279 research outputs found


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    Romania’s highways are standing ahead of considerably high investments. In the last few decades thetransport infrastructure has been pushed into the background due to lack of financial support. The 21st Centuryhas brought important breakthroughs in the building of highways. In the report on global risks in 2013published by WEF (World Economic Forum) the "The prolonged neglect of infrastructure" is being consideredsuch a risk. Our study focuses on the construction works that have been carried out in the Central, North-Western and Western regions of Romania. The highways of the above mentioned regions will be analysed basedon three main points of focus: highways that have already been built, highways currently under construction andhighways that are planned to be built. The aim is to present and compare the 3 regions’ highway infrastructure,determination of an approximate end date for the highways that are currently under construction. It has beenconcluded, that until 2013 the construction work on segments funded by the EU progressed much faster, than theones funded by the government. The results of the study refer to how soon could the construction works reach anend on segments currently in progress

    A corneális stromahomály (haze) kialakulásának biokémiai háttere fotorefraktív lézerkezelést követően = Biochemical background of corneal stromal opacification (haze) after photorefractive laser-treatment

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    Napjainkban a szem fénytörési hibáinak lézerrel történő sebészeti korrekciója folyamatosan növekszik. A corneális refraktív sebészeti eljárások biztonságos beavatkozások, komplikációk kis százalékban fordulnak elő, ám ezek egészséges szemeket érintenek. Biokémiai tanulmányok támasztják alá a könny összetételének jelentőségét a corneális sebgyógyulási folyamatokban, melyet a plazminogén aktivátor / plazmin rendszer, valamint aktivált keratociták rendszere szabályoz - aktivátorok és inhibitorok útján. Munkánk során a könny plazminogén aktivátor (PA) aktivitását, valamint plazminogén aktivátor inhibitor (PAI) szintjét vizsgáltuk fotorefraktív keratektómia (PRK) és lézer "in situ" keratomileusis (LASIK) során, kromogén szubsztrát (PA) és ELISA (PAI) technikával. Állatkísérletben tanulmányoztuk a PA génszintű szabályozását qPCR technika segítségével. Eredményeink szerint a PAI-2 antigén szintje mind PRK mind LASIK kezelést követően emelkedett, mely várhatóan befolyásolja a PA ? plazmin rendszer működését. Génszintű vizsgálatunk a sebgyógyulás előrehaladtával korreláló PA mRNS "up-regulációt" mutatott. Eredményeink alapján a két műtéti típus esetében észlelt hasonló enzimszint-változások, a corneális sebgyógyulási folyamatok hasonló enzimatikus válaszreakcióját valószínűsítik. A magas preoperatív PAI-2 szint, mely tanulmányunkban PRK-t követően corneális stromahomály kialakulásához vezetett, prediszpoziciós faktor vagy oki tényező lehet. | Excimer laser surgery procedures are performed in an increasing number year by year to correct refractive errors of the eye. These surgical interventions are safe, complications are rare, but if they occur, they affect otherwise healthy eyes. Biochemical studies identified numerous molecules - normally found in the tearfilm - which play an important role in the corneal wound healing processes. These processes are in part regulated by the plasminogen activator /plasmin system and by activated keratocytes via their own activators and inhibitors. In our project the activity of tear plasminogen activator (PA) and the level of PA inhibitor (PAI) were examined with chromogen substrate and ELISA techniques, respectively, after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser "in situ" keratomileusis (LASIK). The regulation of PA at the mRNA level has been studied in an animal model by qPCR. In our results, the level of PAI-2 antigen increased both after PRK and LASIK, which is expected to have influence on the functioning of the PA/plasmin system. Our qPCR study showed an increasing ?up-regulation? of the PA mRNA during the studied period of wound healing. Our results showed similar enzyme level changes after both types of surgery which renders probable similar corneal wound healing processes. The high level of preoperative PAI-2 - which in our model has lead to the development of corneal stromal haze after PRK - seems to be a predisposing factor or causal modulus

    Projected Motorway Construction in the Central and North-Western Regions of Romania between 2013-2021

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    Romania’s highways and expressways are standing ahead of considerably high investments. The 21st Century has brought important breakthroughs in the building of highways and expressways. Our study focuses on the construction works that have been carried out in the Central and North-Western regions of Romania. The aim of this paper is presenting the two regions’ motorways as compared to the national average, determination of an approximate end date for the highways that are currently under construction, as well as a comparative study of the works planned to be carried out between 2013-2021 as compared to the ones planned between the years 2004-2012. It has been proven that highways in these two regions have been built using mainly state funds, thus these works are progressing slowly due to lack of consistent funding. The results of this study also relate to how fast the construction works will be finished on parts where construction has already begun, as well as whether construction works will be conducted in a higher pace than the ones between 2004 and 2012

    Strategic repositioning of the United States in the 21st century: Is there a ‘Trump doctrine’ on the horizon?

