1,560 research outputs found

    Libertad y modernidad

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    16 p.Como entiendo que se trata de llevar a cabo una reflexión acerca de la filosofía de la persona, no únicamente desde la perspectiva de la llamada ‘filosofía personalista’ de Emmanuel Mounier, sino en el sentido más amplio de la palabra, me ha parecido oportuno ofrecer algunas reflexiones sobre dos pensadores de la modernidad que, de manera contrapuesta y, a la vez, complementaria, analizaron el problema del sujeto humano como sujeto libre, partiendo de los planteamientos que había establecido la filosofía crítica kantiana. Me propongo, entonces, hilvanar algunas ideas en torno a Fichte y Hegel, como herederos y continuadores críticos de la herencia kantiana, a la que el primero busca desarrollar y completar, mientras que el segundo se propone claramente superar.Fichte o la filosofía de la libertad Hegel o el monismo incondicionad

    Towards Formal Interaction-Based Models of Grid Computing Infrastructures

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    Grid computing (GC) systems are large-scale virtual machines, built upon a massive pool of resources (processing time, storage, software) that often span multiple distributed domains. Concurrent users interact with the grid by adding new tasks; the grid is expected to assign resources to tasks in a fair, trustworthy way. These distinctive features of GC systems make their specification and verification a challenging issue. Although prior works have proposed formal approaches to the specification of GC systems, a precise account of the interaction model which underlies resource sharing has not been yet proposed. In this paper, we describe ongoing work aimed at filling in this gap. Our approach relies on (higher-order) process calculi: these core languages for concurrency offer a compositional framework in which GC systems can be precisely described and potentially reasoned about.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2013, arXiv:1403.768

    ¿Qué es el territorio? Aproximaciones teórico conceptuales y metodológicas

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    El presente documento forma parte del marco teórico general del proyecto de investigación 2013-2015 "Alternativas regionales y regiones alternativas como procesos complejos de desarrollo construidos desde abajo: los casos del sur de Jalisco y otras regiones asociadas". La propuesta parte de un marco epistemológico que toma en cuenta la complejidad de la vida y del mundo actual, particularmente del territorio y de quienes buscan transformarlo hacia el “buen vivir”. De ahí la importancia del pensamiento complejo y de la inter y transdisciplina en nuestro proyecto de investigación. Como concepto central, concepto ancla o articulador del eje, se encuentra la noción misma de “territorio” con sus diversas miradas o abordajes. Desde este gran concepto articulador y su relación con el buen vivir –el concepto más importante del marco teórico general- se retoman subconceptos como “territorio local-regional”, “autonomía territorial”, “poder-contrapoder territorial", “acciones colectivas territoriales alternativas”, “ecologismo territorial de los pobres”, “redes territoriales de colaboración solidaria” y “sujeto social territorial”.ITESO, A.C

    Oak Competition Dominates Interspecific Interactions in Growth and Water-Use Efficiency in a Mixed Pine-Oak Mediterranean Forest

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    In the Mediterranean, mixed forests of Aleppo pine and holm oak are widespread. Generally considered a transition stage in the succession towards climax oak communities, niche segregation may also contribute to the prevalence of these communities. So far, there is increasing evidence of hydrological niche segregation, with the two species showing complementary water use and seasonal growth patterns. However, it remains unknown whether interspecific interactions affect the response to climate and the mid-term (decadal) growth and water-use efficiency of pines and oaks in mixed stands. Here, we combined tree-ring chronologies, built on different competition classes within a mixed stand, with a spatially explicit assessment of individual growth and wood carbon isotope discrimination (∆13C), as a proxy of intrinsic water-use efficiency, and compared these results with previously reported water uptake patterns. We found that competition with pines modulated the climate response of oaks, whereas pine climate response was insensitive to competition. On the other hand, pine density affected only pine growth, whereas oak competition affected both species. We conclude that the presence of pines had negligible or even positive effects on the oaks, but competition with neighbor oaks limited their ability to recover after drought. Conversely, pines experienced greater drought stress under competition, with both oaks and pinesThis research was funded by the Spanish Government through Projects CGL2011-26654 and RTI2018-094691-B-C31 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU). J.P.F. was supported by Reference Group H09_20R (Gobierno de Aragón, Spain)

    Evaluation of standard reagents for radial-immunodiffusion assays : In vitro control of rabies vaccines

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    The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria