1,119 research outputs found

    Promozione del sistema dei poli di innovazione nello spazio web: analisi dei contenuti e delle reti di relazioni virtuali

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    Nel progetto di analisi e modellizzazione del sistema regionale dei poli di innovazione in Toscana (www.poliinnovazione.unimore.it), abbiamo esaminato in modo sistematico le informazioni disponibili nei siti web dei poli con due obiettivi: (i) analizzare la varietà di linguaggio e di contenuti che caratterizzano i poli nella loro attività on line; (ii) verificare in che misura i poli facciano riferimento agli stessi enti, imprese, organizzazioni, progetti e, tra questi, alle organizzazioni/o attività direttamente collegate al polo (come ad esempio i soggetti gestori dei poli laboratori, gli incubatori, gli aderenti). Questo articolo presenta nella prima parte l'analisi linguistica dei siti web prodotti dai poli di innovazione ed ha lo scopo di fornire un insieme di variabili per la valutazione delle loro strategie di promozione. Il metro di valutazione principale è l'individuazione della fonte dei materiali pubblicati online dai singoli poli (materiali originali vs. materiali prodotti da terzi), che è stato usato come indicatore del livello di partecipazione di ogni singolo polo nelle strategie di promozione delle proprie attività. Si è quindi cercato di quantificare il livello di coinvolgimento che ogni polo ha espresso – nel proprio sito web – attraverso la pubblicazione di testi. L'analisi è stata condotta utilizzando la metodologia di linguistica dei corpora al fine di svolgere un'indagine sia quantitativa sia qualitativa (simile alla metodologia nota come CADS), ed è stata effettuata prendendo in esame 24 termini relativi ai concetti di innovazione e sviluppo, all'interno dei contenuti web pubblicati dai poli di innovazione (azienda, aziende, centri, collaborazione, conoscenze, finanziamenti, gestione, gestore, impresa, imprese, industriale, innovazione, poli, polo, processi, progetti, progetto, ricerca, servizi, servizio, sviluppo, tecnologia, tecnologie, territorio). Attraverso la valutazione dell'utilizzo dei 24 termini all'interno dei testi web, l'analisi ha evidenziato come le nozioni di innovazione e sviluppo vengano costruite dai singoli poli in termini sia di significato, sia di connotazione. Oltre all'analisi linguistica, l'analisi dei testi web ha consentito anche di individuare in maniera puntuale i domini principali e i link completi citati nei siti web dei poli. Adottando una prospettiva di analisi delle reti di relazioni, con queste informazioni sulle reti virtuali abbiamo analizzato due questioni rilevanti per la modellizzazione del sistema dei poli di innovazione: attraverso le citazioni dei domini principali mettiamo in evidenza in che misura i siti web i poli hanno comunicato le connessioni tra di loro e con i soggetti attivi nel trasferimento tecnologico; attraverso l'analisi dei link completi presenti nei siti web dei singoli poli possiamo individuare in che misura i poli fanno riferimento allo stesso spazio di informazioni. La presentazione è strutturata come segue: nella sezione 1 vengono presentati i dati, gli strumenti e la metodologia utilizzata nell'analisi linguistica; nella sezione 2 viene presentata l'analisi linguistica dei 24 termini selezionati ; nella sezione 3 sono analizzate le reti di relazioni virtuali, la sezione 4 conclude. L'appendice 1 presenta i dettagli tecnici sulla raccolta e successiva pulizia dei dati; l'appendice 2 contiene la lista dei principali link completi presenti all'interno dei siti dei poli presi in esame

    Effect of supervisor-subordinate Guanxi on employees work behavior: An empirical dynamic framework

