2,337 research outputs found

    The cultural outcomes of social movements : a computational linguistics approach.

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    Scholars have long established the importance of the cultural outcomes of social movements in the context of political power and representation. However, they have also acknowledged the methodo-logical difficulties associated with studying cultural outcomes, especially when culture is manifested through linguistic practices. This paper addresses the potential for dealing with movements and culture as mani-fested in symbols, public discourse, narratives, and rhetoric and makes two contributions: It links the social movement literature studying culture through language with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for systematic and comprehensive cultural analysis; and introduces a state-of the-art method which pro-vides a better understanding of language change and linguistic influence given the capacity of computa-tional analyses to process large volumes of data for multiple actors and varied data sources during long pe-riods of time. The paper describes the cultural influence of women organizations in Spain between 2000-2020 on issues such as gender inequalities, abortion, gender violence, prostitution, and surrogacy. Tweets and manifestos by women's organizations', as well as national press coverage of women issues and inter-ventions by MPs in the parliamentary arena, are used to describe the advantages and limitations of the method for the study of cultural outcomes. Computational linguistics provides new possibilities for scholarly research on cultural outcomes of social movements but also shows that these methods should be accompa-nied by precise definitions of cultural outcomes, detailed and replicable operationalisation processes, and theoretical models that identify the mechanisms that explain the linguistic phenomena that underly cultural change

    Eye opener: exploring complexity using rich pictures

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    Curriculum em Ciências Naturais na América Latina. Análise da produção da investigação

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    This article presents the results of a research project aimed at analyzing the academic discourses on curriculum in Latin American publications in Web of Science. For this purpose, the methodological route is based on bibliometrics and content analysis from the search, systematization, and analysis of the articles gathered in the documentary corpus. The consolidation of research networks between Latin American and foreign authors is evidenced. However, national work teams prevail, which show the low discussion of perspectives. On the other hand, thematic niches are found in which the research projects are grouped. These niches are: (1) conceptions of science, (2) didactics and teaching, (3) teacher training, (4) interculturality, and (5) scientific research. It is concluded that research in curriculum in natural sciences is a diverse field that unites not only different perspectives of science but also different perspectives of curriculum, since it is associated both to a practical space in the teaching of science and to a theoretical space that involves epistemological perspectives of science and structure of contents.El articulo presenta los resultados de la investigación que tuvo como objetivo el análisis de los discursos académicos sobre el currículo, que transitan en las publicaciones de latinoamericanas en Web of Science; para tal fin se traza la ruta metodológica apoyada en la bibliometría y el análisis del contenido, a partir de la búsqueda, sistematización y análisis de los artículos consolidados en el corpus documental se evidencia la consolidación de redes investigativas entre investigadores latinoamericanos y autores extranjeros, sin embargo, prevalecen los equipos de trabajo nacionales que muestran la baja discusión de perspectivas, de otro lado, se encuentran nichos temáticos en los cuales se agrupan las investigaciones realizadas, estos nichos son:  Concepciones de la Ciencia. 2) Didáctica y enseñanza 3) Formación de profesores, 4) Interculturalidad, 5) Investigación Científica. Se concluye que la investigación en Currículo en Ciencias Naturales es un campo diverso que une no solo diferentes perspectivas de la ciencia sino diferentes perspectivas del currículo, puesto que es asociado tanto un espacio práctico, en la enseñanza de la ciencia, como a un espacio teórico que involucra perspectivas epistemológicas de la ciencia y estructura de contenidos.Este artigo apresenta os resultados da investigação destinada a analisar os discursos académicos sobre o currículo, que se encontram em publicações latino-americanas na Web of Science; Para tal, a via metodológica é traçada com base na bibliometria e análise de conteúdos, desde a pesquisa, sistematização e análise dos artigos consolidados no corpus documental, a consolidação das redes de pesquisa entre investigadores latino-americanos e autores estrangeiros é evidente, no entanto, prevalecem as equipas de trabalho nacionais, mostrando a baixa discussão de perspectivas, por outro lado, são encontrados nichos temáticos nos quais a pesquisa realizada é agrupada, são estes nichos: Concepções de Ciência. 2) Didáctica e ensino, 3) Formação de professores, 4) Interculturalidade, 5) Investigação científica. Conclui-se que a investigação em Currículo de Ciências Naturais é um campo diversificado que une não só diferentes perspectivas da ciência, mas também diferentes perspectivas do currículo, uma vez que está associada tanto a um espaço prático, no ensino da ciência, como a um espaço teórico que envolve perspectivas epistemológicas da ciência e estrutura de conteúdos

    formulate a methodological proposal for the process of construction licence in Bogota for estrata 2-3 under parameters of project management institute

