90 research outputs found

    The onset and association of CMEs with sigmoidal active regions

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    Previous studies of active regions characterised by Soft X-ray S or inverse-S morphology [Canfield et al., 1999], have found these regions to possess a higher probability of eruption. In such cases, CME launch has been inferred using X-ray proxies to indicate eruption. Active regions observed during 1997, previously categorised as both sigmoidal and eruptive [Canfield, 1999], have been selected for further study, incorporating SoHO-LASCO, SoHO-EIT and ground based H-alpha data. Our results allow re-classification into three main categories; sigmoidal, non-sigmoidal and active regions appearing sigmoidal due to the projection of many loops. Although the reduced dataset size prevents a statistical measure of significance, we note that regions comprising a single S (or inverse-S) shaped structure are more frequently associated with a CME than those classed as non-sigmoidal. This motivates the study of a larger dataset and highlights the need for a quantitative observational definition of the term "sigmoid"

    Long duration thermal hard X-ray sources observed in two eruptive flares

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    We present observations of two eruptive flares on 17 of December 2006 (C1.9) and 19 of May 2007 (B9.7) which had good coverage with both Hinode and RHESSI. In these flares we see a long lived, gradual thermal hard X-ray source of low emission measure and, relative to the loops observed with GOES and XRT, high temperature. The lack of a non-thermal hard X-ray component and impulsive behaviour is inconsistent with electron beam driven chromospheric evaporation

    The CCD and readout electronics for the OMC instrument on Integral

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    The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) on ESA's Integral gamma-ray astronomy satellite is devoted to optical wavelength observations simultaneously covering the same field-of-view as the gamma-ray and X-ray instruments. The OMC consists of a refracting telescope with a CCD as the imaging device in the focal plane. Here we describe the CCD and its associated readout electronics, in particular pointing out features of interest to users of the OMC instrument and its data

    Photospheric and Coronal Abundances in an X8.3 Class Limb Flare

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    We analyze solar elemental abundances in coronal post-flare loops of an X8.3 flare (SOL2017-09-10T16:06) observed on the west limb on 2017 September 10 near 18 UT using spectra recorded by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the Hinode spacecraft. The abundances in the corona can differ from photospheric abundances due to the first ionization potential (FIP) effect. In some loops of this flare, we find that the abundances appear to be coronal at the loop apices or cusps, but steadily transform from coronal to photospheric as the loop footpoint is approached. This result is found from the intensity ratio of a low-FIP ion spectral line (Ca XIV) to a high-FIP ion spectral line (Ar XIV) formed at about the same temperature (4–5 MK). Both lines are observed close in wavelength. Temperature, which could alter the interpretation, does not appear to be a factor based on intensity ratios of Ca XV lines to a Ca XIV line. We discuss the abundance result in terms of the Laming model of the FIP effect, which is explained by the action of the ponderomotive force in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in coronal loops and in the underlying chromosphere

    Relating near-Earth observations of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection to the conditions at its site of origin in the solar corona

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    A halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was detected on January 20, 2004. We use solar remote sensing data (SOHO, Culgoora) and near-Earth in situ data (Cluster) to identify the CME source event and show that it was a long duration flare in which a magnetic flux rope was ejected, carrying overlying coronal arcade material along with it. We demonstrate that signatures of both the arcade material and the flux rope material are clearly identifiable in the Cluster and ACE data, indicating that the magnetic field orientations changed little as the material traveled to the Earth, and that the methods we used to infer coronal magnetic field configurations are effective

    Measuring Velocities in the Early Stage of an Eruption: Using “Overlappogram” Data from Hinode EIS

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    In order to understand the onset phase of a solar eruption, plasma parameter measurements in the early phases are key to constraining models. There are two current instrument types that allow us to make such measurements: narrow-band imagers and spectrometers. In the former case, even narrow-band filters contain multiple emission lines, creating some temperature confusion. With imagers, however, rapid cadences are achievable and the field of view can be large. Velocities of the erupting structures can be measured by feature tracking. In the spectrometer case, slit spectrometers can provide spectrally pure images by "rastering" the slit to build up an image. This method provides limited temporal resolution, but the plasma parameters can be accurately measured, including velocities along the line of sight. Both methods have benefits and are often used in tandem. In this paper we demonstrate for the first time that data from the wide slot on the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer, along with imaging data from AIA, can be used to deconvolve velocity information at the start of an eruption, providing line-of-sight velocities across an extended field of view. Using He ii 256 Å slot data at flare onset, we observe broadening or shift(s) of the emission line of up to ±280 km s−1. These are seen at different locations—the redshifted plasma is seen where the hard X-ray source is later seen (energy deposition site). In addition, blueshifted plasma shows the very early onset of the fast rise of the filament

