27 research outputs found

    Empowerment or impoverishment of children from social networks? Perceptions of sexualized images of girls in Instagram

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    Aunque el fenómeno de la sexualización infantil ha motivado numerosas investigaciones durante los últimos años, muy pocas han estudiado cómo lo perciben los adultos, y ninguna lo ha estudiado a partir de las impresiones que provocan las fotografías de niñas sexualizadas en las redes sociales. A partir de los resultados de una encuesta estructurada en internet a 353 personas, este trabajo demuestra que el aspecto sexualizado de las niñas en las redes sociales genera percepciones que las minusvaloran intelectual, social y moralmente. Dichas percepciones dependen del consumo de medios, del grado de auto-cosificación y de la religiosidad de las personas. AbstractAlthough the phenomenon of the sexualization of children has prompted numerous investigations in recent years, very few have studied how adults perceive it, and none has studied the sexualization of girls in photographs in social networks. This work demonstrates, from the results of a structured online survey of 353 people, that the sexualization of girls in social networks generates perceptions that undervalue girls in intellectual, social, and moral aspects. Such perceptions depend on media consumption level, degree of self-objectification, and people’s religiosity

    Empowerment or impoverishment of children from social networks? Perceptions of sexualized images of girls in Instagram

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    Although the phenomenon of the sexualization of children has prompted numerous investigations in recent years, very few have studied how adults perceive it, and none has studied the sexualization of girls in photographs in social networks. This work demonstrates, from the results of a structured online survey of 353 people, that the sexualization of girls in social networks generates perceptions that undervalue girls in intellectual, social, and moral aspects. Such perceptions depend on media consumption level, degree of self-objectification, and people’s religiosity

    A sexualização infantil na Internet

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    Childhood are increasingly present in certain digital media, where commercial messages directly appeal to children’s participation, enabling them to express their identity and establishing relations with their peers, who become opinion leaders. The aim of this exploratory qualitative research is to analyse a child’s perception towards sexualized girls depicted in fashion advertising in a digital environment. The investigation conducts a qualitative methodology among Spanish girls between 8 and 11 years old corresponding to the target audience of fashion brands advertising that has been categorized in different levels as sexualizing. The results point out that girls generally reject the images of their peers and models whenever they are portrayed more sexualized because the style does not correspond to real life and does not seem chosen by the girls depicted. Furthermore, girls associate the combination of sexualizing contexts, postures and gestures with personality traits negatively considered -self-centred, defiant, rebel, sad, alone-and are afraid of the normalization among children of make-up and certain behaviours not keeping with their age. In light of the results, the study recommends an ethical reflection by advertisers that use an adult style transgressive and the study of images that depict boys.Los niños están presentes cada vez más en determinados medios digitales, donde los mensajes comerciales apelan directamente a su participación, facilitando expresar su identidad y establecer relaciones con sus iguales, que se convierten en líderes de opinión. El objetivo de este estudio exploratorio inicial y pionero en el formato digital en España es conocer la percepción que tienen las niñas sobre otras niñas sexualizadas en la publicidad de moda y en Internet, y los valores que asocian a ellas. La metodología empleada ha sido un estudio exploratorio cualitativo a una muestra de niñas españolas entre 8 y 11 años que corresponde al público objetivo de marcas de moda cuya publicidad ha sido categorizada en distintos grados como sexualizante. Los resultados señalan que las niñas rechazan aquellas imágenes de las modelos cuando son representadas de una forma más sexualizada porque no se corresponde con la vida real y no parece un estilo elegido sino impuesto. Además, las entrevistadas asocian la combinación de escenarios, posturas y gestos sexualizantes con rasgos de la personalidad que entienden como negativos –egoísta, desafiante, rebelde, aislada, triste-y, exponen el temor de que se normalice el uso de un tipo de ropa, maquillaje y comportamientos no acordes con su edad. A la luz de los resultados, se recomienda la reflexión ética de publicitarios que usan el estilo transgresor adulto en moda infantil y el estudio de imágenes de niños.As crianças estão presentes cada vez mais em algum meios digitais, onde as mensagens comerciais apelam diretamente à sua participação, permitindo-lhes expressar a sua identidade e estabelecer relações com os seus pares, que se tornam líderes de opinião. O objetivo deste estudo exploratório inicial, pioneiro no formato digital em Espanha, é analisar a perceção que as raparigas têm de outras raparigas sexualizadas na publicidade de moda e na Internet, e os valores que lhes associam. A metodologia utilizada foi um estudo exploratório qualitativo de uma amostra de raparigas espanholas entre os 8 e os 11 anos de idade, correspondente ao público-alvo das marcas de moda cuja publicidade foi classificada, em diferentes graus, como sexualizada. Os resultados indicam que as raparigas rejeitam essas imagens de modelos quando são retratadas de uma forma mais sexualizada porque não corresponde à vida real e não parece ser um estilo escolhido, mas sim um estilo imposto. Além disso, associam a combinação de cenários, posturas e gestos sexuais a traços de personalidade que entendem como negativos - egoístas, desafiadores, rebeldes, isolados, tristes - e, expõem o medo da normalização do uso de um tipo de roupa, maquilhagem e comportamentos não condizentes com a sua idade. À luz dos resultados, recomenda-se a reflexão ética dos anunciantes que utilizam o estilo adulto transgressivo na moda infantil e o estudo das imagens das crianças

