124 research outputs found

    Activity of photosystem II in spring barley leaves under the action of manganese ions

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    The influence of manganese ions (30, 60 and 90 mg/l) on the functioning of the photosystem II (PSII) in leaves was assessed on plants of six spring barley cultivars (Belgorodsky 100, st.). The plants were grown on a complete Knop medium without (control) and with the addition of manganese ions (experiment) under natural light conditions. On 14-day-old leaves, parameters of chlorophyll's rapid fluorescence were recorded using a Fluor Pen FP 110/S fluorometer. The sensitivity of the different structural parts of PSII was found to vary depending on the concentration of Mn ions and the genotype used. Thus, absorbed energy flows increased in the cv. Boyarin at 30 and 60 mg/l Mn (by 7.9 and 14.1 %), in cv. Farmer at 60 and 90 mg/l  (by 15.8 and 16.1 %), but decreased in cv. Dobryak at 30 and 90 mg/l (by 9.7 and 9.0 %), Farmer at 30 mg/l (by 15.8 %) and Bionic at 60 and 90 mg/l (by 8.0 and 6.8 %). The flow of energy stored in primary photochemical reactions in the cv. Bionic increased at 30 mg/l of manganese (by 6.3 %), but decreased at 60 (by 6.8 %) and 90 mg/l (by 5.3 %); increased in the cv. Boyarin at 30 mg/l of Mn (by 6.4 %), but decreased in the cv. Forward (by 11.7 %). Electronic transport leading to CO2 fixation increased in cv. Farmer at all Mn concentrations (by 8.1...12.6 %), and in cv. Bionic it increased at 30 mg/l (by 7.2 %), but decreased at  90 mg/l (by 7.4 %). The electron flux leading to the oxidation of the finile acceptor of PSI in the studied cultivars did not change under the influence of the stressor. However, the integral parameters of PSII activity (PIABS and PIABS_total indices) under stressful conditions were determined by the plant genotype. This indicates, firstly, the need for targeted selection (to a specific level of the stress factor); secondly, on the possibility of pyramidation of the integral level of resistance to the stressor by selecting parents who differ in the level of change in individual functional reactions of photosynthesis

    Genotypic variability in the functioning of photosystem II in leaves of covered and naked oats

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    Background. Comparing the characteristics of primary photosynthetic processes in photosystem II (PSII) in the leaves of two oat (Avena sativa L.) subspecies will help to understand their genetic differentiation. Comparisons between naked and covered oats to assess the efficiency of energy flows within PSII and its relation to useful agronomic traits have not been previously made but can have an effect on their cultivation practices.Materials and methods. Two-week-old plants of 16 covered and 17 naked oat genotypes were assessed for rapid chlorophyll α fluorescence using a Fluor Pen FP 110/S fluorometer. Data on the yield structure were obtained in 2021. The data were processed statistically using descriptive statistics, correlation (Excel 2013) and cluster (StatSoft Statistica 10; Ward's method) analyses.Results. The groups of oat genotypes differed significantly in the absolute magnitude of adsorbed (ABS/RC) and trapped (TRo/RC) light energy flows, which were higher in naked oats (by 7.8 and 7.4%, respectively). The efficiency of electron transfer from plastoquinone QB to PSI in naked oats exceeded that in covered oats by 8.2%. For the whole set of genotypes, a statistically significant correlation of grain yield with the PIABS performance index (r = 0.403), light energy adsorption (r = -0.477) and its utilization at the reaction centers of PSII (r = -0.452) was manifested. The performance indices (PIABS and PIABS_total) positively correlated with part of grain in total biomass (0.571 and 0.418, respectively) and were higher in covered oats (by 28.2 and 21.9%, respectively).Conclusion. The existence of significant differences was shown between covered and naked oats according to six of the nine evaluated structural and functional parameters of the PSII leaf functioning. The results of the cluster analysis demonstrated the tendency to the grouping of genotypes by the presence/absence of grain hullness


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    На атомно-силовом микроскопе было проведено исследование микроструктуры быстрозакаленного аморфного сплава Ti50Ni25Cu25, подвергнутого воздействию интенсивной пластической деформации кручением (ИПДК). На фольгах для исследования из исходного аморфного сплава Ti50Ni25Cu25 развитого рельефа в АСМ не наблюдается. Можно предположить, что в результате ИПДК в аморфном сплаве Ti50Ni25Cu25 формируется структура наноразмерных аморфных кластеров, разделенных аморфными же границами, которая выявляется при ионном травлении при подготовке фольг, что наблюдается в АСМ.On an atomic force microscope, a study was conducted microstructure of the rapidly quenched amorphous Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy after HPT. On initial amorphous Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy method AFM developed relief is not observed. Maybe after HPT in amorphous Ti50Ni25Cu25 forming clusters of amorphous nanoscale structure after ion etching

