223 research outputs found
DETERMINANTS OF OUTSOURCING PRODUCTION: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach for Manufacturing Industries
The present paper investigates the determinants of outsourcing production using a panel of 93 Spanish manufacturing industries for the period 1993-2002. Outsourcing is measured as production tasks which are contracting out to independent suppliers, a more direct and suitable indicator. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and simultaneity, our results show a high persistence of the outsourcing intensity. Moreover, outsourcing of production is positively related to unit labour costs, skills requirements and national ownership.Outsourcing, Manufacturing Industries, Subcontracting, Unit Labour Costs
Foreign direct investment and regional growth: An analysis of the Spanish case
The massive increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows following the Spanish integration with the now European Union (EU) in 1986, has been one of the most important features shaping the behaviour of the Spanish economy in the last twenty years. In this paper we will try to assess the impact of FDI on regional economic growth following Spain’s entry into the EU, using data for the 17 Spanish regions. The results support the important role played by FDI in promoting productivity growth, for those regions that received higher FDI inflows over the period analyzed.Economic growth, Foreign direct investment, Regions
Explaining factors of transnational production networks in the EU: core economies versus eastern and soutern peripheries
Este trabajo analiza la estrategia de fragmentación internacional de la
producción y la conformación de redes transnacionales en la Unión Europea. A
partir de la estimación, con diferentes técnicas, de un modelo de gravedad con
datos de comercio de partes y componentes para el sector de la maquinaria
y material de transporte, encontramos el papel protagonista que tienen las
economías Centrales, y en particular Alemania, en tales redes. Factores como la
pertenencia a la UE, la cercanía geográfica y lingüística y la calidad institucional
más directamente vinculada al funcionamiento de sector empresarial
favorecen el establecimiento y la intensidad de estas cadenas transnacionales
de producción. Sin embargo, las diferencias económicas excesivas entre países
suponen un lastre cuando se trata de los países Centrales de la UE, mientras
que para los países de la Periferia Sur y Este suponen un impulso, apuntando
al diferente perfil de integración en redes de unas y otras economíasThis paper focuses on analyzing the strategy of international fragmentation
of production and the evolution of the cross-border networks in the European
Union. Using a gravity model for trade in parts and components in Machinery
and Transport Equipment, our results emphasize the important role of the
Core EU economies, in particular Germany, in these networks. Factors such as
belonging to the EU as well as the geographical and linguistic proximity and the
institutional quality closely linked to the business sector favor the establishment
and the intensity of the cross-border production chains. However, excessive
economic differences between countries suppose, for the Core EU economies,
an obstacle for the functioning of these sharing production networks, whereas
for the East and South Periphery those differences suppose an impulse,
pointing at the dissimilar profile of these areas (Core and Periphery) in the
integration in global network
EU Integration and Production Networks: Evidende from Spain
The aim of this paper is to advance knowledge of Spain's participation in international production networks using data on trade in parts and components from 1990 to 2006. Data analysis shows a remarkable dynamism of Spanish trade in P&C, both in imports and exports, being capable of keeping their shares despite the intense competition from less developed countries. Additionally, Spanish participation in networks is mostly in Europe. In fact, Spain has maintained itself as one of the primary destinations of European P&C exports and has been the only economy that has improved its position as a supplier. These facts allow us to infer a significant competitive capacity of the Spanish economy in Europe, for both production and assembly of P&C. The EU enlargement to Eastern European countries seems not to have damaged Spanish competitiveness as an assembler. In order to analyse the nature of Spanish participation in production networks, we estimate the determinants of trade in P&C using an extended gravity panel data model. In addition to the standard variables in gravity models, we also examine the role of differences in technology and factor endowment between Spain and its trading partners, and the role of service link costs in P&C trade. We find that Spain's integration in production networking responds to comparative advantage but also to other factors such as EU membership and a good quality transport and communication infrastructures. Some lessons from the experience of a middle-income country like Spain may be useful for the CEECs, which have increased their presence in European production sharing in the last decade. Future EU enlargement towards lower costs countries could threaten their position in networking. The reinforcement of these other factors, besides comparative advantage, would act as key element to strengthen their participation in cross-border networks
Humanistic Education in Spanish Context. Its Value in the Secondary Classroom
In this paper, we report the fíndings of a coUaborative case study where an English teacher in the Spanish secondary school uses humanistic exercises to enhance motivation. Data coUection procedures such as audio-recorded lessons, language tests and motivation questionnaires were used leading to both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The results
indicate the usefiílness of these humanistic activities as key elements in fostering the type of meaningfiíl contextual interaction that promotes high motivation and selectivo attention.
They also generated a sense of community and the emergence of coUaborative relationships.
Therefore, more oral contributions in the target language were observed as leamers
exhibited interest in expressing their feeling and thoughts
The case of Spain, 1995-2011
In this paper, we analyse the impact on domestic employment resulting from outward FDI performed by Spanish firms, using industry data for the period 1995-2011. Together with the effects on total employment, we differentiate the effects according to the particular groups of countries and activities to which those FDI outflows are addressed. In addition, the impact of outward FDI on the demand for labour is also analysed separately for high and low skill levels of the labour force
Exit from Exporting: Does Engagement in Transnational Networks Matter?
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the probability of ceasing exports is lower for firms that are integrated in transnational production chains, once other firm characteristics are controlled for. On the basis of the estimation of a random-effects probit model with panel data, we find that the superior characteristics of firms involved in global networks (in terms of productivity, foreign ownership and skilled labor) explain their greater resistance to losing their status as exporters. However, for small firms, even when these distinctive features are controlled for, integration in international networks plays an important role in continuing to export. Thus, it seems that small firms which participate in networks have an added advantage which enables them to confront the uncertainty of foreign markets in better conditions and translates to a lower likelihood that they will stop exporting
Exit from Exporting: Does Engagement in Transnational Networks Matter?
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the probability of ceasing exports is lower for firms that are integrated in transnational production chains, once other firm characteristics are controlled for. On the basis of the estimation of a random-effects probit model with panel data, we find that the superior characteristics of firms involved in global networks (in terms of productivity, foreign ownership and skilled labor) explain their greater resistance to losing their status as exporters. However, for small firms, even when these distinctive features are controlled for, integration in international networks plays an important role in continuing to export. Thus, it seems that small firms which participate in networks have an added advantage which enables them to confront the uncertainty of foreign markets in better conditions and translates to a lower likelihood that they will stop exporting
Revisión de pruebas psicológicas para niños validadas o estandarizadas en Colombia
71 Páginas.El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y analizar las características psicométricas de las pruebas psicológicas, diseñadas para niños entre 6 y 12 años, que se encuentren validadas o estandarizadas en Colombia. Para realizar este proyecto se revisaron investigaciones de 113 universidades adscritas al Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos, en las que se encontraron seis instrumentos que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión. Se concluye que las pruebas seleccionadas resultan válidas y estadísticamente confiables en la ciudad donde fueron analizadas. No se encuentran instrumentos que hayan sido estandarizados. La mayoría de las pruebas encontradas están enfocadas a evaluar trastornos del afecto, ansiedad y depresión
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