19 research outputs found

    Preocupações pedagógicas do fisioterapeuta professor e suas percepções sobre a pandemia de COVID-19

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    Na formação dos profissionais de saúde, os professores geralmente vivenciam algumas dificuldades e preocupações. A pandemia de COVID-19 amplificou ainda mais esses desafios, acarretando mudanças nos métodos de ensino e gerando novas preocupações. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar quais são as preocupações dos professores (PPs) dos cursos de graduação em Fisioterapia com relação ao ambiente de aprendizagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Fisioterapeutas que atuavam como docentes em cursos de graduação em Fisioterapia no Brasil foram convidados a responder a um questionário de sobreas PPs (Teacher Concerns Questionnaire – TCQ), sobre perfil sociodemográfico e sobre a percepção de mudanças nas PPs devido à pandemia. Participaram 187 fisioterapeutas professores que apresentaram PP moderada (TCQ: 49,6±10,5), sem associação com a fase da carreira docente, a idade ou o tempo de formação. Aqueles que participam de atividades de formação continuada em docência apresentaram maior PP. Alterações nas PPs decorrentes da pandemia foram relatadas por 94,1% dos participantes. Conclui-se que os professores que participam de atividades de formação continuada se preocupam mais com o impacto de sua prática do que os que não participam. Ao mesmo tempo, essas preocupações parecem ter mudado durante a pandemia.In health professions education, professors usually face some difficulties and concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified these challenges, leading to changes in teaching methods and new concerns. This study aimed to identify undergraduate physical therapy professors’ concerns (PC) about the learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical therapists who served as undergraduate physical therapy professors in Brazil answered a questionnaire on PC (Teacher Concerns Questionnaire – TCQ), a sociodemographic profile questionnaire, and an open-ended question on the perception of changes in PC during the pandemic. A total of 187 physical therapist professors completed the questionary and had moderate PC (TCQ 49.6±10.5), with no association with the stage of their teaching career, age, and length of professional training. Participants in continuing education activities had higher PC. Of the participants, 94.1% reported changes in PC resulting from the pandemic. Therefore, professors who participate in continuing education activities are more concerned about the impact of their practice than those who do not participate. At the same time, these concerns seem to have changed during the pandemic.En la formación de los profesionales de la salud,los docentes suelen experimentar algunas dificultades ypreocupaciones. La pandemia del COVID-19 intensificó aún más estos desafíos, por provocar cambios en los métodos deenseñanza, dando lugar a nuevas preocupaciones. El objetivo deeste estudio fue investigar las preocupaciones de los profesores(PP) de los cursos de graduación en Fisioterapia respecto alambiente de aprendizaje durante la pandemia del COVID-19.Se invitó a fisioterapeutas que actuaban como profesores encursos de graduación en Fisioterapia en Brasil a responder uncuestionario sobre las PP (Teacher Concerns Questionnaire, TCQ),sobre el perfil sociodemográfico y la percepción de cambios enPP en relación con la pandemia. Participaron 187 fisioterapeutasprofesores que presentaron PP moderadas (TCQ: 49,6±10,5), sinasociación con la etapa de la carrera docente, la edad y el tiempode formación profesional. Los participantes en actividades deformación continuada en la docencia tuvieron una PP más alta. El94,1% de los participantes informaron cambios en PP resultantesde la pandemia. Se concluye que los profesores que participan enactividades de formación continuada están más preocupados porel impacto de su práctica. A la vez, estas preocupaciones parecenhaber cambiado durante la pandemia

    Pedagogical concerns of physical therapist professors and their perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ABSTRACT In health professions education, professors usually face some difficulties and concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified these challenges, leading to changes in teaching methods and new concerns. This study aimed to identify undergraduate physical therapy professors’ concerns (PC) about the learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical therapists who served as undergraduate physical therapy professors in Brazil answered a questionnaire on PC (Teacher Concerns Questionnaire - TCQ), a sociodemographic profile questionnaire, and an open-ended question on the perception of changes in PC during the pandemic. A total of 187 physical therapist professors completed the questionary and had moderate PC (TCQ 49.6±10.5), with no association with the stage of their teaching career, age, and length of professional training. Participants in continuing education activities had higher PC. Of the participants, 94.1% reported changes in PC resulting from the pandemic. Therefore, professors who participate in continuing education activities are more concerned about the impact of their practice than those who do not participate. At the same time, these concerns seem to have changed during the pandemic

    Physical Exercise Induces Immunoregulation of TREG, M2, and pDCs in a Lung Allergic Inflammation Model

