636 research outputs found

    New insights into crustal structure, Cenozoic magmatism, CO2 degassing and seismogenesis in the southern Apennines and Irpinia region from local earthquake tomography

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    We present high-resolution Vp and Vp/Vs models of the southern Apennines (Italy) computed using local earthquakes recorded from 2006 to 2011 with a graded inversion scheme that progressively resolves the crustal structure, from the large scale of the Apennines belt to the local scale of the normal-fault system. High-Vp bodies defined in the upper and mid crust under the external Apennines are interpreted as extensive mafic intrusions revealing anorogenic magmatism episodes that broadened on the Adriatic domain during Paleogene. Under the mountain belt, a low-Vp region, annular to the Neapolitan volcanic district, indicates the existence of a thermal/fluid anomaly in the mid crust, coinciding with a shallow Moho and diffuse degassing of deeply derived CO2. In the belt axial zone, low Vp/Vs gas-pressurized rock volumes under the Apulian carbonates correlate to high heat flow, strong CO2-dominated gas emissions of mantle origin and shallow carbonate reservoirs with pressurized CO2 gas caps. We hypothesize that the pressurized fluid volumes located at the base of the active fault system influence the rupture process of large normal-faulting earthquakes, like the 1980 Mw6.9 Irpinia event, and that major asperities are confined within the high-Vp Apulian carbonates. This study confirms once more that pre-existing structures of the Pliocene Apulian belt controlled the rupture propagation during the Irpinia earthquake. The main shock broke a 30 km long, NE-dipping seismogenic structure, whereas delayed ruptures (both the 20 s and the 40 s sub-events) developed on antithetic faults, reactivating thrust faults located at the eastern edge of the Apulian belt

    A new view of Italian seismicity using 20 years of instrumental recordings

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    Abstract In this paper, we show the seismicity of the past 20 years that occurred in Italy and surrounding regions. Hypocentral locations have been obtained by using P- and S-wave arrival times from the INGV national and several regional permanent seismic networks. More than 48,000 events, selected from an original data set of about 99,780, are used to reconstruct the most complete seismic picture of the Italian region so far. The seismicity distribution allows inference on seismotectonics of this complex region of subduction versus continental collision. Our results clearly reveal the geometry of the Adria and the Ionian subduction and a continuous normal fault belt in the upper crust, following the Apennines mountain range. The depth of the seismogenic layer is computed from the cut-off of seismicity at depth and shows large variations along and across the seismic active regions. Earthquakes are generated by the different velocity of slab retreat and the subsequent asthenospheric upwelling. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Update of the Italian Seismic Catalog (2003-2007) Catalogo della SismicitĂ  Italiana CSI v2.0

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    Earthquake catalogues are the basic tools that furnish parametric data for seismic hazard evaluation, studies on evolution of seismic sequences and earthquake occurrence. The INGV seismic network covers a large part of the italian region and it is complemented by several regional permanent network handled by other institutions. CSI results from the combination of INGV seismic bulletin with bulletins produced by other institutions. To update CSI from previous release to version 2.0 we collected seismic bulletins sent to INGV from, at present, 12 institutions managing permanent seismic networks during 2003-2007. Procedures to convert different file formats to PHS format as input files of Hypoellipse program have been setup that also perform preliminary checks on possible errors. To correctly merge different seismic bulletins it is mandatory to have a strict control on phase associations. To do this, additional procedures to identify earthquakes external to the interest area and wrong associations of different earthquakes based on geographic control network associations and stations' residuals after event location have been produced. About 35,000 eartquakes, a mean value of ~6600 earthquakes per year, with more than 600.000 P-phase arrivals and more then 250,000 S-phase arrivals have been collected and located with Hypoellipse. To enhance final locations quality we applied a multiple location approach and then selected the best among several calculated hypocentres for each event. Location criteria are based on the use of two different weighting schemes for stations' distance combined with several reference regional 1D velocity models. Native Ml Magnitudes from 2003 to 2007 are retrieved and then associated to the corresponding event from INGV bulletin. When native Ml is not available, Ml based on regression law by Castello et al. 2007, is attributed. The update of CSI catalog, also due to the strong improvement of the INGV seismic network between 2005 and present, offers a more complete image of the Italian seismicity and a new important reference for further studies on the evolution of this region and earthquake occurrence

    Rilocalizzazione di terremoti, modelli 3D di Vp, Vp/Vs e Qp nell’area geotermica di Larderello.

