170 research outputs found

    Blended-learning educational concept for earth observation at university level

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    The field of Earth observation has been undergoing a tremendous transformation for several years. From commercial data that used to be processed only by a circle of specialists, we are now in an era where numerous high-quality satellite data can be made available for free and used by diverse user groups in many applications. It is therefore of fundamental importance for new users to understand and use these data in an application-specific way, and teaching concepts need to be adapted accordingly. Specifically for the field of radar remote sensing, several activities already exist that intend to adjust educational offers with needs of the market place and to provide hands-on material for self-paced learning in many fields of application. At university level however, many courses still happen in a traditional classroom way, the lecturer being the principal source of information. We present here a blended-learning approach aiming the integration of high-quality eLearning material in traditional face-to-face courses to enhance the teaching and learning experience. The approach can be resumed in two main goals: 1) the specific integration of eLearning elements on a learning platform for a better preparation and follow-up of the course content by the students; 2) the creation of new eLearning content by the students in a peer-to-peer approach. For the first goal, existing content from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are broken down into learning modules and supplemented with external digital learning content in order to best match the needs of the face-to-face course week by week. This prevents students from being overwhelmed by the enormous volume of online educational resources of the MOOCs and allows a better preparation of students for the current content of the lecture. For the second goal, a further deepening of what has been learned takes place through active co-creation of new digital content. This is based on the principle of the pyramid of learning that the best way to remember something is to explain it yourself. In this way, students who create new content from what they have learned should be able to remember it much longer as if they just listen to it. This blended learning educational model is conducted successfully since two years at university level with bachelor and master students and is being enriched regularly with new material, both from the open educational resources and students contribution

    Earth observation education for Zero Hunger: A Massive Open Online Course towards achieving SDG #2 using EO

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    Persisting hunger and malnourishment continue to be a problem of global concern, which recent climate change, as well as environmental and socio-economic crises and their impacts along the food chain further exacerbate. Earth observation (EO) holds the capacity to deliver large temporal and spatial coverage information that allow for better decision-making in food production and distribution. Furthermore, the rapidly increasing amount of freely available data and tools potentially enable an expanding user community to bring this information into practice. However, more people need access to EO education to realize this potential. EO Connect (funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research) addresses this demand by developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger. Since a conventional course can barely reflect the comprehensiveness of SDG #2 regarding both content and the people involved in achieving the goal, the Zero Hunger MOOC leverages modern learning approaches in a non-linear, adaptive learning environment to cater to a large audience and diverse target groups, and to their different scopes and levels of desired learning outcomes. The use of micro-content, drip-feeding and feedback-guided course development shall ensure maximum effectiveness. To accomplish this ambitious endeavour, the Zero Hunger MOOC is developed with a community of stakeholders from the realms of EO, education, information technology, and food security. It builds on contents from this community which are adapted, streamlined and assembled to course modules, as well as on the expertise from the over 20 contributing universities, space agencies, national institutions and international organizations. While the Zero Hunger MOOC contributes to bridging the gap between the available EO technology and its application to increase food security, it likewise promotes stronger stakeholder connection in EO education

    20 Years SAR Interferometry for Monitoring Ground Deformation over the former Potash-Mine “Glückauf” in Thuringia

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    Geophysical processes and anthropogenic activities cause the deformation of the Earth's surface, both mechanisms interacting sometimes simultaneously. While the occurrence of those processes in rural areas may not always directly a ect the population, the determination of surface deformation in inhabited areas is of high relevance to prevent risks. Traditional surveying techniques provide exact but usually spatially and temporally limited deformation information, making a regular monitoring of whole urban areas di cult. Since about 20 years, RADAR remote sensing, especially SAR interferometry, provide dense and accurate ground motion information, completing hereby the traditional monitoring techniques. This present study investigates ground surface dynamics in a town close to a former potash-mine situated in the northern part of Thuringia, Germany, by means of multi-temporal SAR interferometry. Using the method of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, 20 years of RADAR data from multiple sensors are evaluated and compared to in-situ data. It shows that ground subsidences decreased since the closing and back lling of the mine, which is in accordance with surveying activities on this site

