23 research outputs found

    utilisation de nouvelles technologies pour l’évaluation clinique des activités motrices de patients

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    The motor capacities (motor skills)’ evaluation is an essential activity for movement analysis. This activity aims is to quantify the human’s motor performance to be able to follow-up and control the evolution of the patient’s pathology thus allowing an adapted treatment. The physiotherapists need accurate tools able to measure this performance. They developed their own tools based on observations and normalized exercises. This activity can be supported and enhanced by the technological advances. A category of motion tracking tools exists to track and record those movements. Their use in motor evaluation system could refine the therapist’s evaluations and increase their reproducibility. To insure the correct development and use of such tools it is necessary to answer the following question: “what are the development stakes and criteria related to a system for measure and evaluation of motor capacities?” This thesis work refined this question into the 3 following research axis: “how to measure motor capacities?”, “how to analyze and communicate the result?”, “how to integrate this system in the medical practice?” For each of those axis the key criteria for development were investigated and contributions are presented. To illustrate those criteria a case study was conducted: the instrumentation, with new motion capture technologies, of an assessment protocol for motor capacities also called MFM (The Motor Function Measure).L’évaluation des capacités motrices est une activité essentielle de l’analyse de mouvement. Cette activité permet de quantifier la performance d’un patient et ainsi d’être capable de suivre et de contrôler son évolution pour assurer un traitement adapté. Les kinésithérapeutes ont donc besoin d’outils précis leurs permettant de mesurer cette performance. Pour cela, ils ont développé leurs propres outils basés sur l’observation et des exercices normés. Pourtant, cette activité pourrait être supportée et augmentée par l’utilisation de technologies avancées. Il existe une catégorie d’outils technologiques permettant le suivi et la capture de ces mouvements. Leur utilisation dans des systèmes d’aide à l’évaluation pourrait affiner l’évaluation des thérapeutes et également augmenter sa reproductibilité. Pour assurer l’utilisation dans la durée de ce type d’outils, il est nécessaire de répondre à la question suivante : « quels sont les enjeux et les critères de développement spécifiques aux systèmes d’évaluation des capacités motrices ? ». Dans ce travail de thèse, cette question a été restructurée suivant 3 axes : « comment mesurer les capacités motrices ? », « comment analyser et communiquer le résultat ? » et enfin « comment intégrer ce système dans la pratique médicale ? ». Pour chacun de ces axes, les critères clés de développement ont été investigués et des contributions sont présentées. Afin d’illustrer ces critères, une étude de cas a été menée : l’instrumentation, à l’aide de nouvelles technologies de capture de mouvements, d’un protocole de mesure de capacités motrices (aussi appelé MFM ou Mesure de la Fonction Motrice)

    Use of new technologies for clinical evaluation of patients' motor capacities

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    L’évaluation des capacités motrices est une activité essentielle de l’analyse de mouvement. Cette activité permet de quantifier la performance d’un patient et ainsi d’être capable de suivre et de contrôler son évolution pour assurer un traitement adapté. Les kinésithérapeutes ont donc besoin d’outils précis leurs permettant de mesurer cette performance. Pour cela, ils ont développé leurs propres outils basés sur l’observation et des exercices normés. Pourtant, cette activité pourrait être supportée et augmentée par l’utilisation de technologies avancées. Il existe une catégorie d’outils technologiques permettant le suivi et la capture de ces mouvements. Leur utilisation dans des systèmes d’aide à l’évaluation pourrait affiner l’évaluation des thérapeutes et également augmenter sa reproductibilité. Pour assurer l’utilisation dans la durée de ce type d’outils, il est nécessaire de répondre à la question suivante : « quels sont les enjeux et les critères de développement spécifiques aux systèmes d’évaluation des capacités motrices ? ». Dans ce travail de thèse, cette question a été restructurée suivant 3 axes : « comment mesurer les capacités motrices ? », « comment analyser et communiquer le résultat ? » et enfin « comment intégrer ce système dans la pratique médicale ? ». Pour chacun de ces axes, les critères clés de développement ont été investigués et des contributions sont présentées. Afin d’illustrer ces critères, une étude de cas a été menée : l’instrumentation, à l’aide de nouvelles technologies de capture de mouvements, d’un protocole de mesure de capacités motrices (aussi appelé MFM ou Mesure de la Fonction Motrice).The motor capacities (motor skills)’ evaluation is an essential activity for movement analysis. This activity aims is to quantify the human’s motor performance to be able to follow-up and control the evolution of the patient’s pathology thus allowing an adapted treatment. The physiotherapists need accurate tools able to measure this performance. They developed their own tools based on observations and normalized exercises. This activity can be supported and enhanced by the technological advances. A category of motion tracking tools exists to track and record those movements. Their use in motor evaluation system could refine the therapist’s evaluations and increase their reproducibility. To insure the correct development and use of such tools it is necessary to answer the following question: “what are the development stakes and criteria related to a system for measure and evaluation of motor capacities?” This thesis work refined this question into the 3 following research axis: “how to measure motor capacities?”, “how to analyze and communicate the result?”, “how to integrate this system in the medical practice?” For each of those axis the key criteria for development were investigated and contributions are presented. To illustrate those criteria a case study was conducted: the instrumentation, with new motion capture technologies, of an assessment protocol for motor capacities also called MFM (The Motor Function Measure)

    Development of a Knowledge-Based System for Help in Decision Making: a Medical Application

