20 research outputs found

    Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach for Modeling and Simulations of Turbulent Reactive Multi-Phase Flows under Gas Turbine Combustor Conditions

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    The work presented in this thesis resulted in the development and application of different mathematical sub-models to describe the physics of turbulent reacting spray typical for gas turbine combustors. The resulting complete models were formulated in the Eulerian-Lagrangian context. Emphases were primarily put on the interaction between solid particles and turbulence seeking a correct prediction of turbulent quantities in turbulent two phase flows. The investigation of the feedback mechanism of particles on the continuous phase within the turbulent two-phase flow which is known as turbulence modulation was carried out with three different modulation models. Computations reveal that the obtained results of the turbulent kinetic energy using the thermodynamically consistent model, reproduce well both the turbulence attenuation and production. Indeed, the standard model underestimates the turbulence. This model is dissipative for small and big particles, whereas the model by Crowe is overall productive. Two evaporation models have been developed, integrated in FASTEST/LAG3D code and subsequently applied. The computations were achieved using a fully two-way coupling process. A systematical study of the interaction processes including turbulence, turbulence modulation, mass and heat transfer has been satisfactory carried out. Simulations showed that non equilibrium model agree most favorably with experimental measurements of the droplet mass flux. In order to characterize the turbulence-droplet vaporization interaction regimes, a vaporization Damkoehler number (Dav) has been introduced. Numerical results have demonstrated that in case of Dav>1 turbulence augmentation enhances the evaporation rate, whereas for Dav¡Ü1 the opposite phenomenon takes place, namely the rate of evaporation is reduced. The spray combustion was studied in a complex industrial configuration, which consists of a single annular combustor that was experimentally measured by Rolls-Royce Deutschland. Simulations were performed using k-eps as well as Reynolds Stress model (Jones Musonge) for turbulence, an assumed shape of probability density function to prescribe turbulence combustion interaction and different models describing the turbulence modulation. Equilibrium and a flamelet chemistry approaches were used. Results showed that predicted RTDF distributions are satisfactory and provide plausible results compared with measurements. The use of the thermodynamically consistent modulation model allows an acceptable behavior of the temperature distribution compared to the standard modulation model. On the other hand, both evaporation models (equilibrium and non-equilibrium) provided similar results for the temperature distribution. Numerical computations including the flamelet turbulent combustion model predicted a lower peak reaction temperature and a more gradual temperature decrease than predictions using equilibrium chemistry. As final conclusion one can reiterate that the combination of the following sub-models: thermodynamically consistent model for the turbulence modulation, Langmuir-Knudsen non-equilibrium model for the evaporation, Reynolds Stress Model for the turbulence and flamelet model for the chemistry establish a reliable complete model that seems to allows a better description of reactive multi-phase flow studied in the frame of this work

    Numerical Modelling of Air Pollutant Dispersion in Complex Urban Areas: Investigation of City Parts from Downtowns Hanover and Frankfurt

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    Hazardous gas dispersion within a complex urban environment in 1:1 scaled geometry of German cities, Hanover and Frankfurt, is predicted using an advanced turbulence model. The investigation involves a large group of real buildings with a high level of details. For this purpose, Computer Aided Design (CAD) of two configurations are cleaned, then fine grids meshed in. Weather conditions are introduced using power law velocity profiles at inlets boundary. The investigation focused on the effects of release locations and material properties of the contaminants (e.g., densities) on the convection/diffusion of pollutants within complex urban area. Two geometries demonstrating different topologies and boundaries conditions are investigated. Pollutants are introduced into the computational domain through chimney and/or pipe leakages in various locations. Simulations are carried out using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence model and species transport for the pollutants. The weather conditions are accounted for using a logarithmic velocity profile at inlets. CHâ‚„ and COâ‚‚ distributions, as well as turbulence quantities and velocity profiles, show important influences on the dispersion behavior of the hazardous gas

    Numerical modelling of air pollutant dispersion in complex urban areas: investigation of city parts from downtowns Hanover and Frankfurt

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    Hazardous gas dispersion within a complex urban environment in 1:1 scaled geometry of German cities, Hanover and Frankfurt, is predicted using an advanced turbulence model. The investigation involves a large group of real buildings with a high level of details. For this purpose, Computer Aided Design (CAD) of two configurations are cleaned, then fine grids meshed in. Weather conditions are introduced using power law velocity profiles at inlets boundary. The investigation focused on the effects of release locations and material properties of the contaminants (e.g., densities) on the convection/diffusion of pollutants within complex urban area. Two geometries demonstrating different topologies and boundaries conditions are investigated. Pollutants are introduced into the computational domain through chimney and/or pipe leakages in various locations. Simulations are carried out using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) turbulence model and species transport for the pollutants. The weather conditions are accounted for using a logarithmic velocity profile at inlets. CHâ‚„ and COâ‚‚ distributions, as well as turbulence quantities and velocity profiles, show important influences on the dispersion behavior of the hazardous gas

    Experimental and numerical study of mixed convection heat transfer in a vented cavity partially filled with a porous medium: Effects of reynolds and rayleigh numbers on Nusselt number and flow regimes

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    This article presents a comprehensive investigation of mixed convection flow and heat transfer within a vented, partially side-heated cubical cavity, incorporating a porous medium with low-conductivity square-shaped inclusions. The study encompasses an extensive range of Rayleigh numbers (106 < Ra < 6 × 106) and Reynolds numbers (200 < Re < 4000) while maintaining a fixed Prandtl number of Pr = 0.71. This investigation spans over three decades in Richardson numbers (Ri = Ra/(Re2 Pr)), aiming to discern the interplay between the Nusselt number, Nu, and the Richardson number. Our understanding of Nusselt number dependencies is enhanced by combining PIV measurements of heat transfer and velocity fields with temperature field data. The study uses both experimental and numerical PIV data, incorporating porous media representation to reveal heat transfer scaling with both Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods are used to explore the complex physical behavior under different flow conditions. Three distinct flow and heat transfer regimes have been identified, predicated upon the Richardson number. For Ri < 25, the flow structure and Nusselt number exhibit similarities with pure forced convection, where the Nusselt number scales as Nu ∼ Re0.6, independent of the Rayleigh number. Conversely, for Ri > 70, natural convection dominates the vicinity of the heating wall, rendering the Nusselt number less sensitive to Reynolds number variations and predominantly dictated by the Rayleigh number. Notably, the intermediate regime, ranging from 25 < Ri < 70, witnesses a competition between upward-directed natural convection flow at the heating wall and downward-directed forced flow, culminating in a minimum effective Nusselt number