30 research outputs found

    Software Assurance Challenges for the Commercial Crew Program

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    This paper will provide a description of some of the challenges NASA is facing in providing software assurance within the new commercial space services paradigm, namely with the Commercial Crew Program (CCP). The CCP will establish safe, reliable, and affordable access to the International Space Station (ISS) by purchasing a ride from commercial companies. The CCP providers have varying experience with software development in safety-critical space systems. NASA's role in providing effective software assurance support to the CCP providers is critical to the success of CCP. These challenges include funding multiple vehicles that execute in parallel and have different rules of engagement, multiple providers with unique proprietary concerns, providing equivalent guidance to all providers, permitting alternates to NASA standards, and a large number of diverse stakeholders. It is expected that these challenges will exist in future programs, especially if the CCP paradigm proves successful. The proposed CCP approach to address these challenges includes a risk-based assessment with varying degrees of engagement and a distributed assurance model. This presentation will describe NASA IV&V Program's software assurance support and responses to these challenges

    Analisis Konten Rokok di Situs Web Berbagi Video YouTube: User Engagement Analysis

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    Penetrasi internet dan media sosial di Indonesia semakin meningkat, dengan persentase pengguna terbesar berasal dari kaum muda. Internet dan media sosial dapat menjadi wahana untuk mempromosikan dan menjual produk kepada kaum muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan video di YouTube yang potensial didapatkan oleh seorang pengguna ketika menggunakan kata kunci "rokok" dalam pencarian. Kami berhipotesis bahwa video terkait rokok di YouTube dapat berisi materi yang mengacu pada kategori (1) tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship (TAPS); atau (2) Non-TAPS. Penelusuran YouTube dilakukan pada Oktober 2022, dan kami hanya mempertimbangkan video yang dipublikasikan selama Juni 2022. Kami mengklasifikasikan konten video ke dalam kategori TAPS dan Non-TAPS berdasarkan judul dan deskripsinya. Selanjutnya, Kami menganalisis jumlah yang melihat, menyukai, dan memberi komentar dari setiap video secara deskriptif. Kami memperoleh 210 video dan mengecualikan 24 video yang tidak terkait dengan tujuan studi. Sebagian besar  video masuk dalam kategori  TAPS (84%) dibandingkan dengan Non-TAPS (16%). Pada video Non-TAPS terdapat Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Anti Rokok (3%). Video yang masuk dalam kategori Non-TAPS sebagian besar diterbitkan oleh kanal Berita dan kanal Pemerintah (57%), sedangkan individu, termasuk UMKM dan pengecer, sebagian besar membuat video terkait TAPS (78%). Video terkait TAPS cenderung lebih banyak disukai dan dikomentari oleh pemirsa. YouTube adalah media potensial untuk mempromosikan kesehatan, sayangnya video terkait TAPS jauh lebih mudah ditemukan. Institusi kesehatan masyarakat perlu menghadirkan lebih banyak video terkait promosi kesehatan di YouTube agar mudah dijangkau oleh lebih banyak pemirsa, serta melibatkan kemitraan yang lebih luas untuk mempromosikan materi pendidikan kesehatan

    Environmental Impacts from Pesticide Use: A Case Study of Soil Fumigation in Florida Tomato Production

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    The search for alternative fumigants has been ongoing since the 1992 Parties of the Montreal Protocol classified methyl bromide as a Class I controlled substance with an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of 0.7 and destined it for phase-out. This paper focuses on the hazards from fumigants proposed as alternatives for pre-plant soil fumigation in tomato production. We use the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) developed by Kovach et al. to estimate the hazards from methyl bromide and the proposed alternative fumigants to workers, consumers, beneficial arthropods, birds, fish, and bees. Our findings indicate that iodomethane 98/2 has the lowest EIQ index value and field use rating, and is the alternative with the lowest relative risk. Among environmental categories, workers and beneficial arthropods experience the highest relative risks from the proposed tomato fumigants, and fish and consumers the least risks

