565 research outputs found

    Academic Socialization and Its Effects on Academic Success

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    Academic Socialization and Its Effects on Academic Success David Lim, Dept. of Psychology and Maria J. Cisneros-Elias, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. Chelsea D. Williams, Dept. of Psychology Academic socialization in education is how parents use their own educational beliefs and expectations to provide messages to their children to help navigate or influence their academic success and development (Hill & Tyson, 2009). There is currently very little research done on academic socialization, and recent studies have just started addressing the lack of research on this subject. This narrative review focuses on parental academic socialization, to understand the influence it has on their child’s academic endeavors. Eight peer-reviewed articles on academic socialization were found from Psychinfo for this narrative review. This scoping review explores the literature related specifically to academic socialization to better understand how much of an impact it has on outcomes among different age groups of children, ranging from elementary, middle, and high school. Results of the studies reviewed show that there are positive influences of parental academic socialization such as, increased socio-emotional competencies among kindergarten students (Puccioni et al, 2019) and academic achievement especially among high school students (Hill & Tyson, 2009). Implications to further research academic socialization will be discussed.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1322/thumbnail.jp

    Americanization now and then: the 'nation of immigrants' in the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries

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    In an analysis of contemporary attempts at US immigration reform in the context of its legal history (especially John F. Kennedy's 1964 Immigration and Nationality Act) this article explores a fundamental paradox in American political thought and practice as regards immigration. It examines the tension between the US's insistence, on one hand, upon immigrants' swift and wholesale integration into American life (as exemplified in the early 20th C Americanization programme, echoed in a 2007 call for a renewed Americanization initiative under President George W. Bush) and its self- definition as a proud 'nation of immigrants' on the other. In so doing, the essay critiques the 'nation of immigrants' shibboleth for its implicit racist bias and introduces the concept of 'ethnic shame,' prevalent for most of the 20th C, to complement today's much more familiar (but also much more recent) notion of Americans' ethnic pride in their immigrant roots. The article concludes that the ostensible paradox of a 'nation of immigrants' insisting on Americanization is best understood within the framework of what is theorised here for the first time as the 'gratitude paradigm,' which governs the granting and the possession of American citizenship to immigrants not just of the first, but of many generations thereafter

    Empowering Latina/o Families to Navigate College Access

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    Background With the education crisis of Latinas/os, it is important to understand ways to increase access to college for the most vulnerable youth (Gándara & Contreras, 2009). To investigate strengths that promote college accessibility in underserved Latina/o families, the current qualitative study assessed the following: (1) Prior to beginning the intervention program and after the intervention program what forms of capital did families possess? (2) How did participating in the program change adolescents’ perception of their parents’ capital? (3) How did adolescents use agency to apply what they learned in college information intervention over time? Methods Latina/o parent-adolescent dyads (N = 11) participated in a college knowledge program in California. Sample included girls (67%) and 11-16 years of age (M = 14.0, SD = 1.78). Five of 11 families were interviewed 6-months post-effects of the intervention program. Research study used grounded theory inductive analysis approach (Corbin & Strauss, 2015). Results Question 1, Latina/o adolescents expressed aspirational, familial, navigational, and social capital before and after the intervention. Question 2, After participating in the intervention, adolescents expressed familial support through a combination of tangible (drop me off at school) and intangible (want me to be a good man) acts. Question 3, focused on the 6-month post-effects of the intervention program. Adolescents expressed agency by actively meeting requirements to apply to college, and understanding the path they need to reach their educational goals. Conclusion Discussion will focus on the importance of college information intervention programs in increasing Latino/a youth’s education experiences.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1107/thumbnail.jp

    Conversations About Race and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination Among Emerging Adults

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    Conversations About Race and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination Among Emerging Adults Alanna Cason, Depts. of Psychology and Criminal Justice, Angel Whitfield, Maria Cisneros, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, Arlenis Santana, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, & Eryn DeLaney, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. Chelsea D. Williams, Dr. Tricia Smith, Dr. Amy Adkins, and Dr. Danielle Dick College students of color have positive race-related experiences (e.g.., positive conversations), as well as negative race-related experiences (e.g., racial discrimination and negative experiences about race; Spencer 2006). Limited work has focused on conversations students have about race, although the U.S. has become more diverse especially in college settings (Martinez-Acosta & Favero, 2018). To address these gaps, the current study focused on bidirectional relations between students’ conversations about race and how they are related to discrimination experiences among 95 college-age students of color. We hypothesized that (1) more negative conversations about race (and less positive conversations) would increase students’ perceptions of racial discrimination, and (2) the more students experienced discrimination, they would have more negative conversations (less positive conversations) about race. Two linear regression analyses were conducted. The first analysis indicated that negative conversations about race (B = .38, phttps://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1303/thumbnail.jp

    Family Relationships and Academic Performance via Belongingness among Cuban Medical Students: Examining Family Legacy and Sex as Moderators

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    Medical diplomacy is a foundational part of Cuban domestic and foreign policy (Feinsilver, 2010). Cuba has an abundance of doctors, encouraged by the country’s free medical education program (Hand et al., 2020), and has made a significant impact with its well-established healthcare system, provision of healthcare for all of its citizens, and healthcare support internationally. The current study aims to focus on processes underlying Cuban medical students’ academic performance, as they are a critical component of this successful system, and a population that has received limited empirical attention. Thus, the current study used path analyses to examine the relations between improved family relationships and academic performance mediated by belongingness and moderated by family legacy (i.e., having family members working in the medical field), and sex differences among Cuban medical students (N = 637) residing in Cuba (M age = 21.36, SD = 2.04). We found that improved family relationships significantly predicted increased belongingness to the field of medicine which, in turn, predicted increase perceptions of academic performance for Cuban medical students, this mediation only held for male and not female students. In other words, only male medical students with improved family relationships reported more feelings of belonging to the school of medicine and higher academic performance, this was not true for female students. Discussion on societal implications for sex differences will be addressed. Limitations, implications, and future direction will be further discussed

