184 research outputs found

    The significance of healthy-safe food in development of the rural tourism of Serbia

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    Rural tourism, by its definition, is based on two activities, the tourism and the agriculture, which form together the specific tourist supply. This supply can be organized within an agricultural holding or in the rural area. All of the activities organized in the specific rural area, which attract tourists, should be specific with basic characteristics; quiet, noiseless area, preserved nature, direct communication with natives, the possibility of being informed about field works and domestic food. Serbia has such rural areas, with primeval purity, where none of preservatives has ever been applied in food production. Rapid industrialization, inhuman life in urban areas and excessive and/or unprofessional use of plant protection agents in the primary agricultural protection show increasing interest of population, especially of higher classes, to search for healthy-safe food in the rural areas, and they often require to participate in food preparation. Exactly the healthy-safe food is often an important factor of tourists' orientation to the specific rural tourist destination. The subject of this paper is how and in what way it affects a number of tourists in the specific rural areas. The research methodology, applied in this paper, is the combination of qualitative and quantitative research. As a research instrument was used a structured questionnaire, which had enclosed a list of mostly open type enquiries. In-depth interviews were organized in several municipalities of Central Serbia with the natives who were engaged in healthy-safe food production and rural tourism. The expected result is the development and increase of self-sustainable production of healthysafe food, as an important argument for attracting tourists in the Serbian rural areas, and who want to consume and/or to take part in the production of healthy-safe food

    Zaštita ekosistema i bioremedijacija

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia,  which  includes four varieties  of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgˑha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgˑha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgˑha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgˑha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgˑha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and  B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019.  Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1)

    Mikrobiološka aktivnost - indikator uticaja nikla na biogenost zemljišta

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    Our study showed that the Ni concentration of 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 soil significantly reduced the total number of microorganisms and the numbers of ammonifiers, actinomycetes and fungi. The number of Azotobacter was increased in the presence of Ni. The Ni concentration of 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 soil was decreased dehydrogenase activity in soil under the wheat, the sugerbeet and soyabean. DHA was increased in the presence of Ni in soil under the corn and the sunflower.Nikal u količini 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 zemljišta uticao je značajno na smanjenje ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora, gljiva i aktinomiceta u zemljištu pod svim ispitivanim biljnim vrstama. Međutim, nikal je uticao je pozitivno na brojnost Azotobacter-a, sem u zemljištu pod šećernom repom. Prisustvo nikla uticalo je na samanjenje DHA u zemljištu pod pšenicom, šećernom repom i sojom, ali u zemljištu pod kukuruzom i suncokretom aktivnost ovog enzima je povećana

    Biološka fiksacija azota imperativ u sistemu održivosti

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    The information on the biological nitrogen fixation has been having an increasing application within the system of organic food production. The application of inoculates with certain groups of diazotrophs results in saving expensive mineral fertilizers, preserving soil biogeny, reducing financial inputs, which represents one of the major principles of sustainable agriculture. Bacterisation was performed with the liquid seed inoculum of the maize hybrid ZP SC 704 and the wheat variety Leda. The inoculum consisted of a mixture of selected diazotrophos and their highly effective strains. The following variants of mineral N fertilizers were used in the trial: control K, N1 - 80 kg ha-1, N2 - 120 kg ha-1. Values of parameters of soil biogeny (total number, abundance of diazotrophs, ammonifier, enzymic activities), were higher under bacterisation conditions in both plant species, and were accompanied with higher grain yields. There were no significant differences in value increases of investigated parameters between fertilizing variants N1 and N2 hence it can be concluded that the application of bacterisation can rationalize the utilization of mineral fertilizers, what is of a significance for sustainable agriculture.Koncept održive poljoprivrede podrazumeva proizvodnju biološki ispravne hrane uz očuvanje agroekološke ravnoteže, gde pored uloge i značaja agrotehničkih mera, sve veći značaj imaju i mikroorganizmi. U proizvodnji zdravstevno bezbedne hrane sve se više primenjuju i saznanja o biološkoj fiksaciji azota. U istraživanjima je obavljena bakterizacija tečnim inokulumom semena kukuruza ZP SC 677. U inokulumu se nalazila smeša odabranih vrsta diazotrofa i njihovih visikoefektivnih sojeva: -Azotobacter chroococcum soj 84; 2-Azospirillum lipoferum soj 2; 3-Klebsiella planticola soj 4; 4 -1 + 2 + 3 + Bacillus megaterium + Azotobacter vinelandi + Bacillus subtilis; 5 - 1 + 3 + Bacillus megaterium + Azotobacter vineland i+ Bacillus subtilis. U ogledu je obavljeno đubrenje mineralnim azotnim đubrivima: bez đubrenja - kontrola K, N1-30, N2-60, N3-80 i N4-80 kg N.ha-1. Vrednosti pokazatelja biogenosti zemljišta (ukupan broj, brojnost Azotobactera, bakterija iz ciklusa kruženja fosfora), u uslovima bakterizacije zavisile su od doza primenjenog mineralnog azota, kao što je zavisila i visina prinosa zrna. Najveće vrednosti ispitivanih parametara utvrđene su pri đubrenju sa 60 i 90 kg N.ha-1,te se može zaključiti da bi se primenom bakterizacije mogla racionisati upotreba azotnih mineralnih đubriva, što je svakako značajno s gledišta održive poljoprivrede


