48 research outputs found

    Analysis of hybrid woven fabrics with shape memory alloys wires embedded

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    Until recently, Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) were predominantly developed for applications in the biomedical and engineering industry, and only a limited number of applications in textiles are known. Fabrics made of natural fibres (e. g. cotton, flax and their mixtures) present many advantages, such as wearing comfort, but they are subject to creasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of compensating for this disadvantage by using SMAs to create aesthetic low crease flax/cotton fabrics. Body Temperature SMAs (BT SMA) that regain their (straight) form when they are subject to human body temperature were used for this purpose. Clothing and bed sheeting are potential applications of these hybrid structures, which become wrinkle-free when they are exposed to the heat of the body, a hair dryer or that generated by an electrical current. The materials selected to achieve this purpose were the following: (1) textile yarns (e. g. single cotton or flax/cotton yarns, two-fold flax yarns and two types of loop fancy yarns) and (2) BT SMA wires of 300 mu m diameter. A power weaving loom and a hand-weaving shuttle loom were used to embed the SMA wires, and four types of hybrid fabrics were produced. The thickness, wrinkle recovery, dimensional stability as well as the cohesion of the SMA wires in the woven fabric were tested. All the tests were performed before and after a washing cycle for both the hybrid and reference fabrics. An increase in thickness was noticed after washing, and the recovery time after crushing varied according to the type of fabric. The slippage of SMA wires from the fabrics was noticed for all the samples, which was dependent on the type of yarns used, their linear density and the weaving process

    Assesment of antioxidative enzymes activity and intensification of lipids peroxidation in asthmatic patients.

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    Chronic immunoalergic in flammatory reaction plays a key role in pathogenesis of asthma. Importance of free oxygen radicals in mechanism of chronic inflammatory process has been proved. Activity of two antioxidative enzymes: isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (POX), and concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum and erythrocytes in asthmatics during exacerbation and improvement of disease were assessed. Disturbances in oxidative system in asthmatic patients have been observed. Lack of significant differences in antioxidative indexes between a period of exacerbation, not complicated by infection and a period of improvement indicates a pathophysiological role of chronic oxygenic stress in asthma. It has been also shown that bacterial infection disturbes efficiency of antioxidative mechanisms. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2004, 72, 472-47

    Interdisciplinary Research into the Legacy of the Medieval Metropolis of Soba in a Modern Khartoum Suburb

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    Recent research at Soba focuses on the tangible and intangible heritage of the medieval capital of Alwa kingdom, whose remains cover approximately 275 ha. About 222 ha of this area has been built up or transformed into agricultural land in the past 30 years. An ethnographic survey was also carried out in the built-up area to understand how the residents engage with the archaeological heritage and material remains. The undeveloped area of the capital (53 ha) was the focus of interdisciplinary archaeological fieldwork conducted in 2019 and 2020. A large-scale geophysical survey, using a fluxgate gradiometer and ground-penetrating radar, was initiated in the undeveloped area, and excavation trenches were opened to verify distinctive magnetic anomalies. Along with the ethnographic and geophysical data, the study of the pottery, burials, and stratigraphic sequence (supplemented with radiocarbon dates) provides new insights into the spatial organization of the medieval capital

    Odchylenia od norm ortograficznych w dyktandach konkursowych uczniów klas III szkoły podstawowej

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    Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ustalenie listy frekwencyjnej odchyleń od norm ortograficznych, a więc pokazanie niewłaściwych zapisów wyrazów u uczniów klas III, którzy wzięli udział w konkursie „Mistrz Ortografii Klasy III” zorganizowanym 9 maja 2011 roku (po raz jedenasty) przez Szkołę Podstawową Nr 120 w Łodzi. W konkursie wzięli udział przedstawiciele 13 łódzkich szkół podstawowych, w sumie 24 najlepszych uczniów z ortografii. Jedna wykazała odchylenia w zakresie pisowni u, ó (39 razy), odchylenia w zakresie zamiany literowych oznaczeń spółgłosek bezdźwięcznych na literowe oznaczenie spółgłosek dźwięcznych (22 razy), pisownia łączna lub osobno (20 razy), w zakresie pisowni ż, rz (18 razy), pisownia małą i wielką literą (18 razy), pisownią h, ch (11 razy),  pozostawienia/dodania  liter (4 razy), w zakresie transpozycji liter (3 razy), w zakresie zamiany literowych oznaczeń spółgłosek dźwięcznych na li­terowe oznaczenie spółgłosek bezdźwięcznych (2 razy), w zakresie pisowni ę, ą (1 raz), pozostałe odchylenia od norm (5 razy). Zaobserwowano wysoką frekwencję odchyleń w zakresie pisowni ó, h, ch, ż, rz co potwierdza wielokrotnie opisywane zjawisko niedopasowania znajomości reguł ortograficznych przez poprawną pisownię

    Adolescente de Skêpe et son fils. De la poésie de Jan Twardowski

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    C’est dans la Bible que prend racines toute la création de Jan Twardowski et pour cela les personnages qui y apparaissent le plus souvent sont ceux du Christ et de la Vierge Marie. Le poète Les peint d’une manière humaine et simple. Il rompt les schémas et les convenaces pour donner la primauté au naturel ainsi qu’à la simplicité

    Thiol dependent inhibition of mouse leukemia L1210 DNA topoisomerase I by nitracrine

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    Processes involved in disseminating antique collections in Italian libraries

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    The article presents a study of some libraries of Northern Italy: Ambrosian Library in Milan, Royal Library in Turin, University Library of Genova and National Library of St Mark’s in Venice. These libraries store some valuable collections which are digitized and made available online, contributing to the popularization of the Italian cultural heritage.W artykule przedstawiono biblioteki Północnych Włoch: Bibliotekę Ambrozjańską w Mediolanie, Bibliotekę Królewską w Turynie, Bibliotekę Uniwersytecką w Genui i Bibliotekę Marcjańską w Wenecji. Książnice te posiadają cenne kolekcje zbiorów, które są digitalizowane i udostępniane w sieci, przyczyniając się do popularyzacji włoskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego

    Basic Comparison of the Properties of the Loop and Frotte Yarns, Woven and Knitted Fabrics

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    Both loop fancy yarns and frotte fancy yarns belong to the group of yarns with continuous effects. The difference between frotte and loop yarn relies on the fact that the loop yarn is constructed with two core yarns and the frotte yarn is constructed with only one core yarn. The differences are evident in the shape of these two types of fancy yarns. These shape differences are the functions of the tensions of component yarns during the twisting process. The shape and construction of the fancy yarn influence its properties. The properties of loop and frotte fancy yarns, woven and knitted fabrics are compared in this article in order to find out the optimal yarn’s and fabric’s production condition to satisfy the final user and maintain low production costs. In terms of economy aspects only, the frotte fancy yarns are believed to be cheaper in production due to lower quantity of components utilize for their production to compare with loop fancy yarns, under conditions of the same settings of ring twisting frame