    “Not Milk” - an Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Milk: Advantages, Types, Production Technology

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    В статье представлена статистика продаж растительного молока, определено, что потребление «не молока» стремительно растет и в 2019 году в РФ составило 12 млн литров. Описаны преимущества данного продукта для экологии и здоровья человека. Приведена классификация растительного молока по видам сырья: злаковые, зернобобовые, ореховые, из масличных семян и из псевдо-зерновых культур. Рассмотрен состав и пищевая ценность нескольких видов овсяного «не молока». Выявлено, что растительное молоко российских брендов не уступает по качеству зарубежных производителей. Описана технология производства овсяного молока.The article presents statistics on sales of vegetable milk, it is determined that the consumption of "not milk" is growing rapidly and in 2019 in the Russian Federation amounted to 12 million liters. The advantages of this product for the environment and human health are described. The classification of vegetable milk by types of raw materials is given: cereals, legumes, nuts, from oil seeds and from pseudo-grain crops. The composition and nutritional value of several types of oat milk are considered. It was revealed that vegetable milk of Russian brands is not inferior in quality to foreign manufacturers. The technology for the production of oat milk is described

    Development of a Multi-Stage Membrane Installation of Purification of Drinking Water of Networks of Cold Water Supply with a Removable Mineralization Module

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    The urgent problem of reducing the quality of tap drinking water of cold water supply networks in some large regions of Russia is considered (From the report of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in 2018). Modern methods of water treatment are studied, their comparative analysis is carried out, on the basis of which a multistage layout of a membrane installation for additional purification of tap drinking water of cold water supply networks is developed. Using a TDS meter, purified water was analyzed. It has been established that the total amount of minerals in purified water samples approaches the recommended standards of the World Health Organization.Рассмотрена актуальная проблема снижения качества водопроводной питьевой воды сетей холодного водоснабжения в некоторых крупных регионах России (Из доклада Роспотребнадзора за 2018 год). Изучены современные методы водоподготовки, проведен их сравнительный анализ, на основе чего разработана многоступенчатая компоновка мембранной установки для дополнительной очистки водопроводной питьевой воды сетей холодного водоснабжения. С помощью TDS-метра проведен анализ очищенной воды. Установлено, что общее количество минеральных веществ в пробах очищенной воды приближается к рекомендуемым нормам Всемирной организации здравоохранения


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    Проведены комплексные исследования влияния многократных мартенситных превращений В2-В19' на структуру и свойства ультрамелкозернистых и нанокристаллических сплавов TiNi. Показано, что, как и в крупнозернистых (КЗ) сплавах, в ультрамелкозернистых (УМЗ) и нанокристаллических (НК) сплавах TiNi происходят последовательные изменения структуры и свойств, вызванные фазовым наклепом, при увеличении количества термоциклов вплоть до n = 100 с быстрым нагревом и быстрым охлаждением до –196 °С.Comprehensive studies on the impact of multiple martensitic transformations В2-В19' on the structure and properties of ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline titanium-nickel (TiNi) alloys are implemented. It is shown that in coarse-grained, ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline TiNi alloys consecutive changes in the structure and properties take place, which are induced by phase hardening, when the number of thermocycles increases up to n = 100 with quick heating and quick cooling to –196 °С.Данные исследования были частично выполнены при поддержке гранта Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований № 16-38-00242 мол_а

    High pressure torsion induced structural transformations in Ti- and Zr-based amorphous alloys

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    The melt-spun (MS) Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy and the Zr62Cu22A110Fe5Dy1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) were subjected to high pressure torsion (HPT). X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements show a shift of the first diffraction halo to a low angle after HPT processing, which corresponds to an increase in the values of the radius of the first coordination sphere and the free volume. Direct density measurements confirmed an increase in free volume values. A special TEM procedure was used for a detailed study of the microstructure of both amorphous alloys after HPT processing. The study revealed the formation of a large density of shear bands (SBs) in both alloys. Nanocrystals are formed directly in shear bands as a result of strain-inducted nanocrystallization. Amorphous nanoclusters with a size of 20 nm are formed in an amorphous matrix surrounding the SBs in the HPT-processed MS alloy Ti50Ni25Cu25. The formation of nanoclusters was not observed in BMG Zr62Cu22A110Fe5Dy1 after HPT processing

