36 research outputs found

    Iracema... de Bodanzky e Senna: uma ficção pouco comportada

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    A ecologia na televisão: o que se espera da TV pública?

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    Este trabalho pretende colaborar na discussão sobre a responsabilidade da televisão pública na educação ambiental. Para tanto examina o programa Repórter Eco com a finalidade de investigar as regularidades e convenções presentes na abordagem da temática ecológica. Com base nos críticos da mídia e em autores preocupados com os aspectos políticos do discurso ambientalista, como Leff e Latour, busca-se repensar a função educativa da televisão pública no país em relação ao meio ambiente.This paper intends to present a contribution to the discussion on the responsibility of public television in environmental education. Therefore it examines the Echo Reporter show, investigating the regularities and conventions present in the approach to the ecological theme. Based on media critics and authors concerned with the political aspects of environmental discourse, as Leff and Latour, we seek to rethink the educational function of public television in the country in relation to the environment

    Systemic inflammation and experimental cancer in a murine model

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    La asociación entre cáncer e inflamación en un órgano o tejido se encuentra sólidamente establecida. En efecto, se sabe que en sitios de inflamación crónica, existe una mayor probabilidad de que se origine un tumor y que procesos inflamatorios locales pueden acelerar el crecimiento de tumores preexistentes en animales y seres humanos. Por otro lado, la relación entre cáncer e inflamación sistémica ha sido menos estudiada. En este trabajo, demostramos que el crecimiento de un fibrosarcoma de ratón (MC-C) fue acompa­ñado por inflamación sistémica, evidenciada por neutrofilia y por un aumento de la concentración sé rica de las citoquinas pro-inflamatorias interleuquina-1b (IL-1b), interleuquina-6 (IL-6) y factor de necrosis tumoral-a (TNF­- a) y de las proteínas de fase aguda C reactiva (CRP) y A amieloide (SAA). Hubo un pico de estas moléculas poco después de la inoculación del tumor, que cayó a valores normales después de la primera semana, para luego comenzar a incrementarse progresivamente en función del tamaño tumoral. Una variación similar fue vis­ta en el porcentaje de neutrófilos polimorfonucleares (PMN) circulantes. En ratones portadores de tumores grandes la mayoría de los PMN exhibían activación evidenciada por aumento en la generación de especies reactivas del oxígeno y alta expresión de [os marcadores Gr1+/Mac1+. La inoculación de tioglicolato, que produce una inflamación sistemática transitoria, aceleró el crecimiento de MC-C, mientras que el tratamiento anti-inflamatorio con indometacina revirtió ese efecto. Esto sugiere que MC-C podría utilizar el fenómeno de inflamación sistémica que genera por sí mismo, como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento.The link between cancer and inflammation in an organ or tissue has firmly been established on the basis that cancer tends to occur at sites of chronic inflammation and that local inflammatory processes can accelerate the growth of preexisting tumors in both animals and human beings. In contrast, the relationship between cancer and systemic inflammation has been less studied. In this work, we demonstrated that the growth of the murine fibrosarcoma MC-C, was accompanied by manifestations of systemic inflammation, as demonstrated by an increase in both the number of circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and the serum concentration of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and the acute phase proteins C reactive (CRP) and serum A amyloid (SAA). Two temporally separate peaks of systemic inflammation were detected during tumor development. The first was displayed during the first week after tumor inoculation. The second peak began around day 14 and its intensity was proportional to tumor size. In mice bearing a large MC-C tumor, a high number of circulating PMN and myeloid precursors were evident. Most of these cells exhibited activation evidenced by an increased reactive oxygen species generation and high expression of the Gr1+/Mac1+ markers. Inoculation of thioglycolate -which generates a transient systemic inflammation- accelerated the growth of MC-C tumor and reciprocally, inhibition of such systemic inflammation by using indomethacin, prevented that enhancing effect. This suggests that the systemic inflammation that the tumor generates on its own, could be part of its growth strategy.Fil: Bruzzo Iraola, Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Chiarella, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Gabriela Cristina. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bustuoabad, Oscar David. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; ArgentinaFil: Ruggiero, Raul Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Hematológicas "Mariano R. Castex"; Argentin

    O desenvolvimento sustentável nas imagens do Repórter Eco: o projeto Baru como modelo

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    Este trabalho discute a idéia de desenvolvimento sustentável veiculada emum programa de televisão, o Repórter Eco – TV Cultura. Tendo em vistaa importância de observar o modo como informações ecológicas sãoapresentadas na mídia, selecionamos sete edições do referido programapara analisar em profundidade algumas de suas reportagens. Neste texto,apresentaremos a análise de uma reportagem que trata do manejosustentável do baru, uma árvore típica do Cerrado e que serviu deinspiração para o nome de um projeto de manejo sustentável da região doentorno do município de Goiânia, GO. Verificamos que a reportagemsobre o Projeto Baru não ressalta as contradições existentes entre asdiferentes posições relativas à conservação dos recursos naturais, nempolemiza o desenvolvimento sustentável em face da atividade coletora

