99 research outputs found

    Análisis y categorización de las causas de la incomprensión en la interacción entre experto y lego en las series televisivas de temática médica: el caso de House

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs: 2019/2020La medicina lleva siendo una inspiración para el mundo audiovisual desde hace décadas. Son numerosas las producciones protagonizadas por personal médico que salen a la luz y que, además, gozan de una gran popularidad entre la población. Estos productos, aunque muchas veces son ficticios, acercan a los espectadores la realidad que se vive día a día en la consulta médica. El presente estudio parte del fenómeno comunicativo referente a la incomprensión en la interacción entre experto y lego. Para ello, se ha elegido como corpus la serie de televisión House, cuya trama protagoniza un equipo de médicos del hospital universitario Princeton-Plainsboro de Nueva Jersey. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer una categorización de las causas que propician este problema a partir de un método inductivo que parte de las marcas de incomprensión extraídas de la primera temporada de House. A raíz de esta categorización, es posible hacer un análisis cualitativo a través de ejemplos representativos de las categorías establecidas para así poder observar las estrategias comunicativas empleadas por el equipo sanitario que han fallado y si este problema se acaba solventando. Además, la creación de un análisis cuantitativo permitirá observar la frecuencia de estas categorías y cuales son los principales causantes de la incomprensión en la consulta creada en House. Finalmente, la disponibilidad de una versión original en inglés y una versión doblada al español permite examinar si al trasladar el diálogo de una lengua y cultura a otra, la incomprensión construida consigue el mismo efecto

    Decision Support System for City Logistics: Literature Review, and Guidelines for an Ex-ante Model

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    AbstractThe world is inexorably becoming urban. Since 2008, urban population is higher than the rural population. Therefore, cities are increasingly important systems for contemporary society. Phenomena such as urbanization and globalization have contributed to make urban centers more and more complex. One of the most important aspects is urban freight transportation, which is affected also by the spatial distribution of activities and residences. It follows that role of decision-makers is increasingly difficult due to limited economic and space resources that concern the urban areas. Besides, recent trends promoted by European Commission in the field of sustainable development require a profound reflections concerning the choice of transportation policies, and design of infrastructures. On the path towards to cities sustainability, local authorities have to make important decisions related to urban freight distribution.In this complex framework, the present paper describes the first phase of a two-year research project called “SIPLUS - Systems for Sustainable Urban Planning of Logistics”. The goal of SIPLUS is “development an ex-ante model for evaluation of interventions and investments in urban goods distribution, in favor of the municipalities”. It is a decision support system for authorities and decision-makers. At the end of the project, there will be a pilot actions with the application of proposed models in at least one European city.This paper describes the first results, which mainly concern literature review, state of the art, analysis of European best practices in city logistics, and the general framework of proposed model

    A Risk Assessment for Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods: A Routing Solution☆

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    Abstract Improve road traffic safety is one of the most important objectives for transport policy makers in contemporary society, and represents a strategic issue for enhance life quality. Recently ISO 39001 (Road Traffic Safety Management Systems) introduced the guidelines of safety-based activities aimed to decreasing road accidents, in agreement with the Quality Management Systems (ISO 9000). Such guidelines are intended for infrastructure managers, administrators, and private entities, and defines a standard management for reduction of road risk. In this context, the risk arising by dangerous goods transport represents a particular threat which needs strategies and tools to reduce risk rate of society, property and environment. Several decision making solutions for transport managers and public administration are defined, but two open points still exist. Firstly, there are not applications supporting for dangerous goods carriers in tactical and operational planning. The second point is related to impacts of traffic congestion on road accidents frequency: there is not a common approach for study and assessment these relationships. The aim of this paper is to analyze the interactions between road traffic flow and frequency of accidents: the paper propose an integrated approach for the study of routing problems considering safety. The first part concerns a brief critical review on literature solutions. Following is presented a new approach to analyze a road accident involving a dangerous goods, focusing on the reason which lead to a leakage of hazardous materials. This paper presents an upgrade of a minimum cost routing problem for a road carrier considering also the risk related to dangerous goods. After a description on how computing risk concerning dangerous goods transportation in a routing choice problem, the paper describes a solution aimed at providing a tactical and operating decision-making tool. The aim is to enable the carrier that transport dangerous goods to calculate the quantification of the risk for each specific trip in addition to operating cost for each specific transport. The added value of risk quantification could be used by transportation carrier in ISO 39001 to numerically prove his own safety-decisions to the control authority. The analysis developed has provided good results. The approach defined, albeit simplified, is a useful tool, especially when ISO 39001 standards will strengthen road safety

    A Modal Choice Model for Evaluating the Impact of Increasing Automation in Container Terminals

