560 research outputs found

    The Use of the grassmeter as a simplified method to estimate dry matter yield on annual self-reseeding medics and clovers

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    BACKGROUND. The grassmeter non-destructive method was used to estimate dry matter yield (DMY) of 24 annual self-reseeding legumes. The possibility was evaluated of using the grassmeter as an alternative to conventional destructive quadrats for large field plot experiments. METHODS. The linear regressions between sward height measured by the grassmeter and DMY were analysed. Three types of regression equations were calculated: (i) ‘general’, a single equation including the three-year set of height/DMY pairs of data; (ii) ‘specific’, one regression equation for each species; (iii) ‘preliminary’, calculated from the data collected in the spring and autumn cuts of the first year. RESULTS. The ‘general’ calibration gave a satisfactory estimate of DMY (R2=0.55). The ‘specific’ calibration was particularly accurate for Trifolium brachycalicynum “Osilo” (R2=0.88), T. squarrosum “Chilivani” (R2=0.81) and Medicago polymorpha “Circle Valley” (R2=0.81), but not for M. rugosa “Sapo” (R2=0.22) and “Paraponto” (R2=0.26). The ‘preliminary’ calibration, which was based only on the destructive assessment of DMY at the first cut, provided reliable estimates of DMY until the sward conditions, namely cover rate and weeds, were comparable to those of the calibration period. The coefficient of variation of the DMY estimate based on the grassmeter ‘general’ calibration was about 10% lower than that of the DMY measured with conventional quadrats. CONCLUSIONS. Results suggest that the grassmeter could effectively replace destructive measurements for estimating the DMY of annual self-reseeding legumes, thus reducing labour requirements and number of samples to be processed, or increasing, when needed, the number of accessions to compare and hence the inference of the experiment

    Microgravity-Enhanced Stem Cell Selection

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    Stem cells, both embryonic and adult, promise to revolutionize the practice of medicine in the future. In order to realize this potential, a number of hurdles must be overcome. Most importantly, the signaling mechanisms necessary to control the differentiation of stem cells into tissues of interest remain to be elucidated, and much of the present research on stem cells is focused on this goal. Nevertheless, it will also be essential to achieve large-scale expansion and, in many cases, assemble cells in 3D as transplantable tissues. To this end, microgravity analog bioreactors can play a significant role. Microgravity bioreactors were originally conceived as a tool to study the cellular responses to microgravity. However, the technology can address some of the shortcomings of conventional cell culture systems; namely, the deficiency of mass transport in static culture and high mechanical shear forces in stirred systems. Unexpectedly, the conditions created in the vessel were ideal for 3D cell culture. Recently, investigators have demonstrated the capability of the microgravity bioreactors to expand hematopoietic stem cells compared to static culture, and facilitate the differentiation of umbilical cord stem cells into 3D liver aggregates. Stem cells are capable of differentiating into functional cells. However, there are no reliable methods to induce the stem cells to form specific cells or to gain enough cells for transplantation, which limits their application in clinical therapy. The aim of this study is to select the best experimental setup to reach high proliferation levels by culturing these cells in a microgravity-based bioreactor. In typical cell culture, the cells sediment to the bottom surface of their container and propagate as a one-cell-layer sheet. Prevention of such sedimentation affords the freedom for self-assembly and the propagation of 3D tissue arrays. Suspension of cells is easily achievable using stirred technologies. Unfortunately, in conventional bioreactors, stirring invokes deleterious forces that disrupt cell aggregation and results in cell death. First-generation rotating bioreactors provided rotation on the horizontal axis, which resulted in the suspension of cells without stirring, thus providing a suitable environment to propagate cells without sedimentation to a surface. The rotating wall bioreactors did not provide a way to remove air bubbles that were causing shear and disrupting 3D cultures. Johnson Space Center successfully engineered the hydrofocusing bioreactor (HFB) that resolved the problem of removing the air bubbles from the fluid medium of NASA's rotating-wall space bioreactors. The HFB uses the principle of hydrodynamic focusing that simultaneously produces a low-shear fluid culture environment and a variable hydrofocusing force that can control the movement, location, and removal of suspended cells, tissues, and air bubbles from the bioreactor. The HFB is a rotating, domeshaped cell culture vessel with a centrally located sampling port and an internal viscous spinner. The vessel and spinner can rotate at different speeds either in the same or opposite directions. Rotation of the vessel and viscous interaction at the spinner generate a hydrofocusing force. Adjusting the differential rotation rate between vessel and spinner controls the magnitude of the force

