43 research outputs found

    Achieving Least Relocation of Existing Facilities in Spatial Optimisation: A Bi-Objective Model (Short Paper)

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    Spatial optimisation models have been widely used to support locational decision making of public service systems (e.g. hospitals, fire stations), such as selecting the optimal locations to maximise the coverage. These service systems are generally the product of long-term evolution, and there usually are existing facilities in the system. These existing facilities should not be neglected or relocated without careful consideration as they have financial or management implications. However, spatial optimisation models that account for the relocation or maintenance of existing facilities are understudied. In this study, we revisit a planning scenario where two objectives are adopted, including the minimum number of sites selected and the least relocation of existing facilities. We propose and discuss three different approaches that can achieve these two objectives. This model and the three approaches are applied to two case studies of optimising the retail stores in San Francisco and the large-scale COVID-19 vaccination network in England. The implications of this model and the efficiency of these approaches are discussed

    Unravelling the variations of the society of England and Wales through diffusion mapping analysis of census 2011

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    We propose a new approach to identify geographical clustering and inequality hotspots from decadal census data, with a particular emphasis on the method itself. Our method uses diffusion mapping to study the 181 408 output areas in England and Wales (EW), which enables us to decompose the census data's EW-specific feature structures. We further introduce a localization metric, inspired by statistical physics, to reveal the significance of minority groups in London. Our findings can be adapted to analogous datasets, illuminating spatial patterns and differentiating within datasets, especially when meaning factors for determining the datasets' structure are scarce and spatially heterogeneous. This approach enhances our ability to describe and explore patterns of social deprivation and segregation across the country, thereby contributing to the development of targeted policies. We also underscore the method's intrinsic objectivity, guaranteeing its ability to offer comprehensive and unbiased analysis, unswayed by preconceived hypotheses or subjective interpretations of data patterns

    Developing Police Patrol Strategies Based on the Urban Street Network

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    In urban areas, crime and disorder have been long-lasting problems that spoil the economic and emotional well-being of residents. A significant way to deter crime, and maintain public safety is through police patrolling. So far, the deployment of police forces in patrolling has relied mainly on expert knowledge, and is usually based on two-dimensional spatial units, giving insufficient consideration to the underlying urban structure and collaboration among patrol officers. This approach has led to impractical and inefficient police patrol strategies, as well as a workload imbalance among officers. Therefore, it is of essential importance to devise advanced police patrol strategies that incorporate urban structure, the collaboration of the patrol officers, and a workload balance. This study aims to develop police patrol strategies that would make intelligent use of the street network layout in urban areas. The street network is a key component in urban structure and is the domain in which crime and policing take place. By explicitly considering street network configurations in their operations, police forces are enabled to provide timely responses to emergency calls and essential coverage to crime hotspots. Although some models have considered street networks in patrolling to some extent, challenges remain. First, most existing methods for the design of police districts use two-dimensional units, such as grid cells, as basic units, but using streets as basic units would lead to districts that are more accessible and usable. Second, the routing problem in police patrolling has several unique characteristics, such as patrollers potentially starting from different stations, but most existing routing strategies have failed to consider these. Third, police patrolling strategies should be validated using real-world scenarios, whilst most existing strategies in the literature have only been tested in small hypothetical instances without realistic settings. In this thesis, a framework for developing police patrol strategies based on the urban street network is proposed, to effectively cover crime hotspots, as well as the rest of the territory. This framework consists of three strategies, including a districting model, a patrol routing strategy for repeated coverage, and a patrol routing strategy for infrequent coverage. Various relevant factors have been considered in the strategy design, including the underlying structure of the street network and the collaboration among patrollers belonging to different stations. Moreover, these strategies have been validated by the patrolling scenarios in London. The results demonstrate that these strategies outperform the current corresponding benchmark strategies, which indicates that they may have considerable potential in future police operations

    Uncertainty Quantification in the Road-Level Traffic Risk Prediction by Spatial-Temporal Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Graph Neural Network(STZINB-GNN) (Short Paper)

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    Urban road-based risk prediction is a crucial yet challenging aspect of research in transportation safety. While most existing studies emphasize accurate prediction, they often overlook the importance of model uncertainty. In this paper, we introduce a novel Spatial-Temporal Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Graph Neural Network (STZINB-GNN) for road-level traffic risk prediction, with a focus on uncertainty quantification. Our case study, conducted in the Lambeth borough of London, UK, demonstrates the superior performance of our approach in comparison to existing methods. Although the negative binomial distribution may not be the most suitable choice for handling real, non-binary risk levels, our work lays a solid foundation for future research exploring alternative distribution models or techniques. Ultimately, the STZINB-GNN contributes to enhanced transportation safety and data-driven decision-making in urban planning by providing a more accurate and reliable framework for road-level traffic risk prediction and uncertainty quantification

    Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks with Uncertainty Quantification for Traffic Incident Risk Prediction

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    Predicting traffic incident risks at granular spatiotemporal levels is challenging. The datasets predominantly feature zero values, indicating no incidents, with sporadic high-risk values for severe incidents. Notably, a majority of current models, especially deep learning methods, focus solely on estimating risk values, overlooking the uncertainties arising from the inherently unpredictable nature of incidents. To tackle this challenge, we introduce the Spatiotemporal Zero-Inflated Tweedie Graph Neural Networks (STZITD-GNNs). Our model merges the reliability of traditional statistical models with the flexibility of graph neural networks, aiming to precisely quantify uncertainties associated with road-level traffic incident risks. This model strategically employs a compound model from the Tweedie family, as a Poisson distribution to model risk frequency and a Gamma distribution to account for incident severity. Furthermore, a zero-inflated component helps to identify the non-incident risk scenarios. As a result, the STZITD-GNNs effectively capture the dataset's skewed distribution, placing emphasis on infrequent but impactful severe incidents. Empirical tests using real-world traffic data from London, UK, demonstrate that our model excels beyond current benchmarks. The forte of STZITD-GNN resides not only in its accuracy but also in its adeptness at curtailing uncertainties, delivering robust predictions over short (7 days) and extended (14 days) timeframes

    Joint prediction of travel mode choice and purpose from travel surveys: A multitask deep learning approach

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    The prediction and behavioural analysis of travel mode choice and purpose are critical for transport planning and have attracted increasing interest in research. Traditionally, the prediction of travel mode choice and trip purpose has been tackled separately, which fail to fully leverage the shared information between travel mode and purpose. This study addresses this gap by proposing a multitask learning deep neural network framework (MTLDNN) to jointly predict mode choice and purpose. We empirically evaluate and validate this framework using the household travel survey data in Greater London, UK. The results show that this framework has significantly lower cross-entropy loss than multinomial logit models (MNL) and single-task-learning deep neural network models (STLDNN). On the other hand, the predictive accuracy of MTLDNN is similar to STLDNN and is significantly higher than MNL. Moreover, in terms of behaviour analysis, the substitution pattern and choice probability of MTLDNN regarding input variables largely agree with MNL and STLDNN. This work demonstrates that MTLDNN is efficient in utilising the information shared by travel mode choice and purpose, and is capable of producing behaviourally reasonable substitution patterns across travel modes. Future research would develop more advanced MTLDNN frameworks for travel behaviour analysis and generalise MTLDNN to other travel behaviour topics

    Modelling the COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Rates in a Geographical and Socioeconomic Context: A Case Study of England

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    The global Covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented social and economic challenges to many countries, including the United Kingdom. One of the key strategies to contain the pandemic is mass vaccination. The Covid-19 vaccine uptake rate of a population group depends on a range of geographical and socio-economic factors, including accessibility to vaccination, ethnic composition, deprivation levels, etc. However, limited research has been conducted to obtain a quantitative understanding of how these factors are associated with the Covid-19 vaccine uptake rates. This study fills this gap by proposing a beta regression model for the small-area Covid-19 vaccine uptake rates in England. The findings have important implications for the practice and policymaking of advocating vaccination programmes and other healthcare services

