204 research outputs found

    Ethnographie d’une création en action

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    Cet article est issu de l’ethnographie de l’exposition de Pierre di Sciullo, intitulée « Typoéticatrac. Les mots pour le faire » qui a eu lieu entre avril et juillet 2017 au centre d’art Le Bel Ordinaire (Pau). Le récit que nous avons tissé, amène à voir les usages créatifs de la technique et la manière dont des objets d’exposition prennent une partie de leur sens au cours de leur fabrication. Il s’agit d’objets singuliers dont nous avons suivi le devenir à partir de la récolte des matériaux dont ils sont issus (des objets récupérés dans une ressourcerie) jusqu’à leur fabrication par assemblage, et puis à leur re-qualification symbolique en « machines sonores ». S’activant par des opérations mécaniques simples (friction, frottement, percussion, ruissellement, vibration), ces machines proposaient au public de jouer avec des sons inédits devant évoquer la sonorité des consonnes. Le processus de création décrit nous donne à voir une heuristique de l’art qui est faite tout autant d’opérations concrètes réfléchies et pensées en amont que de tâtonnements et d’expérimentations qui émergent par ricochets.This article is based on the ethnography of Pierre di Sciullo's exhibition entitled "Typoéticatrac. Les mots pour le faire "(trans. “Typoéticatrac. Words to do things”) which took place between April and July 2017 at the art center Le Bel Ordinaire (Pau). The description we interwoven enables one to see the creative uses of technology, and the way in which  the exhibited objects take on part of their meaning in the course of their making process. These are singular objects, whose trajectories we have traced, from the collection of the materials, that let them come into being (objects recovered in a thrift center), to their manufacture by assembly, and finally their symbolic requalification as "sound machines". Activated by simple mechanical operations (friction, friction, percussion, runoff, vibration), these machines offered the public the opportunity to play with new sounds that intended to evoke the sound of consonants. The creation process enlightens a heuristic of art made as much from practical thoughtful approach as from experiments, trial and error

    De la pratique militante Ă  la fabrication du patrimoine

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    S’appuyant sur des données ethnographiques issues d’un travail de terrain de longue durée, cet article interroge le rapport entre une pratique artistique spécifique et le politique et analyse le changement de statut des peintures murales d’Orgosolo (Sardaigne), autrefois activité politique, aujourd’hui devenues un bien patrimonial. Nous montrons comment ces murales sardes ne représentent plus aujourd’hui une volonté de contestation, mais répondent à des situations et à des conventions qui font de ces artefacts graphiques des objets patrimoniaux.Using ethnographic data gathered from a long-lasting field study, this article questions the relationship between a specific artistic practice and the political and analysis how the wall paintings in Orgosolo in Sardinia, which used to be a political practice, have now become part of a cultural heritage. Today, these Sardinian murals comply with specific situations and conventions and are no longer considered as objects of contestation

    Dessiner pour agir : graphisme et politique dans l’espace public

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    L’article explore les relations entre graphisme et politique dans l’espace public contemporain à partir d’un événement particulièrement significatif : la production d’affiches et d’artefacts graphiques à la suite de l’attentat au journal satirique Charlie Hebdo, en janvier 2015 à Paris. Utilisant la technique de la sérigraphie, rendue populaire en mai 68, les étudiants de toutes les écoles d’art de la capitale française se sont mobilisés, début 2015, pour exprimer leur indignation et pour défendre la liberté d’expression à travers la création graphique. L’article se concentre moins sur la réception des images que sur les « actions graphiques » qui sont activées dans une situation d’urgence politique et sociale. En partant de l’analyse ethnographique d’une série d’ateliers de création graphique, le texte cherche à retracer les origines d’une association ancienne entre graphisme et politique, depuis la figure du graphiste militant, incarnée en France par le collectif « Grapus », jusqu’aux productions internationales du muralisme politique. Affiches, stencils, stickers, murales sont considérés comme des variantes d’« actions d’écriture » qui infiltrent l’espace urbain, constituent un réseau inédit de relations sociales et, grâce à leur performativité, nous permettent de repenser la construction de l’opinion publique.L’articolo esplora le relazioni tra grafica e politica nello spazio publico contemporaneo a partire da un evento particolarmente significativo: la produzione di poster e artefatti grafici in seguito all’attentato al giornale satirico Charlie Hebdo, nel gennaio 2015 a Parigi. Utilizzando la tecnica della serigrafia, resa popolare nel maggio sessantottino, a inizio 2015 gli studenti di tutte le accademie di arte della capitale francese si sono mobilitati, per esprimere la loro indignazione per l’accaduto e per difendere la libertà di espressione attraverso la creazione grafica. Più che sulla ricezione delle immagini, l’articolo si concentra sulle “azioni grafiche” che si attivano in una situazione di urgenza politica e sociale. Partendo dall’analisi etnografica di una serie di laboratori di creazione grafica, avviati in seguito agli attentati di gennaio 2015, il testo cerca di ritracciare le origini di un’antica alleanza tra grafica e politica, che si instaura con la figura del grafico militante, incarnata in Francia dal collettivo “Grapus”, per arrivare alle produzioni internazionali del muralismo politico. Poster, stencil, stiker, murales, sono considerati come varianti di “azioni di scrittura” che infiltrano lo spazio urbano, costituiscono una rete inedita di relazioni sociali e, grazie alla loro performatività, ci permettono di ripensare la costruzione dell’opinione pubblica.The article explores the relationship between graphics and politics in contemporary public space from a particularly significant event: the production of posters and graphic artifacts following the attack at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, in January 2015 in Paris. Using the technique of screen-printing, popularized in May 1968, at the beginning of 2015 students of all art academies in the French capital were mobilized to express their outrage over the incident and to defend freedom of expression by graphic creation. More than the symbolism of the images, the article focuses on the "graphic actions" (the power of the image to mobilize) that are activated in a situation of political and social emergency. Starting from an ethnography analysis of series of workshops on graphic creation, initiated following the attacks of January 2015, the text seeks to retrace the origins of the alliance between graphics and politics, embodied in the sixties in France by the collective "Grapus" and the international productions of political murals. Posters, stencils, stickers and murals, are considered as alternatives of "writing actions" infiltrating the urban space, they form a unique network of social relations, which thanks to their agency, allow us to rethink the construction of public opinion

