107 research outputs found

    Crossing boundaries and facing others: South African perspectives on the transgressive rhetoric of preaching

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    The core question posed by this article is, ‘what are the characteristics of a transgressive rhetoric, as evidenced by preaching in South Africa, in particular in view of the transition to democracy, and as based on the African philosophy of Ubuntu?’ Or, the other way around, ‘what type of (homiletical) rhetoric was in fact needed to achieve the political transition in South Africa?’ Cognisance is taken in particular of the rhetorical structures used in this regard by former Archbishop Desmond Tutu, under the headings of inter-facing, inter-forming and inter-futuring. These rhetorical structures are evaluated in the light of certain rhetorical principles, as expressed in classical Roman oratory. Contribution: This article traces elements of historical thought and source interpretation by revisiting the particular historical role that former Archbishop Tutu played in the formation of democracy in South Africa, by means of an interpretation of selected writings, i.e. sermons and speeches by the former Archbishop

    Women Owners Of SMMEs: Finding Their Place In The Sun

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    Women business ownership is cardinal for long-term economic growth.  Research provides divergent reasons for the difference in the characteristics of SMMEs owned by women and those owned by men.  In this study, a quantitative survey was conducted among 650 formal SMMEs in Soweto Township, South Africa, using questionnaires.  A third of the respondents comprised women, who were characterised as generally being older (67.6% were over the age of 40), having a higher level of education (11.1% had three years or more of tertiary education) and being involved on a full-time basis in SMMEs (100%).  When compared with their male counterparts, fewer young women were involved in business ownership, and a sizeable component of older women-owners/managers exists.  No major difference regarding education was found between genders.  Both gender groups started their businesses mainly because of unemployment.  Far more women respondents than men located their businesses in small shopping centres.  The results also showed that more women were in business for more than five years and that more women-owned businesses showed growth in income over the preceding year.  These findings are aligned with national and international surveys which show that the gap between men and women business owners is narrowing.  Finally, the results showed a need for support programmes focused on empowering both genders to succeed in all phases of the business life cycle, with a primary need for improved marketing skills.  Business support programmes can be successful only if improved communication is established between programme developers and business owners.

    ‘Within the enclave’ : profiling South African social and religious developments since 1994

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    The original publication is available at http://www.ve.org.zaThe paper investigated religious and social transformations within a specific religious tradition in South Africa. After clarifying the charged concept of ‘transformation’, the authors showed that transformation is about more than changed systems and structures, for, on a deeper level, it is also about the change in relationships and attitudes between the different cultural groups in South Africa. The argument was supported by making use of data from the SA reconciliation barometer 2010 and the 2009 Transformation audit. In the next part of the paper, the authors took a closer look at the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) as a case in point. The basic question they asked was how do these social transformations affect the religious transformations within the DRC and vice versa? By making use of Mary Douglas’s concept of ‘the enclave’ it was proposed that a new enclave developed in the DRC after 1994, the characteristics of which were investigated in the remainder of the paper.Publisher's versio

    Clowning on the pulpit? : contours of a comic vision on preaching

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    CITATION: Cilliers, J. 2009. Clowning on the pulpit? : contours of a comic vision on preaching. Scriptura, 101:189-197, doi:10.7833/102-0-611.The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.zaThis paper revisits the concept of the preacher as clown, tracing some aspects of the basic philosophy and history behind this somewhat unconventional understanding of the ministry. Attention is given to aspects such as the disruptive effect that the presence of a clown or jester can have on normative discourse, the role of scripture in attaining speech that is subversive to the status quo, and the ethical implications of such a mode of preaching. The theological background for this is explained in terms of the image of a vulnerable God.http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/632Publisher's versio

    As it is in heaven? : reflections on liturgical reframing

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    CITATION: Cilliers, J. 2009. As it is in heaven? : reflections on liturgical refraiming. Scriptura, 102:511-519, doi:10.7833/102-0-611.The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.zaThis article reflects on the phenomenon of a growing dissatisfaction and restlessness with traditional forms of worship as well as on some conceptions of the notion of liturgical renewal. It proposes that a fundamental liturgical reframing is indeed needed, grounded on the theological locus of the Christ-event. A brief description is given of the liturgical importance of this event, followed by some liturgical implications, inter alia, the need for a responsible liturgical reframing of anthropology and our understanding and expectation of the encounter with God.http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/611Publisher's versio

    "All cards on the sermon?"

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    Please cite as follows:Cilliers, J. 2014. "Alle kaarte op die preek?". Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, 55(3-4): 533-555, doi:10.5952/55-3-4-652.The original publication is available at http://ojs.reformedjournals.co.zaIn hierdie artikel word kortliks gelet op drie grondlyne van die Reformasie, naamlik die vertroosting van die beangste mens tydens die laat Middeleeue, die hunkering na vryheid en die behoeft e aan fundamentele verandering. Dit word opgevolg met ’n uiteensetting van die sakramentele verstaan van die reformatoriese prediking, en die bevraagtekening hiervan in die huidige tydvak. Aan die hand van ’n sakramenteel-profetiese perspektief op die prediking, word drie homiletiese kontoere vir prediking in ons tyd getrek, naamlik sakramenteel-profetiese prediking as bevestiging, onderbreking en pro-formasie. Ten slotte word enkele suggesties gemaak oor die vraag of ons (nog) “alle kaarte op die preek” kan of moet plaas.This article briefly discusses three key notions of the Reformation, namely the comforting of anxious people during the late Middle Ages, the longing for freedom, and the need for fundamental transformation. This is followed by an exposition of the sacramental understanding of preaching within the Reformation, and the contemporary critique thereof. By means of a sacramental-prophetical perspective on preaching, three homiletical contours are drawn for preaching in our times, namely affirmation, interruption, and pro-formation. The article is concluded with some suggestions on the question whether we should or could still place such a decisive emphasis on preaching.http://ojs.reformedjournals.co.za/index.php/ngtt/article/view/435Publisher's versio


