669 research outputs found

    The effect of sewage effluent on trace metal speciation: implications for the biotic ligand model approach

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel UniversityThis research examined the suitability of the biotic ligand model (BLM) approach for assessing environmental risk in surface waters consisting substantially of treated sewage effluent, and the implications of its use within a compliance-based regulatory framework aimed at controlling discharges of metals into the aquatic environment. The results from a series of Daphnia magna acute copper toxicity assays conducted in an undiluted sewage effluent medium demonstrated that BLMs could predict an acute copper toxicity endpoint with suitable accuracy. This finding contributes further support for the use of BLMs for assessing risk and compliance, even in effluent impacted waters. Additional studies, however, also demonstrated that effluent derived organic matter contained a greater concentration of metal complexing ligands per milligram of dissolved organic carbon than organic matter derived from natural sources. This indicates that effluent derived organic matter offers greater protection against the potentially adverse effects from metals than the protection offered by organic matter derived from natural sources. These studies also demonstrated that improvements in the accuracy of BLM forecasts were achievable by taking these differences into account which, from a regulatory perspective, is also desirable since this enhances the environmental relevance of compliance criteria. These findings therefore justify that consideration for the influence of site-specific metal complexation characteristics should included as part of the regulatory framework within which BLMs will be applied. The implication of the BLM approach for Severn Trent Water Limited is that, as currently proposed, the approach will require a reduction in the concentration of copper in the effluent discharges for a small number of wastewater treatment works (9), whereas for zinc, concentration reductions may be required for numerous treatment works (126).Severn Trent Water and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Adoption of ISO 20022 for payments

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    O cenário dos sistemas de pagamentos mudou significativamente na última década, e mais mudanças estão no horizonte para os próximos anos. A adoção global da norma ISO 20022 é uma iniciativa de grande alcance e impacto. Tanto as instituições financeiras como os seus clientes corporate são encorajados a proativamente se adaptarem a um cenário em constante mudança e evolução, e assim colher os benefícios de uma adoção oportuna, eficaz e sustentável. Apesar do impacto dessa iniciativa, além das instruções técnicas, faltam modelos de referência que possam auxiliar no processo de adoção efetiva da norma ISO 20022 para a realização de pagamentos. Para resolver este problema, propõe-se um modelo de adoção, composto por um conjunto de diretrizes, boas práticas, templates para recolha e mapeamento de requisitos, e um conjunto de objetos técnicos que permitem flexibilidade e a transformação dos dados no seu formato final. Este modelo é aplicado num contexto real, numa organização que pretende adotar a norma ISO 20022. O desenvolvimento de tal modelo, dota os adotantes, não apenas ferramentas para aderir com sucesso à norma ISO 20022, mas também a possibilidade de criação de uma fábrica de pagamentos eficiente e sustentável.The payments landscape has significantly changed in the past decade and more changes are on the horizon for the coming years. The global adoption of ISO 20022 is a farreaching and impacting initiative. Both financial institutions and their corporate customers are prompted to proactively adapt to the ever-changing and ever-evolving payments landscape and reap the benefits of an effective, timely, and sustainable adoption. Despite the impact of this initiative, apart from technical instructions, there is a lack of reference models or bodies of research that can assist in the process of effectively adopting ISO 20022 for payments. To solve this problem, an adoption model is proposed, composed of a set of guidelines, best practices and templates to collect and map requirements, and technical objects that enable flexibility and the transformation of data into its final output. This adoption model is applied in a real-life context, in an organization in the process of adoption of ISO 20022. The development of such a model, endows the adopters, not only with the tools to successfully adhere to ISO 20022, but also with setting up an efficient and sustainable payment factory

    Conclusiones de la Jornada de Agricultura de Precisión y Tecnologías de la Información en la Agricultura

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    En este artículo se dan a conocer las conclusiones de la Jornada de AP y tecnologías de la información celebrada el pasado mes de febrero en la ETSIA de Madrid. En primer lugar, se presenta un resumen de las líneas de trabajo y grupos de investigación que están actualmente desarrollando técnicas de AP y, a continuación, se resumen las conclusiones recogidas tras el debate posterior a las exposicione

    Jornadas de Agricultura de Precisión y Tecnologías de la Información en la Agricultura