    Sexualization in digital advertising of fashion brands for kids: initiatives and ways to report the complaints

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    Los niños son presentados como objetos sexuales en gran parte, según el debate social, debido a la actividad de marcas y medios vinculados a la moda. La metodología llevada a cabo combina un análisis de contenido de los catálogos de publicidad de moda infantil en Internet en el contexto español, con el objetivo de ver si las marcas de moda infantil sexualizan a los niños en Internet; una revisión de las iniciativas de denuncia en Internet para conocer si la sociedad civil está concienciada; y una revisión de la normativa jurídica y ética en la publicidad digital para verificar si hay una protección a los niños. Los hallazgos apuntan que casi la mitad de los niños de los catálogos (el 45.8%) muestran atributos que los sexualizan, que las niñas son las más perjudicadas -un 48.9% frente al 38.2% de los niños- y las marcas que sexualizan más son las originalmente de adulto. Además, la sexualización se atribuye a la libertad creativa y al beneficio de las marcas. Las iniciativas y quejas se concentran en padres, Gobierno y asociaciones de consumidores. Se recomienda mayor información para que los ciudadanos inicien los procesos de protección legal y ética previstos para proteger a los niños.Children are represented as sexual objects, according to the social debate, mainly due to the activity of brands and media linked to fashion. The methodology conducted has combined a content analysis of the advertising catalogues of fashion kids on Internet in Spanish context to aim the objective of checking if fashion brands for kids are sexualizing them through its advertising on Internet; a review of the initiatives and complaints to report if the civil society is aware; thirdly, a review of the regulation – ethic and legal- on digital advertising to verify if there is a special protection. The results show that almost half of the children on the catalogues (45.8%) displayed sexualizing attributes, that girls are the most damaged -48.9%, while boys reach 38.2%- and that brands derived from those targeted to adults sexualize the most. Therefore, it is highlighted that sexualization is linked to freedom of creativity and brands’ benefits. Initiatives and complaints are focused on parents, Government and consumer associations. The recommendations point to better information to citizens so they can impulse the legal and ethical processes planned to protect infancy

    Estado de la cuestión sobre la sexualización infantil en el entorno digital y propuestas de alfabetización mediática

