animals received those substances for 4 weeks. Control groups received the same amount of tap water for 4 or 8 weeks and were divided into groups with ARF (4 weeks-ARF group and 8 weeks-ARF group) and a sham-operated group. Another group of rats was treated first with L-NAME and then with L-arginine in their drinking water, for 4 weeks for each of these two substances. All parameters were evaluated 24 h after the induction of ischaemic ARF or the sham operation. Results, Our results show that such long-term stimulation of NO release by L-arginine improved renal haemodynamics in the ischaemic form of ARF. Renal blood Bow (RBF) increased by 96% in the L-arginine-treated rats with ARF compared with the group with ARF alone. Inhibition of NO synthesis worsens renal haemodynamics after ARF. However, this aggravation can be reversed by L-arginine. The rate of water reabsorption was reduced in all groups with ARF, but this reduction was least in the group treated with L-arginine. The rate of Na+ reabsorption was reduced in all groups 24 h after renal ischaemia, but a significant decrease was observed after the inhibition of NO synthesis. Histological examination of the kidney specimens showed that morphological changes were least in the rats treated with L-arginine, when compared with all other groups with ARF. Nevertheless, the lesions were most prominent in the L-NAME + ARF group. In this group, the areas of corticomedullar necrosis were more widespread in comparison with other groups, especially the L-arginine group where only swelling of the proximal tubular cells was observed. Treatment with L-NAME was not accompanied by any significant alteration in the plasma concentration of angiotensin I (ANG I), while in the group treated with L-arginine ANG I had a tendency to decrease. Conclusions. Acute post-ischaemic renal failure may be alleviated by administering the NO substrate (L-arginine). NO acts cytoprotectively on tubular epithelial cells in ischaemia-reperfusion injury of rat kidney. Evidence of this comes from both histopathological findings and increased tubular water and sodium reabsorption. However, inhibition of NO synthesis (provoked by L-NAME) worsens renal haemodynamics and aggravates morphological changes after ARF. These aggravations can, however, be reversed by L-arginine

    Relative roles of endothelin-1 and angiotensin II in experimental post-ischaemic acute renal failure

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    Background. The relative roles of endothelin (ET)-1 and angiotensin (ANG) II in post-ischaemic acute renal failure (ARF) have not been fully established so far. With the aim of contributing to this goal, we assessed in this study the effect of ANG II and ET-1 blockade on the course of post-ischaemic-ARF. Methods. Anaesthetized Wistar rats received i.v. either bosentan (a dual ET receptor antagonist; 10 mg/kg body weight) or losartan [ANG II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor antagonist; 5 or 10 mg/kg body weight] or both, 20 min before, during and 20 min after ischaemia. Rats in the control group received the vehicle via the same route. Survival and renal function were monitored up to 8 days after the ischaemic challenge, while haemodynamic parameters were measured 24 h after ARF. Results. Our results demonstrate that bosentan treatment has a more beneficial effect on experimental ARF than losartan. The survival rate was remarkably higher in bosentan-treated rats than in both rat groups treated with losartan. In the ARF group treated with bosentan, renal blood flow (RBF) was increased by 129% in comparison with the untreated ARF group, whereas in the losartan-treated ARF groups, RBF was only similar to35 or 38% higher than in control ARF rats. The glomerular filtration rate was markedly higher in bosentan-treated rats than in all other ARF groups on the first and second day after ischaemia. Tubular cell injury was less severe in bosentan-treated rats than in the control ARF rats, but in losartan-treated groups it was similar to that in the ARF group. Concurrent blockade of both ET and AT(1) receptors did not improve ARF because this treatment induced a marked decrease in blood pressure. Conclusions. These results suggest that ET-1 blockade is more efficient in improving the early course of post-ischaemic renal injury than ANG II inhibition, and that blockade of ET-1 might be effective in prophylaxis of ischaemic ARF

    Profitability as a business goal: the multicriteria approach to the ranking of the five largest Croatian banks

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    Background: The ranking of commercial banks is usually based on using a single criterion, the size of assets or income. A multicriteria approach allows a more complex analysis of their business efficiency. Objectives: This paper proposes the ranking of banks based on six financial criteria using a multicriteria approach implementing a goal programming model. The criteria are classified into three basic groups: profitability, credit risk and solvency. Methods/Approach: Business performance is evaluated using a score for each bank, calculated as the weighted sum of relative values of individual indicators. Results: In the process of solving the corresponding goal programming problem, the weights are calculated. It is assumed that the goal of each bank is the highest profitability. Because of the market competition among banks, the weights of indicators depend on the performance of each bank. This method is applied to the five biggest Croatian banks (ZABA, PBZ, ERSTE, RBA and HYPO). Conclusion: For the observed period (2010), the highest priority is given to profitability and then to credit risk. The ranking is achieved by using a multicriteria model