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    Recently, the Chinese concept of guanxi (networks or business relationships) has drawn considerable attention and inspired researchers to explore its prevalence in diverse cultures. Accordingly, we examined the direct link between supervisor-subordinate guanxi and employee work behaviors (innovative work behavior and work engagement) by investigating the moderating effect of trust in the supervisor and the mediating effect of psychological empowerment. We collected data randomly from 510 employees (383 subordinates and 127 supervisors) working in China's manufacturing industry. The PROCESS macros operationalize the study constructs to test the presence of moderated mediation. All the hypothesized relationships are supported except the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the supervisor-subordinate guanxi and innovative work behavior relationships. The findings demonstrated that trust in supervisors strengthens the supervisor-subordinate guanxi's direct effect on psychological empowerment and its indirect impact on employees’ work behaviors. To promote positive employees and work behaviors, organizations can develop supervisor-subordinate guanxi that supports organizational goals

    Enhancing the Performance of Healthcare Organizations: An Applied Analysis of Digital Technologies and Sustainability

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    Over the last two decades, scholars attempted to implement models to evaluate the effectiveness of digital technologies management in healthcare organizations balanced by its compliance with sustainability. However, a managerial framework for assessing digital technologies’ contribution to healthcare organizations’ performance is still lacking. Evidence-based research on digital and mobile technologies applied in the daily life environments of people over 65 in Italy has been implemented. Results were investigated by a) SWOT analysis and b) identifying the key performance indicators to evaluate the performance of healthcare organizations by following the implementation of digital technologies in healthcare processes in a sustainable perspective. The analysis reveals that some weaknesses can be overcome (e.g., the availability of GPs to be involved in the enrollment of the patients) while others cannot (e.g., systematic limitations of digital methodologies). At the same time, some threats can be tackled (e.g., users’ and operators’ difficulty adapting to technological developments) while others can only approximately be solved. Evidenced key performance indicators can be leveraged to carry out standardized assessments related to the digital practices implemented by healthcare organizations to achieve a fully developed sustainable relational ecosystem and generate a more efficient and effective healthcare organization system

    First data on the repellent activity of essential oils of Citrus limon towards medfly (Ceratitis capitata)

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    The biological activity of peel essential oils of two Sicilian cultivars of C. limon, ‘Interdonato’ and ‘Lunario’, was investigated by electrophysiological recordings (EAG) and field trials on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae). The EAG data showed a remarkable dose-response relationship and a low activation threshold dose (10-3M) for both essential oil extracts. In field tests, essential oils showed a good repellent and antiovipositional activi- ty on ‘Navelina’ oranges, and in particular the essential oils of ‘Lunario’ pro- vided the same results of kaolin. Potential applications of essential oils from C. limon cultivars against C. capitata in organic farming are discussed

    An Exploratory Study of User Perceptions of Payment Methods in the UK and the US

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    This paper presents the design and the results of a cross-cultural study of user perceptions and attitudes toward electronic payment methods. We conduct a series of semi-structured interviews involving forty participants (20 in London, UK, and 20 in Manhattan, KS, USA) to explore how individuals use the mechanisms available to them within their routine payment and banking activities. We also study their comprehension of payment processes, the perceived effort and impact of using different methods, as well as direct or indirect recollections of (suspected or actual) fraud and related interactions with banks and retailers. By comparing UK and US participants, we also elicit commonalities and differences that may help better understand, if not predict, attitudes of US customers once technologies like Chip-and-PIN are rolled out – for instance, several US participants were confused by how to use it, while UK participants found it convenient. Our results show that purchasing habits as well as the availability of rewards schemes are primary criteria influencing choices relating to payment technologies, and that inconsistencies, glitches, and other difficulties with newer technologies generate frustration sometimes leading to complete avoidance of new payment methods