    Development of Small-Mounted Membrane Installation of Drinking Water Dosage Cleaning with Partial Demineralization

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    Рассмотрена проблема качества питьевой воды, проблема доочистки воды центрального водоснабжения; изучены современные способы очистки воды; проведен отбор проб исходной и очищенной водопроводной воды; на основании анализа разработана малогабаритная установка очистки питьевой воды с частичной деминерализацией; приведен анализ показателей качества и безопасности проб исходной и очищенной водопроводной питьевой воды в точке водоподведения в лаборатории кафедры пищевой инженерии Уральского государственного экономического университета; установлено, что показатели органолептической оценки проб исходной водопроводной и очищенной воды оказались идентичными, что говорит о соответствии исходной водопроводной воды, подаваемой в лабораторию требованиям СанПиН; водородный показатель изменился с 7,5±0,2 до 6,4±0,2; показатель железа (Fe, суммарно) уменьшился с 0,110±0,025 до менее 0,1; замеры общего солесодержания исходной и конечной воды с помощью TDS-метра показали, что в исходной воде в разных пробах концентрация растворенных веществ суммарно достигала от 180 до 220 мг/л.; в подготовленной воде эта концентрация снизилась до 20-25 мг/л, при норме - не более 50 мг/л, что показывает о снижении общей минерализации.The problem of drinking water quality, the problem of additional water treatment of central water supply; modem methods of water treatment; sampling of initial and purified tap water was carried out; On the basis of the analysis, a small-sized drinking water purification plant with partial demineralization was developed; analysis of quality and safety indicators of samples of initial and purified tap water at the point of water supply in the laboratory of the Department of Food Engineering of the Ural State Economic University; it was established that the indicators of organoleptic evaluation of samples of the initial tap and purified water were identical, which indicates the compliance of the initial tap water supplied to the laboratory with the requirements of SanPiN; the hydrogen index changed from 7.5 ± 0.2 to 6.4 ± 0.2; the iron index (Fe, total) decreased from 0.110 ± 0.025 to less than 0.1; measurements of the total salt content of the initial and final water by means of a TDS meter showed that in the initial water in various samples the concentration of dissolved substances reached a total of 180 to 220 mg /1 .; in the prepared water, this concentration decreased to 20-25 mg /1, with the norm - not more than 50 mg /1, which indicates a decrease in total mineralization

    Microstructure transformation in a cast Cu-Fe alloy at high pressure torsion deformation

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    © 2016 Advance Study Center Co. Ltd.The effect of high pressure torsion (HPT) on the microstructure of Cu-Fe 36 wt.% alloy has been studied. The initial Cu-Fe alloy has a dendritic structure, the length of dendrites is up to 100 μm. As a result of HPT (20 anvil revolutions at 400 °C) a nanostructural state is formed. The average size of the Cu and α-Fe grains is 60 and 35 nm correspondingly. The volume fraction of the Fe phase reduces from the initial 37% down to 15% after HPT. The concentration of iron dissolved in the copper lattice reaches 20%. The subsequent annealing at 700 °C for 1 hour results in some coarsening of α-Fe particles, as compared to the state after HPT. However, the typical dendritic structure of the cast alloy does not recover; it remains dispersed with the size of α-Fe particles less than 20 μm. As a result of HPT the alloy microhardness increased from 1800 to 4000 MPa. The subsequent annealing at T = 700 °C decreased the microhardness to 2700 MPa, but this value is 1.5 times higher than that in the initial as cast state

    Investigation of the Deformation Activation Volume of an Ultrafinegrained Ti50Ni50 Alloy

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York The mechanical properties, strain rate sensitivity (m) and deformation activation volume (ΔV) are investigated at the experimental temperatures from 20 to 400°С in a Ti50Ni50alloy in a coarse-grained (CG) state with the austenite grain size D = 200 μm and in an ultrafine-grained (UFG) state with D = 700 μm following an ECAP treatment. It is observed that this treatment improves the yield strength of the alloy compared to its CG-state. The strain rate sensitivity, m, is found to be by a factor of 1.5–2 higher than that of CG-specimens; it increases with the temperature in both states of the material. As the temperature of the material in tension increases up to Т = 150–250°С, parameter ΔV increases to its maximum and with a further growth of the experimental temperature to 400°С, parameter ΔV decreases. The deformation activation volume of the alloy in the UFG-state is by a factor of 2–4 larger than that in the CG-state for the same experimental temperatures