2,756 research outputs found

    Generalized Voxel Coloring

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    Image-based reconstruction from randomly scattered views is a challenging problem. We present a new algorithm that extends Seitz and Dyer’s Voxel Coloring algorithm. Unlike their algorithm, ours can use images from arbitrary camera locations. The key problem in this class of algorithms is that of identifying the images from which a voxel is visible. Unlike Kutulakos and Seitz’s Space Carving technique, our algorithm solves this problem exactly and the resulting reconstructions yield better results in our application, which is synthesizing new views. One variation of our algorithm minimizes color consistency comparisons; another uses less memory and can be accelerated with graphics hardware. We present efficiency measurements and, for comparison, we present images synthesized using our algorithm and Space Carving

    Volumetric Warping for Voxel Coloring on an Infinite Domain

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    Starting with a set of calibrated photographs taken of a scene, voxel coloring algorithms reconstruct three-dimensional surface models on a finite spatial domain. In this paper, we present a method that warps the voxel space, so that the domain of the reconstruction extends to an infinite or semi-infinite volume. Doing so enables the reconstruction of objects far away from the cameras, as well as reconstruction of a background environment. New views synthesized using the warped voxel space have improved photo-realism

    Soybean and alfalfa hays for wintering pregnant ewes

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    Since the soybean acreage has increased in Iowa and the Corn Belt, the determination of the economic feeding value of this plant deserves attention. Alfalfa and clover have long been considered good legume hays for sheep. Because of the increase in soybean production, which involves a greater volume of soybean hay, the question naturally arises as to how this legume hay compares in feeding value with clover and alfalfa. With this question in mind four lots of pregnant ewes were experimentally fed on soybean and alfalfa hays and certain combinations of these two hays. The results secured are reported herein

    Reliability and Validity of the Thematic Apperception Test Scored by the Discomfort-Relief Quotient

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate scorer reliability of the Discomfort-Relief Quotient (DRQ) method of scoring applied to the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). A second aim was to investigate some of the interrelationships between Tension, as measured by DRQ, and (1) Grade Point Averages, (2) Number of Quarters spent at CWCE, (3) Practice Teaching Ratings, and (4) First-Year Teaching success

    Preparation of corn for yearling brood sows

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    Ear corn and shelled corn proved more efficient than ground ear corn or corn meal for wintering brood sows. This was the result obtained where four groups of 10 sows each received salt (self-fed), and three-fifths of a pound per head daily of a mixture of linseed oilmeal, tankage and wheat middlings, in addition to one of the following: ear corn, shelled corn, corn and cob meal, or ground corn. The differences in gains from the various kinds of corn preparation were not great. Hence, the objection to grinding the corn lies in the cost. Ground shelled corn proved especially costly

    Dried buttermilk for growing and fattening pigs

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    The objects of this experiment were to determine the comparative value and efficiency of meat meal tankage, dried buttermilk and various combinations of these feeds on health, gains, feed requirements, water consumption, time required to reach 225 pounds average weight and other factors, when these protein feeds were self-fed along with shelled corn to growing and fattening pigs in dry lots. The pigs used in this test were very uniform in age, weight and breeding. They were all sired by the same purebred Hampshire boar and were out of either related purebred or very high grade Hampshire sows. The pigs were selected from four litters

    Roughages for fattening two-year-old steers

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    The relative values of different roughages in the winter fattening of two-year-old steers when shelled corn, full-fed, cottonseed meal and salt are allowed, as well as the advisability of limiting the grain fed in a corn silage-alfalfa hay-salt ration are the themes of the experiment covered in this bulletin. How does corn fodder compare in feeding value with corn silage? What are the comparative feeding values of red clover and alfalfa hays? Will timothy and oat straw supply the steers\u27 needs economically when this roughage is balanced with a liberal allowance of cottonseed meal fed with the corn grain and salt? How does mixed timothy-clover hay rank alongside the pure red clover? Can one finish two-year-old. cattle with profit by using corn silage, alfalfa hay and salt without extra grain? These are some of the questions this research throws light upon
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