    Predicting forest cover in distinct ecosystems: the potential of multi-source sentinel-1 and -2 data fusion

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    The fusion of microwave and optical data sets is expected to provide great potential for the derivation of forest cover around the globe. As Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 are now both operating in twin mode, they can provide an unprecedented data source to build dense spatial and temporal high-resolution time series across a variety of wavelengths. This study investigates (i) the ability of the individual sensors and (ii) their joint potential to delineate forest cover for study sites in two highly varied landscapes located in Germany (temperate dense mixed forests) and South Africa (open savanna woody vegetation and forest plantations). We used multi-temporal Sentinel-1 and single time steps of Sentinel-2 data in combination to derive accurate forest/non-forest (FNF) information via machine-learning classifiers. The forest classification accuracies were 90.9% and 93.2% for South Africa and Thuringia, respectively, estimated while using autocorrelation corrected spatial cross-validation (CV) for the fused data set. Sentinel-1 only classifications provided the lowest overall accuracy of 87.5%, while Sentinel-2 based classifications led to higher accuracies of 91.9%. Sentinel-2 short-wave infrared (SWIR) channels, biophysical parameters (Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR)) and the lower spectrum of the Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series were found to be most distinctive in the detection of forest cover. In contrast to homogenous forests sites, Sentinel-1 time series information improved forest cover predictions in open savanna-like environments with heterogeneous regional features. The presented approach proved to be robust and it displayed the benefit of fusing optical and SAR data at high spatial resolution

    Terrestrial laser scanning for vegetation analyses with a special focus on savannas

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    Savannas are heterogeneous ecosystems, composed of varied spatial combinations and proportions of woody and herbaceous vegetation. Most field-based inventory and remote sensing methods fail to account for the lower stratum vegetation (i.e., shrubs and grasses), and are thus underrepresenting the carbon storage potential of savanna ecosystems. For detailed analyses at the local scale, Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) has proven to be a promising remote sensing technology over the past decade. Accordingly, several review articles already exist on the use of TLS for characterizing 3D vegetation structure. However, a gap exists on the spatial concentrations of TLS studies according to biome for accurate vegetation structure estimation. A comprehensive review was conducted through a meta-analysis of 113 relevant research articles using 18 attributes. The review covered a range of aspects, including the global distribution of TLS studies, parameters retrieved from TLS point clouds and retrieval methods. The review also examined the relationship between the TLS retrieval method and the overall accuracy in parameter extraction. To date, TLS has mainly been used to characterize vegetation in temperate, boreal/taiga and tropical forests, with only little emphasis on savannas. TLS studies in the savanna focused on the extraction of very few vegetation parameters (e.g., DBH and height) and did not consider the shrub contribution to the overall Above Ground Biomass (AGB). Future work should therefore focus on developing new and adjusting existing algorithms for vegetation parameter extraction in the savanna biome, improving predictive AGB models through 3D reconstructions of savanna trees and shrubs as well as quantifying AGB change through the application of multi-temporal TLS. The integration of data from various sources and platforms e.g., TLS with airborne LiDAR is recommended for improved vegetation parameter extraction (including AGB) at larger spatial scales. The review highlights the huge potential of TLS for accurate savanna vegetation extraction by discussing TLS opportunities, challenges and potential future research in the savanna biome

    Sentinel-1 backscatter time series for characterization of evapotranspiration dynamics over temperate coniferous forests

