52 research outputs found

    Electrical resistivity as microstructural parameter for the calculation of reinforcement service life

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    There is an increasing interest in developing models for prediction of the service life regarding reinforcement corrosion. In present communication a proposal is made based on the electrical resistivity to calculate both the initiation and propagation periods as well as for predicting concrete aging related to durability and for measuring the efficiency of curing. The model is fundamented in that the Resistivity is a property depending on the concrete porous system and its degree of moisture, and then from its values in saturated conditions, it is possible to find relations between diffusivity and resistivity, then linking concrete microstructure and transport resistance. The relation of resistivity and time is quantified through the square root law, either for chloride penetration as for carbonation. However some additional information is needed due to the reaction of chlorides and carbon dioxide with cement phases: the resistivity has to be factorised by a "reaction factor" accounting for it. Concerning the corrosion propagation period the relation between corrosion and resistivity is provided by an expression previously developed by one of the authors. Aging is introduced by measuring the evolution of the resistivity with time. The paper presents an example of application of the model. Finally it is mentioned that the concrete mix can be designed for a target resistivity and that this parameter can also be used as a performance parameter (Corrosion indicator). Being the measurement of resistivity a non destructive method, it can be as well used for on-site quality control

    Concrete Mixture Design Based on Electrical Resistivity.

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    Current codes have requirements for the durability design of concrete based on compressive strength and provisions related to cement content and water - cement ratio. However, such requirements do not take into account important parameters related to the behaviour of concrete against to aggressive attack. The electrical resistivity of the hardened concrete is related to connectivity of pores network under saturated condition.. This paper proposes a methodology of design based on the Archie law, which is originated from the concept of diffusion and provides properties such as electrical resistivity, porosity, and tortuosity, for estimating the ideal mix of concrete (maximum water cement, the minimum content of cement and cement type) for a specific environmental class and service life. It also considers the chemical reaction of chloride and carbonation with the phases of cement, so called factor of reaction (r) which depends on the type of cement and indicates the delay on the agressi vc penetratio

    The use of electrical resistivity as a NDT for the specification of concrete durability

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    The calculation of the time to reinforcement corrosion and service life duration is a subject of increasing interest. In present communication is explained how to use the electrical resistivity to calculate both the initiation and propagation periods in the case of carbonation and chloride penetration, although only the case of chlorides is illustrated here. The main advantage is that resistivity is an inexpensive non destructive measurement that can be used for routine quality control. The resistivity is an indication of the porosity and pore connectivity. It increases with time as hydration proceeds which is an indication of aging or pore refinement. In addition to the measurement of the resistivity it is necessary to calculate a "reaction factor" for accounting of the binding with cement phases. Conceming the propagation period, the electrical resistivity is an indication of the moisture content of concrete and therefore, it has a relationship with the corrosion cement. A model is proposed in which the resistivity is introduced in the square root of time la

    Embedded Sensors For The Monitoring Of Durability

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    Embedded Sensors For The Monitoring Of Durabilit

    Recubrimientos recomendables por razones de durabilidad, a disponer en estructuras de hormigón sometidas a la clase específica de exposición Qb (ataque químico de intensidad media)

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    Es una realidad cada vez más aceptada que la durabilidad del hormigón es una propiedad igual de importante que la resistencia mecánica o la estabilidad de volumen. No es el objeto del presente trabajo ahondar en las causas de esta evidencia sino en contribuir a hacer del diseño de la durabilidad una materia incorporada al quehacer diario de los técnicos y especialistas. Solo si la durabilidad de una estructura se puede proyectar y verificar, será posible conseguir vidas útiles con una cierta garantía o seguridad en que se alcanzarán los periodos de servicio que se especifiquen. En el diseño de la durabilidad se ha dedicado mucho tiempo en el pasado a aclarar los mecanismos de ataque (por ejemplo: por sulfatos o por reacción árido-álcali) o como realizar ensayos acelerados en estos casos y también en el caso concreto de la corrosión de la armadura. En el caso de la corrosión, la envergadura de los costes de reparaciones ha estimulado la publicación de modelos y ensayos que, si bien necesitan todavía calibración, al menos suponen una cierta ayuda para el proyectista

