2,039 research outputs found

    A Study to Evaluate The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Management And Prevention Of Dermatitis in Children Among Mothers In Selected Urban Areas at Tumkur

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    The focus of this study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management and prevention of dermatitis in children among mothers in selected urban areas at Tumkur’’. Children's health  incorporates the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of children starting from infancy through adolescence as healthy children become healthy adults. People who are responsible enough to create better lives for themselves, their communities and their countries. Improving the health of the world's children is a core UNICEF objective. Prevalence of dermatitis in children has increased over the past 30 years, although the reasons for this increase are unknown. The current prevalence worldwide is estimated to be between 10.0% to 15.6%. A related inclination has been observed in India over the past 30 years. In an Indian study from Bihar in 2003, AD comprised 28.46% of the total paediatric skin diseases. The disease starts early with 35% to 60% of symptoms manifesting in the first year of life and 47% to 85% by 5 years of age

    Mixed Research Design

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    Mixed methods research is systematic, theoretical, analysis of the method for conducting research that includes collecting data, analysis, interpretation of data and also integrating qualitative and quantitative data grounded by a certain principles. This approach to research is used when this integration provides a better understanding of the research problem than either of each alone the field of mixed methods has only explored a research problem. Mixed methods research is a concept that was originated in social sciences but have recently expanded into the health and medical sciences which includes fields such like nursing, family medicine, social work, mental health, pharmacy, allied health, and others. In the last decade, its procedures have been developed and refined to suit a wide variety of research questions

    A Descriptive Study To Assess The Knowledge Regarding MR Vaccination Among Mothers In Selected Area at Bangalore

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    Immunization is one of the most cost effective intervention to reduce burden of childhood mortality and morbidity provided used optimal and judiciously. Currently itis estimated that immunization save the lives of 3 million children a year but 2 million more lives could be saved by existing vaccines. Prevention of disease is one of the most important goals in child care, During infancy and childhood ,preventive measures against certain infection diseases are available .In recent years relatively low immunization level in age group have occasioned scattered out breaks of certain diseases .For this reason nation effort is being made towards improving the immunization levels of allchildren. Transmitted in airborne droplets when infected people sneeze or cough, rubella is anacute, usually mild viral disease traditionally affecting susceptible children and young adult’s worldwide9. Rubella infection just before conception and in early pregnancy may result in miscarriage, fetal  death,  or  congenital  defects  known  as  congenital  rubella  syndrome  (CRS), which is characterized by multiple defects, particularly to the brain,  heart,  eyes,  and ears. The highest risk of CRS is found in countries with high rates of susceptibility to rubella among women of childbearing age, and worldwide an estimated 110,000 babies are born with CRS every year

    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Neem Leaves Paste on Worm Infestation Among School Children In Selected School At Bangalore

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    Worm infestation set up an important limitation on growth and development of children. In children with borderline nutritional status, worms can precipitate nutritional failure. Worm infestation in children is normally seen in India. The common worm infestations are Threadworm, Round Worm and Hookworm. The child suffering from worms usually have below mentioned symptoms. The children have stomach pain off and on after eating his food. Lack of appetite and poor digestion. Child looks weak and sick and anemic. Sometimes a larger bunch of worms may block the intestinal tract and cause total constipation, abdominal distension and vomiting. Itching round the anal region. Intestinal parasites complete for food, damage the intestine and decrease food absorption. Light round worm infection can lead to 3 % calorie wastage. Heavy infection can lead to caloric loss of 5% of daily consumption. Hence the present study intends to assess the effectiveness of neem leaves paste on worm infestation in school children.Worm infestation contributed 13.9% of our pediatric admissions. Children between 1-2 years have increased incidence. Though most of the houses had latrine facilities, children mostly used open-air defecation. The commonest clinical presentation was gastrointestinal symptom. Associated PEM and vitamin deficiencies were present. Many children given deworming drugs had recurrence due to reinfection. Most children were anemic and eosinophilia was present in only half of them. Ultra sonogram is very useful in diagnosing worm infestation in suspecting cases. Most of them were cured with conservative line of treatment. There is a need for awareness of worm infestation, appropriate treatment i.e., regular deworming at frequent intervals.

    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Neem Leaves Paste on Worm Infestation Among School Children In Selected School At Bangalore

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    Worm infestation set up an important limitation on growth and development of children. In children with borderline nutritional status, worms can precipitate nutritional failure. Worm infestation in children is normally seen in India. The common worm infestations are Threadworm, Round Worm and Hookworm. The child suffering from worms usually have below mentioned symptoms. The children have stomach pain off and on after eating his food. Lack of appetite and poor digestion. Child looks weak and sick and anemic. Sometimes a larger bunch of worms may block the intestinal tract and cause total constipation, abdominal distension and vomiting. Itching round the anal region. Intestinal parasites complete for food, damage the intestine and decrease food absorption. Light round worm infection can lead to 3 % calorie wastage. Heavy infection can lead to caloric loss of 5% of daily consumption. Hence the present study intends to assess the effectiveness of neem leaves paste on worm infestation in school children.Worm infestation contributed 13.9% of our pediatric admissions. Children between 1-2 years have increased incidence. Though most of the houses had latrine facilities, children mostly used open-air defecation. The commonest clinical presentation was gastrointestinal symptom. Associated PEM and vitamin deficiencies were present. Many children given deworming drugs had recurrence due to reinfection. Most children were anemic and eosinophilia was present in only half of them. Ultra sonogram is very useful in diagnosing worm infestation in suspecting cases. Most of them were cured with conservative line of treatment. There is a need for awareness of worm infestation, appropriate treatment i.e., regular deworming at frequent intervals.