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    Forests’ ecosystems are an essential part of the global carbon cycle with vast carbon storage potential. These systems are currently under external pressures showing increasing change due to climate change. A better understanding of the biophysical properties of forests is, therefore, of paramount importance for research and monitoring purposes. While there are many biophysical properties, the focus of this study is on the in-depth analysis of the connection between the C-band Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR backscatter and evapotranspiration (ET) estimates based on in situ meteorological data and the FAO-based Penman–Monteith equation as well as the well-established global terrestrial ET product from the Terra and Aqua MODIS sensors. The analysis was performed in the Free State of Thuringia, central Germany, over coniferous forests within an area of 2452 km2, considering a 5-year time series (June 2016–July 2021) of 6- to 12-day Sentinel-1 backscatter acquisitions/observations, daily in situ meteorological measurements of four weather stations as well as an 8-day composite of ET products of the MODIS sensors. Correlation analyses of the three datasets were implemented independently for each of the microwave sensor’s acquisition parameters, ascending and descending overpass direction and co- or cross-polarization, investigating different time series seasonality filters. The Sentinel-1 backscatter and both ET time series datasets show a similar multiannual seasonally fluctuating behavior with increasing values in the spring, peaks in the summer, decreases in the autumn and troughs in the winter months. The backscatter difference between summer and winter reaches over 1.5 dB, while the evapotranspiration difference reaches 8 mm/day for the in situ measurements and 300 kg/m2/8-day for the MODIS product. The best correlation between the Sentinel-1 backscatter and both ET products is achieved in the ascending overpass direction, with datasets acquired in the late afternoon, and reaches an R2-value of over 0.8. The correlation for the descending overpass direction reaches values of up to 0.6. These results suggest that the SAR backscatter signal of coniferous forests is sensitive to the biophysical property evapotranspiration under some scenarios

    Support of Forest Inventory Data Collection by Citizen Scientists

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    Precise forest inventory data are requested by a wide range of users such as scientists, politicians, administrators, forest owners, or the forest industry. One forest inventory parameter of great importance is the forest stem volume (or growing stock volume, GSV). On the one hand, GSV is related to the monetary value of a forest. On the other hand, the amount of bound carbon can be estimated based on GSV. For the determination of the GSV the stem diameter (usually diameter at breast height, DBH), the tree height, the number of trees per unit area, and a species and forest stand specific form factor are required. In forestry, sample based approaches are used to gather these parameters. For minimizing effort and expense, the number and dimensions of these samples are small compared to the total forest area. Also, the repeat time between two inventories is rather large (in the order of ten years). Accordingly, relative GSV errors of approximately 20% have to be accepted. There exists a great interest to minimize both, effort and inventory errors. Precise inventory data are of particular interest in the research domain. For instance, satellite based methods aiming at GSV estimation suffer from inaccurate reference measurements, as the inventory errors propagate to the final satellite based estimates. Airborne light detection and ranging data (LiDAR) can be utilized to detect single trees and to measure the corresponding tree heights with sufficient accuracy for forestry applications. In some Scandinavian countries forest inventories are supported by LiDAR campaigns by default. Moreover, most European countries execute regular and country-wide LiDAR acquisitions, thus LiDAR based tree height measurements could be achieved. For instance, the LiDAR campaign repetition rate in Germany is five years. However, the stem diameter cannot be measured using airborne LiDAR data. Although some technical ground- and low altitude airborne solutions have been proposed, currently the most efficient approach is manual DBH measurement. The simplicity of DBH measurements makes this task an excellent citizen science exercise. To assess the achievable DBH measurement precision, an experiment involving students of a secondary school was carried out in late 2017. The test site “Roda Forest” is located 20 km in the Southeast of Jena. The selected stand is dominated by pine with an age of 60 years. The reference data for the experiment was generated by means of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). Based on the TLS data the precise location and the GSV of approximately 200 trees were delineated. The students were equipped with a smartphone application to localize the single trees. During the campaign the circumference of approximately 100 trees was determined using simple measuring tape. These measurements were converted to DBH after the field campaign. The measured DBH varied between 7 cm and 38 cm. In overall, TLS-based and student campaign based measurements were in great agreement (R² = 0.98). Nevertheless, the identification of the correct trees by the students during the campaign was challenging, which was related to general orientation difficulties and a weak GPS signal underneath the forest canopy. This resulted in a remarkable offset between GPS-based and real coordinates. Forthcoming campaigns have to deal with this issue. One option we will explore in the future is the absolute calibration of the GPS signal using checkpoints with precise coordinates