    Magnetic topology of active regions and coronal holes: implications for coronal outflows and the solar wind

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    During 2-18 January 2008 a pair of low-latitude opposite-polarity coronal holes (CHs) were observed on the Sun with two active regions (ARs) and the heliospheric plasma sheet located between them. We use the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) to locate AR-related outflows and measure their velocities. Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) imaging is also employed, as are the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) in-situ observations, to assess the resulting impacts on the solar wind (SW) properties. Magnetic-field extrapolations of the two ARs confirm that AR plasma outflows observed with EIS are co-spatial with quasi-separatrix layer locations, including the separatrix of a null point. Global potential-field source-surface modeling indicates that field lines in the vicinity of the null point extend up to the source surface, enabling a part of the EIS plasma upflows access to the SW. We find that similar upflow properties are also observed within closed-field regions that do not reach the source surface. We conclude that some of plasma upflows observed with EIS remain confined along closed coronal loops, but that a fraction of the plasma may be released into the slow SW. This suggests that ARs bordering coronal holes can contribute to the slow SW. Analyzing the in-situ data, we propose that the type of slow SW present depends on whether the AR is fully or partially enclosed by an overlying streamer. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    A Resource for Discovering Specific and Universal Biomarkers for Distributed Stem Cells

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    Specific and universal biomarkers for distributed stem cells (DSCs) have been elusive. A major barrier to discovery of such ideal DSC biomarkers is difficulty in obtaining DSCs in sufficient quantity and purity. To solve this problem, we used cell lines genetically engineered for conditional asymmetric self-renewal, the defining DSC property. In gene microarray analyses, we identified 85 genes whose expression is tightly asymmetric self-renewal associated (ASRA). The ASRA gene signature prescribed DSCs to undergo asymmetric self-renewal to a greater extent than committed progenitor cells, embryonic stem cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells. This delineation has several significant implications. These include: 1) providing experimental evidence that DSCs in vivo undergo asymmetric self-renewal as individual cells; 2) providing an explanation why earlier attempts to define a common gene expression signature for DSCs were unsuccessful; and 3) predicting that some ASRA proteins may be ideal biomarkers for DSCs. Indeed, two ASRA proteins, CXCR6 and BTG2, and two other related self-renewal pattern associated (SRPA) proteins identified in this gene resource, LGR5 and H2A.Z, display unique asymmetric patterns of expression that have a high potential for universal and specific DSC identification

    Characteristics of Mothers Caring for Children During Episodes of Homelessness

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    This study provides a description of the physical, psychological, and substance use problems of adult homeless women who are and are not caring for children. We also examined differences in the characteristics of these two groups of women. Interviews were conducted with 148 homeless women from three mid-sized U.S. cities, 24.3% of whom were caring for at least one child. Our results showed that women caring for children were more likely to be sheltered and have health insurance. Homeless women caring for children and solitary homeless women were generally similar in terms of substance abuse problems. However, rates of Borderline Personality Disorder were higher among women caring for children than among solitary homeless women. Our results are somewhat consistent with previous research, with the exception of substance abuse problems and mental health problems, which were shown to be equally problematic for all women, regardless of current caregiving status

    Epigenetic re-wiring of breast cancer by pharmacological targeting of C-terminal binding protein

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    The C-terminal binding protein (CtBP) is an NADH-dependent dimeric family of nuclear proteins that scaffold interactions between transcriptional regulators and chromatin-modifying complexes. Its association with poor survival in several cancers implicates CtBP as a promising target for pharmacological intervention. We employed computer-assisted drug design to search for CtBP inhibitors, using quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) modeling and docking. Functional screening of these drugs identified 4 compounds with low toxicity and high water solubility. Micro molar concentrations of these CtBP inhibitors produces significant de-repression of epigenetically silenced pro-epithelial genes, preferentially in the triple-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. This epigenetic reprogramming occurs through eviction of CtBP from gene promoters; disrupted recruitment of chromatin-modifying protein complexes containing LSD1, and HDAC1; and re-wiring of activating histone marks at targeted genes. In functional assays, CtBP inhibition disrupts CtBP dimerization, decreases cell migration, abolishes cellular invasion, and improves DNA repair. Combinatorial use of CtBP inhibitors with the LSD1 inhibitor pargyline has synergistic influence. Finally, integrated correlation of gene expression in breast cancer patients with nuclear levels of CtBP1 and LSD1, reveals new potential therapeutic vulnerabilities. These findings implicate a broad role for this class of compounds in strategies for epigenetically targeted therapeutic intervention