    Methods for Stem Cell Production and Therapy

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    The present invention relates to methods for rapidly expanding a stem cell population with or without culture supplements in simulated microgravity conditions. The present invention relates to methods for rapidly increasing the life span of stem cell populations without culture supplements in simulated microgravity conditions. The present invention also relates to methods for increasing the sensitivity of cancer stem cells to chemotherapeutic agents by culturing the cancer stem cells under microgravity conditions and in the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. The methods of the present invention can also be used to proliferate cancer cells by culturing them in the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. The present invention also relates to methods for testing the sensitivity of cancer cells and cancer stem cells to chemotherapeutic agents by culturing the cancer cells and cancer stem cells under microgravity conditions. The methods of the present invention can also be used to produce tissue for use in transplantation by culturing stem cells or cancer stem cells under microgravity conditions. The methods of the present invention can also be used to produce cellular factors and growth factors by culturing stem cells or cancer stem cells under microgravity conditions. The methods of the present invention can also be used to produce cellular factors and growth factors to promote differentiation of cancer stem cells under microgravity conditions

    On the Fly Orchestration of Unikernels: Tuning and Performance Evaluation of Virtual Infrastructure Managers

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    Network operators are facing significant challenges meeting the demand for more bandwidth, agile infrastructures, innovative services, while keeping costs low. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Cloud Computing are emerging as key trends of 5G network architectures, providing flexibility, fast instantiation times, support of Commercial Off The Shelf hardware and significant cost savings. NFV leverages Cloud Computing principles to move the data-plane network functions from expensive, closed and proprietary hardware to the so-called Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). In this paper we deal with the management of virtual computing resources (Unikernels) for the execution of VNFs. This functionality is performed by the Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) in the NFV MANagement and Orchestration (MANO) reference architecture. We discuss the instantiation process of virtual resources and propose a generic reference model, starting from the analysis of three open source VIMs, namely OpenStack, Nomad and OpenVIM. We improve the aforementioned VIMs introducing the support for special-purpose Unikernels and aiming at reducing the duration of the instantiation process. We evaluate some performance aspects of the VIMs, considering both stock and tuned versions. The VIM extensions and performance evaluation tools are available under a liberal open source licence

    How does the human RUNX3 gene induce apoptosis in gastric cancer? Latest data, reflections and reactions.

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    RUNX3 is the oldest known gene in the RUNX family. Data have demonstrated its function to be thoroughly involved the neurogenesis of the dorsal root ganglia, T-cell differentiation and tumorigenesis of gastric epithelium. As a TGF-beta target, RUNX3 protein is believed to be involved in TGF-beta-mediated tumor suppressor pathway; however, little is known about its role in apoptosis. According to recent data reported by Yamamura et al., (J Biol Chem 2006; 281:5267-76), RUNX3 interacts with FoxO3a/FKHRL1 expressed in gastric cancer cells to activate Bim and induce apoptosis. The cooperation between RUNX3 and the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway component FoxO3a/FKHRL1 suggests the putative role of RUNX3 in the homoeostasis of gastric cells and in stomach cancer control. Here we discuss recent breakthroughs in our understanding of the mechanisms of RUNX3 in gastric malignancy and comment on possible future trends and perspectives

    Epi-mucosa fixation and autologous platelet-rich fibrin treatment in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw

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    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) frequently affects patients after treatments with bisphosphonates or denosumab, especially with high doses in patients with bone osteoporosis, neoplastic metastases, or possibly anti-angiogenic treatment for cancer. The aim of this article was to show a new treatment planning for stage 2 and stage 3 MRONJ using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) at the surgical field to enhance healing in association with a new epi-mucosal fixation technique to prevent or treat mandibular fracture. Two cases were treated by epi-mucosa fixation and autologous PRF use for prevention of mandibular fracture risks related to necrotic bone resection or a narrow fracture reduction. Both cases were successfully treated by this new technique of epi-mucosa fixation combined with autologous PRF and achieved good results and good quality of life. Ability to wear prosthesis with good mastication in the absence of side effect such as infection, plate and screw mobilization, pain, and other disabilities or extension of necrosis was reported. After surgical removal of necrotic bone, no infection was detected without any extension of the necrosis

    Mediche e trifogli annuali autoriseminanti per usi foraggeri e non convenzionali: I. Adattamento e persistenza

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    The objective of this research was to test the adaptation and persistence of 24 pasture legume accessions, chosen among Australian varieties, Italian commerciaI materials and Sardinian ecotypes, in view of forage and not conventional uses. During three years, the evolution of sward height, the specific soil covering rate and the percentage of weeds were estimated. Edaphic and clima tic factors selected the commerciaI materials, that yielded high dry matter productions only at the first year. The medics established well and reached high productive levels in the first year, but among them only Medicago arabica "IAS", M. polymorpha cv. "Circle Valley" and M. truncatula cv. "Paraggio" persisted during the three-years. The early flowering and the high dry matter yield indicate that M. truncatula cv. "Paraggio" is suitable to be integrated into rotational cereal systems and with M. polymorpha cv. "Circle Valley" could be used as a cover crop in vineyards or in mixtures with other legumes at different flowering earliness to improve the pasture composition. M. arabica "IAS", due to its long cycle and high productivity, may be only used as a forage crop. Trifolium brachycalycinum "Funtana Bona", with its high competitive ability against weeds, its favourable seasonal production pattern, could be used for artificial or natural pasture improvement. T. yanninicum cv. "Larissa", with its shorter cycle and Iow produetivity, proved to be suitable as a cover crop in the vineyards. T. squarrosum "Chilìvani", a late clover, can be considered as an alternative to annual medi es and subterranean clovers for pasture improvement on sub-alcaline soils. The results indicate once more that local ecotypes were on average more persistent and adapted than commercial varieties. Obiettivo della ricerca è stato quello di valutare la capacità di adattamento e la persistenza di 24 accessioni di leguminose annuali scelte fra varietà australiane, materiali commerciali nazionali e collezioni sarde, in vista di possibili impieghi produttivi ed extra produttivi. Per un triennio, su terreni subalcalini della Sardegna nord occidentale, sono state valutate la produzione e l'evoluzione del ricoprimento specifico del terreno, dell'infestazione e dell'altezza della copertura vegetale. I risultati hanno evidenziato una marcata selettività dei fattori pedoclimatici soprattutto nei confronti della persistenza dei materiali commerciali. Le mediche hanno raggiunto buoni livelli produttivi al primo anno, ma soltanto Medicago arabica "IAS", M. polymorpha cv. "Cirde Valley" e M. truncatula cv. "Paraggio" hanno mostrato buona persistenza. La precocità e la elevata produzione di M. truncatula cv. "Paraggio", ne suggeriscono l'impiego in rotazione con cereali autunno vernini, insieme a M. polymorpha cv. "Circle Valley" come "cover crop" in vigneti o in miscugli oligofiti con componenti a diversa precocità per la costituzione di pascoli artificiali. M. arabica "IAS", per il ciclo lungo e la elevata produzione è risultata invece più indicata per destinazioni strettamente foraggere. Trifolium brachycalycinum "Funtana Bona", in virt๠della competitività con le specie spontanee, la regolarità di produzione e la buona distribuzione stagionale, sembrerebbe adatto per la costituzione di pascoli artificiali o l'infittimento di pascoli naturali; T. yanninicum cv. "Larissa" invece, per il suo ciclo più breve e la minore produttività, è apparso più adatto per l'inerbimento dei vigneti. T. squarrosum "Chilivani", per la lunghezza del ciclo produttivo, si è rivelato una valida alternativa alle mediche annuali ed ai trifogli sotterranei nel miglioramento dei pascoli su terreni sub-alcalini. I risultati indicano una generale superiorità dei materiali locali rispetto alla gran parte dei materiali commerciali

    Validità agronotnica e sostenibilità di un pascolo migliorato con specie autoriseminanti in alternativa all'erbaio autunno-vernino nei sistemi foraggeri asciutti mediterranei

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    The results of a three year trial run in Sardinia within a larger experiment on rainfed forage systems for dairy sheep are reported. The agronomic, zootechnic and economic validity of an improved pasture (sod seeding of Lolium rigidum ecotype «Nurra» and Trifolium brachycalycinum «Clare») as an alternative to the grazing of short term forage crops (oats) were evaluated. The forage production and consumption of the improved pasture were higher than those of the oats in two years out of three and on average in the three years. The seasonal distribution of the forage production was better in the improved pasture for the quicker establishment in Autumn. The sowing date of the oats was delayed in the second year because of the abundant and frequent rainfall in the early Autumn. The subclover showed a slow establishment and was less competitive than annual ryegrass in the first year. Its self-reseeding was affected by the damage of Bruchidius trifolii. Annual ryegrass gradually established a thick and persistent sward through a seed yield over than 50000 seeds m-2. The milk yield of ewes grazing the improved pasture resulted 20% higher than that of the ewes grazing oats. The average annual costs ofthe oats were about two times higher and the agronomie and zootechnic results lower than those of the improved pasture. Taking into account the environmental aspects (soil protection from erosion in the Autumn) and the management aspects, it was concluded that the self-reseeding improved pasture is an effective alternative to short term forage crops in the dairy sheep forage farming systems of the Mediterranean environment. Vengono riportati i risultati di una prova triennale svolta in Sardegna nell'ambito di un confronto tra sistemi foraggeri asciutti per ovini da latte. E’ stata valutata la validità in termini agronomici, zootecnici ed economici di un pascolo migliorato con la semina su sodo di un miscuglio di Lolium rigidum ecotipo «Nurra» e Trifolium brachycalycinum «Clare» come possibile soluzione alternativa al pascolamento degli erbai di cereali autunno vernini. La disponibilità foraggera e i consumi alimentari rilevati sul pascolo migliorato sono risultati superiori a quelli dell'erbaio in due annate su tre e nella media del triennio. La distribuzione stagionale della produzione è risultata più favorevole nel pascolo migliorato per il più rapido reinsediamento in autunno. L'epoca di semina dell'erbaio nella seconda annata è stata ritardata per le abbondanti e frequenti precipitazioni autunnali che hanno impedito la preparazione del letto di semina. Il trifoglio brachicalicino ha mostrato un più lento insediamento e minore competitività rispetto al loglio rigido, e la risemina naturale è stata fortemente limitata dall'attacco di un coleottero (Bruchidius trifolii). Il loglio rigido ha invece progressivamente costituito un cotico fitto e persistente, attraverso produzioni di seme sempre superiori a 50000 semi m-2. Le produzioni di latte ottenute sul pascolo migliorato sono risultate mediamente superiori del 20% rispetto a quelle ottenute con il pascolamento dell'avena. I costi colturali medi annui dell’erbaio sono risultati circa doppi rispetto a quelli del pascolo migliorato, e i risultati agronomici e zootecnici nettamente inferiori. E’ stato concluso che il pascolo migliorato con autori seminanti costituisce un'efficace alternativa al pascolamento degli erbai di cereali nei sistemi foraggeri per ovini da latte in ambiente mediterraneo, in linea con l'esigenza di tutela ambientale (protezione del suolo dall'erosione in autunno)