29 research outputs found

    The essence and content of state regulation of services development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state entities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the development of services, as a component of balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of state regulation of services’ development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state’s entities. A leading approach is the institutional one that considers state regulation of service sector’s development in the Federal state as a purposeful system of measures of state control that contributes to maximizing of the assets’ value of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and is aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The yield growth from the service sector’s assets while risk diversification will ensure the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving of the quality of life. The article identifies and scientifically justifies objects, actors, principles, methods and tools of state regulation of services’ development in a Federal state. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and services’ management

    The program "client's voice" as a tool of business structure innovations

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    © by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at improvement of interaction between a customer and a manufacturer on the basis of quality management methods development in the business structure. The article demonstrates the quality functions' structuring of the final product based on the study of explicit and implicit needs of the client at the products' design stage or its updating. The basis of the presented paper is the ideas of total quality Management, principles of products quality continuous improvement, production losses reduce and lean manufacturing. The article presents the concept of information support of the program "client's voice", which includes the necessary knowledge and information sources, method of information preservation and use, method of information formalizing from the client. This article is intended for business leaders, top Managers, researchers, all who are involved in the process of development and quality control in business organizations

    The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia

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    By sequencing 523 ancient humans, we show that the primary source of ancestry in modern South Asians is a prehistoric genetic gradient between people related to early hunter-gatherers of Iran and Southeast Asia. After the Indus Valley Civilization’s decline, its people mixed with individuals in the southeast to form one of the two main ancestral populations of South Asia, whose direct descendants live in southern India. Simultaneously, they mixed with descendants of Steppe pastoralists who, starting around 4000 years ago, spread via Central Asia to form the other main ancestral population. The Steppe ancestry in South Asia has the same profile as that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe, tracking a movement of people that affected both regions and that likely spread the distinctive features shared between Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic languages

    Strategic plan of development of low housing construction (by the example of Tyumen region)

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы разработки стратегического плана развития малоэтажного жилищного строительства Тюменской области до 2020 года, исследуется влияние внешней и внутренней среды. Нами выбрана стратегия роста на основе широкомасштабной интеграции и диверсификации производства. Выявлены возможности и угрозы малоэтажного жилищного строительства Тюменской области. К 2022 году должна быть выполнена основная цель - сформирован конкурентоспособный сегмент жилищного строительства. Разработаны три возможных сценария развития ситуации ввода малоэтажного жилищного строительства в Тюменской области. Разработана документационно-информационная модель формирования стратегии развития малоэтажного жилищного строительства.The article discusses development of the strategic plan of development of low housing construction in Tyumen region till 2020, examines the impact of external and internal environment. We have chosen a growth strategy based on large-scale integration and diversification of production. Identified opportunities and threats for low-rise housing in Tyumen region. By 2022 must be met the main goal - established a competitive residential construction. Developed three possible scenarios of input of low-rise housing construction in the Tyumen region. Developed documentation and information model of forming of strategy of development of low housing construction

    Nieznany rękopis irkuckiego krajoznawcy A.I. Losiewa

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    The article discusses the biography of first Siberian ethnographers of Irkutsk A.I. Losev and a historiographic review is carried out that considers his activities as a land surveyor and architect, evaluating his contribution to the study of the region. One of the first manuscripts with the description of the Lena river is analyzed and introduced into scientific circulation, which was identified in the funds of the library of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland).Рассматривается биография одного из первых сибирских краеведов - иркутянина А. И. Лосева, проводится историографический обзор исследований, изучающих его деятельность как землемера и архитектора, оценивающих вклад в изучение региона. Вводится в научный оборот одна из первых рукописей, посвященная описанию реки Лены, выявленная в Кракове в фондах библиотеки Ягеллонского университета (Польша)

    Improvement of methodical bases of managing organizational development of a construction enterprise