    A Meta-Analysis of the Willingness to Pay for Reductions in Pesticide Risk Exposure

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    The following section is a discussion of the importance of the problem of agricultural nonpoint source pollution, the conceptual framework and methods, and the research objectives of this study. Agricultural nonpoint source pollution is an important environmental concern. Agricultural nonpoint sources have been identified as the major contributors to sediments, nutrients, pathogenic bacteria, and pesticides affecting surface water quality (NRC, 1993). Severe soil degradation from erosion, compaction, or salinization, can damage the productive capacity of the soil and exacerbate water pollution. Sediments from eroded croplands interfere with the use of bodies of water for transportation; reduce the life of dams, locks, reservoirs, and other water developments; and degrade aquatic ecosystems. Nutrients accelerate the rate of eutrophication of lakes, streams, and estuaries; and nitrogen may cause health problems if ingested by humans in drinking water. Pesticides in drinking water, may become a human health concern and have been accused of disrupting reproduction of life in aquatic ecosystems (Overcash and Davidson, 1980). Statistics suggest that agriculture is the primary source of nonpoint pollution, affecting 64 percent of polluted U.S. rivers and 57 percent of impaired U.S. lakes (Figures 1-2). Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) and sediments, the major types of pollutants closely associated with agricultural production, severely affect surface water quality in the United States (Figures 3-4) and loadings of these pollutants have increased in agricultural watersheds. These nutrients account for 13 percent of the destruction in U.S. rivers and 59 percent in U.S. lakes, making it the leading source of impairment in U.S. lakes (Smith et al., 1987)

    Economic analysis of environmental benefits of integrated pest management: a Philippine case study

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    Health and environmental concerns associated with pesticide use have motivated the development of integrated pest management (IPM) programs around the world. Little empirical work has been completed to estimate the value of the environmental benefits of IPM. This paper provides an approach to evaluate a broad set of such benefits for a vegetable program in the Philippines. Assessments were made of (1) IPM-induced reduction in environmental risks posed by pesticides in onion production in the Central Luzon and (2) willingness to pay to reduce those risks. The latter was based on a contingent valuation (CV) interview survey of 176 farmers. Risks to humans, birds, aquatic species, beneficial insects, and other animals were considered. IPM practices on onions reduced the use of specific pesticides from 25 to 65%, depending on the practice, and the projected adoption ofiPM practices varied from 36 to 94%. Estimated economic benefits varied from 231 to 305 pesos per person per cropping season (40 pesos = 1 US).TheaggregatevalueofenvironmentalbenefitsforthefivevillageswheretheIPMresearchprogramwascentredwasestimatedat150,000US). The aggregate value of environmental benefits for the five villages where the IPM research program was centred was estimated at 150,000 US for the 4600 local residents. Assessment of environmental benefits can help in designing public policies and regulations, and in justifying support for publicly funded IPM programs. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Economic Analysis of Future Offshore Oil & Gas Development: Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, and North Aleutian Basin

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    This study describes and quantifies the potential economic benefits to the State of Alaska and local communities from developing oil and gas resources in Alaska’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) areas. The findings of this study are not predictions of the future for Alaska, but rather they describe a reasonable approach that one might expect for OCS development. The findings also provide a basis for thinking about potential actions that state and local governments, industry, and other stakeholders might undertake to deal most effectively with the effects that do occur. While there have been other studies in the past that looked at the potential effects of OCS development, this study is based on more recent information and represents the current state of knowledge in OCS resource estimates, exploration, development, and production activities; recent technology improvements; and state and local government fiscal systems. The economic benefits described here are based on assumptions about when and how OCS development, as well as other economic development in the state, might occur during the next 50 years. The magnitude of the economic effects of OCS development are contingent on assumptions about petroleum prices, volumes of OCS resources that might be economically recoverable, the levels of investment that the petroleum industry would be willing to spend to develop in the OCS areas, and the fiscal regime or tax structure that would be in effect as OCS oil and gas development occurs.Shell Exploration and Productio