    Biological activity of metabolites extracted from Citrus spp. on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most injurious pest at global level. During the last years, several electrophysiological and behavioural studies have been carried out in order to investigate plant volatile compound-insect interactions with the aim to use this knowledge in sustainable control techniques. It has been observed that lemons are not attacked by medfly, probably because of the peel oil, that is toxic to other fruit flies. In the present paper electrophysiological recordings were conducted to evaluate the insect sensitivity to peel extract and peel oil of two Sicilian cultivars (Interdonato and Lunario) of Citrus x limon (L.) Burm.f. on C. capitata females. Behavioural bioassays were also performed to show their possible biological activity (repellent, antioviposition, insecticidal). C. limon peel extracts in different solvents (petroleum ether, dichloromethane and methanol) were investigated at various concentrations using a single cell recording technique (stimulation of tarsal taste chemosensilla). Different tarsal taste cell responses to the two cultivars were recorded. The higher sensitivity was evoked by C. limon Interdonato, particularly to the methanol extract, which elicited significant increases in the spike frequency at increasing concentrations. The peel oil of the same cultivars as well as that ones of other two C. limon varieties (Monachello and Femminello) have been tested by EAG techniques. The EAG data showed a high sensitivity (about -8.0/8.5mV) of the medfly antennae to the oils of Citrus spp. and a clear dose-response relationship. Responses of adult females (virgin and mated) to Citrus spp. peel extract were quantified in a double-choice test using yellow spheres (diameter 7.0cm) housed in field cages. Preliminary tests conducted on three extracts of C. limon Interdonato and Lunario have provided interesting results. It was recorded a general decrease of the oviposition on treated spheres compared to control and in the case of the cultivar Lunario, a mortality of insects

    Fibrinogen-elongated Chain Inhibits Thrombin-induced Platelet Response, Hindering the Interaction with Different Receptors

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    The expression of the elongated fibrinogen γ chain, termed γ′, derives from alternative splicing of mRNA and causes an insertion sequence of 20 amino acids. This insertion domain interacts with the anion-binding exosite (ABE)-II of thrombin. This study investigated whether and how γ′ chain binding to ABE-II affects thrombin interaction with its platelet receptors, i.e. glycoprotein Ibα (GpIbα), protease-activated receptor (PAR) 1, and PAR4. Both synthetic γ′ peptide and fibrinogen fragment D*, containing the elongated γ′ chain, inhibited thrombin-induced platelet aggregation up to 70%, with IC50 values of 42 ± 3.5 and 0.47 ± 0.03 μm, respectively. Solid-phase binding and spectrofluorimetric assays showed that both fragment D* and the synthetic γ′ peptide specifically bind to thrombin ABE-II and competitively inhibit the thrombin binding to GpIbα with a mean Ki ≈ 0.5 and ≈35 μm, respectively. Both these γ′ chain-containing ligands allosterically inhibited thrombin cleavage of a synthetic PAR1 peptide, of native PAR1 molecules on intact platelets, and of the synthetic chromogenic peptide d-Phe-pipecolyl-Arg-p-nitroanilide. PAR4 cleavage was unaffected. In summary, fibrinogen γ′ chain binds with high affinity to thrombin and inhibits with combined mechanisms the platelet response to thrombin. Thus, its variations in vivo may affect the hemostatic balance in arterial circulation

    When information about one’s counterpart matters:Prevention focus increases the impact of counterpart cues on negotiation behavior

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    Purpose: To avoid (costly) conflict, it is imperative to uncover when negotiators cooperate. The previous study has shown that negotiators’ cooperative or competitive behavior is oftentimes guided by cues about their counterpart; information about his/her traits or behavior. Using regulatory focus theory, this paper aims to investigate when this is likely to happen. The authors hypothesize and test that because prevention focus (rather than promotion focus) is associated with concerns for safety and concrete surroundings, it strengthens the impact of counterpart cues. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used two scenario studies and one behavioral negotiation study to test the general hypothesis. The authors measured or manipulated participants’ regulatory focus, manipulated counterpart cues by varying the information negotiators received about their counterpart’s traits and behavior, and measured participants’ cooperative or competitive concession making behavior. Findings: Results from the studies confirmed that under prevention focus, negotiators’ cooperative behavior depended on whether they received cooperative versus competitive counterpart cues more than under promotion focus. Furthermore, results also showed that under prevention focus, negotiators’ behavior was relatively unaffected by their own social motivation – i.e. their personal goal to obtain favorable outcomes for oneself or for both negotiation parties. Originality/value: By showing that regulatory focus determines when counterpart cues affect negotiation behavior, this paper furthers the understanding of when contextual factors affect negotiators' behavior. In addition, it contributes to the understanding of the complex effects of prevention focus in interpersonal behavior