    Jean-Luc Poueyto, Manouches et mondes de l’écrit

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    Jean-Luc Poueyto propose dans ce livre une ethnographie des Manouches qui interroge de façon compréhensive leur rapport à la chose écrite et invite ainsi à démystifier la question, souvent posée, de leur illettrisme. Comme le pluriel du titre le relève, il y appréhende l’écrit dans une diversité de situations d’écriture, au-delà de celles « normées » des non-Manouches (ou gadjé), c’est-à-dire de l’école, de l’administration ou de l’État. Donnant ainsi à voir une écologie des pratiques d’écrit..

    Vers un design des situations

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    nAutreville, panneau numérique d’information publique © Francesca Cozzolino Cet article interroge les méthodes et les objectifs de travail d’une équipe de designers engagée dans la conception d’un panneau numérique d’information publique : nAutreville. Plus précisément, ce texte rend compte des méthodes de conception, des controverses relatives au contenu éditorial et à l’emplacement de l’expérimentation publique, autant que des résultats de cette dernière. Dès lors, en découle une invitatio..

    Pour une anthropologie de la création

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    Ce hors-série est né d’un constat. Depuis quelques années, il semble que les frontières canoniques entre l’art, l’artisanat et le design, mais aussi entre les pratiques créatrices professionnelles et les pratiques amateures, soient devenues de plus en plus poreuses. De nouveaux savoir-faire apparaissent en même temps que d’anciens ressurgissent de l’oubli. Plusieurs expositions importantes en témoignent : L’usage des formes au Palais de Tokyo à Paris (2015) réunissait artisans d’art et artis..

    Relationship between cervical dilation and time to delivery in women with preterm labor

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    Background: Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of preterm labor (PTL) is important in order to establish treatment. Our aim was to determine the relation between cervical dilatation and time interval from admission to delivery in women with preterm labor. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 83 singleton gestations admitted for preterm labor between 24 weeks and 34 weeks, who subsequently delivered preterm. Women were categorized into three groups of cervical dilatation (0-2 cm, 3-6 cm, >6 cm) and the time interval from admission to delivery was compared. Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the association between cervical dilatation and time interval from admission to delivery. The other variables examined were gestational age (GA) at admission and length of the cervix, when performed. Results: The time interval from admission to delivery was significantly shorter in women with higher dilatation of the cervix (p < 0.02) and in those admitted at a more advanced gestational age (p < 0.05). Forty-eight percent of women with cervical dilatation 0-2 cm delivered in the first 48 h compared to 85% of the women with a dilatation of 3-6 cm. No significant association was found between the length of the cervix and the time interval to delivery. Conclusion: Dilatation of the cervix and gestational age at admission are associated with the time interval to delivery in women with preterm labor. The assessment of the length of the cervix is unlikely to add clinical information in women with an already dilated cervix

    Spike S1 domain interactome in non-pulmonary systems: A role beyond the receptor recognition