    Infecção urinária em recém-nascido de termo: análise de fatores de risco

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    OBJETIVOS: Analisar a contribuição dos fatores de risco para a ocorrência de infecção urinária em recém-nascidos de termo. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Estudo retrospectivo (1997), incluindo recém-nascidos de termo com urocultura positiva por saco coletor. A indicação desta coleta foi baseada em: hipertermia (T>;37,8ºC), perda de peso>;10% do peso de nascimento, alterações do estado geral (recusa alimentar, ganho insuficiente de peso e hipoatividade) ou presença de malformações nefro-urológicas. Nesses recém-nascidos foi realizada punção suprapúbica para confirmação diagnóstica. Os recém-nascidos foram divididos em dois grupos, segundo o resultado das uroculturas: Grupo I (diagnóstico presuntivo de infecção urinária) e Grupo II (diagnóstico confirmado de infecção urinária), para avaliação dos fatores de risco pela análise do risco relativo. RESULTADOS: Foram estudadas 61 crianças (5,1% dos recém-nascidos de termo) - Grupo I n=42 (68,9%) e Grupo II n=19 (31,1%). Os fatores de risco avaliados (patologias infecciosas associadas, uso prévio de antibióticos, malformações nefro-urológicas, ventilação mecânica, nutrição parenteral e o uso de cateteres) foram mais freqüentes no Grupo II (pOBJECTIVE: To analyze the correlation of risk factors to the occurrence of urinary tract infection in full-term newborn infants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study (1997) including full-term infants having a positive urine culture by bag specimen. Urine collection was based on: fever, weight loss >; 10% of birth weight, nonspecific symptoms (feeding intolerance, failure to thrive, hypoactivity, debilitate suction, irritability), or renal and urinary tract malformations. In these cases, another urine culture by suprapubic bladder aspiration was collected to confirm the diagnosis. To compare and validate the risk factors in each group, the selected cases were divided into two groups: Group I - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and negative urine culture by suprapubic aspiration, and Group II - positive urine culture by bag specimen collection and positive urine culture by suprapubic aspiration . RESULTS: Sixty one infants were studied, Group I, n = 42 (68.9%) and Group II, n = 19 (31.1%). The selected risk factors (associated infectious diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, renal and urinary tract malformations, mechanical ventilation, parenteral nutrition and intravascular catheter) were more frequent in Group II (

    Infecção urinária em recém-nascido de termo: valor da cultura de urina obtida através de saco coletor