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    The benefits of moderate aerobic physical exercise for allergic asthma are well-known, particularly that of the anti-inflammatory effect that occurs by reducing Th2 responses and lung remodeling. However, the mechanisms of this immunoregulation are still under investigation. In this study, we investigated the possible immunoregulatory mechanisms of lung inflammation induced by moderate aerobic exercise in an experimental asthma model. BALB/c mice were distributed into Control, Exercise (EX), OVA, and OEX groups. OVA and OEX groups were sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) on days 0, 14, 21, 28, and 42 and were challenged with OVA aerosol three times a week from days 21 to 51. The EX and OEX groups underwent moderate aerobic physical exercise from days 21 to 51 (5 d/w, 1 h/d). The mice were euthanized on day 52. We evaluated pulmonary cytokine production, serum immunoglobulin levels, and the inflammatory cell profile in lung and mediastinal lymph nodes. OVA mice showed increased expression of IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and TGF-β and decreased macrophage type 2 (M2) recruitment. Physical exercise did not affect the increased antibody production of IgG2a, IgG1, or IgE induced by OVA. Of note, physical exercise alone markedly increased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-β. Physical exercise in OVA-mice also increased the recruitment of M2 in the lungs, as well as the influx and activation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes. In the draining lymph nodes, it was also observed that physical exercise increased the activation of CD4 T cells, regardless of the presence of OVA. Notably, physical exercise decreased common dendritic cells' (cDCs; pro-inflammatory) expression of co-stimulatory molecules such as CD80, CD86, and ICOSL in the draining lymph nodes, as well as increased ICOSL in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs; anti-inflammatory). Together, these findings show that physical exercise modulates pulmonary allergic inflammation by increasing Treg and M2 recruitment, as well as pDCs activation, which leads to an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in pro-inflammatory cells and mediators

    Respiratory mechanics do not always mirror pulmonary histological changes in emphysema

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the accordance of functional and morphometric parameters during the development of emphysema. METHODS: BALB/c mice received a nasal drop of either papain or saline solution and were studied after 1, 3, 15, 28, and 40 days. Functional parameters, such as airway resistance, tissue damping, and tissue elastance, were analyzed. To evaluate the structural changes and possible mechanisms involved in this disease, we measured the mean linear intercept, the volume proportions of elastic and collagen fibers, the number of macrophages, the numbers of cells expressing metalloprotease 12 and 8-isoprostane in lung parenchyma. RESULTS: We only observed decreases in tissue elastance and tissue damping on the 28th day, with a concomitant increase in the mean linear intercept, indicating the presence of emphysema. However, only the mean linear intercept values remained increased until the 40th day. The volume proportion of collagen fibers was increased from the 15th day to the 40th day, whereas the volume proportion of elastic fibers was only increased on the 40th day. The number of macrophages increased beginning on the 1st day. The expression of metalloproteinase 12 was increased from the 3rd day until the 40th day. However, 8-isoprostane expression was only increased on the 1st and 3rd days. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, morphometric parameters were found to be more reliable for detecting the presence of emphysema than the functional parameters measured by respiratory mechanics. Further investigations are necessary to understand how the extracellular matrix remodeling observed in the lung parenchyma could be involved in this process

    Biseugenol Exhibited Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Asthmatic Effects in an Asthma Mouse Model of Mixed-Granulocytic Asthma

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    In the present work, the anti-inflammatory and antiasthmatic potential of biseugenol, isolated as the main component from n-hexane extract from leaves of Nectandra leucantha and chemically prepared using oxidative coupling from eugenol, was evaluated in an experimental model of mixed-granulocytic asthma. Initially, in silico studies of biseugenol showed good predictions for drug-likeness, with adherence to Lipinski’s rules of five (RO5), good Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion (ADME) properties and no alerts for Pan-Assay Interference Compounds (PAINS), indicating adequate adherence to perform in vivo assays. Biseugenol (20 mg·kg−1) was thus administered intraperitoneally (four days of treatment) and resulted in a significant reduction in both eosinophils and neutrophils of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in ovalbumin-sensitized mice with no statistical difference from dexamethasone (5 mg·kg−1). As for lung function parameters, biseugenol (20 mg·kg−1) significantly reduced airway and tissue damping in comparison to ovalbumin group, with similar efficacy to positive control dexamethasone. Airway hyperresponsiveness to intravenous methacholine was reduced with biseugenol but was inferior to dexamethasone in higher doses. In conclusion, biseugenol displayed antiasthmatic effects, as observed through the reduction of inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness, with similar effects to dexamethasone, on mixed-granulocytic ovalbumin-sensitized miceFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP: 2018/06088-