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Mixture of Dipropyl Polysulfides in Concanavalin A-Induced Hepatitis

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    The main biologically active components of plants belonging to the genus Allium, responsible for their biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory, are organosulfur compounds. The aim of this study was to synthetize the mixture of dipropyl polysulfides (DPPS) and to test their biological activity in acute hepatitis. C57BL/6 mice were administered orally with DPPS 6 h before intravenous injection of Concanavalin A (ConA). Liver inflammation, necrosis and hepatocytes apoptosis were determined by histological analyses. Cytokines in liver tissue were determined by ELISA, expression of adhesive molecules and enzymes by RT PCR, while liver mononuclear cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. DPPS pretreatment significantly attenuated liver inflammation and injury, as evidenced by biochemical and histopathological observations. In DPPS-pretreated mice, messenger RNA levels of adhesion molecules and NADPH oxidase complex were significantly reduced, while the expression of SOD enzymes was enhanced. DPPS pretreatment decreased protein level of inflammatory cytokines and increased percentage of T regulatory cells in the livers of ConA mice. DPPS showed hepatoprotective effects in ConA-induced hepatitis, characterized by attenuation of inflammation and affection of Th17/Treg balance in favor of T regulatory cells and implicating potential therapeutic usage of DPPS mixture in inflammatory liver diseases

    Prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies in Serbian blood donors

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    Introduction Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is rarely reported in industrialized countries, but recent studies have revealed quite variable seroprevalence rates among European populations, including blood donors. In Serbia, very limited data about HEV seroprevalence are available. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA in the sera of volunteer blood donors in Serbia. Methodology Serum samples from 200 volunteer blood donors were tested for the presence of anti-HEV IgG by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using ORF-2 HEV genotype 3 recombinant proteins as antigen, and for the presence of HEV RNA by nested reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results In total, 15% of the volunteer blood donors were seropositive. The prevalence increased with age; 21.5%, 14.2%, and 5.4% HEV seroprevalence rates were found in individuals older than 51 years, between 31 and 50 years, and in those younger than 30 years of age, respectively. However, no HEV RNA was detected in any of the individuals analyzed. Conclusions The prevalence of anti-HEV IgG among blood donors as representatives of the general population is quite high in Serbia compared to data from many European countries. One of the reasons for this could be the high prevalence of HEV among Serbian pigs and the traditional consumption of piglet meat in the country. The relatively high HEV seroprevalence found among Serbian blood donors indicates the need for further investigation. © 2014 Petrović et al

    Eozinofilna upala u alergijskom rinitisu i nosnoj polipozi

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    On histopathological examination, nasal polyps and nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis show different forms of pseudostratified respiratory epithelium, whereas the dominant characteristic of lamina propria is an eosinophilic infiltration. The aim of this study was to compare interleukin (IL)-5 and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) levels in the nasal fluid of 42 patients: 12 with allergic rhinitis and nasal septal deviation, 17 non-atopic patients with nasal polyposis, and 13 atopic nasal polyp patients were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Nasal secretion samples were collected a few days before surgery. The levels of IL-5 were measured using fl ow cytometry and the ECP using a commercial ELISA kit. In addition, we counted eosinophils in hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections of all nasal polyp and all nasal mucosa samples taken from the inferior nasal turbinates during septoplasty. A significantly higher concentration of IL-5 was found in the nasal fluid of atopic patients with nasal polyposis than in non-atopic nasal polyp patients (p=0.025) and patients with allergic rhinitis (p=0.05). ECP was higher in atopic nasal polyp patients than in patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0.0001) and than in non-atopic nasal polyp patients (p<0.0001). Polyp eosinophils were higher in atopic’ than in non-atopic patients (p<0.0001) and higher than in the mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0.0001). These however had signifi cantly more mucosal eosinophils than was found in the polyps of non-atopic patients’ (p=0.025). ECP levels in nasal fl uid and eosinophil counts in tissue specimens correlated well in all three groups of patients. Our study has shown that atopic nasal polyp patients have a higher level of eosinophilic inflammation than non-atopic patients with nasal polyps and patients with allergic rhinitis.Na histopatološkim pregledima nosni polipi, kao i nosna sluznica u alergijskom rinitisu pokazuju različite oblike pseudoslojevitog respiracijskog epitela, dok je osnovna karakteristika lamine proprije infiltracija eozinofilima. Cilj ove studije bio je usporediti koncentracije interleukina 5 (IL-5) i eozinofilnoga kationskog proteina (ECP) u nosnome sekretu pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom, neatopičnih i atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom, kao i usporediti broj eozinofi la u tkivu nosnih polipa/nosne sluznice ovih pacijenata. Četrdeset dvoje (n=42) pacijenata, 12-ero s alergijskim rinitisom i devijacijom nosnog septuma, 17-ero neatopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom i 13-ero atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom bilo je uključeno u ovu presječnu studiju. Uzorci nosnog sekreta bili su skupljeni iz nosnih šupljina svih ispitanika nekoliko dana prije kirurškog liječenja. Koncentracije IL-5 mjerene su metodom protočne citometrije, dok su koncentracije ECP mjerene komercijalnim ELISA-kitom. Eozinofi li su brojeni u svim uzorcima tkiva nosnih polipa, kao i u svim uzorcima tkiva sluznice uzetih s donje nosne školjke tijekom septoplastike. Značajno više koncentracije IL-5 izmjerene su u nosnom sekretu atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom u usporedbi s neatopičnim pacijentima s nosnom polipozom (p=0,025) i pacijentima s alergijskim rinitisom (p=0,05). Naši su rezultati pokazali više koncentracije ECP u atopičnih pacijenata s nosnom polipozom nego u pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom (p<0,0001) i u usporedbi s nealergičnim pacijentima s nosnom polipozom (p<0,0001). Veći broj eozinofi la izbrojen je u tkivu polipa atopičnih pacijenata nego u tkivu polipa neatopičnih pacijenata (p<0,0001), kao i u sluznici pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom (p<0,0001). U nosnoj sluznici pacijenata s alergijskim rinitisom našli smo značajno veći broj eozinofila nego u polipima neatopičnih pacijenata s nosnim polipima (p=0,025). Konačno, našli smo pozitivnu korelaciju između nivoa ECP u nosnom sekretu i broja eozinofila u uzorcima tkiva u sve tri skupine ispitanika. Zaključili smo da atopični pacijenti s nosnom polipozom imaju viši stupanj eozinofilne upale u usporedbi s neatopičnim pacijentima s nosnim polipima i s pacijentima s alergijskim rinitisom

