112 research outputs found

    The carbon footprint and water footprint of marinas in the Canary Islands (Spain)

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    Máster Universitario en Desarrollo RegionalThe Canary Islands have a great maritime tradition and there are many ports along their coast. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact on the environment of the leisure ports by carbon and water footprints. A survey with questions that attempt to address the three scopes of the carbon footprint was developed. The data were converted into tons of CO2 equivalent, and the amount of greenhouse gases produced by the marinas studied was obtainedEn las Islas Canarias existe una larga tradición marítima y los puertos a lo largo de su costa tienen una presencia significativa. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el impacto en el medio ambiente de los puertos de ocio a partir de la evaluación de las huellas de carbono y agua. Se ha diseñado una encuesta con cuestiones que abordan los tres alcances de la huella de carbono. La información disponible se ha expresado en términos de toneladas de CO2 equivalente con objeto de evaluar los gases de efecto invernadero emitidos por los puertos deportivos estudiado

    Maritime Climate in the Canary Islands and its Implications for the Construction of Coastal Infrastructures

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    Islands are isolated systems that depend on maritime trade for their subsistence. Efficient, durable and structurally reliable port infrastructures are essential for the economic and social development of islands. However, not all port infrastructures are designed in the same way. They can vary, depending on whether they are built on continental land, built on non-volcanic islands or built on volcanic oceanic islands (such as the Canary Islands, Spain). The latter islands are the subject of this study due to their specific features, construction difficulties and the importance of sound maritime infrastructures. The maritime climate of an area consists of the wave and storm regimes that affect it and, from these, the coastal dynamics and coastal formations of that area can be studied. For this reason, historical data were collated on significant directional wave heights from 1958 to 2015 from several WANA-SIMAR points in the virtual buoy network of State Ports of Spain located near the Canary Islands. These data have been studied to obtain the maximum directional wave heights (Hs) at each point. With this analysis, we have obtained useful summary tables to calculate wave height by a graphic method that transforms the distribution function into a line drawn on probabilistic paper, using reduced variables. This enables adjustments to be made by linear regression and minimum square methods to facilitate planning and design of maritime infrastructures in a reliable way. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-01-02 Full Text: PD

    Propiedades de las rocas volcánicas de Canarias (España) utilizadas como material de escollera

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    In the Canary Islands, there is a wide spectrum of volcanic rocks with different properties to be used in public works. The aim of this study is to analyse the physical-mechanical properties of all the volcanic rocks present in the Canary Island archipelago in order to determine their suitability for use in maritime construction works. The great variety of volcanic rocks present on the islands have been grouped into lithotypes based on similar geo-mechanical behaviour. The laboratory test results obtained for these lithotypes establish their suitability or not to be used as breakwater material in accordance with Spanish regulations.En el archipiélago canario existe un amplio espectro de rocas volcánicas con diferentes propiedades para ser utilizadas en obras públicas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de todas las rocas volcánicas presentes en el archipiélago canario con el fin de determinar su idoneidad para ser utilizadas en obras de construcción marítima. La gran variedad de rocas volcánicas presentes en las islas, se han agrupado en litotipos basados en un comportamiento geomecánico similar. Los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio obtenidos para estos litotipos establecen su idoneidad o no para ser utilizados como material de escollera de acuerdo con la normativa española

    Parental Stress and Family Quality of Life: Surveying Family Members of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

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    [EN] Background. This study assesses the quality of life in families with a member with an intellectual disability using the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response framework. Methods. The study included 515 Spanish participants whose family members with disabilities range in age from infancy to adulthood. We hypothesized that it is possible to predict parenting stress by paying attention to the meaning families give to themselves and their circumstances while controlling for the impact of other variables such as family capabilities and characteristics of the family member with disabilities. We used the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale and the section on Exceptional needs of medical and behavioral support from the Supports Intensity Scale, together with other potential predictors. The subscale on parental stress from the Parenting Stress Index–Short Form was utilized as a criterion measure. Results. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that 49% of parental stress was predicted by dysfunctional interaction, difficult behaviors, low emotional wellbeing, poor family interaction, as well as kinship as parents, and the severity of both the medical needs and intellectual disability. Conclusions. The stress experienced by those families is mostly predicted by the meaning they give to themselves and their circumstances. Implications of these findings for service delivery are discussed

    Evolución temporal de los diseños de grandes presas en Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias)

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    The usefulness of ensuring the irrigation of their lands, made the farmers ask the engineers to draw up projects for large dams on the island of Gran Canaria, and more than 300 walls were designed between 1862 and 1980: a figure more than sufficient to gauge the importance of what was built during the water battle (79 large dams on 1,558 km²). From the rationalism of the first decades, with some very daring projects in the 30’s, functional pragmatism was imposed in the 50’s. In the 60’s, Dam Surveillance noted a certain technical lag with the dams of peninsular Spain. Not only in design criteria, but also in terms of materials, means and construction techniques, which led to new designs of large dams and materials in the 1970s. Thus, in these lines we intend to sketch briefly, then, the temporal evolution of the design, with special attention to the expressive power of the innovative projects.La utilidad de asegurar el riego de sus terrenos hizo que los agricultores encargaran a los ingenieros redactar proyectos de grandes presas en la isla de Gran Canaria, llegándose a diseñar más de 300 muros entre 1862 y 1980, cifra ésta más que suficiente para calibrar la importancia de lo construido durante la batalla del agua (79 grandes presas en 1.558 km²). Del racionalismo de las primeras décadas, con algunos proyectos muy atrevidos en los años 30, se impuso luego el pragmatismo funcional en los 50. Vigilancia de Presas constató en los 60 cierto retraso técnico con las presas de la España peninsular. No sólo en criterios de diseño, sino también en lo que se refiere a los materiales, medios y técnicas constructivas, lo que derivó en nuevos diseños de grandes presas y materiales en los 70. De este modo, en estas líneas pretendemos dibujar someramente, pues, la evolución temporal de lo diseñado, con especial atención a la potencia expresiva de los proyectos innovadores

    Cyberbullying among adults with intellectual disabilities: Some preliminary data

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    [EN]Background. Recent studies show that youth with disabilities are at risk of experiencing cyberbullying. Nevertheless, the nature of this phenomenon among adults with intellectual disabilities has not been investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the frequency and characteristics of cyberbullying and its correlates in individuals with intellectual disabilities attending training centers for adults with intellectual disabilities. Methods and Procedures. A convenience sample of 269 participants (54.3% men and 35.7% women), aged 18 to 40 years was recruited from Chile (14.1%), Mexico (32%), and Spain (53.9%). Results. The findings showed that 15.2% have been cyberbullied and 8.6% are currently being cyberbullied. Being different was the main reason (97.7%) for being cyberbullied. The behaviors happen in educational settings (46.67%), leisure/free time activities (31.11%), and associations for people with disabilities (15.56%). Verbal aggressions (74.53%) were the most common cyberbullying behaviors. Those who were cyberbullied reported more inadequate use of mobile phone and Internet, as well as more unhealthy behaviors and depressive mood. Conclusions and implications. These findings support the need for further studies on adults with intellectual disabilities, as well as the need for implementing primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs