35 research outputs found


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    One of the main challenges in the implementation of BIM-based processes concerns interoperability issues. In fact, even if IFC format is recognised as an ISO standard, different barriers and problems are often encountered in IFC adoption. Generally, obstacles are due to the difficulty of users in personalising import and export options of IFC formats in BIM authoring tools with the consequent possibility of information loss. The paper presents a method for improving the information flow, based on the connection of information stored in IFC files and in external databases through automated processes. Therefore, information concerning one single project can be stored in BIModels and linked to external sources or, conversely, referred from external databases to objects in BIModels. Benefits deriving from the adoption of the proposed solutions concern the limited size of BIModels, the possibility to store information not considered in the IFC schema, and the reduction of IT skills required to building operators for exchanging information in an interoperable way

    Applying Mining Techniques to Analyze Vestibular Data

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    AbstractThe vestibular apparatus allows to perform audiological and equilibrium human functions and to capture movements with respect to gravity. Damages to the vestibular system causes diseases that can be measured by using Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMPs) test. The test produces a lot of data that has to be collected and analyzed to allow a disease study and classification. We propose a framework that includes algorithms able to perform pathology distribution and classification. It has been tested on electronic patient records loaded from the University Hospital database. The software allows to manage the structure and framework and a blind application of one of the available classification techniques shows a relation among gender and vestibular apparatus disease

    Clash Detection and Code Checking BIM Platform for the Italian Market

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    Development of experimental products for the BIM environment, and plug-ins are integrated with a collaborative platform to create, manage and validate BIM models in a common data environment

    bim electric objects plug in for industry 4 0

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    The use of digital MEP objects in BIM models is a reality in the building world. This approach allows for the extrapolation of information relating to digital models, the simulation of their operation and the calculations of the sizing of plant circuits. The final goal of this research project is the creation of BIM object libraries for the 4.0 Industry, which includes the modelling of BIM objects for manufacturing connected with a company system. The Revit EasyBIM plug-in, developed for Vimar SpA and object of this research paper, allows for the creation of BIM objects, connected with a company system for the control of customer satisfaction throughout the production chain, design of use, installation, use in life cycle and disposal

    BIM Digital Platform for First Aid: Firefighters, Police, Red Cross

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    This document explains the use of BIM in emergency response scenarios, considering both the current rescue procedures and the innovative development of a digital platform able to support first aid, firefighters, civil protection, police, traffic wardens, etc. This ongoing study has a practical aim: to allow all rescuers to intervene promptly and safely in places where there are alarm conditions. Thanks to the BIM methodology, linked to indoor navigation of the building and Google Maps tools, in case of an intervention users will be able to query a digital model for information. Starting from these premises, this paper assumes and analyses the methodology and tools used to develop the project of a BIM digital platform for first aid

    A spatio-temporal perspective to knowledge management in the construction sector

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    The construction sector is an informative intensive one. In every project, during each phase are generated hands-on experiences, problem solving capabilities, understanding of various means and methods, and highly contextualised solutions. This knowledge represents one of the most important assets for AECO firms. In the construction process, the development of a project requires the aggregation of several stakeholders. Many times this group of stakeholders collaborate for the development of the project and once it is delivered they disband moving on to the next project. Hence, the knowledge generated during the process by a whole of stakeholders is disrupted at the end of the project. Furthermore, the experiences gained in the process are rarely, if at all documented with the consequence that knowledge remains stored in the minds of those who were directly involved. This paper proposes a novel interpretation of the classical theories of knowledge management considering the peculiarities of the construction sector. Starting from the study proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi and in particular the hypertext organisation schema and the SECI model, the article proposes a redesign of the schema to allow its introduction in the construction sector. This main topic is integrated with considerations derived from the cultural historical activity theory and the heuristic decision theory that represent fundamental areas of study to integrate the general model with the means to analyse distributed and decentred organisations, and the intrinsic psychological aspects involved in the management of knowledge. Hence, the paper proposes an integrated vision of the hypertext organisation schema studied in the construction sector. Furthermore, starting from the latter, the research proposes an interpretation of the knowledge generation and consumption process in the construction sector introducing a spatio-temporal perspective that highlights the distribution of knowledge related processes in terms of both space and time during the construction process

    Una prospettiva spazio-temporale per il “knowledge management” nel settore delle costruzioni