    Capric Acid Secreted by S. boulardii Inhibits C. albicans Filamentous Growth, Adhesion and Biofilm Formation

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    Candidiasis are life-threatening systemic fungal diseases, especially of gastro intestinal track, skin and mucous membranes lining various body cavities like the nostrils, the mouth, the lips, the eyelids, the ears or the genital area. Due to increasing resistance of candidiasis to existing drugs, it is very important to look for new strategies helping the treatment of such fungal diseases. One promising strategy is the use of the probiotic microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit. Such a probiotic microorganism is yeast Saccharomyces boulardii, a close relative of baker yeast. Saccharomyces boulardii cells and their extract affect the virulence factors of the important human fungal pathogen C. albicans, its hyphae formation, adhesion and biofilm development. Extract prepared from S. boulardii culture filtrate was fractionated and GC-MS analysis showed that the active fraction contained, apart from 2-phenylethanol, caproic, caprylic and capric acid whose presence was confirmed by ESI-MS analysis. Biological activity was tested on C. albicans using extract and pure identified compounds. Our study demonstrated that this probiotic yeast secretes into the medium active compounds reducing candidal virulence factors. The chief compound inhibiting filamentous C. albicans growth comparably to S. boulardii extract was capric acid, which is thus responsible for inhibition of hyphae formation. It also reduced candidal adhesion and biofilm formation, though three times less than the extract, which thus contains other factors suppressing C. albicans adherence. The expression profile of selected genes associated with C. albicans virulence by real-time PCR showed a reduced expression of HWP1, INO1 and CSH1 genes in C. albicans cells treated with capric acid and S. boulardii extract. Hence capric acid secreted by S. boulardii is responsible for inhibition of C. albicans filamentation and partially also adhesion and biofilm formation

    Ablation of Proliferating Cells in the CNS Exacerbates Motor Neuron Disease Caused by Mutant Superoxide Dismutase

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    Proliferation of glia and immune cells is a common pathological feature of many neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here, to investigate the role of proliferating cells in motor neuron disease, SOD1G93A transgenic mice were treated intracerebroventicularly (ICV) with the anti-mitotic drug cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C). ICV delivery of Ara-C accelerated disease progression in SOD1G93A mouse model of ALS. Ara-C treatment caused substantial decreases in the number of microglia, NG2+ progenitors, Olig2+ cells and CD3+ T cells in the lumbar spinal cord of symptomatic SOD1G93A transgenic mice. Exacerbation of disease was also associated with significant alterations in the expression inflammatory molecules IL-1β, IL-6, TGF-β and the growth factor IGF-1

    Phylogeography of a successful aerial disperser: the golden orb spider Nephila on Indian Ocean islands

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    Abstract Background The origin and diversification patterns of lineages across the Indian Ocean islands are varied due to the interplay of the complex geographic and geologic island histories, the varying dispersal abilities of biotas, and the proximity to major continental landmasses. Our aim was to reconstruct phylogeographic history of the giant orbweaving spider (Nephila) on western Indian Ocean islands (Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues), to test its origin and route of dispersal, and to examine the consequences of good dispersal abilities for colonization and diversification, in comparison with related spiders (Nephilengys) inhabiting the same islands, and with other organisms known for over water dispersal. We used mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (ITS2) markers to examine phylogenetic and population genetic patterns in Nephila populations and species. We employed Bayesian and parsimony methods to reconstruct phylogenies and haplotype networks, respectively, and calculated genetic distances, fixation indices, and estimated clade ages under a relaxed clock model. Results Our results suggest an African origin of Madagascar Nephila inaurata populations via Cenozoic dispersal, and the colonization of the Mascarene islands from Madagascar. We find evidence of gene flow across Madagascar and Comoros. The Mascarene islands share a common 'ancestral' COI haplotype closely related to those found on Madagascar, but itself absent, or as yet unsampled, from Madagascar. Each island has one or more unique haplotypes related to the ancestral Mascarene haplotype. The Indian Ocean N. inaurata are genetically distinct from the African populations. Conclusions Nephila spiders colonized Madagascar from Africa about 2.5 (0.6-5.3) Ma. Our results are consistent with subsequent, recent and rapid, colonization of all three Mascarene islands. On each island, however, we detected unique haplotypes, consistent with a limited gene flow among the islands subsequent to colonization, a scenario that might be referred to as speciation in progress. However, due to relatively small sample sizes, we cannot rule out that we simply failed to collect Mascarene haplotypes on Madagascar, a scenario that might imply human mediated dispersal. Nonetheless, the former interpretation better fits the available data and results in a pattern similar to the related Nephilengys. Nephilengys, however, shows higher genetic divergences with diversification on more remote islands. That the better disperser of the two lineages, Nephila, has colonized more islands but failed to diversify, demonstrates how dispersal ability can shape both the patterns of colonization and formation of species across archipelagos.</p