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    El presente texto es el resultado de la presentación del trabajo de tesis para la Especialización en Gerencia Integral de Proyectos de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada en formato de artículo científico, el cual es requisito para culminar el proceso educativo y obtener el grado de especialista. El documento fue elaborado a partir de las pautas dadas a los estudiantes de posgrado de la Facultad de Ingeniería con el fin de redactar los procesos seguidos y los resultados obtenidos del trabajo de tesis en un formato y lenguaje científico basado en fundamentos teóricos. La presente investigación aborda los trámites requeridos para obtener una licencia de construcción, expresados en un lenguaje sencillo y menos técnico, dirigido a personas de estratos 2 y 3 en la ciudad de Bogotá. En la actualidad el Departamento Nacional de Planeación, DNP, ha buscado estandarizar las construcciones, apoyado en las oficinas de planeación de cada departamento, con el fin de cumplir con estándares de diseño y aspectos técnicos, sobre todo de tipo estructural, en la búsqueda de mejorar y mantener en la ciudad condiciones seguras para las viviendas y construcciones en general. En los procesos de arquitectura popular se cometen errores que pueden afectar a futuro las construcciones y el bienestar común. A pesar de que cualquier tipo de construcción o modificación que se realice a una edificación requiere de una licencia que satisfaga normas y especificaciones técnicas, las personas evaden este requerimiento por las complicaciones que se encuentran en el trámite de la solicitud, y no es considerado como un beneficio propio y a futuro. Cuando no se cuenta con una herramienta que permita controlar el proyecto desde su inicio hasta su final, no se logrará satisfacer parámetros de costo, calidad y tiempo; por el contrario, si el proyecto se fundamenta en una metodología de Gerencia de Proyectos, se estará en condiciones de cumplir con dichos parámetros. En todos los proyectos de construcción de edificaciones existen diferencias que los caracterizan, ya sean de normatividad, afectación de las vías, requerimientos de mejoras de obras hidráulicas y sanitarias, u otras. En la edificación intervienen diferentes especificaciones para cada proyecto, de acuerdo a las unidades de planeamiento zonal (UPZ) que se encuentren vigentes dentro del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) de Bogotá, para el caso que interesa a este documento. Palabras clave: Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial, Especificaciones técnicas, Licencia de construcción, Categorización, Arquitectura popularThe present text is the result of the presentation of the thesis work for the Specialization in Integral Management of Projects of the New Granada Military University in scientific article format, which is a requirement to culminate the educational process and obtain the degree of specialist. The present investigation deals with the formalities required to obtain a construction license, expressed in a simple and less technical language, directed to people of strata 2 and 3 in the city of Bogotá. Currently the National Planning Department has sought to standardize the buildings, supported by the planning offices of each department, in order to comply with design standards and technical aspects, especially structural, in the quest to improve and maintain the city in safe conditions for housing and buildings in general. In the processes of popular architecture errors are made that can affect future constructions and the common welfare. Although any type of construction or modification to a building requires a license that meets standards and technical specifications, people evade this requirement for the complications that are in the process of the application, and is not considered as Profit and future. When there isn´t any tool to control the project from start to finish, it will not be possible to meet cost, quality and time parameters; On the contrary, if the project is based on a Project Management methodology, it will be able to comply with those parameters. In all building construction projects are differences that characterize them, whether they are normative, affecting the roads, requirements for improvements in hydraulic and sanitary works, or others. The building involves different specifications for each project, according to the zonal planning units (UPZ) that are in force within the Plan of Territorial Planning (POT) of Bogotá, for the case that interests this document. Keywords: Territorial Planning Plan, Technical Specifications, Building License, Categorization, Popular Architectur

    Aplicación del balanced scorecard en la evaluación ex post de proyectos de construcción: caso de estudio