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    In diesem Artikel wird ein kurzer Blick auf den historischen Hintergrund des berüchtigten Synode-Entscheids der ‚Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk’ im Jahre 1857 geworfen, separate Abendmahlsgottesdienste „wegen der Schwachheit mancher“ zu erlauben.  In Anbetracht dieser Begebenheit in der Geschichte Südafrikas und mit einer relationalen Auffassung der Menschenwürde als Ausgangspunkt werden drei Thesen aufgestellt, nämlich erstens: dass die Menschenwürde davon abhängt, den „anderen“ anzunehmen, während menschliche Entwürdigung das Resultat des Ausschließens des „anderen“ ist; zweitens: aus der Perspektive des Abendmahls wird die Menschenwürde in der Umkehr traditioneller Beziehungen verliehen; und drittens: die Menschenwürde hat sakramentale Dimensionen, während menschliche Entwürdigung  anti-sakramental ist

    Seeing, sighing, signing : contours of a vulnerable homiletic

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    CITATION: Cilliers, J. 2017. Seeing, sighing, signing : contours of a vulnerable homiletic. Scriptura, 116(1):1-13, doi:10.7833/116-1-1281.The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.zaIn this article the many in-between spaces of paradox that characterise the society of South Africa, up to this day, are seen as liminal breeding grounds for what could be called a vulnerable homiletic. Three key concepts are discussed as being inherent to such a homiletic, namely seeing, sighing, and signing. These key concepts are exemplified by reference to sermons by former Archbishop of Cape Town, Dr Desmond Tutu in particular. The article concludes with a reflection on an art work by South African artist Marco Cianfanelli.http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/1281Publisher's versio

    God in granite? : aesthetic-theological perspectives on the monumentalisation of religion

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    CITATION: Cilliers, J. 2015. God in granite? : aesthetic-theological perspectives on the monumentalisation of religion. Scriptura, 114(1):1-13, doi:10.7833/114-0-1041.The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.zaIn this article an introductory look is taken at the phenomenon of the monumentalisation of religion, particularly in view of its imperial expressions. The history and religious meaning of the Voortrekker Monument, situated outside Pretoria in South Africa, is outlined briefly as a case in point, followed by a number of aesthetic-theological perspectives on the notion of the monumentalisation of religion, using the keywords as lenses. The article concludes with a reflection on an art work by Argentinian born artist/architect Tomás Saraceno, entitled: ‘On Space Time Foam’.http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/1041Publisher's versio

    Modelling the external ballistics of tranquilliser darts

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To facilitate the design of tranquilliser darts, several ballistic models are investigated, derived, implemented and verified. Sensitivity analysis showed the required model fidelity and parameter accuracies are significantly less stringent for subsonic, flat trajectories. This agrees with doppler radar measurements suggesting drag stabilised darts have a near constant drag coefficient. This is further corroborated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis: aerodynamic coefficients are independent of velocity but sensitive to angle of attack. The tailpiece however ensures there is little to no pitching and/or yawing, eliminating non-linearities due to instability (the angle of attack). Consequently, a single CFD analysis at an average velocity can sufficiently estimate the aerodynamic forces and moments. For the same reasons, Point-mass and Modified point-mass approximations are qualitatively on par with Rigid-body approximations (in most cases). Due to drag stabilisation by the tailpiece, the drag coefficients measured and simulated are high (CD >= 0.9). Future designs' aerodynamic efficiency can be improved by rather using spin stabilisation. Point-mass and Modified pointmass approximations are however unable to account for instabilities. If considered, Rigid-body approximations are recommended to confirm initial stability.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om die ontwerp van verdowingspyle te vergemaklik, is verskeie ballistiese modelle ondersoek, geïmplementeer en geverifieer. Sensitiwiteitsanalise toon modelgetrouheid asook dat parameterakkuraatheid minder streng is vir kort en plat trajekte. Dit stem ooreen met doppler radar metings waar die verdowingspyl se sleur koëffisiënt konstant is. Berekenings vloeimeganika (BVM) toon dat die verskeie koëffisiënte onafhanklik is van snelheid maar sensitief vir invalshoek. Die stert verseker 'n klein invalshoek en bevorder sodoende die konstante geaardheid van die koëffisiënte. Gevolglik sal 'n eenmalige BVM simulasie, by 'n gemiddelde snelheid voldoende wees om die aerodinamise kragte en momente te bepaal. Vir soortgelyke redes is Puntmassa en Gemodifiseerdepuntmassa analises kwalitatief gelykstaande aan Rigiede-liggaam analises. As gevolg van die stert, is die sleur koëffisiënt hoog (CD >= 0.9). Aerodinamies kan verdowingspyle vebeter word deur eerder gebruik te maak van spin stabilisasie. Puntmassa en Gemodifiseerde-puntmassa neem aan die verdowingspyl is stabiel, wat nie noodwendig die geval is nie. Indien spin stabilisasie oorweeg word, stel ons Rigiede-liggaam simulasie voor as 'n grondslag om stabiliteit te bevestig.Master