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    International audienceA part of the work of a physiotherapist consists on analysing its patients’ motion capacities. In the caseof motion analysis, some difficulties can hinder the evaluation process: attention can be diverted,situations can be delicate to evaluate. The consequence is an inter-individual variability and uncertaintyduring the evaluation. New motion sensors make it possible to record and analyse the motions withanother point of view. Those tools can be used to help in the capture, but the restitution of the recordedinformation needs to be adapted to the user knowledge with the aim to be interpreted. In this paper, theauthors propose to put the user at the center of this tool in an application of the UCD principle byproposing a method to return information based on a Knowledge Based structure. The restitutionmodules and tools are constructed on different levels of knowledge represented in a knowledge-basedexpert system. The knowledge has been structured into 4 levels (from the most factual to the mostabstract) and were linked to 4 levels of restitution (from the most textual to the most graphical). A casestudyusing the assessment scale “Motor Function Measure” is presented

    Feasibility Study of Hand Motion Analysis by the Leap Motion Sensor

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    International audienceThis paper presents the results of a feasibility study for the use of the infrared sensor LeapMotion for hands motion analysis in clinical evaluation. A system was developed to allow patients with muscular weakness to use this sensor. This system was used on 2 patients affected by spinal muscular atrophy. The results showed that the LeapMotion is not sufficiently robust or accurate for clinical assessment. In addition, the proposed system installation complicates the process. More trials with specific users and profiles should be realized to refine and improve those results

    Etude de faisabilité de l'analyse de mouvement de doigts par le capteur LeapMotion

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    National audience—Ce papier présente les résultats d'une étude de faisabilité pour l'utilisation du capteur infra-rouge LeapMotion dans l'analyse de mouvement de doigt. Un système a donc été développé pour permettre à des patients atteints de faiblesses musculaires d'utiliser ce capteur. Ce système a été utilisé sur 2 patients atteints d'Amyotrophie Spinale Infantile. Les résultats indiquent que le LeapMotion n'est pas suffisamment robuste ni précis pour réaliser ces évaluations. De plus la mise en oeuvre rend son utilisation rédhibitoire. Plus d'essais avec des utilisateurs et des profils spécifiques devront être pratiqués pour affiner et fiabiliser les résultats. Keywords—Amyotrophie Spinale Infantile, Mesure de la Fonction Motrice, LeapMotion, Capture de mouvemen

    Evaluation of the Microsoft Kinect and KinectLAB software as a clinical assessment tool of functional motor abilities

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    National audienceThe whole research project takes place in the context of evaluating the functional motor abilities of a person affected by a neuromuscular disease (NMD) with the Motor Function Measure (MFM) quantitative scale. The final aim is to propose more low-cost and easy-to-use technology precise and reproducible tools to be used as outcome measure in clinical trial. In our context, tools are defined as the combinations of technological facilities and their software. Consequences will be to avoid the hazardous characteristic of the human evaluation and increase patients' compliance for the evaluation. Authors propose to implement the Microsoft Kinect, which presents interesting measurement advantages in the context described: inexpensive, non-invasive, non-intrusive and allowing rapid data collection. The first step was to develop a software named KinectLAB that allow to capture the Kinect digital skeleton and particularly anatomical joints of a patient. Then, experiments were proposed to evaluate if the Kinect with KinectLAB software can be used to obtain a digital skeleton even in the very specific and restrictive conditions of use imposed by users in wheelchairs and clinical services facilities. The results shown that KinectLAB was able to detect one user for three hundred test in manual/electric wheelchair and limited space. Moreover, segmental length measurement dispersions of the digital skeleton are low and stable for a user posture with outstretched arms. Finally, experiments were proposed to adjust the KinectLAB computing algorithm to measure the activity limitation in this research context. The first experiments made on 5 items from the MFM with 3 volunteers' patients (2 with muscular dystrophy and 1 with congenital myopathy) showed that the score generated by our computing algorithm and the practitioners' evaluation score are exactly the same. Works are in progress specifically on Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients to develop a usable tool in clinical trials

    Evaluation of the Microsoft Kinect and KinectLAB software as a clinical assessment tool of functional motor abilities

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    National audienceThe whole research project takes place in the context of evaluating the functional motor abilities of a person affected by a neuromuscular disease (NMD) with the Motor Function Measure (MFM) quantitative scale. The final aim is to propose more low-cost and easy-to-use technology precise and reproducible tools to be used as outcome measure in clinical trial. In our context, tools are defined as the combinations of technological facilities and their software. Consequences will be to avoid the hazardous characteristic of the human evaluation and increase patients' compliance for the evaluation. Authors propose to implement the Microsoft Kinect, which presents interesting measurement advantages in the context described: inexpensive, non-invasive, non-intrusive and allowing rapid data collection. The first step was to develop a software named KinectLAB that allow to capture the Kinect digital skeleton and particularly anatomical joints of a patient. Then, experiments were proposed to evaluate if the Kinect with KinectLAB software can be used to obtain a digital skeleton even in the very specific and restrictive conditions of use imposed by users in wheelchairs and clinical services facilities. The results shown that KinectLAB was able to detect one user for three hundred test in manual/electric wheelchair and limited space. Moreover, segmental length measurement dispersions of the digital skeleton are low and stable for a user posture with outstretched arms. Finally, experiments were proposed to adjust the KinectLAB computing algorithm to measure the activity limitation in this research context. The first experiments made on 5 items from the MFM with 3 volunteers' patients (2 with muscular dystrophy and 1 with congenital myopathy) showed that the score generated by our computing algorithm and the practitioners' evaluation score are exactly the same. Works are in progress specifically on Spinal Muscular Atrophy patients to develop a usable tool in clinical trials