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    The aim of this paper is to define a model for the modal choice between road and rail transport taking into account the increase of rail attractiveness resulting from the increasing of the number of container terminals equipped with automated handling systems. The considered automated handling system is the automated multilevel handling system developed within the RCMS EU project, that is, a multistory storage building, equipped with electric AGVs, remote controlled elevators and remote controlled ceiling cranes. This automated system makes possible to access to a specific container without the necessity of reshuffling and to load/unload containers to/from trucks and trains directly under the storage structure, allowing a significant reduction of the loading/unloading time. In order to define the modal choice model, the systematic utility and the perceived utility are provided and the flows of freight delivered via rail or via road are determined with a binomial Logit model. Moreover, the threshold distance between seaport and inland terminals beyond which automation has a significant impact on modal split is evaluated. As a case study, a European port hinterland network is considered and some scenarios are analyzed, assuming that an increasing number of terminals introduces automation. The paper shows that the introduction of automation in container terminals has significant consequences on modal split. In particular, as the number of automated terminals increases, the rail mode becomes more competitive and the threshold distance between seaport and inland terminals, at which the modal split is equally distributed between road and rail modes, significantly decreases

    Lysosomal TRPML1 triggers global Ca2+ signals and nitric oxide release in human cerebrovascular endothelial cells

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    Lysosomal Ca2+ signaling is emerging as a crucial regulator of endothelial Ca2+ dynamics. Ca2+ release from the acidic vesicles in response to extracellular stimulation is usually promoted via Two Pore Channels (TPCs) and is amplified by endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-embedded inositol-1,3,4-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptors and ryanodine receptors. Emerging evidence suggests that sub-cellular Ca2+ signals in vascular endothelial cells can also be generated by the Transient Receptor Potential Mucolipin 1 channel (TRPML1) channel, which controls vesicle trafficking, autophagy and gene expression. Herein, we adopted a multidisciplinary approach, including live cell imaging, pharmacological manipulation, and gene targeting, revealing that TRPML1 protein is expressed and triggers global Ca2+ signals in the human brain microvascular endothelial cell line, hCMEC/D3. The direct stimulation of TRPML1 with both the synthetic agonist, ML-SA1, and the endogenous ligand phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P2) induced a significant increase in [Ca2+]i, that was reduced by pharmacological blockade and genetic silencing of TRPML1. In addition, TRPML1-mediated lysosomal Ca2+ release was sustained both by lysosomal Ca2+ release and ER Ca2+- release through inositol-1,4,5-trisphophate receptors and store-operated Ca2+ entry. Notably, interfering with TRPML1-mediated lysosomal Ca2+ mobilization led to a decrease in the free ER Ca2+ concentration. Imaging of DAF-FM fluorescence revealed that TRPML1 stimulation could also induce a significant Ca2+-dependent increase in nitric oxide concentration. Finally, the pharmacological and genetic blockade of TRPML1 impaired ATP-induced intracellular Ca2+ release and NO production. These findings, therefore, shed novel light on the mechanisms whereby the lysosomal Ca2+ store can shape endothelial Ca2+ signaling and Ca2+-dependent functions in vascular endothelial cells

    Predictors of stigma in a sample of mental health professionals: Network and moderator analysis on gender, years of experience, personality traits, and levels of burnout

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    Abstract Background. Stigma is one of the most important barriers to help-seeking and to personal recovery for people suffering from mental disorders. Stigmatizing attitudes are present among mental health professionals with negative effects on the quality of health care. Methods. Network and moderator analysis were used to identify what path determines stigma, considering demographic and professional variables, personality traits, and burnout dimensions in a sample of mental health professionals (n = 318) from six Community Mental Health Services. The survey included the Attribution Questionnaire-9, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. Results. The personality trait of openness to new experiences resulted to determine lower levels of stigma. Burnout (personal accomplishment) interacted with emotional stability in predicting stigma, and specifically, for subjects with lower emotional stability lower levels of personal accomplishment were associated with higher levels of stigma. Conclusions. Some personality traits may be accompanied by better empathic and communication skills, and may have a protective role against stigma. Moreover, burnout can increase stigma, in particular in subjects with specific personality traits. Assessing personality and burnout levels could help in identifying mental health professionals at higher risk of developing stigma. Future studies should determine whether targeted interventions in mental health professionals at risk of developing stigma may be effective in stigma prevention

    Association between neutropenia and response to ramucirumab and paclitaxel in patients with metastatic gastric cancer

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate if the occurrence of neutropenia is correlated with response to ramucirumab plus paclitaxel for metastatic gastric cancer.METHODS: This is a retrospective study of patients treated with ramucirumab plus paclitaxel.RESULTS: Fifty-three patients were evaluated. Among these, 10 patients (26.5%) developed grade ≥3 neutropenia. Patients with grade ≥3 neutropenia reported a progression-free survival of 6.6 months (95% confidence interval 3.3-8.4) and overall survival of 11 months (95% confidence interval 5.9-13.1) vs. 4.4 months (95% confidence interval 3.9-5.2) and 8.7 months (95% confidence interval 7.8-10.1) respectively in patients' group with lower grade events.CONCLUSION: Our analysis seems to suggest that the occurrence of neutropenia predicts response to treatment with ramucirumab and paclitaxel.</p