    Developing Capacitated p-median Location-allocation Model in the spopt Library to Allow UCL Student Teacher Placements Using Public Transport

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    Location-allocation is a key tool within the GIS and network analysis toolbox. In this paper we discuss the real world application of a location-allocation case study (approx 800 students, 500 schools) from UCL using public transport. The use of public transportation is key for this case study, as many location-allocation approaches only make use of drive-time or walking-time distances, but the location of UCL in Greater London, UK makes the inclusion of public transport vital for this case study. The location-allocation is implemented as a capacitated p-median location-allocation model, using the spopt library, part of the Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL). The capacitated variation of the p-median location-allocation problem is a new addition to the spopt library, which this work will present. The results from the initial version of the capacitated p-median location-allocation problem has shown a marked improvement on public transport travel time, with public transport travel time reduced by 891 minutes overall for an initial sample of 93 students (9.58 minutes per student). Results will be presented below and plans for further improvement shared

    Slice-Less Optical Arbitrary Waveform Measurement (OAWM) in a Bandwidth of More than 600 GHz Using Soliton Microcombs

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel scheme for optical arbitrary waveform measurement (OAWM) that exploits chip-scale Kerr soliton combs as highly scalable multiwavelength local oscillators (LO) for ultra-broadband full-field waveform acquisition. In contrast to earlier concepts, our approach does not require any optical slicing filters and thus lends itself to efficient implementation on state-of-the-art high-index-contrast integration platforms such as silicon photonics. The scheme allows to measure truly arbitrary waveforms with high accuracy, based on a dedicated system model which is calibrated by means of a femtosecond laser with known pulse shape. We demonstrated the viability of the approach in a proof-of-concept experiment by capturing an optical waveform that contains multiple 16 QAM and 64 QAM wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) data signals with symbol rates of up to 80 GBd, reaching overall line rates of up to 1.92 Tbit/s within an optical acquisition bandwidth of 610 GHz. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest bandwidth that has so far been demonstrated in an OAWM experiment

    Sub-kHz-linewidth external-cavity laser (ECL) with Si3_3N4_4 resonator used as a tunable pump for a Kerr frequency comb

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    Combining optical gain in direct-bandgap III-V materials with tunable optical feedback offered by advanced photonic integrated circuits is key to chip-scale external-cavity lasers (ECL), offering wideband tunability along with low optical linewidths. External feedback circuits can be efficiently implemented using low-loss silicon nitride (Si3_3 N4_4) waveguides, which do not suffer from two-photon absorption and can thus handle much higher power levels than conventional silicon photonics. However, co-integrating III-V-based gain elements with tunable external feedback circuits in chip-scale modules still represents a challenge, requiring either technologically demanding heterogeneous integration techniques or costly high-precision multi-chip assembly, often based on active alignment. In this work, we demonstrate Si3_3N4_4-based hybrid integrated ECL that exploit 3D-printed structures such as intra-cavity photonic wire bonds and facet-attached microlenses for low-loss optical coupling with relaxed alignment tolerances, thereby overcoming the need for active alignment while maintaining the full flexibility of multi-chip integration techniques. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate an ECL offering a 90 nm tuning range (1480 nm–1570 nm) with on-chip output powers above 12 dBm and side-mode suppression ratios of up to 59 dB in the center of the tuning range. We achieve an intrinsic linewidth of 979 Hz, which is among the lowest values reported for comparable feedback architectures. The optical loss of the intra-cavity photonic wire bond between the III-V gain element and the Si3_3N4_4-based tunable feedback circuit amounts to approximately (1.6 ± 0.2) dB. We use the ECL as a tunable pump laser to generate a dissipative Kerr soliton frequency comb. To the best of our knowledge, our experiments represent the first demonstration of a single-soliton Kerr comb generated with a pump that is derived from a hybrid ECL