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water

    Proizvodnja soje i mogućnost ekonomične upotrebe mineralnih đubriva

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    The trial was carried out in the period 2007-2010 at the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Study was based on applied different fertilizer doses (mineral fertilizers and harvest residues of the previous crop). Trial variants were arranged in a randomized block design and they included: 0 kg N ha-1 without ploughing under crop residues; 0 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 50 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 150 kg N ha-1 + crop residues; 250 kg N ha-1 + crop residues. There were two trial sub-variants with and without soybean seed inoculation within each variant. Seed of soybean cultivar Proteinka (maturity group 0) was inoculated directly before planting, using microbial fertilizer NS-Nitragin containing a mixture of selected highly effective Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains. Seed inoculation produced statistically highly significant yield increases in all four trial years, while the variants with higher doses of nitrogen applied under a preceding crop showed increases in mineral nitrogen uptake from the soil without adequate increases in soybean yield. The application of microbial fertilizers and ploughing under crop residues evidently ensured high yields of soybean, even with reduced doses of nitrogen fertilizer applied to a preceding crop.Eksperiment je izveden u periodu 2007-2010. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Studija je zasnovana na primenjenim različitim varijantama đubriva (mineralna đubriva i biljni ostaci prethodnog useva). Varijante ogleda su raspoređene po slučajnom blok sistemu: 0 kg N ha-1 bez zaoravanja žetvenih ostataka; 0 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 50 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 150 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci; 250 kg N ha-1 + žetveni ostaci. U okviru svake varijante postojale su dve pod-varijante sa i bez inokulacije semena soje. Seme soje sorte Proteinka (0 grupa zrenja) je neposredno pre setve inokulisano mikrobiološkim đubrivom NS-Nitragin koje sadrži mešavinu odabranih visoko efikasnih sojeva bakterija Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Inokulacija semena dovela je do statistički veoma značajnog povećanja prinosa u sve četiri godine istraživanja, dok su varijante sa visokim dozama azota primenjene pod predusev dovele do povećanja usvajanja mineralnog azota iz zemljišta bez odgovarajućeg povećanja prinosa soje. Primena mikrobioloških đubriva i zaoravanje biljnih ostataka može da obezbedi visoke prinose soje, čak i pri smanjenim dozama azotnih đubriva koje su primenjene u prethodnom usevu

    Uticaj efektivnih mikroorganizama na parametre biogenosti zemljišta u rizosferi različitih genotipova soje i prinosa soje

