1,672 research outputs found

    Study of transport properties and distribution function dynamics in one dimensional plasma models Final report

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    Transport properties and distribution function dynamics in one dimensional plasma model

    Momentum and Coordinate Space Three-nucleon Potentials

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    In this paper we give explicit formulae in momentum and coordinate space for the three-nucleon potentials due to ρ\rho and π\pi meson exchange, derived from off-mass-shell meson-nucleon scattering amplitudes which are constrained by the symmetries of QCD and by the experimental data. Those potentials have already been applied to nuclear matter calculations. Here we display additional terms which appear to be the most important for nuclear structure. The potentials are decomposed in a way that separates the contributions of different physical mechanisms involved in the meson-nucleon amplitudes. The same type of decomposition is presented for the ππ\pi - \pi TM force: the Δ\Delta, the chiral symmetry breaking and the nucleon pair terms are isolated.Comment: LATEX, 33 pages, 3 figures (available as postscript files upon request

    Performance analysis of an orbital angular momentum multiplexed amplify-and-forward radio relay chain with inter-modal crosstalk

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    The end-to-end spectral efficiency and bit error rate (BER) of an amplify-and-forward (AF) radio relay chain employing orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing is presented. The inherent divergence of a beam carrying OAM is overcome by means of a lens. Modelled and measured inter-modal crosstalk levels are incorporated into the analysis. The results show that an end-to-end spectral efficiency of up to 8 bits s−1 Hz−1 is achievable using four OAM modes to multiplex four parallel data streams over 20 hops, provided that the detrimental effects of inter-modal crosstalk are mitigated. The spectral efficiency is expected to scale further by using more OAM modes. The BER profile along the relay chain is analysed for each of the four OAM modes

    ΔI=1\Delta I=1 axial-vector mixing and charge symmetry breaking

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    Phenomenological Lagrangians that exhibit (broken) chiral symmetry as well as isospin violation suggest short-range charge symmetry breaking (CSB) nucleon-nucleon potentials with a \mbox{\boldmath \sigma}_1 \!\cdot\!\mbox{\boldmath \sigma}_2 structure. This structure could be realized by the mixing of axial-vector (1+1^+) mesons in a single-meson exchange picture. The Coleman-Glashow scheme for ΔIz=1\Delta I_{z}=1 charge symmetry breaking applied to meson and baryon SU(2)SU(2) mass splittings suggests a universal scale. This scale can be extended to ΔI=1\Delta I=1 nonstrange CSB transitions a1Hemf1\langle a_1^\circ|H_{em}|f_1\rangle of size 0.005-0.005 GeV2^2. The resulting nucleon-nucleon axial-vector meson exchange CSB potential then predicts ΔI=1\Delta I=1 effects which are small.Comment: 14 pages. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Evolution of Nuclear Spectra with Nuclear Forces

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    We first define a series of NN interaction models ranging from very simple to fully realistic. We then present Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei to show how nuclear spectra evolve as the nuclear forces are made increasingly sophisticated. We find that the absence of stable five- and eight-body nuclei depends crucially on the spin, isospin, and tensor components of the nuclear force.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Does The 3N-Force Have A Hard Core?

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    The meson-nucleon dynamics that generates the hard core of the RuhrPot two-nucleon interaction is shown to vanish in the irreducible 3N force. This result indicates a small 3N force dominated by conventional light meson-exchange dynamics and holds for an arbitrary meson-theoretic Lagrangian. The resulting RuhrPot 3N force is defined in the appendix. A completely different result is expected when the Tamm-Dancoff/Bloch-Horowitz procedure is used to define the NN and 3N potentials. In that approach, (e.g. full Bonn potential) both the NN {\it and} 3N potentials contain non-vanishing contributions from the coherent sum of meson-recoil dynamics and the possibility of a large hard core requiring explicit calculation cannot be ruled out.Comment: 16 pages REVTeX + 3 ps fig

    Benchmark calculations for polarization observables in 3N scattering

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    High precision benchmark calculations for phase-shifts and mixing parameters as well as observables in elastic neutron-deuteron scattering below the deuteron breakup threshold are presented using a realistic nucleon-nucleon potential. Two totally different methods, one using a variational principle in configuration space and the other solving the Faddeev equations in momentum space are used and compared to each other. The agreement achieved in phase-shifts and mixing parameters as well as in the polarization observables is excellent. The extreme sensitivity of the vector analyzing power Ay to small changes of the phase shifts and mixing parameters is pointed out.Comment: 22 pages, 5 postscript figure

    Triton calculations with π\pi and ρ\rho exchange three-nucleon forces

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    The Faddeev equations are solved in momentum space for the trinucleon bound state with the new Tucson-Melbourne π\pi and ρ\rho exchange three-nucleon potentials. The three-nucleon potentials are combined with a variety of realistic two-nucleon potentials. The dependence of the triton binding energy on the πNN\pi NN cut-off parameter in the three-nucleon potentials is studied and found to be reduced compared to the case with pure π\pi exchange. The ρ\rho exchange parts of the three-nucleon potential yield an overall repulsive effect. When the recommended parameters are employed, the calculated triton binding energy turns out to be very close to its experimental value. Expectation values of various components of the three-nucleon potential are given to illustrate their significance for binding.Comment: 17 pages Revtex 3.0, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quadratic momentum dependence in the nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    We investigate different choices for the quadratic momentum dependence required in nucleon-nucleon potentials to fit phase shifts in high partial-waves. In the Argonne v18 potential L**2 and (L.S)**2 operators are used to represent this dependence. The v18 potential is simple to use in many-body calculations since it has no quadratic momentum-dependent terms in S-waves. However, p**2 rather than L**2 dependence occurs naturally in meson-exchange models of nuclear forces. We construct an alternate version of the Argonne potential, designated Argonne v18pq, in which the L**2 and (L.S)**2 operators are replaced by p**2 and Qij operators, respectively. The quadratic momentum-dependent terms are smaller in the v18pq than in the v18 interaction. Results for the ground state binding energies of 3H, 3He, and 4He, obtained with the variational Monte Carlo method, are presented for both the models with and without three-nucleon interactions. We find that the nuclear wave functions obtained with the v18pq are slightly larger than those with v18 at interparticle distances < 1 fm. The two models provide essentially the same binding in the light nuclei, although the v18pq gains less attraction when a fixed three-nucleon potential is added.Comment: v.2 important corrections in tables and minor revisions in text; reference for web-posted subroutine adde

    Three-Nucleon Photodisintegration of 3He

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    The three-nucleon photodisintegration of 3He has been calculated in the whole phase space using consistent Faddeev equations for the three-nucleon bound and scattering states. Modern nucleon-nucleon and 3N forces have been applied as well as different approaches to nuclear currents. Phase space regions are localized where 3N force effects are especially large. In addition semi-exclusive cross sections for 3He(gamma,N) have been predicted which carry interesting peak structures. Finally some data for the exclusive 3N breakup process of 3He and its total breakup cross section have been compared to theory.Comment: 28 pages, 6 png figures, 11 ps figures, modified version with changed figures, conclusions unchanged, to appear in Phys.Rev.