19,086 research outputs found

    Teleprinter uses thermal printing technique

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    Alphameric/facsimile printer receives serial digital data in the form of a specified number of bits per group and prints it on thermally sensitive paper. A solid state shift-register memorizes the incoming serial digital data

    Implementing a Competency-Based Information Technology Curriculum: Challenges and Opportunities (Poster Abstract)

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    ACM and IEEE Computer Society released new curriculum guidelines for baccalaureate degree programs in Information Technology, also known as the IT2017 report. Built on the foundation of the first ACM/IEEE IT2008 report, the new report, published in December 2017, stands out by its focus on employer-informed competencies that IT graduates should have in order to meet technological challenges of the workplace in the next decade. This poster highlights elements of the IT2017 curricular framework that help academic departments apply a competency-based approach to IT program development. Although competencies are prevalent in many areas of professional practice, placing competencies at the center of IT curriculum development requires rethinking of how we design learning environments in which students achieve IT competencies. In this poster I present some challenges with implementing the IT2017 curricular framework and discuss opportunities for turning the IT2017 report into a living document that learns from IT programs\u27 implementation experiences

    Elementary particle physics

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    Elementary particle physics is discussed. Status of the Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions; phenomena beyond the Standard Model; new accelerator projects; and possible contributions from non-accelerator experiments are examined

    Dual arm master controller development

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    The advanced servomanipulator (ASM) slave was designed with an anthropomorphic stance gear/torque tube power drives, and modular construction. These features resulted in increased inertia, friction, and backlash relative to tape driven manipulators. Studies were performed which addressed to human factor design and performance tradeoffs associated with the corresponding master controller best suited for the ASM. The results of these studies, as well as the conceptual design of the dual arm master controller, are presented

    Simultaneous measurements of ozone outside and inside cabins of two B-747 airliners and a Gates Learjet business jet

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    The average amount of ozone measured in the cabins of two B-747 airliners varied from 40 percent to 80 percent of the atmospheric concentrations without special ozone destruction systems. A charcoal filter in the cabin air inlet system of one B-747 reduced the ozone to about 5 percent of the atmospheric concentration. A Learjet 23 was also instrumented with monitors to measure simultaneously the atmospheric and ozone concentrations. Results indicate that a significant portion of the atmospheric ozone is not destroyed in the pressurization system and remains in the aircraft cabin of the Learjet. For the two cabin configurations tested, the ozone retentions were 63 and 41 percent of the atmospheric ozone concentrations. Ozone concentrations measured in the cabin near the conditioned-air outlets were reduced only slightly from atmospheric ozone concentrations. It is concluded that a constant difference between ozone concentrations inside and outside the cabin does not exist

    Ozone concentration in the cabin of a Gates Learjet measured simultaneously with atmospheric ozone concentrations

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    A Gates Learjet Model 23 was instrumented with monitors to measure simultaneously the atmospheric and the cabin concentrations of ozone at altitudes up to 13 kilometers. Six data flights were made in February 1978. Results indicated that only a small amount of the atmospheric ozone is destroyed in the cabin pressurization system. Ozone concentrations measured in the cabin near the conditioned-air outlets were only slightly lower than the atmospheric ozone concentration. For the two cabin configurations tested, the ozone retention in the cabin was 63 and 41 percent of the atmospheric ozone concentration. Maximum cabin ozone concentration measured during these flights was 410 parts per billion by volume

    Aerocrane: A hybrid LTA aircraft for aerial crane applications

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    The Aerocrane, a hybrid aircraft, combines rotor lift with buoyant lift to offer VTOL load capability greatly in excess of helicopter technology while eliminating the airship problem of ballast transfer. In addition, the Aerocrane concept sharply reduces the mooring problem of airships and provides 360 deg vectorable thrust to supply a relatively large force component for control of gust loads. Designed for use in short range, ultra heavy lift missions, the Aerocrane operates in a performance envelope unsuitable for either helicopters or airships. Basic design considerations and potential problem areas of the concept are addressed

    Mechanical chest-compression devices: current and future roles

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    Purpose of review: It is recognised that the quality of CPR is an important predictor of outcome from cardiac arrest yet studies consistently demonstrate that the quality of CPR performed in real life is frequently sub-optimal. Mechanical chest compression devices provide an alternative to manual CPR. This review will consider the evidence and current indications for the use of these devices. Recent findings: Physiological and animal data suggest that mechanical chest compression devices are more effective than manual CPR. However there is no high quality evidence showing improved outcomes in humans. There are specific circumstances where it may not be possible to perform manual CPR effectively e.g. during ambulance transport to hospital, en-route to and during cardiac catheterisation, prior to organ donation and during diagnostic imaging where using these devices may be advantageous. Summary: There is insufficient evidence to recommend the routine use of mechanical chest compression devices. There may be specific circumstances when CPR is difficult or impossible where mechanical devices may play an important role in maintaining circulation. There is an urgent need for definitive clinical and cost effectiveness trials to confirm or refute the place of mechanical chest compression devices during resuscitation

    Exact approximation of Rao-Blackwellised particle filters

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    Particle methods are a category of Monte Carlo algorithms that have become popular for performing inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. The class of 'Rao-Blackwellised' particle filters exploits the analytic marginalisation that is possible for some state- space models to reduce the variance of the Monte Carlo estimates. Despite being applicable to only a restricted class of state-space models, such as conditionally linear Gaussian models, these algorithms have found numerous applications. In scenarios where no such analytical integration is possible, it has recently been proposed in Chen et al. [2011] to use 'local' particle filters to carry out this integration numerically. We propose here an alternative approach also relying on \local" particle filters which is more broadly applicable and has attractive theoretical properties. Proof-of-concept simulation results are presented