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    OBJETIVE: to evaluate the efficacy of urine culture by bag specimen for the detection of neonatal urinary tract infection in full-term newborn infants. Retrospective study (1997) including full-term newborn infants having a positive urine culture (>100,000 CFU/ml) by bag specimen collection. The urinary tract infection diagnosis was confirmed by positive urine culture (suprapubic bladder aspiration method). The select cases were divided into three groups, according to newborn infant age at the bag specimen collection: GI (< 48 h, n = 17), GII (48 h to 7 d, n = 35) and GIII (> 7 d, n = 9). Sixty one full-term newborn infants were studied (5.1 % of total infants). The diagnosis was confirmed on 19/61 (31.1 %) of full-term infants born alive. Distribution among the groups was: GI = 2/17 (11.8 %), GII = 10//35 (28.6 %), and GIII = 7/9 (77.7 %). The most relevant clinical symptoms were: fever (GI - 100 %, GII - 91.4 %) and weight loss (GI - 35.3 %, GII - 45.7 %). Urine culture results for specimens collected by suprapubic aspiration were: E. coli GI (100 %), GII (40 %) and GIII (28.6 %), E. faecalis GI (30%), Staphylococcus coagulase-negative GII (20 %) and GIII (42.8 %), and Staphylococcus aureus GII (10 %). Correlation between positive urine culture collection (bag specimen method) and urinary tract infection diagnosis, using relative risk analysis, produced the following results: GI=0.30 (CI95% 0.08-1.15), GII=0.51 (CI 95% 0.25-1.06) and GIII=3.31 (CI95% 1.8-6.06) The most frequent urinary tract infection clinical signs in the first week were fever and weight loss, while non-specific symptomatology occurred later. E. coli was most frequent infectious agent, although from the 7th day of life, staphylococcus was noted. The urine culture (bag specimen method) was effective in detecting urinary tract infection only after the 7th day of life.OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia da cultura de urina obtida através de saco coletor na detecção de infecção do trato urinário no período neonatal. Estudo retrospectivo (1997), englobando recém-nascidos de termo com urocultura positiva (>100000UFC/ml) colhida em saco coletor. Nesses recém-nascidos foi realizada punção suprapúbica, coletando-se urina para cultura, para confirmação diagnóstica. Os recém-nascidos foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com a idade do recém-nascido na ocasião da coleta: GI-n=17 (< 48h de vida), GII-n=35 (entre 48h e 7dias) e GIII-n=9 (> 7dias). Foram estudadas 61 crianças (5,1% dos recém-nascidos de termo). A confirmação diagnóstica pela punção suprapúbica mostrou: GI=2/17 (11,8%), GII=10/35 (28,6%) e GIII=7/9 (77,7%). Quanto ao quadro clínico, nos GI e II a febre (100 e 91,4%) e a perda de peso (35,3 e 45,7%) foram os sinais clínicos mais freqüentes. No GIII as alterações do estado geral (66,6%) e a febre (44,4%) destacaram-se. Dentre os agentes etiológicos, obteve-se: E coli GI (100%), GII (40%) e GIII (28,6%), E faecalis GI (30%), S coagulase-negativa GII (20%) e GIII (42,8%) e S aureus GII (10%) e GIII(14,3%). A análise do risco relativo da positividade da cultura de urina obtida por saco coletor corresponder à infecção urinária foi de: GI=0,3 (IC95% 0,08-1,15), GII=0,51 (IC95% 0,25-1,06) e GIII=3,31 (IC95% 1,8-6,06). Os resultados sugerem que os sinais clínicos mais importantes da infecção do trato urinário na primeira semana de vida foram a febre e a perda de peso, enquanto as alterações do estado geral ocorreram mais tardiamente; a E coli foi o agente mais freqüente e, a partir do sétimo dia, houve o aparecimento de S aureus e S coagulase negativa. A cultura de urina através de saco coletor teve maior capacidade de detecção de infecção urinária a partir do setimo dia

    New classifications of axillary lymph nodes and their anatomical-clinical correlations in breast surgery

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    BACKGROUND: In the last decade, two research groups, the French group by Clough et al. (Br J Surg. 97:1659-65, 2010) and the Chinese one by Li et al. (ISRN Oncol 2013:279013, 2013), proposed two types of classification of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer, identifying novel anatomic landmarks for dividing the axillary space in lymph node dissection.MAIN BODY: Knowledge of the exact location of the sentinel node helps to focus the surgical dissection and to reduce the morbidity of sentinel lymph node biopsy procedures, in particular the risk of arm lymphedema, without compromising sensitivity.CONCLUSION: In this article, we aimed at focusing on the clinical impact that the most recent classifications of axillary lymph nodes have obtained in literature, highlighting the importance of defining new demarcations to preserve the axillary lymph nodes as much as possible in breast surgery

    Bone density and genomic analysis unfold cold adaptation mechanisms of ancient inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego

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    The Fuegians, ancient inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego, are an exemplary case of a cold-adapted population, since they were capable of living in extreme climatic conditions without any adequate clothing. However, the mechanisms of their extraordinary resistance to cold remain enigmatic. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays a crucial role in this kind of adaptation, besides having a protective role on the detrimental effect of low temperatures on bone structure. Skeletal remains of 12 adult Fuegians, collected in the second half of XIX century, were analyzed for bone mineral density and structure. We show that, despite the unfavorable climate, bone mineral density of Fuegians was close to that seen in modern humans living in temperate zones. Furthermore, we report significant differences between Fuegians and other cold-adapted populations in the frequency of the Homeobox protein Hox-C4 (HOXC4) rs190771160 variant, a gene involved in BAT differentiation, whose identified variant is predicted to upregulate HOXC4 expression. Greater BAT accumulation might therefore explain the Fuegians extreme cold-resistance and the protection against major cold-related damage. These results increase our understanding of how ecological challenges have been important drivers of human–environment interactions during Humankind history