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which, since 2019 in China, has rapidly become a worldwide pandemic. The aggressiveness and global spread were enhanced by the many SARS-CoV-2 variants that have been isolated up to now. These mutations affect mostly the viral glycoprotein Spike (S), the capsid protein mainly involved in the early stages of viral entry processes, through the recognition of specific receptors on the host cell surface. In particular, the subunit S1 of the Spike glycoprotein contains the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) and it is responsible for the interaction with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Although ACE2 is the primary Spike host receptor currently studied, it has been demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 is also able to infect cells expressing low levels of ACE2, indicating that the virus may have alternative receptors on the host cells. The identification of the alternative receptors can better elucidate the pathogenicity and the tropism of SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, we investigated the Spike S1 interactomes, starting from host membrane proteins of non-pulmonary cell lines, such as human kidney (HK-2), normal colon (NCM460D), and colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2). We employed an affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) to pull down, from the membrane protein extracts of all cell lines, the protein partners of the recombinant form of the Spike S1 domain. The purified interactors were identified by a shotgun proteomics approach. The lists of S1 potential interacting proteins were then clusterized according to cellular localization, biological processes, and pathways, highlighting new possible S1 intracellular functions, crucial not only for the entrance mechanisms but also for viral replication and propagation processes

    Angiotensin receptor I stimulates osteoprogenitor proliferation through TGFβ-mediated signaling:AT1R SIGNALING IN OSTEOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION

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    Clinical studies of large human populations and pharmacological interventions in rodent models have recently suggested that anti-hypertensive drugs that target angiotensin II (Ang II) activity may also reduce loss of bone mineral density. Here, we identified in a genetic screening the Ang II type I receptor (AT1R) as a potential determinant of osteogenic differentiation and, implicitly, bone formation. Silencing of AT1R expression by RNA interference severely impaired the maturation of a multipotent mesenchymal cell line (W20-17) along the osteoblastic lineage. The same effect was also observed after the addition of the AT1R antagonist losartan but not the AT2R inhibitor PD123,319. Additional cell culture assays traced the time of greatest losartan action to the early stages of W20-17 differentiation, namely during cell proliferation. Indeed, addition of Ang II increased proliferation of differentiating W20-17 and primary mesenchymal stem cells and this stimulation was reversed by losartan treatment. Cells treated with losartan also displayed an appreciable decrease of activated (phosphorylated)-Smad2/3 proteins. Moreover, Ang II treatment elevated endogenous transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) expression considerably and in an AT1R-dependent manner. Finally, exogenous TGFβ was able to restore high proliferative activity to W20-17 cells that were treated with both Ang II and losartan. Collectively, these results suggest a novel mechanism of Ang II action in bone metabolism that is mediated by TGFβ and targets proliferation of osteoblast progenitors

    MicroMED: a dust particle counter for the characterization of airborne dust close to the surface of Mars

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    Monitoring of airborne dust is very important in planetary climatology. Indeed, dust absorbs and scatter solar and thermal radiation, severely affecting atmospheric thermal structure, balance and dynamics (in terms of circulations). Wind-driven blowing of sand and dust is also responsible for shaping planetary surfaces through the formation of sand dunes and ripples, the erosion of rocks, and the creation and transport of soil particles. Dust is permanently present in the atmosphere of Mars and its amount varies with seasons. During regional or global dust storms, more than 80% of the incoming sunlight is absorbed by dust causing an intense atmospheric heating. Airborne dust is therefore a crucial climate component on Mars which impacts atmospheric circulations at all scales. Main dust parameters influencing the atmosphere heating are size distribution, abundance, albedo, single scattering phase function, imaginary part of the index of refraction. Moreover, major improvements of Mars climate models require, in addition to the standard meteorological parameters, quantitative information about dust lifting, transport and removal mechanisms. In this context, two major quantities need to be measured for the dust source to be understood: surface flux and granulometry. While many observations have constrained the size distribution of the dust haze seen from the orbit, it is still not known what the primary airborne dust (e.g. the recently lifted dust) is made of, size-wise. MicroMED has been designed to fill this gap. It will measure the abundance and size distribution of dust, not in the atmospheric column, but close to the surface, where dust is lifted, so to be able to monitor dust injection into the atmosphere. This has never been performed in Mars and other planets exploration. MicroMED is an Optical Particle Counter, analyzing light scattered from single dust particles to measure their size and abundance. A proper fluid-dynamic system, including a pump and a sampling head, allows the sampling of Martian atmosphere with embedded dust. The captured dust grains are detected by an Optical System and then ejected into the atmosphere. MicroMED is a miniaturization of the instrument MEDUSA, developed for the Humboldt payload of the ExoMars mission. An Elegant Breadboard has been developed and tested and successfully demonstrates the instrument performances. The design and performance test results will be discussed
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