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    The construction sector is an informative intensive one. In every project, during each phase are generated hands-on experiences, problem solving capabilities, understanding of various means and methods, and highly contextualised solutions. This knowledge represents one of the most important assets for AECO firms. In the construction process, the development of a project requires the aggregation of several stakeholders. Many times this group of stakeholders collaborate for the development of the project and once it is delivered they disband moving on to the next project. Hence, the knowledge generated during the process by a whole of stakeholders is disrupted at the end of the project. Furthermore, the experiences gained in the process are rarely, if at all documented with the consequence that knowledge remains stored in the minds of those who were directly involved.This paper proposes a novel interpretation of the classical theories of knowledge management considering the peculiarities of the construction sector. Starting from the study proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi and in particular the hypertext organisation schema and the SECI model, the article proposes a redesign of the schema to allow its introduction in the construction sector. This main topic is integrated with considerations derived from the cultural historical activity theory and the heuristic decision theory that represent fundamental areas of study to integrate the general model with the means to analyse distributed and decentred organisations, and the intrinsic psychological aspects involved in the management of knowledge.Hence, the paper proposes an integrated vision of the hypertext organisation schema studied in the construction sector. Furthermore, starting from the latter, the research proposes an interpretation of the knowledge generation and consumption process in the construction sector introducing a spatio-temporal perspective that highlights the distribution of knowledge related processesin terms of both space and time during the construction process.Il settore edile è un settore denso di informazioni. In ogni progetto, durante ogni fase vengono generate esperienze pratiche, capacità di problem solving, comprensione di vari mezzi e metodi e soluzioni altamente contestualizzate. Questa conoscenza rappresenta uno dei beni più importanti per le aziende AECO. Nel processo di costruzione, lo sviluppo di un progetto richiede l'aggregazione di diverse parti interessate. Molte volte questo gruppo di stakeholder collabora per lo sviluppo del progetto e una volta consegnato si scioglie passando al prossimo progetto. Di conseguenza, le conoscenze generate durante il processo da un intero gruppo di soggetti interessati vengono interrotte alla fine del progetto. Inoltre, le esperienze acquisite nel processo sono raramente, o forse mai, documentate, con la conseguenza che la conoscenza rimane memorizzata nella mente di coloro che sono stati direttamente coinvolti.Questo articolo propone una nuova interpretazione delle teorie classiche della gestione della conoscenza considerando le peculiarità del settore delle costruzioni. Partendo dallo studio proposto da Nonaka e Takeuchi e in particolare dallo schema dell'organizzazione ipertestuale e dal modello SECI, l'articolo propone una riprogettazione dello schema per consentirne l'introduzione nel settore delle costruzioni. Questo argomento principale è integrato con considerazioni derivate dalla teoria dell'attività culturale storica e dalla teoria euristica delle decisioni che rappresentano aree fondamentali di studio per integrare il modello generale con i mezzi per analizzare le organizzazioni distribuite e decentrate e gli aspetti psicologici intrinseci coinvolti nella gestione di conoscenza.Quindi, lo studio propone una visione integrata dello schema dell'organizzazione ipertestuale studiata nell’ambito del settore delle costruzioni. Inoltre, a partire da quest'ultima, la ricerca propone un'interpretazione della generazione della conoscenza e del processo di consumo nel settore delle costruzioni introducendo una prospettiva spazio-temporale che evidenzi la distribuzione dei processi relativi alla conoscenza in termini sia di spazio che di tempo durante il processo di costruzione

    Overcoming data island

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    The creation of several data silos without an idea about a whole picture at a system level is a little evolution compared to the traditional storing system. Today, also in the construction sector, the focus must be directed to the link between data in order to extract from these new values for the entire community. The inherent structure of the construction field characterized by a high fragmentation of subjects involved during the lifecycle of a project needs efficient means to effectively share and manage distributed information. Nowadays great efforts have been spent both in the research and in the industry field in the development of effective means to allow affective collaboration between different disciplines during the entire life cycle of a project. However no steps have been defined in the development of a multi-project paradigm that can give to costumers and in general to the construction industry a valuable instrument for decision making and knowledge sharing processes. In each project we may have different standards, different data fields, different rules of modeling, different codes and it means that elements deriving from different projects cannot be compared to each other. The information fields that are usually used to identify elements in a project environment like names, codes, etc. are useless in a multi-project environment. The objective of this paper is providing a general means to integrate contents derived from different project realities. Our objective is to structure a process that can guarantee good performances and at the same time allows the querying of elements provided by multiple project environments. The conclusions reached are about the identification of a possible path to follow in order to admit the integration of data from different projects and from this, extract new knowledge that today cannot be reached