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effects of applying effective microorganisms (EM) on the basic microbiological parameters of soil and soybean yield biological value. The research was conducted in the period 2016-2018. Factor A are the years 2016-2018, factor B are soybean genotypes Galina, Sava, Rubin, and factor C application of EM: variant 1 was control, variant 2 was EM in soil 20 lha-1 and foliar treatment in the stage of plant development from three to four trefoils and budding stage, 5 lha-1, variant 3 was NPK fertilizer (8:15:15), 300 kgha-1, and variant 4 was a combination of variant 2 and variant 3. During full flowering, the basic parameters of soil biogenicity were determined by the total number of microorganisms (TNB) and the number of azotobacter (AZT) and grain yield at the end of the growing period. The examined factors had a statistically significant influence on the examined parameters. Soil biogenicity parameters in variant 4 EM + NPK were statistically significantly (p lt 0.01) higher than control and variant 3. Variant 2 affected a higher number of p lt 0.01 compared to control, while compared to other variants significance was p lt 0.05 (factor B). The highest number of all examined parameters was in the rhizosphere of Rubin genotype (factor C). Variant 2 with EM increased in yield of 13.29% compared to the control which was at the level (p lt 0.05) and with the application of EM + NPK variant 4 the yield was higher by 15.95% which was at the level (p lt 0.01) of significance.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi efekat primene efektivnih mikroorganizama (EM) na osnovne mikrobiološke parametre biogenosti zemljišta i visinu prinosa zrna soje. Istraživanja su sprovedena u periodu 2016-2018. Faktor A su gpdine 2016-2018; faktor B genotip soje Galina, Sava, Rubin i faktor C primena EM: varijanta 1kontrola, varijanta 2-EM u zemljište 20 l/ha i folijarni tretmana u fazi razvoja biljaka od tri do četiri troliske i fazi butonizacije, 5 lha-1); varijanta 3-NPK đubriva (8:15:15), 300 kgha-1 i varijanta 4 - varijanta 2 + varijanta 3. U toku punog cvetanja utvrđeni su osnovni parametri biogenosti zemljišta ukupan broj mikroorganizama (TNB) i brojnost azotobaktera (AZB) i visinu prinosa zrna na kraju vegetacije. Ispitivani faktori su imali statistički značajan uticaj na ispitivane parametre. Parametri biogenosti zemljišta kod varijante 4 EM+NPK statistički značajno (p lt 0,01) bili veći od kontrole i varijante 3. Varijanta 2 uticala je naveću brojnost p lt 0,01 u odnosu na kontrolu dok u odnosu na druge varijante značajnost je bila p lt 0,05 (factor B). U rizosferi genotipa Rubin utvrđena je najveća brojnost svih ispitivanih parametara (faktor C). Varijanta 2 sa EM uticala je na povećanje prinosa od 13,29% u odnosu na kontrolu što je bilo na nivou (p lt 0,05), a sa primenom EM+NPK varijanta 4 prinos je bio veći za 15,95% što je bilo na nivou (p lt 0,01) značajnosti

    Mikroorganizmi kao bioindikatori zagađujućih materija u zemljištu

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    Microorganisms are the predominant portion of the soil's biological phase and they are indicators of soil health and quality. Soil microorganisms a) take part in degradation of organic and inorganic compounds, b) their activity, number and diversity may serve as bioindicators of toxic effects on soil biological activity, c) some microbial species may be used for soil bioremediation and d) some sensitive microbes are used in eco-toxicity tests. The primary microbial population starts to decompose herbicides several days after their arrival into the soil. The secondary population produces induced enzymes and decomposes herbicides after a period of adaptation. Certain microbial groups are indifferent to the applied herbicides. Effect of heavy metals on soil microbial activity depends on the element, their concentration, microbial species, as well as physical and chemical soil properties. Toxic level of individual pollutants depends on their origin and composition. However, combined application of chemicals makes room for the occurrence of synergistic toxic effects detrimental for the ecosystem and human health.Mikroorganizmi kao najzastupljeniji deo biološke komponente daju informativnu ocenu zdravlja i kvaliteta zemljišta. Mikroorganizmi zemljišta a) učestvuju u degradaciji organskih i neorganskih jedinjenja, b) njihova enzimatska aktivnost, brojnost i raznovrsnost su bioindikatori toksičnih efekata zagađujućih materija na biološku aktivnost zemljišta, c) pojedine vrste mikroba mogu se primeniti u bioremedijaciji ali i d) pojedine bakterije i alge su na osnovu inhibicije luminiscencije ili rasta ćelija biosenzori toksičnosti zemljišta. Tolerantnost mikroorganizama na pesticide i teške metale, pored smanjenja biodiverziteta, omogućava da se pojedine vrste i rodovi koriste u procesima bioremedijacije zemljišta