    How valuable are citizen science data for a space-borne crop growth monitoring? – The reliability of self-appraisals

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    Space-borne Earth Observation (EO) data depicting vegetation covered land surfaces contain insufficient information for an unambiguous interpretation of the spectral signal in terms of variables that characterize the vegetation state (e.g., leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content and proportion of senescent material). For the retrieval of vegetation properties from EO data, an optimal estimate of the state variables needs to be found. The uncertainty of such an estimate can be reduced by combining EO data and in situ data. Information provided by citizens represents a valuable and mostly inexpensive source for in situ data. Since the quality of such data can be diverse, the consideration of uncertainties is of great importance. In this contribution, we present a concept for the elicitation of local knowledge from citizens with respect to the application of management practices (e.g., sowing and harvesting date, irrigation) and the instantaneous state of crops. The concept includes the acquisition of in situ data as well as an uncertainty assessment (precision and/or accuracy). The latter involves a profiling in which inherent uncertainties are quantified for individual citizens. This concept was tested for agricultural fields of the Durable Environmental Multidisciplinary Monitoring Information Network (DEMMIN) test site in Northeast Germany. Within the frame of several field seminars, students were requested to assess management practices and the instantaneous state of crops. Furthermore, they assessed their own ability to create valid data. They filled in pseudonymized questionnaires from which we created corresponding datasets. At the same day, field data were collected with appropriate equipment and can be used as reference against which student estimates can be compared. The level of compliance between estimated and measured data was determined on an individual basis. The results of this analysis will be presented. Conclusions will be drawn regarding the ability of the students to evaluate their own skills. In addition, we will demonstrate an approach for a digital ascertainment of in situ data. In the future, this approach will be used to collect in situ data for the setup of refined prior information within the frame of the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS)

    Impact of alternative soil data sources on the uncertainties in simulated land-atmosphere interactions

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    Numerical weather- and climate prediction models rely on soil data to accurately model land surface processes. However, as soil data are produced using soil profiles and maps with multiple sources of uncertainty, wide discrepancies prevail in global soil datasets. Comparison of four commonly used soil datasets in Earth system climate models, i.e., Food and Agriculture Organization soil data, Harmonized World Soil Database, Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Model, and global gridded soil information system SoilGrids, yields widespread differences in southern Africa. This study investigates the simulated land-atmosphere interactions in southern Africa in the context of the uncertainties from applying different global soil datasets. We conducted ensemble simulations using the fully coupled Weather Research and Forecasting Hydrological Modeling system (WRF-Hydro) incorporated with each of the global soil datasets mentioned above. Model simulations were performed at 4-km convection-permitting scale from January 2015 to June 2016. By quantifying model\u27s internal variability and comparing the modeling results, results show that the simulated temperature, soil moisture, and surface energy fluxes are largely impacted by soil texture differences. For instance, changes in soil texture and associated hydrophysical parameters result in large differences in air temperature up to 1.7°C and surface heat flux up to 25 W/m2^2, and disparities in averaged surface soil moisture differ up to 0.1 m3^3/m3^3 in austral summer months. Differences in soil texture characteristics also regulate local climatic conditions differently in the wet and dry seasons as well as in different climatic regions. Furthermore, the thermodynamic differences in surface energy fluxes caused by soil texture demonstrate physical feedback perspective on atmospheric processes, resulting in distinct changes in planetary boundary layer height. This study demonstrates the non-negligible impact of soil data on land surface-atmosphere coupled modeling and highlights the need for consistent consideration of modeling uncertainties from soil data in modeling applications
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