27 research outputs found

    Enrichment and sequencing of phosphopeptides on indium tin oxide coated glass slides

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    Unambiguous identification of phosphorylation sites is of premier importance to biologists, who seek to understand the role of phosphorylation from the perspective of site-specific control of biological phenomena. Despite this widely asked and highly specific information, many methods developed are aimed at analysis of complete proteomes, indeed even phospho-proteomes, surpassing the basic requests of many biologists. We have therefore further developed a simple method that specifically deals with the analysis of multiple phosphorylation sites on singular proteins or small collections of proteins. With this method, the whole purification process, from sample application to MALDI-MS analysis, can be performed on commercially available indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slides. We show that fifteen (15) samples can be purified within one hour, and that low femtomole sensitivity can be achieved. This limit of identification is demonstrated by the successful MS/MS-based identification of 6 fmol of monophosphopeptide from beta-casein. We demonstrate that the method can be applied for identifying phosphorylation sites from recombinant and cell-derived biological protein samples. Since ITO-coated glass slides are inexpensive and available from several suppliers the method is readily and inexpensively available to other researchers. Taken together, the presented protocols and materials render this method as an extremely fast and sensitive phosphopeptide identification protocol that should aid biologists in discovery and validation of phosphorylation sites

    Phosphoproteome and drug-response effects mediated by the three protein phosphatase 2A inhibitor proteins CIP2A, SET, and PME-1

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    Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) critically regulates cell signaling and is a human tumor suppressor. PP2A complexes are modulated by proteins such as cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (CIP2A), protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 (PME-1), and SET nuclear proto-oncogene (SET) that often are deregulated in cancers. However, how they impact cellular phosphorylation and how redundant they are in cellular regulation is poorly understood. Here, we conducted a systematic phosphoproteomics screen for phosphotargets modulated by siRNA-mediated depletion of CIP2A, PME-1, and SET (to reactivate PP2A) or the scaffolding A-subunit of PP2A (PPP2R1A) (to inhibit PP2A) in HeLa cells. We identified PP2A-modulated targets in diverse cellular pathways, including kinase signaling, cytoskeleton, RNA splicing, DNA repair, and nuclear lamina. The results indicate nonredundancy among CIP2A, PME-1, and SET in phosphotarget regulation. Notably, PP2A inhibition or reactivation affected largely distinct phosphopeptides, introducing a concept of nonoverlapping phosphatase inhibition- and activation-responsive sites (PIRS and PARS, respectively). This phenomenon is explained by the PPP2R1A inhibition impacting primarily dephosphorylated threonines, whereas PP2A reactivation results in dephosphorylation of clustered and acidophilic sites. Using comprehensive drug-sensitivity screening in PP2A-modulated cells to evaluate the functional impact of PP2A across diverse cellular pathways targeted by these drugs, we found that consistent with global phosphoproteome effects, PP2A modulations broadly affect responses to more than 200 drugs inhibiting a broad spectrum of cancer-relevant targets. These findings advance our understanding of the phosphoproteins, pharmacological responses, and cellular processes regulated by PP2A modulation and may enable the development of combination therapies

    The state of the art in the analysis of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis images

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    Software-based image analysis is a crucial step in the biological interpretation of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis experiments. Recent significant advances in image processing methods combined with powerful computing hardware have enabled the routine analysis of large experiments. We cover the process starting with the imaging of 2-D gels, quantitation of spots, creation of expression profiles to statistical expression analysis followed by the presentation of results. Challenges for analysis software as well as good practices are highlighted. We emphasize image warping and related methods that are able to overcome the difficulties that are due to varying migration positions of spots between gels. Spot detection, quantitation, normalization, and the creation of expression profiles are described in detail. The recent development of consensus spot patterns and complete expression profiles enables one to take full advantage of statistical methods for expression analysis that are well established for the analysis of DNA microarray experiments. We close with an overview of visualization and presentation methods (proteome maps) and current challenges in the field

    Physiological Responses of Callus from Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook f. to Gamma Irradiation

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    In the present study, in vitro mutagenesis techniques were applied to investigate the effects of gamma irradiation at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gy on physiological changes in callus of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus ex. Hook f. Biochemical changes in chlorophyll and soluble protein content of pre- and post- irradiated Gerbera callus were studied. Non-irradiated callus demonstrated the highest amount of chlorophyll content as compared to callus irradiated at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gy. In addition, the amount of chlorophyll b was relatively higher than chlorophyll a in both the irradiated and non-irradiated callus, except for callus irradiated at 10 Gy. Biochemical differentiation based on total soluble protein content revealed gradual reduction after day 9 of exposure to gamma irradiation. Reduction of soluble protein content was observed in all the treatments as the increase of incubation period