21 research outputs found
Effect of the Design Constraints and the Loading Model on the Geometry of Topology Optimized Acetabular Cages
The treatment of large acetabular bone defects is a challenging task for the clinical experts. One of the most important part is the selection or the design the most appropriate implant. The aim of the study is to explore the potential of topology optimization for the treatment of extensive pelvic bone defects. Using a finite element method, the authors investigate different design spaces and load cases. Sensitivity tests for the material characteristic of the bone and the constraint of the applied volume-fraction were performed. The results are topology-optimized acetabular cage concepts with similar designs. The conceptual designs are not sensitive to the changing of the elastic modulus of the bone and the volume-fraction constraint. The reason for the similarity between the designs is the close connections, they have a special role in maximizing the stiffness. With the use of our design space, a lot of bone grafts can be put behind the cage and it can give an idea for sheet metal conceptual designs. Due to the close connections, similar conceptual variants are generated under normal walking load, which can be used for faster calculations in similar cases
The MKK7-MPK6 MAP Kinase Module Is a Regulator of Meristem Quiescence or Active Growth in Arabidopsis
Plant growth flexibly adapts to environmental conditions. Growth initiation itself may be conditional to a suitable environment, while the most common response of plants to adverse conditions is growth inhibition. Most of our understanding about environmental growth inhibition comes from studies on various plant hormones, while less is known about the signaling mechanisms involved. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are central signal transduction pathways in all eukaryotes and their roles in plant stress responses is well-established, while increasing evidence points to their involvement in hormonal and developmental processes. Here we show that the MKK7-MPK6 module is a suppressor of meristem activity using genetic approaches. Shoot apical meristem activation during light-induced de-etiolation is accelerated in mpk6 and mkk7 seedlings, whereas constitutive or induced overexpression of MKK7 results in meristem defects or collapse, both in the shoot and the root apical meristems. These results underscore the role of stress-activated MAPK signaling in regulating growth responses at the whole plant level, which may be an important regulatory mechanism underlying the environmental plasticity of plant development
The MKK2 Pathway Mediates Cold and Salt Stress Signaling in Arabidopsis
AbstractThe Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase 2 (MKK2) and the downstream MAPKs MPK4 and MPK6 were isolated by functional complementation of osmosensitive yeast mutants. In Arabidopsis protoplasts, MKK2 was specifically activated by cold and salt stress and by the stress-induced MAPK kinase kinase MEKK1. Yeast two-hybrid, in vitro, and in vivo protein kinase assays revealed that MKK2 directly targets MPK4 and MPK6. Accordingly, plants overexpressing MKK2 exhibited constitutive MPK4 and MPK6 activity, constitutively upregulated expression of stress-induced marker genes, and increased freezing and salt tolerance. In contrast, mkk2 null plants were impaired in MPK4 and MPK6 activation and were hypersensitive to salt and cold stress. Full genome transcriptome analysis of MKK2-overexpressing plants demonstrated altered expression of 152 genes involved in transcriptional regulation, signal transduction, cellular defense, and stress metabolism. These data identify a MAP kinase signaling cascade mediating cold and salt stress tolerance in plants
Immunodetection of transfected proteins by various antibodies. a SDS-PAGE immunoblot of transiently expressed WUS:GFP variants co-expressed with various MPKs. b SDS-PAGE immunoblot of transiently expressed WUS:myc co-expressed with various MPKs. Negative control (neg. cont.) is a protoplast sample not transfected with the myc epitope. The right panel shows detection of transiently expressed WUS:myc by a specific anti-WUS antibody. Negative control (neg. cont.) is a protoplast sample not transfected with the WUS:myc construct. c SDS-PAGE immunoblot of transiently expressed WUS:myc variants. The proteasome inhibitor MG-115 was used to determine the role of protein degradation in the formation of the lighter bands detected. d SDS-PAGE immunoblot of various transiently expressed MPKs used in this study. iMPK3 designates an inactive MPK3 mutant. Negative control (neg. cont.) is a protoplast sample not transfected with the HA epitope. e Consistency of WUS:myc detection by cIEF-immunoassay. Transiently expressed WUS:myc was detected by the following antibodies: specific anti-WUS (Agrisera, top panel), HRP-coupled anti-myc (Roche) and anti-myc (Sigma). The antibodies used in this study are presented in detail in Additional File 8 Table S3. (PDF 260 kb
Rakennemallin vakioidun tietosisällön testaus tiedonsiirrossa
Sujuvan tietomallipohjaisen määrä- ja kustannuslaskennan edellytys on, että tietomalleja voidaan hyödyntää mahdollisimman automaattisesti määrälaskentaohjelmilla. Rakennusliikkeiden näkökulmasta ongelmaksi on muodostunut heille toimitettavien IFC-mallien vaihteleva tietosisältö ja rakenneosien vaihtelevat nimikkeet, jolloin valmiiden säännöstöjen hyödyntäminen laskennassa on haastavaa.
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää työn toimeksiantajalla kehitetyn IFC-mallien tietosisällön vakiointiratkaisun käyttökelpoisuutta määrä- ja kustannuslaskennassa. Vakioitu tietosisältö lisättiin koekäyttöä varten valittuun rakennemalliin, josta tuotettava IFC-malli toimitettiin sen koekäytöstä vastaavalle yritykselle testattavaksi. Lisäämisen yhteydessä rakennemallista korjattiin, dokumentoitiin ja analysoitiin IFC-mallin tietosisältöön vaikuttavat ongelmat, joiden pohjalta mietittiin minkälaisia ohjelmoituja tarkastus- ja kor jaustyökaluja olisi hyvä olla varmistamassa, että asiakkaille toimitettavissa IFC-malleissa on kaikki tarpeelli nen tieto määrä- ja kustannuslaskentaa varten.
Tietosisällön lisääminen toteutettiin yhteistyössä Teemu Anttilan kanssa, joka työskentelee toimeksiantajalla kehityspäällikkönä ja tietomalliasiantuntijana. Opinnäytetyön teoriataustaksi on käytetty lähinnä sähköisiä julkaisuja sekä toimeksiantajan että koekäytöstä vastaavan yrityksen tietomalliasiantuntijoiden lausuntoja.
Saatujen dokumenttien perusteella todettiin, että ohjelmoituja tarkastus- ja korjaustyökaluja varten tarvitaan enemmän havaintoja sekä lisää tietoa ja kokemuksia rakennemallien virheiden ja tietosisältöä koskevan tiedonsiirron yhteistoiminnasta. IFC-mallin testauksen perusteella uusi vakioitu tietosisältö on käyttökelpoinen määrä- ja kustannuslaskennassa ja koekäytöstä vastaava yritys toivoo sen käytön yleistyvän
tulevaisuudessa. Testauksella saatiin tietoa myös tietosisällön kehitystarpeista
Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Kinase-Associated Phosphoisoform Assay: a novel candidate-based method to detect specific kinase-substrate phosphorylation interactions in vivo
Examples of peak area quantification. a-d Electropherograms of various WUS:myc fusion proteins and their isoform distributions in cIEF-immunoassay. Expressed proteins and treatments are indicated for each sample. Area generated for calculation is visualised in green. Data presented in Table 2. (PDF 149 kb