151 research outputs found

    Thermal comfort in residential buildings with water based heating systems: a tool for selecting appropriate heat emitters when using µ-cogeneration

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    As a consequence of people becoming more aware of their impact on the environment, there is an increasing demand for low energy buildings. Forced by regulation, building envelopes are improving and heating and cooling systems with higher efficiencies are being installed. The public are willing to embrace these new technologies, as long as they do not affect the quality of their indoor environment. In this paper, an introduction to research on the realisation of the indoor thermal comfort in residential buildings with water based, low-energy heating systems is given. The basis for this work is a more realistic definition of comfort temperatures for residential buildings. Subsequently, appropriate heat emitters to realise that thermal comfort in an efficient way are identified, taking into account the limitations of the production system under consideration. An example of a µ-cogeneration system is presented as a case study

    A Novel Business Model for Aggregating the Values of Electricity Storage

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    Electricity storage is considered a valuable source of flexibility whose applications cover the whole electricity value chain. However, most of the existing evaluation methods for electricity storage are conceived for only one specific use of the storage, which often leads to the conclusion that the investment on storage does not pay off. We think that the value of storage cannot be properly estimated without taking into account the possibility of aggregating the services that storage can offer to different actors. In this paper, we propose a new business model that allows aggregating multiple revenue streams of electricity storage in a systematic way. The main idea of the business model is to coordinate a series of auctions in which the right to utilize the storage unit is auctioned in different time horizons. The model consists of an optimization module and a coordination mechanism. The former simulates the optimal strategy of a certain actor using the available storage capacities in a certain auction, while the latter ensures non-conflicting uses of storage by actors in different auctions. The functioning of the model is demonstrated by a case study. The results show that a storage unit can achieve a higher return on investment in the manner proposed in the business model.electricity storage; business model; optimization

    Decarbonizing the European Electric Power Sector by 2050: A tale of three studies

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    If Europe is serious about climate change, it has to reduce its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, thereby effectively going to a (near-) zero carbon energy and thus, electricity system. The European Climate Foundation, Eurelectric, and the International Energy Agency have consequently published a study elaborating on the final goal of this transition. The studies project scenarios of how such a (near-) zero electricity system would look like and provide recommendations on the policies needed to guide the transition. In this paper, we observe that these studies tell a tale with many similarities. In spite of increased energy efficiency, the electricity demand is projected to increase substantially, with up to 50% from today towards 2050, due to shifts from other sectors towards electricity. This demand will be supplied by a minimum of 40% electricity generation by RES, with the remainder being filled up with nuclear and fossils with CCS. The importance of grid reinforcement, expansion, and planning in this context is emphasized in all three studies. While all three studies further recommend relying on the EU ETS for the transition, the European Climate Foundation and the International Energy Agency consider continuing with targets for RES in combination with a more harmonized EU RES support scheme.European Energy Policy; Electric power generation; decarbonization

    Чому слід припинити проскрибування латиномовної сторінки в українській літературі

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    Шляхом аналізу програми, за якою відбувалося вивчення української літератури у 5–9 класах загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів протягом 2009–2010 н.р., низки документів, що в той чи інший спосіб тлумачать програму, та шкільних підручників, рекомендованих МОН України, визначається глибина та межі знань, які може отримати український школяр про давній період розвитку української літератури. Стаття містить конкретні рекомендації щодо розширення програми у частині, яка стосується латиномовного періоду української літератури, та доповнення програми творами, що були написані латинською мовою протягом XV–XIX ст. та належать до української літератури.Путем анализа программы, согласно которой осуществлялось изучение украинской литературыу в 5–9 классах общеобразовательных учебных заведений на протяжении 2009–2010 уч.г., а также ряда документов, которые определенным образом толкуют программу, школьных учебников, рекоммендованых МОН Украины, определяется глубина и границы знаний, которые может получить українский школьник о давнем периоде развития украинской литературы. Статья содержит конкретные рекоммендации по расширению программы в части, касающейся латиноязычного периода украинской литературы, а также дополнения программы произведениями, написанными на латинском языке в XV–XIX ст. и относящимися к украинской литературе.The depth and scope of knowledge that can acquire Ukrainian pupil about the ancient period of Ukrainian literature development is defined through analysis of Ukrainian literature study program for 5–9 forms of general education institutions for 2009–2010, a number of documents that somehow or other interpret the program as well as schoolbooks recommended by Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. The article presents specific recommendations regarding extension of the program in the part that pertains to Ukrainian literature Latin speaking period and addition of works created in Latin during XV–XIX centuries that belonged to Ukrainian literature

