36 research outputs found

    Robot e disabilit?: alcuni progetti di ricerca

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    ISDN : telematica per tutti?

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    I robot LEGO

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    La fabbrica dei robot

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    Kaleidoscope JEIRP on Learning Patterns for the Design and Deployment of Mathematical Games: Final Report

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    Project deliverable (D40.05.01-F)Over the last few years have witnessed a growing recognition of the educational potential of computer games. However, it is generally agreed that the process of designing and deploying TEL resources generally and games for mathematical learning specifically is a difficult task. The Kaleidoscope project, "Learning patterns for the design and deployment of mathematical games", aims to investigate this problem. We work from the premise that designing and deploying games for mathematical learning requires the assimilation and integration of deep knowledge from diverse domains of expertise including mathematics, games development, software engineering, learning and teaching. We promote the use of a design patterns approach to address this problem. This deliverable reports on the project by presenting both a connected account of the prior deliverables and also a detailed description of the methodology involved in producing those deliverables. In terms of conducting the future work which this report envisages, the setting out of our methodology is seen by us as very significant. The central deliverable includes reference to a large set of learning patterns for use by educators, researchers, practitioners, designers and software developers when designing and deploying TEL-based mathematical games. Our pattern language is suggested as an enabling tool for good practice, by facilitating pattern-specific communication and knowledge sharing between participants. We provide a set of trails as a "way-in" to using the learning pattern language. We report in this methodology how the project has enabled the synergistic collaboration of what started out as two distinct strands: design and deployment, even to the extent that it is now difficult to identify those strands within the processes and deliverables of the project. The tools and outcomes from the project can be found at: http://lp.noe-kaleidoscope.org

    Оптимізація паралельного ітераційного процесу для лінійних систем з розрідженими матрицями

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    Розглядається один із підходів до побудови передобумовлювача для методу спряжених градієнтів розв'язування СЛАР з розрідженими матрицями нерегулярної структури. Запропоновано та досліджено передобумовлювачі на основі методу паралельних перерізів.Рассматривается один из подходов к построению предобуславливателя для метода сопряженных градиентов решения СЛАУ с разреженными матрицами нерегулярной структуры. Предложены и исследованы предобуславливатели на основе метода параллельных сечений.Considered is one of approaches for construction a preconditioner for method of conjunctive gradients for solution SLAE with sparse matrices of irregular structure. Preconditioners, which are based on method of parallel section, is proposed and investigated