108,220 research outputs found

    Failure detection with uncertain models

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    "March 1983" "Presented at the 1983 American Control Conference."Bibliography: leaf 4."Grant N00014-77-C-0224" "Grant NGL-22-009-124"Xi-Cheng, Alan S. Willsky, George C. Verghese

    Algebra diagrams: a HANDi introduction

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    A diagrammatic notation for algebra is presented – Hierarchical Al- gebra Network Diagrams, HANDi. The notation uses a 2D network notation with systematically designed icons to explicitly and coherently encode the fun- damental concepts of algebra. The structure of the diagrams is described and the rules for making derivations are presented. The key design features of HANDi are discussed and compared with the conventional formula notation in order demonstrate that the new notation is a more logical codification of intro- ductory algebra

    Migration signatures across the decades: Net migration by age in U.S. counties, 1950−2010

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    Background: Migration is the primary population redistribution process in the United States. Selective migration by age, race/ethnic group, and spatial location governs population integration, affects community and economic development, contributes to land use change, and structures service needs. Objective: Delineate historical net migration patterns by age, race/ethnic, and rural-urban dimensions for United States counties. Methods: Net migration rates by age for all US counties are aggregated from 1950−2010, summarized by rural-urban location and compared to explore differential race/ethnic patterns of age-specific net migration over time. Results: We identify distinct age-specific net migration ‘signatures’ that are consistent over time within county types, but different by rural-urban location and race/ethnic group. There is evidence of moderate population deconcentration and diminished racial segregation between 1990 and 2010. This includes a net outflow of Blacks from large urban core counties to suburban and smaller metropolitan counties, continued Hispanic deconcentration, and a slowdown in White counterurbanization. Conclusions: This paper contributes to a fuller understanding of the complex patterns of migration that have redistributed the U.S. population over the past six decades. It documents the variability in county age-specific net migration patterns both temporally and spatially, as well as the longitudinal consistency in migration signatures among county types and race/ethnic groups


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    Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah dan keunikan nilai budaya Masjid Cheng Ho di Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui observasi langsung dan mengkaji dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan (library research) untuk memperoleh data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya Palembang atau sering dikenal dengan masjid Cheng Ho yang merupakan salah satu masjid bernuansa Islam Tionghoa yang diresmikan pada tahun 2008. Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho didirikan oleh keluarga PITI Sumsel di atas tanah hibah dari PT. Amen Mulia kepada Organisasi PITI melalui perantara H. Syahrial Oesman atas berkah jasa kyai Palembang KH.Mudarrin. SM dan Kgs KH. M. Zen Syukri bin Kgs K. H Hasan Syukri yang juga merupakan pendiri Masjid Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho dan Yayasan Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya PITI Sumsel yang saat itu diketuai oleh Bapak H. Haryanto. Berdasarkan penelitian menyatakan bahwa Masjid Cheng Ho juga memiliki keunikan pada bagian ornamen. Dimana ornamen masjid Cheng Ho memiliki perpaduan antara kebudayaan muslim Tionghoa dengan budaya Melayu, dan Nusantara. Ornamen yang menjadi ciri khas masjid Cheng Ho yaitu ada pada bagian gapura dan menara masjid. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari bentuk dan warna yang digunakan yaitu seperti nuansa Tionghoa atau Cina.Abstract: This study aims to determine the history and unique cultural values of the Cheng Ho Mosque in Palembang. The method used in this study is a qualitative method through direct observation and review by conducting library research to obtain research data. The results showed that the Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque Sriwijaya Palembang or often known as the Cheng Ho mosque which is one of the mosques with Chinese Islamic nuances which was inaugurated in 2008. Al-Islam Muhammad Cheng Ho Mosque was founded by the PITI family in South Sumatra on a land grant. from PT. Amen Mulia to the PITI Organization through the intermediary of H. Syahrial Oesman for the blessing of the Palembang kyai KH.Mudarrin. SM and Kgs KH. M. Zen Syukri bin Kgs K. H Hasan Syukri who is also the founder of the Muhammad Cheng Ho Al-Islam Mosque and the Muhammad Cheng Ho Sriwijaya Foundation PITI Sumsel which at that time was chaired by Mr. H. Haryanto. Based on research, it is stated that Cheng Ho Mosque also has a uniqueness in the ornament section. Where the ornaments of the Cheng Ho mosque have a blend of Chinese Muslim culture with Malay culture, and the archipelago. The ornaments that characterize the Cheng Ho mosque are on the gates and minarets of the mosque. This can be seen from the shapes and colors used, which are like Chinese or Chinese nuances

    Lie-Poisson groups and the Miura transformation

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    We point out that the recent proof of the Kupershmidt-Wilson theorem by Cheng and Mas-Ramos is underpinned by the Lie-Poisson property of the second Gel'fand-Dickey bracket. The supersymmetric Kupershmidt-Wilson theorem is also proved along these same lines. Finally we comment on the possible repercussions in the problem of the coproduct for W-algebras.Comment: .dvi file, uses AMSFonts 2.1+, 10 pages (5 physical pages in landscape mode), no figure

    Commentary on Cheng

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