1,513 research outputs found

    r.hu-Erythropoietin (EPO) treatment of pre-ESRD patients slows the rate of progression of renal decline

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    BACKGROUND: As EPO treatment of chronic anemia of advanced renal disease is now the standard of care we examined if such treatment may slow the progression of renal function decline. METHODS: Data of 18 pre-ESRD patients were analyzed retrospectively 12 months prior and prospectively 12 months after the initiation of EPO. Mean creatinine was 5.0 ± 1.8 mg/dL (Mean ± SEM) when starting EPO at a weekly dose of 5000 ± 500 units once the hematocrit was below 30 %. EPO dose was titrated monthly for a hematocrit between 33.0% and 37.0%. Metabolic complications and hypertension were controlled. RESULTS: At month_0 the average blood pressure was 148/76 ± 5/4 mmHg and at month_12 it was 145/73 ± 6/3 mmHg (p = 0.75 by 2 tailed paired Student's t test). 12/18 patients were on an ACE-i or ARB before month_0 and 14/18 were on it after (p = 0.71 by Fisher's 2 tailed exact test). The average hematocrit rose from 26.9% ± 0.6 to 33.1 % ± 0.1. When linear regression analysis was applied to pre- and post-EPO 1/creatinine data the mean rate of decline was -0.0140 ± 0.0119 (mean ± SD) and -0.0017 ± 0.0090 (non-parametric Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank sum test: Z value: -2.91; P = 0.004) respectively. 5/18 patients did not require dialysis 12 months after starting EPO (month_0). CONCLUSION: Treatment of the anemia of chronic renal failure with erythropoietin, when instituted together with vigorous metabolic control may slow the rate of renal function decline

    Structural anomalies in undoped Gallium Arsenide observed in high resolution diffraction imaging with monochromatic synchrotron radiation

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    Novel, streak-like disruption features restricted to the plane of diffraction have recently been observed in images obtained by synchrotron radiation diffraction from undoped, semi-insulating gallium arsenide crystals. These features were identified as ensembles of very thin platelets or interfaces lying in (110) planes, and a structural model consisting of antiphase domain boundaries was proposed. We report here the other principal features observed in high resolution monochromatic synchrotron radiation diffraction images: (quasi) cellular structure; linear, very low-angle subgrain boundaries in (110) directions, and surface stripes in a (110) direction. In addition, we report systematic differences in the acceptance angle for images involving various diffraction vectors. When these observations are considered together, a unifying picture emerges. The presence of ensembles of thin (110) antiphase platelet regions or boundaries is generally consistent not only with the streak-like diffraction features but with the other features reported here as well. For the formation of such regions we propose two mechanisms, operating in parallel, that appear to be consistent with the various defect features observed by a variety of techniques

    A schematic model for QCD at finite temperature

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    The simplest version of a class of toy models for QCD is presented. It is a Lipkin-type model, for the quark-antiquark sector, and, for the gluon sector, gluon pairs with spin zero are treated as elementary bosons. The model restricts to mesons with spin zero and to few baryonic states. The corresponding energy spectrum is discussed. We show that ground state correlations are essential to describe physical properties of the spectrum at low energies. Phase transitions are described in an effective manner, by using coherent states. The appearance of a Goldstone boson for large values of the interaction strength is discussed, as related to a collective state. The formalism is extended to consider finite temperatures. The partition function is calculated, in an approximate way, showing the convenience of the use of coherent states. The energy density, heat capacity and transitions from the hadronic phase to the quark-gluon plasma are calculated.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    Cosmic rays from Leptonic Dark Matter

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    If dark matter possesses a lepton number, it is natural to expect the dark-matter annihilation and/or decay mainly produces the standard model leptons, while negligible amount of the antiproton is produced. To illustrate such a simple idea, we consider a scenario that a right-handed sneutrino dark matter decays into the standard model particles through tiny R-parity violating interactions. Interestingly enough, charged leptons as well as neutrinos are directly produced, and they can lead to a sharp peak in the predicted positron fraction. Moreover, the decay of the right-handed sneutrino also generates diffuse continuum gamma rays which may account for the excess observed by EGRET, while the primary antiproton flux can be suppressed. Those predictions on the cosmic-ray fluxes of the positrons, gamma rays and antiprotons will be tested by the PAMELA and FGST observatories.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, updated plots including PAMELA dat

    Fundamental properties of Tsallis relative entropy

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    Fundamental properties for the Tsallis relative entropy in both classical and quantum systems are studied. As one of our main results, we give the parametric extension of the trace inequality between the quantum relative entropy and the minus of the trace of the relative operator entropy given by Hiai and Petz. The monotonicity of the quantum Tsallis relative entropy for the trace preserving completely positive linear map is also shown without the assumption that the density operators are invertible. The generalized Tsallis relative entropy is defined and its subadditivity is shown by its joint convexity. Moreover, the generalized Peierls-Bogoliubov inequality is also proven

    Fermion-Boson Interactions and Quantum Algebras

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    Quantum Algebras (q-algebras) are used to describe interactions between fermions and bosons. Particularly, the concept of a su_q(2) dynamical symmetry is invoked in order to reproduce the ground state properties of systems of fermions and bosons interacting via schematic forces. The structure of the proposed su_q(2) Hamiltonians, and the meaning of the corresponding deformation parameters, are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Physical Review C (in press

    Developmental Exposure to Low-Dose PBDE-99: Effects on Male Fertility and Neurobehavior in Rat Offspring

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    In utero exposure to a single low dose of 2,2′,4,4′,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-99) disrupts neurobehavioral development and causes permanent effects on the rat male reproductive system apparent in adulthood. PBDEs, a class of flame retardants, are widely used in every sector of modern life to prevent fire. They are persistent in the environment, and increasing levels of PBDEs have been found in biota and human breast milk. In the present study we assessed the effects of developmental exposure to one of the most persistent PBDE congeners (PBDE-99) on juvenile basal motor activity levels and adult male reproductive health. Wistar rat dams were treated by gavage on gestation day 6 with a single low dose of 60 or 300 μg PBDE-99/kg body weight (bw). In offspring, basal locomotor activity was evaluated on postnatal days 36 and 71, and reproductive performance was assessed in males at adulthood. The exposure to low-dose PBDE-99 during development caused hyperactivity in the offspring at both time points and permanently impaired spermatogenesis by the means of reduced sperm and spermatid counts. The doses used in this study (60 and 300 μg/kg bw) are relevant to human exposure levels, being approximately 6 and 29 times, respectively, higher than the highest level reported in human breast adipose tissue. This is the lowest dose of PBDE reported to date to have an in vivo toxic effect in rodents and supports the premise that low-dose studies should be encouraged for hazard identification of persistent environmental pollutants