    Human Leukocyte Antigen-B27 and Disease Susceptibility in Vojvodina, Serbia

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    There are numerous studies showing the role of human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) related with susceptibility or resistance to certain diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the association of HLA-B27 with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), polyarthralgia, lumboishialgia, acute anterior uveitis (AAU), psoriatic arthritis (PA), synovitis coxae and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients from Vojvodina, Serbia. An HLA I class typing was performed by the serological immunomagnetic two-color fluorescence method using peripheral blood T lymphocytes in 97 patients and 224 healthy controls from the population of Vojvodina, Serbia.We calculated HLA-B27 frequencies, relative risk (RR), ethiologic fraction (EF), e.g., population attributive risk, when RR was greater than 1, while, preventive fraction (PF) was calculated when RR was lower than 1. This study revealed the strongest association of AS with HLAB27 antigen: RR = 25.0, while the EF was greater than 0.15, respectively. The χ2 test showed the significant difference (p <0.05) in HLA-B27 in patients with AS in comparison to controls (χ2 = 52.5). It was concluded that there is a positive association of HLA-B27 with AS and that HLA-B27 can serve as a marker for predisposition to diseases

    Flexible removable partial denture prosthesis: A survey of dentists&apos; attitudes and knowledge in Greece and Croatia [Savitljiva mobilna djelomična zubna proteza: istraživanje o stajalištima i znanju doktora dentalne medicine u Grckoj i Hrvatskoj]

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate through a questionnaire the knowledge, attitudes and possible differences in the use of flexible RPDPs among dentists in Greece and Croatia. Material and Methods: A questionnaire of 16 questions was originally created in English, translated into Greek and Croatian language following a two way translation and tested for apprehension, precision, clarity and homogeneity by a number of native English speaking Greek and Croatian dentists. Following the necessary corrections, the questionnaires replicated in two online surveys and their addresses with an informed consent were sent by emails to nearly 4000 dentists in each country to participate. Collected data were analyzed by chi-square tests at a= .05 level of significance. Results: 378 dentists from Greece and 304 from Croatia participated in the study. 137(36.2%) dentists from Greece and 56(18.4%) from Croatia provided flexible RPDPs to their patients. Statistical analysis for all providers indicated no significant difference between genders (P&gt;.05), significant differences between age groups (P&lt;.01), years of practice (P&lt;.05), specialization (P &lt;.001), and instruction on flexible prostheses (P &lt;.001). The analysis between the two countries showed differences for gender and age groups (P&lt;.01) but no differences between experienced, specialized or instructed groups (P &gt;.05). Conclusion: The survey indicated differences between the two countries in the percentages of dentists using, selecting and providing RPDPs for their patients. Practitioners&apos; age, years in practice and instruction were associated with the provision of the prostheses, while comfort, esthetics and cost were the reasons for deciding to use the flexible RPDPs. Conclusion: Although dentists are not educated in their schools about flexible RPDPs, almost a third of them offer this treatment to their patients. Long term success of these devices depends on clinical education, more experience and definitely more research