    How to increase cross border transmission capacity? A case study: Belgium.

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    Cross border capacity allows electric energy to be traded internationally. The electricity sector used to be vertically integrated and often state-owned. High voltage grids were generally developed within the borders of a country. Connecting different national high voltage grids was done to improve the security of the system and to accomodate for a few historical long term contracts. By doing so, the different systems could share their reserve generation capacity. Since the liberalization of the electricity sector, cross border capacity has gained a renewed interest as this can increase the competition in the market. This paper aims to give an overview of recent and planned investments which increase the cross border capacity of Belgium. Also we give an insight into the different technologies which can be used and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed.

    The Role of Thermal Storage and Natural Gas in a Smart Energy System

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    Smart grids are considered important building blocks of a future energy system that facilitates integration of massive distributed energy resources like gas-fired cogeneration (CHP). The latter produces thermal and electric power together and as such reinforces the interaction between the gas and electricity-distribution systems. Thermal storage makes up the key-source of flexibility that allows decoupling the electricity production from the heat demand. However, smart grids focus on electricity, often disregarding the role of gas and thermal storage in overall smart energy systems. We find that the technical impact of a massive introduction of CHP on the gas-distribution network is limited in most cases, even providing opportunities to free up capacity. Taking the consumer's viewpoint, we highlight the economic importance of the thermal storage tank, which requires a thermal capacity of two to three times the hourly thermal power output of the CHP to optimize electric power production and limit thermal losses. Further increasing the storage tank size can increase the gas-distribution capacity that can be marketed by the distribution system operator, but practical constraints in terms of dedicated land area have to be considered as well

    Robust MACCs? The topography of abatement by fuel switching in the European power sector

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    This publication is based on research carried out in the frame work of the Loyola de Palacio Energy Policy Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute.This paper employs a simulation model of the European power sector to analyse the abatement response to a CO2 price through fuel switching, one of principal means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in any economy. Abatement is shown to depend not only on the price of allowances, but also and more importantly on the load level of the system and the ratio between natural gas and coal prices. The interplay of these different determinants vitiates any simple relation between a CO2price and abatement and requires the development of more than two-dimensional graphics to illustrate these complex relationships. In the terms of the literature on the use of marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs), we find that these MACCs are not robust as usually defined and we suggest that the more complex topography developed in this paper may be more helpful in visualizing this abatement response to a CO2 price

    The issue of a solid energy provision

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    D'Haeseleer William D. The issue of a solid energy provision. In: Bulletin de la Classe des sciences, tome 17, n°1-6, 2006. pp. 53-54

    Impact of Renewables Deployment on the CO2 Price and the CO2 Emissions in the European Electricity Sector

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    As of 2005, electricity generators in Europe operate under the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS). At the same time, European Member States have launched support mechanisms to stimulate the deployment of renewable electricity sources (RES-E). RES-E injections displace CO2 emissions within the sectors operating under the EU ETS and they reduce the demand for European Union Allowances (EUAs), therefore reducing the EUA price. This paper presents the results of an ex-post analysis to quantify the impact of RES-E deployment on the EUA price and CO2 emissions in the Western and Southern European electricity sector during the period from 2007 to 2010. This study shows that the CO2 displacement from the electricity sector to other ETS sectors due to RES-E deployment can be up to more than 10 % of historical CO2 emissions in the electricity sector. The EUA price decrease caused by RES-E deployment varies between zero and multiple times the historical EUA price