34 research outputs found

    The importance of algal tests for ecotoxicological evaluation

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na studium řasových testů. V rámci práce byla provedena rešerše shrnující poznatky o veškerých způsobech testování ekotoxicity na řasách. Práce se zabývá stručným popisem řas, jakožto testovacími organismy a jejich využití v testování ekotoxicity.This bachelor thesis is aimed at the study of algal tests. Within the frame of this thesis I have performed a literature research into findings about all possibilities algal tests in ecotoxicity. This work is engaged in short description green algae, as a testing organisms and their usage for ecotoxicological evaluation.

    A second-order stochastic dominance portfolio efficiency measure

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    summary:In this paper, we introduce a new linear programming second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) portfolio efficiency test for portfolios with scenario approach for distribution of outcomes and a new SSD portfolio inefficiency measure. The test utilizes the relationship between CVaR and dual second-order stochastic dominance, and contrary to tests in Post [Post] and Kuosmanen [Kuosmanen], our test detects a dominating portfolio which is SSD efficient. We derive also a necessary condition for SSD efficiency using convexity property of CVaR to speed up the computation. The efficiency measure represents a distance between the tested portfolio and its least risky dominating SSD efficient portfolio. We show that this measure is consistent with the second-order stochastic dominance relation. We find out that this measure is convex and we use this result to describe the set of SSD efficient portfolios. Finally, we illustrate our results on a numerical example

    Presence of heavy metals near the way Rudná

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení výskytu rizikových kovů v půdě v okolí pozemní komunikace Rudná v Ostravě. Podél této komunikace bylo vytyčeno 17 odběrových míst, ze kterých byla odebrána půda ve třech sériích. V každém vzorku půdy byly stanoveny obsahy rtuti, olova, mědi, kadmia, zinku, vanadu a manganu. Zároveň byla posouzena kontaminace vybraných lokalit s využitím kontaminačního faktoru a stupně znečištění.These diploma thesis is focused on assessment of hazardous metals in soils near the road Rudná in Ostrava. Seventeen sampling sites have been chosen along this road, samples from this sites were collected in three series. The amounts of mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, zinc, vanadium and manganese were determined. There was also assessed contamination of selected sites using contamination factor and degree of contamination.

    Potential Ecological Risk and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Industrial Affected Soils by Coal Mining and Metallurgy in Ostrava, Czech Republic

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    The purpose of this detailed research was to determine the actual status of heavy metal pollution of soils and an assessment of heavy metal pollution in a highly industrialized city, Ostrava, with a history of long-term impacts from the metallurgy industry and mining. The ecological risks to the area was subsequently also assessed. The heavy metals Cd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Pb, V, Zn, Cr and Fe were determined in top-soils (0–20 cm) using atomic absorption spectrometry (F AAS, GF AAS) from three areas with different anthropogenic loads. The obtained data expressed as mean metal concentrations were very varied among the sampled soils and values of all analyzed metal concentrations were higher than its background levels. To identify the ecological risk and assessment of soil pollution, various pollution indices were calculated, such as single pollution indices (Igeo, CF, EF, PI) and total complex indices (IPI, PLI, PINemerow, Cdeg, mCdeg, Er and PERI). The identification of pollution sources was assessed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and multivariate methods (HCA, PCA/FA). The obtained results confirmed three major groups of metals (Fe–Cr, Pb–Cu and Mn–V). A human health risk was identified in the case of Pb, Cd and Cr, and the HI value of V for children also exceede

    Hranice výrobních možností a stochastické programování

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    By its nature, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) leaves no room for uncertainy in data such as measurement errors. To improve this fact, we consider alphaalpha-stochastic efficiency concept, and we relate this problem to the stochastic programming problem. Two types of probability inequalities are employed for introducting new criteria for efficiency

    Nová kriteria pro stochastiku DEA

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    By its nature, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) leaves no room for uncertainty in data such as measurement errors. To improve this fact, we consider a-stochastic efficiency concept, and we relate this problem to the stochastic programming problem. Probability inequalities are employed for introducing ew criteria, and two special cases for normal and for general distribution are discussed. The strengths of new criteria are illustrated with a numerical example

    Technická studie silnice I/11 - obchvat obce Komárov

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    Import 25/05/2012Prezenční227 - Katedra dopravního stavitelstvíNeuveden