13 research outputs found

    El Arco del Andén Verde, a big gravitational landslide in the northwestern coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)

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    A sector of the northwestern coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Island) shows morphological and tectónica! characters, here described, wich demostrate the presence of a big gravitational landslide of the debris avalanche type, produced by the flank collapse of a basaltic shield volcano of Mid-Miocene ag

    Características y procesos postemplazamiento de la ignimbrita de la playa de San Juan (Tenerife)

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    The Playa de San Juan Ignimbrite is a peralkaline pyroclastic flow that shows important facies variations depending on its emplacement position. The ignimbrite is strongly welded, where slopes exceed about 2CP dipping fiamme, lamination and others structures indicate secondaty flow simultaneous with compaction and coolin

    Amino acid racemization ofpelecipoda and brachiopoda from Cuesta Colorada (Almería, SE Spa/n) section

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    This paper deals on the new Cuesta Colorada section study. A recent road cut allowed to study a more compietiogofthe former interpreted Pliocene - Pleistocene boundary. A great number of pelecipoda and brachiopoda shells from different strata were picked up for amino acid racemization analysis also, and the obtained results were compared with the palaeomagnetic interpretatio

    Geochemical (organic) Characterization of Holocene mollusca from the Gulf of Cádiz (Andalousie, Spain)

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    This paper deals with amino acid racemization ratios and aspartic acid preservation in Holocene (8ka and 2ka old) and today gastropoda, pelecipoda and echinoderma shells from the Gulf of Cadiz. Today samples revealed a relative high aspartic acid racemization process, but there is a net stepwise between the three sampled localities. There is also a fast, time dependent, asparctic acid los

    Aminostratigraphy of the travertine deposits of Priego (Prov. of Cuenca, central Spain): first results

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    This paper deals with aminostratigraphy and aminochronology of fluviatile travertine terraces of Priego. U/Th dating allowed to determine the lower system of lateglacial-postglacial and Riss-Wiirm (Eem) Interglaciar ages. Amino Acid Racemization analysis allowed to date the uppermost level as CUnz-Mindel (Cromer) age. In spite of recent contamination (in outcrop) by bacteria and spores, the validity of AAR method has been demostrate

    Aminostratigraphy of the travertine deposits of Priego (Prov. of Cuenca, central Spain): first results

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    This paper deals with aminostratigraphy and aminochronology of fluviatile travertine terraces of Priego. U/Th dating allowed to determine the lower system of lateglacial-postglacial and Riss-Wiirm (Eem) Interglaciar ages. Amino Acid Racemization analysis allowed to date the uppermost level as CUnz-Mindel (Cromer) age. In spite of recent contamination (in outcrop) by bacteria and spores, the validity of AAR method has been demostrate

    The río Blanco (Soria, Spain) travertine deposits: age and evolution

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    Electro Spin Resonance and Amino Acid Racemizaton dating of Rio Blanco travertine deposits allowed to place travertine platforms bulidup into 9, 7 and 5 Oxigen Isotope Stages. Through topographical situation relative stratigraphy does ?nt work properly because "Las Chorroneras" barrier-water fall influence in backfilling process and local water tabl

    Work and Organisational Psychology in Spain

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