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    The core interests, strategic guidelines of the United States and the priorities of the American president are also elaborated and expressed in the key documents of national security and defense strategy, which are accurately scrutinized and analyzed both by the allied and rival, challenging powers of the United States. Following the rather passive and restrained interest assertion of the Obama administration’s foreign and security policies, the incumbent Trump presidency tends to show more power, resoluteness as well as quite unpredictable measures and controversial strategic framework in the ever-changing arena of international affairs. Many analysts claim that the new American administration tends to focus primarily on preserving the relative American economic and absolute military primacy, and the global status quo without any clear future vision, strategic set of objectives that would be desirable from a super-power. A question quite frequently emerges whether a Trump-doctrine is due to get into shape or it is rather totally out of scope for the time being

    Könny plasminogen aktivátor szint változás, photorefraktiv excimer laser (PRK) kezelést követően = Changes of plasminogen activator activity in tears after excimer laser (PRK) treatment

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    A korneális törőerő megváltoztatására végzett fotorefraktív keratektómiák (PRK) száma évről évre nő. Komplikációk kis számban fordulnak elő, ám ezek egészséges szemeket érintenek. Az urokináz-típusú plazminogén aktivátor (uPA) döntő szerepet játszik a korneális sebgyógyulás biokémiai folyamatában. Célunk volt, hogy vizsgáljuk az uPA változást a könnyben PRK után a sebgyógyulás folyamán. A könnymintákat PRK kezelés előtt és után gyűjtöttük. Páciensek mindkét, állataink egyik szemét kezeltük antibiotikummal (AB). Első állatkísérletünkben az ellenoldali szemeket szerin proteináz inhibitorral (SPI) kezeltük, az uPA szint szupresszálására. Második kísérletünkben az ellenoldali szemeket AB mellé adott uPA-val kezeltük. Az összes szem kezelése AB-al történt a 7. nap után. Az uPA meghatározása spektrofotometriával történt, mely alacsonyabb volt a preoperatív értéknél a kezelést közvetlenül követően. Normál sebgyógyulás esetén szignifikáns uPA emelkedést mértünk a második és a harmadik posztoperatív napokon. Ezzel szemben a könny uPA szintje alacsony maradt a 3. posztoperatív napon azon esetekben, amikor haze alakult ki a későbbiekben. Az összes SPI ?al szupresszált szem esetében haze alakult ki, még nem volt észlelhető egyik uPA-val kezelt esetben sem. A korai posztoperatív időszakban mért alacsony könny uPA szint korrelált a haze kialakulásával a későbbiekben. Az uPA szemcseppként történő alkalmazása a korai posztoperatív időszakban egy lehetséges terápia a haze megelőzésére. | Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is performed in increasing numbers on healthy eyes. Complications due to abnormal wound healing (haze). Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) plays a critical role in the biochemical wounding and is present in tears. Our aim was to investigate the changes of uPA in tears after PRK. The human eyes and one eye of each rabbit were treated with antibiotic eyedrops (AB). In a set of experiments, the contralateral eyes were treated with a serine protease inhibitor (SPI) to suppress uPA. In another experiment, the contralateral eyes of rabbits were treated with additional uPA. All eyes were treated equally with AB from the seventh day. The tears uPA activity was measured. uPA were lower immediately after PRK than the preoperative values. For the eyes with normal wound healing, the uPA were significantly elevated above the preoperative level on the second or third postoperative day and then returned to the preoperative level. In contrast, tear uPA remained low through the third postoperative day in all cases that developed haze later. Haze developed in all rabbit eyes where uPA was suppressed with SPI. No haze developed in rabbit eyes treated with uPA. In humans and rabbits, prolonged depletion of uPA in the few days following PRK correlates with a later occurrence of haze. Providing uPA in the form of eyedrops during the first few days of wound healing activity is a novel suggestion as a therapeutic remedy to prevent or reduce haze formation

    Új Idők Új Hadviselése - Kognitív biztonság az információs és a kiberhadviselés korában

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    Az Egyesült Államok helye a világban az új amerikai biztonsági és védelmi stratégiák tükrében

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    The United States, led by Donald J. Trump tends to redefine her role and primary economic, political as well as military interests and position in the multi-polar international arena through the principles and strategies elaborated and projected in the key governmental documents of National Security and National Defense Strategy. The priority topics and potential threats elaborated and outlined by the national security strategy define and affect the primary political, economic as well as security policies, while the more pragmatic and defense-oriented national defense strategy tends to focus rather on strategies and tactical operations dealing with global military and security challenges for America. The United States is forced to find proper answers for the increasing economic, technologic as well as military challenges posed by the rising new powers of the multipolar arena, nevertheless the global hazards and problems must be appropriatelly tackled with, to