903 research outputs found

    Two-Phase Cryogenic Heat Exchanger for the Thermodynamic Vent System

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    A two-phase cryogenic heat exchanger for a thermodynamic vent system was designed and analyzed, and the predicted performance was compared with test results. A method for determining the required size of the Joule-Thomson device was also developed. Numerous sensitivity studies were performed to show that the design was robust and possessed a comfortable capacity margin. The comparison with the test results showed very similar heat extraction performance for similar inlet conditions. It was also shown that estimates for Joule- Thomson device flow rates and exit quality can vary significantly and these need to be accommodated for with a robust system design

    Comparison of the emissions of current expendable launch vehicles and future spaceplanes

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    This paper compares the environmental impact of two types of launch vehicles, an expendable vertical launcher (Delta IV) and a conceptual SSTO spaceplane. A realistic trajectory for the spaceplane is generated using a multiple-shooting trajectory optimisation method, which integrates physical models and generates an optimal control law minimising the fuel consumption and the emissions of the flight. These were compared with the emissions from a standard Delta IV trajectory. The launch was to a 200 km circular LEO at 27.5° inclination. The chemical investigated is H2O, which contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. The study shows that for the ascent trajectory the spaceplane produces a total of 5.0143 x 105 kg of H2O, compared with 2.24 x 105 kg for the Delta IV. The spaceplane has a peak production altitude in the sensitive lower stratosphere, compared to the much lower peak production altitude of the Delta IV

    Transient Thermal Model and Analysis of the Lunar Surface and Regolith for Cryogenic Fluid Storage

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    A transient thermal model of the lunar surface and regolith was developed along with analytical techniques which will be used to evaluate the storage of cryogenic fluids at equatorial and polar landing sites. The model can provide lunar surface and subsurface temperatures as a function of latitude and time throughout the lunar cycle and season. It also accounts for the presence of or lack of the undisturbed fluff layer on the lunar surface. The model was validated with Apollo 15 and Clementine data and shows good agreement with other analytical models

    Hypervelocity Impact Testing of Space Station Freedom Solar Cells

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    Solar array coupons designed for the Space Station Freedom electrical power system were subjected to hypervelocity impacts using the HYPER facility in the Space Power Institute at Auburn University and the Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Simulation Facility in the Materials and Processes Laboratory at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. At Auburn, the solar cells and array blanket materials received several hundred impacts from particles in the micron to 100 micron range with velocities typically ranging from 4.5 to 10.5 km/s. This fluence of particles greatly exceeds what the actual components will experience in low earth orbit. These impacts damaged less than one percent of total area of the solar cells and most of the damage was limited to the cover glass. There was no measurable loss of electrical performance. Impacts on the array blanket materials produced even less damage and the blanket materials proved to be an effective shield for the back surface of the solar cells. Using the light gas gun at MSFC, one cell of a four cell coupon was impacted by a 1/4 inch spherical aluminum projectile with a velocity of about 7 km/s. The impact created a neat hole about 3/8 inch in diameter. The cell and coupon were still functional after impact

    Hypervelocity impact induced arcing and Kapton pyrolization in a plasma environment

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    Tests were performed on the Space Station Freedom (SSF) solar array flat conductor circuit (FCC) to determine if hypervelocity impacts could induce pyrolization of Kapton and/or cross-conductor arcing. A sample piece of FCC was placed in a plasma environment and biased to +200 V relative to the plasma potential. The FCC was then impacted with particles in the 100 micron size range with hypervelocities of about 7 km/s. These tests were unable to induce Kapton pyrolization, cross-conductor arcing, or any other plasma interaction

    Parametric design of non-axisymmetric separate-jet aero-engine exhaust systems

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    Future civil air vehicles are likely to feature propulsion systems which are more closely integrated with the airframe. For a podded underwing configuration, this close coupling is expected to require non-axisymmetric design capabilities for the aero-engine exhaust system. This work presents the development of a novel parametric representation of non-axisymmetric aero-engine exhaust system geometries based on Intuitive Class Shape Transformation (iCST) curves. An exhaust design method was established and aerodynamic analyses of a range of non-axisymmetric configurations was demonstrated. At typical flight conditions, the introduction of non-axisymmetric separate jet nozzles was shown to increase the engine net propulsive force by 0.12% relative to an axisymmetric nozzle

    Glycine transport inhibitors for the treatment of pain.

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    Opioids, local anesthetics, anticonvulsant drugs, antidepressants, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to provide pain relief but they do not provide adequate pain relief in a large proportion of chronic pain patients and are often associated with unacceptable side effects. Inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission is impaired in chronic pain states, and this provides a novel target for drug development. Inhibitors of the glycine transporter 2 (GlyT2) enhance inhibitory neurotransmission and show particular promise for the treatment of neuropathic pain. N-arachidonyl-glycine (NAGly) is an endogenous lipid that inhibits glycine transport by GlyT2 and also shows potential as an analgesic, which may be further exploited in drug development. In this review we discuss the role of glycine neurotransmission in chronic pain and future prospects for the use of glycine transport inhibitors in the treatment of pain.NHMRC Grant: 104596

    ELM: super-resolution analysis of wide-field images of fluorescent shell structures.

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    It is often necessary to precisely quantify the size of specimens in biological studies. When measuring feature size in fluorescence microscopy, significant biases can arise due to blurring of its edges if the feature is smaller than the diffraction limit of resolution. This problem is avoided if an equation describing the feature's entire image is fitted to its image data. In this paper we present open-source software, ELM, which uses this approach to measure the size of spheroidal or cylindrical fluorescent shells with a precision of around 10 nm. This has been used to measure coat protein locations in bacterial spores and cell wall diameter in vegetative bacilli, and may also be valuable in microbiological studies of algae, fungi and viruses. ELM is available for download at https://github.com/quantitativeimaging/ELM

    Las Vegas metropolitan area social survey 2010 highlights

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    UNLV sociologists conducted the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area Social Survey (LVMASS) to identify the socio-spatial distribution of attitudes and attributes relevant to urban sustainability in the Las Vegas Valley. The project goal is to understand how Las Vegas residents think about urban sustainability issues across three dimensions: 1) natural environment; 2) community and quality of life; 3) economy
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