    Letter from Maria Luisa Cisneros to Hubert Creekmore

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    Cisneros writes on Time magazine letterhead from New York City to Creekmore in Jackson, Mississippi, regarding a book review Creekmore wrote of Marguerite Yourcenar\u27s Hadrian\u27s Memoirs [Memoirs of Hadrian]. Includes envelope.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/creekmore/1240/thumbnail.jp

    Recursos Humanos : Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional en el Sector PĂșblico

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    En el marco de la vida social, el hombre, como tal se encuentra expuesto a un sin nĂșmero de riesgos generales que afectan a todo ser humano, pero en el campo limitado de las actividades particulares, el individuo puede sufrir ciertos peligros especiales a consecuencia de su trabajo, los cuales hoy en dĂ­a reciben el nombre de Riesgos Profesionales. Dado el desarrollo actual de la seguridad e higiene laboral, se han creado varias divisiones y disciplinas o especialidades. Como pueden ser, la ergonomĂ­a, la ecologĂ­a, la fisiologĂ­a laboral, la psicologĂ­a laboral y las relaciones humanas laborales entre otras, ademĂĄs de las divisiones propias que se generan desde el punto de vista ocupacional, como son la higiene y seguridad rural y la higiene y seguridad en la construcciĂłn entre otras ocupaciones. La higiene laboral se refiere al conjunto de normas y procedimientos que pretende proteger la integridad fĂ­sica y mental del trabajador, al resguardarlo de los riesgos de salud inherentes a las tareas del puesto y al ambiente fĂ­sico donde las realiza. La higiene laboral gira en torno al diagnĂłstico y la prevenciĂłn. Como principal objetivo, la salud ocupacional genera y promueve que el trabajo sea sano y seguro. Una implementaciĂłn apropiada de la higiene estudia y modifica el ambiente fĂ­sico, biolĂłgico o quĂ­mico de trabajo para conseguir prevenir el surgimiento de enfermedades laborales. Cambiar algunas conductas profesionales derivan en la mejora del clima de trabajo, asĂ­ como controlar distintos factores que inciden en el buen desempeño profesional o generar una enfermedad debido a malas posiciones o la exposiciĂłn a ciertas condiciones climĂĄticas o geogrĂĄficas La Ley 618 o Ley General de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo, persigue el resguardo de la integridad fĂ­sica, la salud y la higiene, asĂ­ como la disminuciĂłn de los riesgos laborales para hacer efectiva la seguridad ocupacional del trabajador, establece un conjunto de disposiciones mĂ­nimas en materia de higiene y seguridad y su cumplimiento es de carĂĄcter obligatorio. Este Seminario analiza la higiene y seguridad ocupacional para el mantenimiento de las condiciones fĂ­sicas y psicolĂłgicas del personal en las instituciones pĂșblicas. El documento se elabora de acuerdo a la normativa para esta modalidad de graduaciĂłn, es una investigaciĂłn documental, basada en el uso de fuentes secundarias (documentos web, textos, periĂłdicos), asĂ­ mismo atendiendo las pautas emitidas por el departamento de AdministraciĂłn de Empresas y las normas APA 6

    Methodological strategies for the diagnosis of tourist resources. Case study: Neuquén-Argentina

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    El estudio del espacio geogråfico puede orientarse a identificar recursos naturales y culturales contenidos en un sector determinado. De este modo, al considerarlos, se obtiene un conocimiento del årea a fin de utilizar, de modo sustentable, dichos recursos. Una estrategia metodológica para el estudio de los recursos parte de la identificación de unidades de paisaje. A través de ciertas dimensiones se les asigna un valor, valor patrimonial, que se completa con el relevamiento y valoración de los recursos que contienen. Estas unidades permiten un conocimiento acabado del espacio donde el hombre desarrolla sus diferentes actividades y propicia una adecuada organización del territorio, en pos de lograr una mejora de la calidad de vida. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar estrategias metodológicas para el diagnóstico de los recursos turísticos naturales y culturales de un årea potencialmente turística. En este caso, el årea de estudio comprende un sector del norte neuquino, Argentina. Palabras clave: Unidad de paisaje; valoración; recursos turísticos; norte neuquino.The study of the geographical space could be focused on the identification of natural and cultural resources in a specific area. In this way, when considering these resources, a better knowledge of the area is obtained in order to use them in a sustainable manner. A methodological strategy, applied to the study of these resources, starts from the identification of landscape units. Through different dimensions a value is assigned to them, a patrimonial value that is completed with exploration and valuation of the resources. These units allow having a complete knowledge of the space where human beings develop their activities. Also,an organization of the territory is possible, which allows achieving an improvement in life quality. The objective of this work is to present methodological strategies for the diagnosis of natural and cultural tourist resources in a potentially tourist area. In this case, the study area includes a sector of northern Neuquén Province. Key words: Landscape units; valuation; tourist resources; North of Neuquén Province.Fil: Huamantinco Cisneros, María Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: del Pozo, Maria. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentin