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    Se ha destacado la necesidad de modernizar el sector agrícola, tanto desde la actualización de las actividades formativas, como desde las iniciativas de investigación y desarrollo, y la actividad empresarial. En esta línea la agricultura de precisión puede aportar innovaciones interesantes al sector

    "Ready to eat": maduración controlada de fruta de hueso en cámara

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    El desarrollo de un protocolo para controlar la maduracion poscosecha de fruta de hueso, ha permitido a los productores californianos el envio de frutos a los puntos venta en condiciones optimas para el consumo ("lista para comer") mejorando el precio final y preci

    Heat Flow in Classical and Quantum Systems and Thermal Rectification

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    The understanding of the underlying dynamical mechanisms which determine the macroscopic laws of heat conduction is a long standing task of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. A better understanding of the mechanism of heat conduction may lead to potentially interesting applications based on the possibility to control the heat flow. Indeed, different models of thermal rectifiers has been recently proposed in which heat can flow preferentially in one direction. Although these models are far away from a prototype realization, the underlying mechanisms are of very general nature and, as such, are suitable of improvement and may eventually lead to real applications. We briefly discuss the problem of heat transport in classical and quantum systems and its relation to the chaoticity of the dynamics. We then study the phenomenon of thermal rectification and briefly discuss the different types of microscopic mechanisms that lead to the rectification of heat flow.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of CTNEXT0

    Evaluation of a Kiwifruit non-destructive firmness sensor

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    Non-deslructive firmness sensors have recently become available for packers and f r u í handlers although they derrand more ¡nforrratbn on their performance and reliability. A corrmerdal sensor based on low rrass irrpact has been tested on kiwifruit. Correlatton betweer the firrmess Índex given by the device and Magness-Taybr foro» was low (r3 = 0.594). Classiftoatbns modeled with dbcrirrinant analysls showed that it Is feasible to sort samples Into two firnness groups (96 to 91%), but dassiflcatbn into three dasses yields lower scores

    Predicting pitting damage during processing in California clingstone peaches using color and firmness measurements

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    Nondestructive and destructive measures of color and firmness were studied to determine the feasibility of predicting the level of damage to clingstone peaches during mechanical pitting. Nondestructive and destructive measures of firmness were equally variable when measuring the firmness at three equatorial cheek locations (coefficient of variation of about 17%), both had inverse relationships with the level of pitting damage (r2 ranged from 0.70 to 0.83), and could classify peaches into two categories (those subject to and those not subject to pitting damage) with classification accuracies of 75.2% and 81.7%, respectively. Destructive firmness was not a good predictor of nondestructive firmness in clingstone peaches. Skin color was not a good predictor of flesh color in clingstone peaches, and flesh color was not a good predictor of potential for damage to clingstone peaches during mechanical pitting

    Evaluación del funcionamiento de un sensor comercial de firmeza en pera. Estudio metrológico

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    Non-destructive firmness estimation of fruits has recently become available for packers, although they demand more information on their performance and reliability. A commercial device based on low mass impact has been tested in this work, and it has been applied on pears. Correlation between the firmness Índex gíven by the device and Magness-Taylor forcé was low (r=0.896). Classifications modeled with discrlmínant analysis showed that it is feasible sort samples into two firmness groups 96 to 91 % of correct classification for pear). Classification into three classes yields lower scores. A study searching for sources of variation ¡n the measurement showed that the distance sensor-fruit, the displacement from the center, and the operating pressure affect the reading ¡n a significant way

    Isla de calor en Toluca, México

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    El clima de la ciudad de Toluca y del mundo ha sido modificado como consecuencia del crecimiento de su población y el aumento de las dimensiones de su distribución territorial. Las variaciones atmosféricas son más acusadas entre los espacios urbanos y rurales a medida que las ciudades son más grandes y su mancha urbana es más extensa,así como de la reducción de la vegetación, el aumento en la calefacción en casas y edificios y por la contaminación del aire. Para identificar los espacios con calor más intenso por la infraestructura urbana, se propone una metodología que consiste en la determinación de los valores de temperatura que se registraron en dos días típicos de invierno y verano, durante el día y la noche,mostrando la distribución de la isla de calor en la zona de estudio, a partir de los datos delas estaciones de la Red Automática de Monitoreo Ambiental (RAMA). Asimismo, se considera el comportamiento y variación de algunas variables atmosféricas como humedad relativa, precipitación y viento, para mostrar su comportamiento relativamente anómalo en la zona urbana