7,967 research outputs found

    Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy II. Review of Some Empirical aspects

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    A contribution appeared in the previous issue of Panoeconomicus reviewed the theoretical arguments brought by Alain Parguez and Jean Gabriel Bliek in support of their idea of assigning a full employment objective to European economic policies and their coordination (Bliek and Parguez (2007) and Parguez (2007b)). Without pretending at exhaustiveness, this contribution reviews and partly extends the empirical evidence they presented in support of their argument with reference to selected macroeconomic developments in several countries and different historical periods, in particular for the US, Canada, Japan and the EU. It confirms the descriptive power of the circuit and its relevance for the discussion of alternative economic policies, in particular in the field of employment. Together with the previous article, it shows that the circuit can be used to update economic policy thinking, nourishing also the necessary democratic debate amongst policy alternatives.Unemployment, Capacity utilisation, Circuit, Long-term interest rates, Disequilibrium

    Full Employment as a Possible Objective for EU Policy I. A Perspective From the Point of View of The Monetary Circuit

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    In two recent contributions Alain Parguez and Jean-Gabriel Bliek argued in favour of assigning a full employment objective to European economic policies and their coordination (Bliek and Parguez (2007) and Parguez (2007b)). Their argument is based on the approach of the monetary circuit, whose treatment of full employment is the object of this article. The approach is presented here as emblematic of out of equilibrium models, i.e. models where the equilibrium conditions of pure competition are not fulfilled. A forthcoming contribution will show how the description of economic reality suggested by the circuit can help interpreting recent macroeconomic developments in the US, Canada, Japan and the EU and will discuss some empirical studies confirming its relevance for policy analysis.Unemployment, Capacity Utilisation, Circuit, Disequilibrium, Investment, Savings, Price Equation

    Semiclassical analysis for pseudo-relativistic Hartree equations

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    In this paper we study the semiclassical limit for the pseudo-relativistic Hartree equation −Δ2Δ+m2u+Vu=(IÎ±âˆ—âˆŁu∣p)∣u∣p−2u\sqrt{-\varepsilon^2 \Delta + m^2}u + V u = (I_\alpha * |u|^{p}) |u|^{p-2}u in RN\mathbb{R}^N where m>0m>0, 2≀p<2NN−12 \leq p < \frac{2N}{N-1}, V ⁣:RN→RV \colon \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R} is an external scalar potential, Iα(x)=cN,α∣x∣N−αI_\alpha (x) = \frac{c_{N,\alpha}}{|x|^{N-\alpha}} is a convolution kernel, cN,αc_{N,\alpha} is a positive constant and (N−1)p−N<α<N(N-1)p-N<\alpha <N. For N=3N=3, α=p=2\alpha=p=2, our equation becomes the pseudo-relativistic Hartree equation with Coulomb kernel.Comment: Accepted for publication by Journal of Differential Equation

    Ground states for the pseudo-relativistic Hartree equation with external potential

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    We prove existence of positive ground state solutions to the pseudo-relativistic Schr\"{o}dinger equation \begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \sqrt{-\Delta +m^2} u +Vu = \left( W * |u|^{\theta} \right)|u|^{\theta -2} u \quad\text{in RN\mathbb{R}^N}\\ u \in H^{1/2}(\mathbb{R}^N) \end{array} \right. \end{equation*} where N≄3N \geq 3, m>0m >0, VV is a bounded external scalar potential and WW is a convolution potential, radially symmetric, satisfying suitable assumptions. We also furnish some asymptotic decay estimates of the found solutions.Comment: In pres

    Multi-peak solutions for magnetic NLS equations without non--degeneracy conditions

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    In the work we consider the magnetic NLS equation (\frac{\hbar}{i} \nabla -A(x))^2 u + V(x)u - f(|u|^2)u = 0 \quad {in} \R^N where N≄3N \geq 3, A ⁣:RN→RNA \colon \R^N \to \R^N is a magnetic potential, possibly unbounded, V ⁣:RN→RV \colon \R^N \to \R is a multi-well electric potential, which can vanish somewhere, ff is a subcritical nonlinear term. We prove the existence of a semiclassical multi-peak solution u\colon \R^N \to \C, under conditions on the nonlinearity which are nearly optimal.Comment: Important modification in the last part of the pape

    Transparently Mixing Undo Logs and Software Reversibility for State Recovery in Optimistic PDES

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    The rollback operation is a fundamental building block to support the correct execution of a speculative Time Warp-based Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. In the literature, several solutions to reduce the execution cost of this operation have been proposed, either based on the creation of a checkpoint of previous simulation state images, or on the execution of negative copies of simulation events which are able to undo the updates on the state. In this paper, we explore the practical design and implementation of a state recoverability technique which allows to restore a previous simulation state either relying on checkpointing or on the reverse execution of the state updates occurred while processing events in forward mode. Differently from other proposals, we address the issue of executing backward updates in a fully-transparent and event granularity-independent way, by relying on static software instrumentation (targeting the x86 architecture and Linux systems) to generate at runtime reverse update code blocks (not to be confused with reverse events, proper of the reverse computing approach). These are able to undo the effects of a forward execution while minimizing the cost of the undo operation. We also present experimental results related to our implementation, which is released as free software and fully integrated into the open source ROOT-Sim (ROme OpTimistic Simulator) package. The experimental data support the viability and effectiveness of our proposal

    Single--peaks for a magnetic Schr\"{o}dinger equation with critic al growth

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    We prove existence results of complex-valued solutions for a semilinear Schr\"odinger equation with critical growth under the perturbation of an external electromagnetic field. Solutions are found via an abstract perturbation result in critical point theory.Comment: To appea
