380 research outputs found

    Micronutrient Influence in Thyroid Function: A Review

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    The thyroid produces and secretes adequate amounts of hormones that regulate various physiological processes, including growth, development, metabolism, and reproductive function. The production and metabolism of thyroid hormones are dependent on micronutrients such as iodine, selenium, zinc and iron. Iodine is essential for the proper synthesis of thyroid hormones. The risk of iodine deficiency is high in places where the food consumed comes from iodine-deficient sources. To avoid complications, various government strategies have been developed to enrich food with this element. Selenium is incorporated in the deiodinases, which are enzymes that also play an essential role in the metabolism of thyroid hormones, in addition to contributing to the antioxidant defense in the thyroid. Zinc participates in the process of deiodination, in addition to being necessary for the T3 receptor to adopt its biologically active confirmation. Iron is found in hemeproteins, including thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which participates in the first two stages of thyroid hormone biosynthesis. Deficiencies of these elements can impair thyroid function. In general, the influence of micronutrients on thyroid function reveals the need for more research to increase scientific knowledge so that preventive and therapeutic measures can be taken regarding thyroid dysfunctions, to maintain a healthy thyroid

    Notes on a nest of Megachile (Moureapis) apicipennis Schrottky (Megachilidae) constructed in an abandoned gallery of Xylocopa Frontalis (Olivier) (Apidae)

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    Notes on a nest of the leafcutting bee Megachile (Moureapis) apicipennis Schrottky (Megachilidae) found in an abandoned gallery excavated by the carpenter bee Xylocopa frontalis (Olivier) (Apidae) are presented. A total of four nests were found at the end of the gallery. Brood cells were lined with imbricate pieces of leaves of Centrosema virginianum (L.) Benth. (Fabaceae). Four males and two females of M. apicipennis emerged as well as individuals of three species of natural enemies: Coelioxys otomita Cresson (Megachilidae), Brachymeria paraguayensis (Brèthes) and Melittobia australica Girault (Eulophidae). Our results were similar to the data obtained from other species of Megachile (Moureapis) Raw

    Physical Activity Levels in Peripheral Artery Disease Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Increases in daily physical activity levels is recommended for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, despite this recommendation, little is known about the physical activity patterns of PAD patients. OBJECTIVE: To describe the physical activity patterns of patients with symptomatic peripheral artery (PAD) disease. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 174 PAD patients with intermittent claudication symptoms. Patients were submitted to clinical, hemodynamic and functional evaluations. Physical activity was objectively measured by an accelerometer, and the time spent in sedentary, low-light, high-light and moderate-vigorous physical activities (MVPA) were obtained. Descriptive analysis was performed to summarize patient data and binary logistic regression was used to test the crude and adjusted associations between adherence to physical activity recommendation and sociodemographic and clinical factors. For all the statistical analyses, significance was accepted at p < 0.05. RESULTS: Patients spent in average of 640 ± 121 min/day, 269 ± 94 min/day, 36 ± 27 min/day and 15 ± 16 min/day in sedentary, low-light, high-light and MVPA, respectively. The prevalence of patients who achieved physical activity recommendations was 3.4%. After adjustment for confounders, a significant inverse association was observed between adherence to physical activity recommendation and age (OR = 0.925; p = 0.004), while time of disease, ankle brachial index and total walking distance were not associated with this adherence criteria (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The patterns of physical activity of PAD patients are characterized by a large amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors and a low engagement in MVPA. Younger patients, regardless of the clinical and functional factors, were more likely to meet the current physical activity recommendations

    Efectos de un programa de Arteterapia sobre la sintomatología clínica de pacientes con esquizofrenia

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    In this investigation we designed and applied an art therapy program of twelve sessions, where the participants performed, both freely and guided, two-dimensional graphic expressions with the purpose of reducing the schizophrenia’s clinical symptomatology. It was evaluated in pre and post test sessions using the Social Cognition Scale (GEOPTE) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The quantitative analysis shows difference with statistical significance in only one dependant variable’s components, referred to the Report of Social Cognition by the institution’s health staff. Te results are discussed taking into consideration qualitative information collected in a naturalistic way.En esta investigación en se diseñó y aplicó un Programa de Arteterapia de doce sesiones, en donde los participantes realizaron expresiones gráficas bidimensionales ejecutadas tanto de forma libre como guiadas, con el objetivo de reducir la sintomatología clínica de la Esquizofrenia, la cual fue evaluada en condiciones de pre y post test mediante las Escalas de Cognición Social (GEOPTE) y de Síntomas Positivos y Negativos (PANSS). El análisis cuantitativo realizado reflejó diferencia estadísticamente significativa únicamente en el componente de la variable dependiente referido al reporte de la cognición social por parte del personal de salud de la institución. Los resultados son discutidos considerando información cualitativa recabada de manera anecdótica