    O desenvolvimento sustentável nas imagens do repórter eco: o projeto Baru como modelo

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    Este trabalho discute a idéia de desenvolvimento sustentável veiculada em um programa de televisão, o Repórter Eco - TV Cultura. Tendo em vista a importância de observar o modo como informações ecológicas são apresentadas na mídia, selecionamos sete edições do referido programa para analisar em profundidade algumas de suas reportagens. Neste texto, apresentaremos a análise de uma reportagem que trata do manejo sustentável do baru, uma árvore típica do Cerrado e que serviu de inspiração para o nome de um projeto de manejo sustentável da região do entorno do município de Goiânia, GO. Verificamos que a reportagem sobre o Projeto Baru não ressalta as contradições existentes entre as diferentes posições relativas à conservação dos recursos naturais, nem polemiza o desenvolvimento sustentável em face da atividade coletora.This work reflects on the idea of sustainable development as it is transmitted in the TV series Repórter Eco - TV Cultura Network. Considering the importance of paying attention to how ecological news is presented by the media, we have selected seven editions of the series in order to analyze some of their reportings in depth. In this text, we will show an analysis of a reporting that deals with sustainable manipulation of baru, a typical tree of Cerrado which inspired the name of a sustainable manipulation project in the region around the city of Goiânia, GO. We have verified that the news article about Baru Project does not emphasizethe existing contradictions among differing positions related to the natural resources preservation, neither creates any controversy about sustainable development in relation to collecting (goods, materials) from nature

    Integrated Somatic and Germline Whole-Exome Sequencing Analysis in Women with Lung Cancer after a Previous Breast Cancer

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    open20Women treated for breast cancer (BC) are at risk of developing secondary tumors, such as lung cancer (LC). Since rare germline variants have been linked to multiple cancer development, we hypothesized that BC survivors might be prone to develop LC as a result of harboring rare variants. Sixty patients with LC with previous BC (the study population; SP) and 53 women with either BC or LC and no secondary cancer (control population; CP) were enrolled. Whole exome sequencing was performed in both tumors and unaffected tissues from 28/60 SP patients, and in germline DNA from 32/53 CP. Candidate genes were validated in the remaining individuals from both populations. We found two main mutational signature profiles: S1 (C>T) in all BCs and 16/28 LCs, and S2 (C>A) which is strongly associated with smoking, in 12/28 LCs. The burden test over rare germline variants in S1-LC vs CP identified 248 genes. Validation confirmed GSN as significantly associated with LC in never-smokers. In conclusion, our data suggest two signatures involved in LC onset in women with previous BC. One of these signatures is linked to smoking. Conversely, regardless of smoking habit, in a subgroup of BC survivors genetic susceptibility may contribute to LC risk.openCoco, Simona; Bonfiglio, Silvia; Cittaro, Davide; Vanni, Irene; Mora, Marco; Genova, Carlo; Dal Bello, Maria Giovanna; Boccardo, Simona; Alama, Angela; Rijavec, Erika; Sini, Claudio; Rossella, Valeria; Barletta, Giulia; Biello, Federica; Truini, Anna; Bruzzo, Cristina; Gallo, Maurizio; Lazarevic, Dejan; Ballestrero, Alberto; Grossi, FrancescoCoco, Simona; Bonfiglio, Silvia; Cittaro, Davide; Vanni, Irene; Mora, Marco; Genova, Carlo; Dal Bello, Maria Giovanna; Boccardo, Simona; Alama, Angela; Rijavec, Erika; Sini, Claudio; Rossella, Valeria; Barletta, Giulia; Biello, Federica; Truini, Anna; Bruzzo, Cristina; Gallo, Maurizio; Lazarevic, Dejan; Ballestrero, Alberto; Grossi, Francesc

    Inhibition of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors by Cobra Venom α-Neurotoxins: Is There a Perspective in Lung Cancer Treatment?

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    Nicotine exerts its oncogenic effects through the binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and the activation of downstream pathways that block apoptosis and promote neo-angiogenesis. The nAChRs of the α7 subtype are present on a wide variety of cancer cells and their inhibition by cobra venom neurotoxins has been proposed in several articles and reviews as a potential innovative lung cancer therapy. However, since part of the published results was recently retracted, we believe that the antitumoral activity of cobra venom neurotoxins needs to be independently re-evaluated

    Miradas y voces de la Investigación Educativa II : Curriculum y Diversidad. Innovación educativa con miras a la justicia social. Aportes desde la investigación educativa

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    Fil: Ferreyra, Horacio Ademar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Sañudo Guerra, Lya. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Civarolo, María Mercedes.Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Pérez Moreno, Elena Silvia. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; Argentin