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    L'area geotermica di Larderello Ăš caratterizzata da un elevato flusso di calore (tra 120 e 1000 mW/m2) e geologicamente caratterizzata da bacini postorogenici riempiti da depositi neogenici, risultato di un diffuso assottigliamento crostale accompagnato da risalite di materiale dal mantello superiore fino a profonditĂ  di pochi chilometri

    Automatic seismic phase picking and consistent observation error assessment: application to the Italian seismicity

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    Accuracy of seismic phase observation and consistency of timing error assessment define the quality of seismic waves arrival times. High-quality and large data sets are prerequisites for seismic tomography to enhance the resolution of crustal and upper mantle structures. In this paper we present the application of an automated picking system to some 600 000 seismograms of local earthquakes routinely recorded and archived by the Italian national seismic network. The system defines an observation weighting scheme calibrated with a hand-picked data subset and mimics the picking by an expert seismologist. The strength of this automatic picking is that once it is tuned for observation quality assessment, consistency of arrival times is strongly improved and errors are independent of the amount of data to be picked. The application to the Italian local seismicity documents that it is possible to automatically compile a precise, homogeneous and large data set of local earthquake Pg and Pn arrivals with related polarities. We demonstrate that such a data set is suitable for high-precision earthquake location, focal mechanism determination and high-resolution seismic tomograph

    Shallow subduction beneath Italy

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    This paper presents a velocity model of the Italian (central Mediterranean) lithosphere in unprecedented detail. The model is derived by inverting a set of 166,000 Pg and Pn seismic wave arrival times, restricted to the highest-quality data available. The tomographic images reveal the geometry of the subduction-collision system between the European, Adriatic, and Tyrrhenian plates, over a larger volume and with finer resolution than previous studies. We find two arcs of low-Vp anomalies running along the Alps and the Apennines, describing the collision zones of underthrusting continental lithospheres. Our results suggest that in the Apennines, a significant portion of the crust has been subducted below the mountain belt. From the velocity model we can also infer thermal softening of the crustal wedge above the subducting Adriatic plate. In the Tyrrhenian back-arc region, strong and extensive low-Vp anomalies depict upwelling asthenospheric material. The tomographic images also allow us to trace the boundary between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian plates at Moho depth, revealing some tears in the Adriatic-Ionian subducting lithosphere. The complex lithospheric structure described by this study is the result of a long evolution; the heterogeneities of continental margins, lithospheric underthrusting, and plate indentation have led to subduction variations, slab tears, and asthenospheric upwelling at the present day. The high-resolution model provided here greatly improves our understanding of the central Mediterranean’s structural puzzle. The results of this study can also shed light on the evolution of other regions experiencing both oceanic and continental subduction

    Heterogeneities along the 2009 L'Aquila normal fault inferred by the b‐value distribution

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    In this study we map the distribution of the b‐value of the Gutenberg‐Richter law—as well as complementary seismicity parameters—along the fault responsible for the 2009 MW6.1 L'Aquila earthquake. We perform the calculations for two independent aftershock sub‐catalogs, before and after a stable magnitude of completeness is reached. We find a substantial spatial variability of the b‐values, which range from 0.6 to 1.3 over the fault plane. The comparison between the spatial distribution of the b‐values and the main‐shock slip pattern shows that the largest slip occurs in normal‐to‐high b‐values portion of the fault plane, while low b‐value is observed close to the main‐shock nucleation. No substantial differences are found in the b‐value computed before and after the main‐shock struck in the small region of the fault plane populated by foreshocks

    Heterogeneities along the 2009 L’Aquila normal fault inferred by the b-value distribution

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    In this study we map the distribution of the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law—as well as complementary seismicity parameters—along the fault responsible for the 2009 MW 6.1 L'Aquila earthquake. We perform the calculations for two independent aftershock sub-catalogs, before and after a stable magnitude of completeness is reached. We find a substantial spatial variability of the b-values, which range from 0.6 to 1.3 over the fault plane. The comparison between the spatial distribution of the b-values and the main-shock slip pattern shows that the largest slip occurs in normal-to-high b-values portion of the fault plane, while low b-value is observed close to the main-shock nucleation. No substantial differences are found in the b-value computed before and after the main-shock struck in the small region of the fault plane populated by foreshocks