    Atendimento pré-hospitalar prestado à gestante com eclampsia: uma revisão de literatura

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    TCC(especialização) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. Linhas de Cuidado em Urgência e EmergênciaObjetivo: analisar a produção científica sobre assistência pré - hospitalar prestada à gestante com eclampsia à luz da revisão integrativa . Método: Trata - se de uma revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SciELO. Resultados: Foram encontrados 25 artigos sendo, 18 no idioma inglês, dois em espanhol e cinco em português . Este foram submetidos a releituras, c om a finalidade de realizar uma análise interpretativa, direcionada pelos objetivos estabelecidos . Conclusão: Dentre as principais condutas apontadas nos estudos encontrados destacaram - se a manutenção das vias aéreas livres para reduzir o risco de aspiraç ão; a oxigenoterapia por cateter nasal ou máscara de oxigênio úmido; a punção de acesso venoso; a administração de anticonvulsivante (sulfato de magnésio, sendo o esquema de escolha o de Pritchard) e anti - hipertensiva (hidralazina)

    A violência sexual em zonas de conflito : um estudo sobre o Japão imperial no século XX

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    A violência sexual está presente em todas as sociedades, persistindo durante conflitos e impactando especialmente a vivência feminina. A partir da década de 1990, com mobilização das sobreviventes da escravidão sexual militar perpetrada pelo Japão no século XX, debates sobre as reparações às vítimas foram iniciados – inconcluídos até o momento. Simultaneamente, vê-se a retomada de discussões sobre o número de assassinatos e estupros causados por forças militares nipônicas durante a invasão de Nanquim (1937). Desta maneira, o presente trabalho analisa criticamente o emprego da violência sexual pelas forças militares japonesas durante a primeira metade do século XX. Tem-se como objetivo central do estudo entender as causas e as formas em que este tipo de violência foi empregado, tal como as consequências destas. Trata-se, portanto, de buscar uma explicação causal, mas também uma interpretação panorâmica que considere características e aspectos sociológicos, culturais e político-militares que possivelmente contribuíram para a utilização do estupro pelo Exército Imperial Japonês (EIJ). Para a realização do trabalho, utiliza-se a Teoria Feminista de Relações Internacionais e sua metodologia de estudo de temáticas securitárias, empregando o método qualitativo-interpretativo de análise, a partir do qual se faz três aproximações. A primeira aproximação é a análise crítica das vertentes biológica, sociocultural e securitária, que buscam explicar a violência sexual. A segunda aproximação é a análise histórica sobre a importância do militarismo, do nacionalismo, do gênero e da sexualidade no Império Japonês, estudando o impacto destes no emprego da violência sexual pelo EIJ. A terceira aproximação é a análise de dois momentos em que a violência sexual foi empregada pelas forças militares japonesas: o Massacre de Nanquim (1937-1938) e o Sistema de Conforto (1932-1945). Como resultado, constata-se o envolvimento governamental em prol da violência sexual como principal discrepância entre os modos de operação adotados pelo EIJ. Além disso, também é possível verificar correlação entre papéis de gênero, colonialismo e o estupro durante as campanhas militares. A análise crítica das vertentes explicativas para a violência sexual, por sua vez, evidencia as limitações dessas interpretações para o fenômeno.Sexual violence is present in all societies, persisting during conflicts and impacting especially women's lives. From the 1990s onwards, with the mobilization of survivors of military sexual slavery perpetrated by Japan in the 20th century, debates on reparations to victims began – unconcluded to this day. At the same time, discussions about the number of murders and rapes caused by Japanese military forces during the invasion of Nanjing (1937) have resumed. Thus, the present paper analyzes critically the usage of sexual violence by the Japanese military forces during the first half of the 20th century. The main purpose of the study is to understand the causes and methods in which this type of violence was used, as well as their consequences. It is, therefore, a matter of seeking a causal explanation, but also a panoramic interpretation considering sociological, cultural and political-military characteristics and aspects that possibly contributed to the use of rape by the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA). To execute the research, the Feminist Theory of International Relations and its methodology for studying security issues are used, employing the qualitative-interpretative method of analysis, from which three approaches are made. The first approach is the critical analysis of the biological, sociocultural and security explanatory strands for sexual violence. The second approach is the historical analysis of the importance of militarism, nationalism, gender, and sexuality in the Japanese Empire, studying their impact on the usage of sexual violence by the IJA. The third approach is the analysis of two moments in which sexual violence was used by the Japanese military forces: the Nanjing Massacre (1937-1938) and the Comfort System (1932-1945). As a result, the main discrepancy between the modi operandi adopted by the IJA is the governmental involvement in favor of sexual slavery. In addition, it is also possible to verify a correlation between gender roles, colonialism, and rape during the Imperial military campaigns. The critical analysis of the explanatory strands for sexual violence, on the other hand, highlights the limitations of these interpretations for the phenomenon