    Effects of aerobic physical training with moderate intensity on chronic airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsivity to a methacoline in sensitized guinea pig

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    O treinamento físico (TF) melhora a resposta imune de indivíduos saudáveis e traz benefícios para o paciente asmático, mas seu papel na resposta alérgica é desconhecido. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel do TF de moderada intensidade na inflamação pulmonar alérgica crônica. Métodos: 54 cobaias, divididas em 4 grupos: grupo controle (C) (não sensibilizados e não treinados), grupo OVA (sensibilizados à ovalbumina (OVA) e não treinados), grupo treinamento físico (TF) (não sensibilizados e submetidos a um TF), e grupo OVA+TF (sensibilizados à OVA e submetidos a um TF). A sensibilização à OVA teve duração de 8 semanas e o programa de TF de 6 semanas iniciando 15 dias após o início da sensibilização. Cada grupo foi dividido em 2 subgrupos. No primeiro foi avaliada a inflamação pulmonar e os níveis de óxido nítrico exalado (NOex) e no segundo, a hiperresponsividade brônquica à metacolina (Mch). Resultados: A sensibilização à OVA induziu a um aumento da densidade de eosinófilos e linfócitos, expressão de IL(interleucina)-4 e IL-13 e na espessura do músculo liso na via aerea assim como espessura do epitélio comparado aos animais não-sensibilizados (p0.05). Neither OVA nor TF induced any difference in the expression of Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-) and regulatory cytokine (IL-10 and IL1-ra) and the levels of NOex. Trained groups presented an increase in epithelium thickness as compared to the nontrained groups however we did not find difference between groups on hyperresponsiveness avaliation. Conclusion: Our results suggest that TF reduces allergic airway inflammation without changes in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway remodelin

    Aerobic exercise attenuates pulmonary inflammation induced by Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    O treinamento aeróbio moderado tem sido reconhecido como um importante estimulador do sistema imune, no entanto o efeito deste na infecção bacteriana não tem sido extensivamente estudado. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar se o exercício aeróbio moderado prévio à infecção por S. pneumoniae influencia a resposta inflamatória pulmonar. Camundongos BALB/C foram divididos em 4 grupos: Controle (animais sedentários; não infectados); S. pneumoniae (animais sedentários e posteriormente infectados); Exercício (animais treinados; não infectados); Exercício + S. pneumoniae (animais treinados e posteriormente infectados). Os animais foram submetidos a um programa de treinamento físico aeróbio durante 4 semanas, e 72 horas após a última sessão de exercício, os animais receberam instilação nasal de S. pneumoniae (linhagem M10) e foram avaliados 12 horas (fase aguda) ou 10 dias (fase tardia) após a instilação. Na fase aguda, o grupo S. pneumoniae apresentou um aumento de: resistência e elastância do sistema respiratório, número total de células, neutrófilos, linfócitos e macrófagos no lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), células polimorfonucleares no parênquima pulmonar e TNF-alfa e IL-1beta no homogenato pulmonar. O exercício físico atenuou significantemente esses parâmentros. Além disso, o exercício físico resultou em aumento da expressão de enzimas antioxidantes no pulmão (CuZnSOD and MnSOD). Na fase tardia, o grupo Exercício + S. pneumoniae apresentou redução no número total de células e macrófagos no BAL, células polimorfonucleares no parênquima pulmonar e IL-6 no homogenato pulmonar comparado ao grupo S. pneumoniae. Nossos resultados sugerem um efeito protetor do exercício aeróbio moderado contra a infecção bacteriana pulmonar. Esse efeito é provavelmente secundário ao efeito do exercício no balanço oxidante-antioxidanteModerate aerobic exercise training has been recognized as an important stimulator of the immune system, but its effect on bacterial infection has not been extensively studied. Our aim was to determine whether moderate aerobic exercise training prior to S. pneumoniae infection influences pulmonary inflammatory responses. BALB/c mice were divided into 4 groups: Control (sedentary without infection); S. pneumoniae (sedentary with infection); Exercise (aerobic training without infection); Exercise + S. pneumoniae (aerobic training with infection). Animals underwent aerobic exercise training for 4 weeks. 72 h after last exercise training, animals received a challenge with S. pneumoniae (strain M10) and were evaluated either 12 h (acute phase) or 10 days (late phase) after instillation. In acute phase, S. pneumoniae group had an increase in respiratory system resistance and elastance; number of total cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL); polymorphonuclear cells in lung parenchyma; and levels of TNF-alfa and IL-1beta in lung homogenates. Exercise training significantly attenuated the increase in all of these parameters. In addition, exercise induced an increase in expression of antioxidant enzymes (CuZnSOD and MnSOD) in lungs. In late phase, Exercise + S. pneumoniae group exhibited a reduction in number of total cells and macrophages in BAL, in polymorphonuclear cells in lung parenchyma and in levels of IL-6 in lung homogenates compared to S. pneumoniae group. Our results suggest a protective effect of moderate exercise training against respiratory infection with S. pneumoniae. This effect is most likely secondary to an effect of exercise on oxidant-antioxidant balanc