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    В статье рассматриваются основные понятия, связанные с организационным развитием предприятий строительной отрасли, излагается авторский вариант формирования объекта управления организационным развитием строительного предприятия, основанный на процедуре выбора организационных элементов, наиболее подверженных влиянию планируемых перемен; разработан алгоритм организационного развития, позволяющий планировать и оценивать организационное состояние строительного предприятия в процессе перехода его из одного состояния в другое в соответствии с предложенной технологией управления организационного развития на основе определения текущего и будущего организационного состояния строительного предприятия с учетом специфики развития его организационных элементов.The article deals with the basic concepts related to organizational development in construction industry. The article highlights the author's version of a form of managing organizational development of a construction enterprise, based on the selection process of organizational elements, most exposed to planned changes; the algorithm of organizational development, which helps to track and evaluate the organizational state of a construction company in the process of its transition from one state to another in accordance with the proposed technology of managing organizational development by identifying current and future organizational state of the construction company, taking into account the specifics of the development of its organizational elements

    The specificity of innovative activity in a vertically integrated oil companies

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    © 2015 by the author(s). The importance of the petroleum sector in the domestic economy today cannot be overestimated in connection with its role as a revenue generating industry, which is especially relevant the study of specific features of innovative directions in development of the industry and improve its competitiveness and economic efficiency. The article deals with the specifics of innovative activity in a vertically integrated oil companies, consisting of its own research base, the active use of the mechanisms with foreign technology borrowing, acquisition of assets from related industries and organization of joint projects and the establishment of joint innovative companies developing innovative technologies. All this has allowed the authors to substantiate the benefits of the organizational form of the vertically integrated oil companies, including the concentration of all types of resources, the formation of personnel motivation system, reduction of transaction costs, more efficient information exchange, minimize innovative risks and several others. Management system within the vertically integrated oil companies helps to ensure an adequate level of structure management, integrating technological and management options of innovative activity. This article is intended for researchers, teachers and undergraduates studying the specificity of innovative activity in a vertically integrated oil companies, and managers of oil companies, who is developing the strategy of innovative development

    The essence and content of state regulation of services development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state entities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the development of services, as a component of balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of state regulation of services’ development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state’s entities. A leading approach is the institutional one that considers state regulation of service sector’s development in the Federal state as a purposeful system of measures of state control that contributes to maximizing of the assets’ value of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and is aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The yield growth from the service sector’s assets while risk diversification will ensure the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving of the quality of life. The article identifies and scientifically justifies objects, actors, principles, methods and tools of state regulation of services’ development in a Federal state. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and services’ management

    The essence and content of state regulation of services development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state entities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the development of services, as a component of balanced socio-economic development of territories in a Federal state. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and content of state regulation of services’ development in conditions of increasing autonomy of federal state’s entities. A leading approach is the institutional one that considers state regulation of service sector’s development in the Federal state as a purposeful system of measures of state control that contributes to maximizing of the assets’ value of the service sector in the process of socio-economic activities and is aimed at ensuring of a balanced socio-economic development of regions. The service sector is one of the most dynamic and growing segments of regional markets, as well as one of the characteristics of effective socio-economic policy in the region. The yield growth from the service sector’s assets while risk diversification will ensure the development of regional services markets, meeting the needs of the population for public goods and improving of the quality of life. The article identifies and scientifically justifies objects, actors, principles, methods and tools of state regulation of services’ development in a Federal state. The paper submissions can be useful for specialists of Federal and regional authorities, local governments, line ministries, scientists interested in issues of regional economy and services’ management

    The program "client's voice" as a tool of business structure innovations

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    © by the author(s). The purpose of this article is aimed at improvement of interaction between a customer and a manufacturer on the basis of quality management methods development in the business structure. The article demonstrates the quality functions' structuring of the final product based on the study of explicit and implicit needs of the client at the products' design stage or its updating. The basis of the presented paper is the ideas of total quality Management, principles of products quality continuous improvement, production losses reduce and lean manufacturing. The article presents the concept of information support of the program "client's voice", which includes the necessary knowledge and information sources, method of information preservation and use, method of information formalizing from the client. This article is intended for business leaders, top Managers, researchers, all who are involved in the process of development and quality control in business organizations