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    Hoy por hoy es indispensable la introducción de nuevas metodologías de evaluación en la gestión de proyectos de construcción, esto debido a que se hace necesaria la retro alimentación de proyectos similares principalmente en las áreas de desarrollo y gerencia de proyectos. Las características y la composición de requisitos creados por los proyectos, sumado a la escases de recursos y tiempos de ejecución de los proyectos, requieren alternativas eficientes que involucren la medición y gestión de indicadores diferentes a los financieros. Es por esta razón que metodologías como el Balanced Scorecard (BSC), brindan la posibilidad a las empresas de obtener el conjunto de herramientas que se necesitan para planificar y gestionar los proyectos, equilibrando los objetivos e indicadores con el fin de cumplir los parámetros determinados por la visión y misión de cada una de ellas, base del planteo de desarrollo integral de los proyectos

    Trajectories of depressive symptoms after hip fracture

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    BACKGROUND: Hip fracture is often complicated by depressive symptoms in older adults. We sought to characterize trajectories of depressive symptoms arising after hip fracture and examine their relationship with functional outcomes and walking ability. We also investigated clinical and psychosocial predictors of these trajectories. METHOD: We enrolled 482 inpatients, aged ≥60 years, who were admitted for hip fracture repair at eight St Louis, MO area hospitals between 2008 and 2012. Participants with current depression diagnosis and/or notable cognitive impairment were excluded. Depressive symptoms and functional recovery were assessed with the Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale and Functional Recovery Score, respectively, for 52 weeks after fracture. Health, cognitive, and psychosocial variables were gathered at baseline. We modeled depressive symptoms using group-based trajectory analysis and subsequently identified correlates of trajectory group membership. RESULTS: Three trajectories emerged according to the course of depressive symptoms, which we termed ‘resilient’, ‘distressed’, and ‘depressed’. The depressed trajectory (10% of participants) experienced a persistently high level of depressive symptoms and a slower time to recover mobility than the other trajectory groups. Stressful life events prior to the fracture, current smoking, higher anxiety, less social support, antidepressant use, past depression, and type of implant predicted membership of the depressed trajectory. CONCLUSIONS: Depressive symptoms arising after hip fracture are associated with poorer functional status. Clinical and psychosocial variables predicted membership of the depression trajectory. Early identification and intervention of patients in a depressive trajectory may improve functional outcomes after hip fracture

    Micromechanical approach for the analysis of wave propagation in particulate composites

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    Laser ultrasonic non-destructive testing is widely used for the inspection of mechanical structures. This method uses the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves (UGW) in the media. For this purpose, it has been demonstrated that the addition of a thin composite layer between the laser source and the structure for inspection is necessary. Consequently, this composite is an optoacoustic transducer composed of an absorption material such as carbon for inclusions and an expanding material such as an elastomer for the matrix. Thus, optimal fabrication of this composite should enable the amplification of the signal for inspection. Indeed, experimental research has demonstrated that variation in the volume fraction of carbon inclusions, their shape, and the nature of the matrix, affect the amplification of the signal directly. The aim of this study is to analyse the wave propagation in particulate viscoelastic composites by a dynamic self-consistent approach

    Environmental Flow Standards in Water Availability Modeling

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    The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has established environmental flow standards in seven river systems through a process defined by the Texas Legislature in its 2007 Senate Bill 3 (SB3). The environmental flow standards have been incorporated in the state’s water right permitting system with a priority date that corresponds to the date when the flow recommendations were received by the TCEQ. Therefore, all the environmental flow standards in the different systems are junior to the water rights previously granted in the state. This thesis first presents a comprehensive literature review of environmental flow standards and an explanation of the process that led to the implementation of environmental flow standards in Texas. Moreover, a comparative assessment regarding the structure of the environmental flow standards is presented to reveal the differences between the river systems defined by TCEQ. Additionally, this thesis presents a research study that used frequency analyses and Water Rights Analysis Package capabilities to evaluate the attainment of environmental flow standards and the impacts of the standards on unappropriated flows. This assessment revealed that none of the standards are met 100% of the time due to the priority system that regulates surface water in the state. This system protects old water rights in the state, so environmental flow standards only affect water availability of future water rights. Because of this, this study included frequency analyses for unappropriated flows considering two scenarios for each system: (a) without including SB3 standards and (b) including SB3 standards. These analyses revealed that attainment of environmental flow and water availability depends on the geographical location
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