    Low-Intensity Swimming Training Partially Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury

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    RAMOS, D. S. C. R. OLIVO. F. D. QUIRINO SANTOS LOPES, A. C. TOLEDO, M. A. MARTINS, R. A. LAZO OSORIO. M. DOLHNIKOFF, W. RIBEIRO, and R. R VIEIRA. Low-Intensity Swimming Training Partially Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.. Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 113-119, 2010. Background: Aerobic exercise-decreases pulmonary inflammation and remodeling in experimental models of allergic asthma. However, the effects of aerobic exercise oil pulmonary inflammation of nonallergic Origin, such as in experimental models of acute long injury induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), have not been evaluated. Objective: The present study evaluated file effects of aerobic exercise in a model of LPS-induced acute lung injury. Methods: BALB/c mice were divided into four groups: Control, Aerobic Exercise, LPS, and Aerobic Exercise + LPS. Swimming tests were conducted at baseline and at 3 and 6 wk. Low-Intensity swimming training was performed for 6 wk, four times per week, 60 min per session. Intranasal LPS (1 mg.kg(-1) (60 mu g per mouse)) was instilled 24 It after the last swimming physical test in the LPS and Aerobic Exercise + LPS mice, and the animals were studied 24 It after LPS instillation. Exhaled nitric oxide, respiratory mechanics, total and differential cell Counts in bronchoalveolar lavage, and lung parenchymal inflammation and remodeling were evaluated. Results: LPS instillation resulted in increased levels of exhaled nitric oxide (P < 0.001), higher numbers of neutrophils in file bronchoalveolar lavage (P < 0.001) and in the lung parenchyma (P < 0.001), and decreased lung tissue resistance (P < 0.05) and volume proportion of elastic fibers (P < 0.01) compared with the Control group. Swim training in LPS-instilled animals resulted in significantly lower exhaled nitric oxide levels (P < 0.001) and fewer nelltrophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage (P < 0.001) and the lung parenchyma (P < 0.01) compared with the LPS group. Conclusions: These results Suggest that low-intensity swimming training inhibits lung neutrophilic inflammation, but not remodeling and impaired lung mechanics, in a model of LPS-induced acute lung injury.FAPESP[2007/01026-2

    A murine model of elastase- and cigarette smoke-induced emphysema

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To describe a murine model of emphysema induced by a combination of exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) and instillation of porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE). Methods: A total of 38 C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into four groups: control (one intranasal instillation of 0.9% saline solution); PPE (two intranasal instillations of PPE); CS (CS exposure for 60 days); and CS + PPE (two intranasal instillations of PPE + CS exposure for 60 days). At the end of the experimental protocol, all animals were anesthetized and tracheostomized for calculation of respiratory mechanics parameters. Subsequently, all animals were euthanized and their lungs were removed for measurement of the mean linear intercept (Lm) and determination of the numbers of cells that were immunoreactive to macrophage (MAC)-2 antigen, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-12, and glycosylated 91-kDa glycoprotein (gp91phox) in the distal lung parenchyma and peribronchial region. Results: Although there were no differences among the four groups regarding the respiratory mechanics parameters assessed, there was an increase in the Lm in the CS + PPE group. The numbers of MAC-2-positive cells in the peribronchial region and distal lung parenchyma were higher in the CS + PPE group than in the other groups, as were the numbers of cells that were positive for MMP-12 and gp91phox, although only in the distal lung parenchyma. Conclusions: Our model of emphysema induced by a combination of PPE instillation and CS exposure results in a significant degree of parenchymal destruction in a shorter time frame than that employed in other models of CS-induced emphysema, reinforcing the importance of protease-antiprotease imbalance and oxidant-antioxidant imbalance in the pathogenesis of emphysema