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    Las redes sociales plantean para los menores tanto situaciones de riesgo como respuestas positivas hacia su empoderamiento. El fenómeno social de la sexualización infantil, ya rechazado para las mujeres –por las connotaciones de discriminación, rol pasivo y tolerancia a la violencia–, se ha generalizado en Internet con aparente impunidad por parte de las marcas y medios que reproducen esas imágenes y débil concienciación entre las niñas y los padres que las publican en redes sociales. Ante la llamada de reguladores, padres e investigadores para proteger los derechos de la infancia, los objetivos de esta investigación son conocer el estado de la cuestión sobre la sexualización de la infancia en el entorno digital y recoger algunas propuestas de alfabetización mediática. La metodología utilizada ha sido la revisión de la literatura sobre sexualización, publicidad digital, comercialización de la infancia e infancia y moda en las bases de datos de revistas académicas y bibliotecas universitarias. Las conclusiones arrojan la necesaria contribución de prescriptores de opinión, medios, padres, educadores y anunciantes para evitar reducir la sexualidad a la sexualización y tomar conciencia del impacto de las imágenes comerciales que pueden generar conductas de riesgo

    Young People’s Perception of the Danger of Risky Online Activities: Behaviours, Emotions and Attitudes Associated with Their Digital Vulnerability

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    Digital leisure has become the main reason young people make use of the Internet and social media. Previous research shows the danger of certain activities in the online environment. Of particular concern are those of a recreational nature, which are more socially accepted by young people; among them one can find: online gambling and betting, online shopping and eGames, and the consumption of content on social media. This study aims to identify the behavioural and psychographic variables which impact the probability that young people will perceive the danger of these risky activities. We have carried out a descriptive and causal investigation with non-experimental cross-cutting analysis through a computer-assisted phone survey on a sample of 1500 young people aged between 18 and 35. The results show that all the activities are perceived as dangerous by the majority of those questioned, but a large percentage of young people do not perceive any risk in online gambling, betting and eGames. We have determined several psychographic and behavioural variables to help predict the perception of risk among young people to help define formal and informal policies for reducing their vulnerability in the event of the inappropriate use of the studied activities

    Online Behavior of Luxury Male Grooming Products Consumer

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    Para analizar la credibilidad y fiabilidad que otorgan los consumidores de cosmética masculina de lujo a los sites consultados, sus motivaciones de compra y los contenidos demandados en las Webs de las marcas fabricantes, se realizó en 2014 un estudio empírico cualitativo-cuantitativo. Se constató que los consumidores consideran: a) poco creíble la información de las Webs de los fabricantes; b) más fiables las Webs de los fabricantes que las de los distribuidores para comprar; c) comprar on-line productos en promoción ya conocidos; y d) que los contenidos sobre productos son sus preferidos en las Webs de los fabricantes.To analyze, in online context, the credibility and reliability that give consumers of luxury male grooming products to sites consulted, their buying motivations, and the contents they demand in the webs of manufacturer brands, an empirical study qualitative-quantitative was conducted in 2014. It was found that consumers consider: a) little credible information of manufacturers’Web sites; (b) more reliable manufacturers’Web sites than distributors’ ones in order to buy; c) to purchase online mainly products in promotion that they have already tried; and d) that the contents about products are their favorites in the manufacturers’Webs.Depto. de MarketingFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Perceived sexualization in girls' fashion stylings: A Spain-China cross-cultural analysis

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    Many institutions, social and political groups are warning of the risks associated with the early sexualization of childhood. These agents appeal to the responsibility of the media to avoid creating content that may lead to childhood sexualization and that is easily accessible to all audiences. Responding to this demand and through a cross-cultural Spain-China approach, this work focuses on the analysis of the perception of girls’ sexualization in the fashion stylings disseminated by the media. A survey of 750 Communication and Advertising university students in Spain (N=449) and in China (N=301) was carried out. Five latent sexualization factors identified confirm that perceived sexualization in girls’ fashion styling is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that occurs from the combined use of multiple sexualizing attributes. The country of origin (Spain or China) has been associated with the perception of sexualization and the identified latent sexualizing factors. Finally, an explanatory and highly effective predictive model has been obtained for this type of childhood sexualization in terms of the factors and country of origin. Conclusions suggest that it is necessary to reinforce the training of communication professionals and minors to avoid creating images of sexualized girls through certain styling codes